A Dissertation on Prophecies, that Have Been Fulfilled, are Now Fulfilling, Or Will Hereafter be Fulfilled: Relative to the Great Period of 1260 Years; the Papal and Mohammedan Apostacies: the Tyrannical Reign of Antichrist, Or the Infidel Power; and the Restoration of the Jews, 2. kötetF. C. and J. Rivington, 1806 |
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
८८ afterwards angel Antichrist Apocalypse Apostasy Apostle atheism Babylon beheld Bishop bottomless pit Carlovingian chapter Charlemagne Christ Christian church of Rome commenced Daniel deadly wound death declared dragon earth earthquake ecclesiastical eighth head Emperor Euphrates Exarchate of Ravenna Fall Vol false prophet France French harvest hath heaven Hence Heruli Hist holy idolatrous Italy Jews John kingdom last head Latin Latin empire likewise little book little horn locusts Lord means Mede mystic nations Newton Newton's Dissert observed Odoacer pagan Papacy papal period persecution Pope Popery predicted prince prophecy protestant Reformation reign religion revived Roman beast Roman empire saints Saracens second beast second woe secular beast seven vials seventh head seventh trumpet shew sixth head slain sovereign spiritual supposes symbolical temporal ten-horned beast third woe third woe-trumpet tion trumpet two-horned tyranny unto vintage whole beast witnesses woe-trumpet woman word worship