
From Household Words.

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tache. In the best days of Greece few but the philosophers wore unpruned beards. A large flowing beard and a large flowing mantle were THERE are misguided men -and I am one in those times as naturally and essentially a of them — who defile daily their own beards, part of the business of a philosopher, as a rasp them away as fast as they peep out from signboard is part in these days of the business beneath the skin, mix them ignominiously of a publican. So there is a small joke rewith soap-suds, and cause them to be cast corded of an emperor, who, having been long away with the offscourings of the house. We teased by an importunate talker, asked him are at great pains and trouble to do this, and who or what he was. The man replied in we do it unwillingly, knowing that we deprive pique, "Do you not see by my beard and our faces of an ornament, and more or less mantle that I am a philosopher?" suspecting that we take away from ourselves the beard and mantle," said the emperor, something given to us by nature for our use "but the philosopher, where is he?" and our advantage; as indeed we do. Never- The idea that there existed a connection theless, we treat our beards as so much dirt between a man's vigor of mind and body, and that has to be removed daily from our persons, the vigor of growth in his beard, was confor no other reason than because it is the cus-firmed by the fact that Socrates, the wisest of tom of the country; or, because we wish the Greek philosophers, earned preeminently (according to the French philosopher whom the title of the bearded. Among races of men we largely quote in another paper in this number), because we strive to make ourselves prettier by assimilating our appearance to that of women.

capable of growing rich crops on the chin, the beard has always been regarded more or less as a type of power. Some races, as the Mongolians, do not get more than twenty or I am no friend to gentlemen who wilfully thirty thick coarse hairs, and are as likely affect external oddity, while they are within then to pluck them out after the fashion of all dull and commonplace. I am not disposed some northern tribes, as to esteem them in by carrying a beard myself to beard public an exaggerated way, as has been sometimes opinion. But opinions may change; we were not always a nation of shavers. The day may again come when "'T will be merry in hall, when beards wag all," and Britons shall no more be slaves to razors.

the case in China. In the world's history the bearded races have at all times been the most important actors, and there is no part of the body which on the whole they have shown more readiness to honor. Among many nations, and through many centuries, development of beard has been thought indicative of the development of strength, both bodily and mental. In strict accordance with that feeling the strength of Samson was made to rest in his hair. The beard became naturally honored, inasmuch as it is a characteristic feature of the chief of the two sexes (I speak as an ancient), of man, and of man only, in the best years of his life, when he is capable of putting forth his independent energies. As years multiply and judgment ripens the beard grows, and with it grows, or ought to grow, every man's title to respect. Gray beards became thus so closely connected with the idea of mature discretion, that they were taken often as its sign or cause; and thus it was fabled of the wise king Numa that he was gray-haired even in his youth.

I have never read of savages who shaved themselves with flints; nor have I been able to discover who first introduced among civilized men the tonsure of the chin. The shaven polls and faces of ecclesiastics date from the time of Pope Anacletus, who introduced the custom upon the same literal authority of Scripture that still causes women to wear bonnets in our churches, that they may not pray uncovered. Saint Paul, in the same chapter, further asks the Corinthians, "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him?" Pope Anacletus determined, therefore, to remove all shame from churchmen, by ordering them to go shaven altogether. The shaving of the beard by laymen was, however, a practice much more ancient. The Greeks taught shaving to the Romans, and Pliny records that the first Greek barbers were taken To revert to the subject of shaving. Tacitus from Sicily to Rome by Publius Ticinius, in says that in his time the Germans cut their the four hundred and fifty-fourth year after beards. In our times among that people the the building of the city. The Greeks, how-growth of a beard, or at least of a good mystax certainly it was so with them in the or mustache, had come by the year eighteen time of Alexander -seem to have been more hundred and forty-eight to be regarded so much disposed to use their barbers for the pruning as a mark of aristocracy that after the revoluand trimming than for the absolute removal tions of that year the Germans took to the of the beard, and of that ornament upon the obliteration of the vain mark of distinction by upper lip which they termed the mystax, and growing hair on their own chins and upper which we call-using the same name that lips. Hairs have been thus made significant they gave to it, slightly corrupted-mus- in a new way. There are now such things to



be seen on the Continent as revolutionary | to an extravagant extent. Shaving compels beards, and not long ago, in a small German the hair to grow at an undue rate. It has state, a barrister was denied a hearing because been calculated that a man mows off in the he stood up in his place in the law court course of a year about six inches-and-a-half wearing a beard of the revolutionary cut. of beard, so that a man of eighty would have Not only custom, but even to this day law, reg- chopped up in the course of his life a twentyulates the cultivation of the hair on many of seven foot beard; twenty feet more, perhaps, our faces. There is scarcely an army in than would have sprouted, had he left nature Europe which is not subject to some regula- alone, and contented himself with so much tions that affect the beard and whiskers. In occasional trimming as would be required by England the chin and, except in some regi- the just laws of cleanliness and decency. ments, the upper lip have to be shaved; elsewhere the beard is to be cultivated and the whiskers shaven. Such matters may have their significance. The most significant of whiskers are, however, those worn by the Jews in the East, and especially in Africa, who, in accordance with a traditional superstition, keep them at an uniform level of about half an inch in length, and cut them into cabalistic characters curiously scattered about over the face.

As there are some communities especially bestowing care and houor on the beard, and others more devoted to the whiskers, so there are nations, as the Hungarian, in which the honor of the mustache is particularly cherished. The mustaches of General Haynau were about half-a-yard long. A Hungarian dragoon who aspired to eminence in that way, and had nursed a pair of mustaches for two years until they were only second to Haynau's, fell asleep one day after dinner with a cigar in his mouth. He awoke with one of his fine nose-tails so terribly burnt at the roots, that he was obliged after wards to resort to an art used by many of his companions, and to fortify the weak mustache by twining into its substance artificial hair. Such freaks and absurdities are, of course, inconsistent with the mature dignity of bearded men. Let us have whisker, beard, and mustache, reverently worn, and trimmed discreetly and with decency. I am not for the cabalistic whisker, the Hungarian mustache, or a beard like that worn by the Venetian magnate, of whom Sismondi relates that if he did not lift it up, he would trip over it in walking. Still worse was the beard of the carpenter depicted in the Prince's Court at Eidam; who, because it was nine feet long, was obliged, when at work, to sling it about him in a bug. A beard like either of those is, however, very much of a phe nomenon in nature. The hair of a man's head is finer, generally, than that on the head of women, and if left uncut, would not grow to nearly the same length. A woman's back-hair is an appurtenance entirely and naturally feminine. In the same way, the development of the hair upon the face of men, if left unchecked-although it would differ much in different climates, and in different individuals would very rarely go on

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It has been erroneously asserted that a growth of beard would cover up the face, hide the expression of the features, and give a deceitful mark of uniform sedateness to the entire population. As for that last assertion, it is the direct reverse of what is true. Sir Charles Bell, in his essay on expression, properly observes that no one who has been present at an assembly of bearded men can have failed to remark the greater variety and force of the expression they are able to convey. What can be more portentous, for example, than to see the brow cloud and the eyes Hash and the nostrils dilate over a beard curling visibly with anger? How ill does a smooth chin support at any time the character assumed by the remainder of the face, except it be a character of sanctimonious oiliness that does not belong honestly to man, or such a pretty chin as makes the charm that should belong only to a woman or a child!

Therefore I ask, why do we shave our beards? Why are we a bare-chinned people? That the hair upon the face of man was given to him for sufficient reasons it will take but little time to show. It has various uses, physiological and mechanical. To take a physiological use first, we may point out the fact that the formation of hair is one method of extruding carbon from the system, and that the external hairs aid after their own way in the work that has to be done by the internal lungs. Their use in this respect is not lessened by shaving; on the contrary, the elimination of carbon through the hairs of the face is made to go on with unnatural activity, because the natural effort to cover the chin with hair is increased in the vain struggle to remove the state of artificial baldness, as a hen goes on laying if her eggs be taken from her, and the production of hair on the chin is at least quadrupled by the use of the razor. The natural balance is in this way destroyed. Whether the harm so done is great I cannot tell; I do not know that it is, but the strict balance which nature keeps between the production of hair, and the action of the lungs, is too constant and rigid to be altogether insignificant. We have all had too much opportunity for noticing how in people whose lungs are constitutionally weak, as in people with con

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sumptive tendencies, the growth of hair is important of the hair-crops grown upon the excessive, even to the eyelashes. A skin human body. It preserves the brain from covered with downy hair is one of the marks of a scrofulous child, and who has not been saddened by the charm of the long eyelashes over the lustrous eye of the consumptive girl! The very anomalies of growth show that the hair must fulfil more than a trifling purpose in the system. There has been an account published in the present century by Ruggieri, of a woman, twenty-seven years of age, who was covered from the shoulders to the knees with black woolly hair, like that of a poodle dog. Very recently, a French physician has related the case of a young lady over whose skin, after a fever, hair grew so rapidly that, at the end of a month, she was covered with a hairy coat, an inch long, over every part of her body, except the face, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the


There are other less curious accounts of women who are obliged to shave regularly once or twice a week; and it may be asked why are not all women compelled to shave? If beards and whiskers serve a purpose, why are they denied to women? That is a question certainly not difficult to answer. For the same reason that the rose is painted and the violet perfumed, there are assigned by nature to the woman attributes of grace heightened by physical weakness, and to the man attributes of dignity and strength. A thousand delicate emotions were to play about the woman's mouth, expressions that would not look beautiful in man. We all know that there is nothing more ridiculous to look at than a ladies' man who assumes femininity to please his huge body of sisters, and wins their confidence by making himself quite one of their own set. The character of woman's beauty would be marred by hair upon the face; moreover, what rest would there be ever for an infant on the mother's bosom tickled perpetually with a mother's beard? Not being framed for active bodily toil, the woman has not the man's capacious lungs, and may need also less growth of hair. But the growth of hair in women really is not much less than in the other sex. The hair upon a woman's head is, as a general rule, coarser, longer, and the whole mass is naturally heavier, than the hair upon the head of a man. Here, by the way, I should like to hint a question, whether since what is gained in one place seems to be lost in another, the increased growth at the chin produced by constant shaving may not help to account for some part of the weakness of hair upon the crown, and of the tendency to premature baldness which is so common in English civilized society?

The hair upon the scalp, so far as concerns its mechanical use, is no doubt the most

all extremes of temperature, retains the warmth of the body, and transmits very slowly any impression from without. character of the hair depends very much upon the degree of protection needed by its possessor. The same hair-whether of head or beard. that is in Europe straight, smooth, and soft, becomes after a little travel in hot climates crisp and curly, and will become smooth again after a return to cooler latitudes. By a natural action of the sun's light and heat upon the hair that curliness is produced, and it is produced in proportion as it is required, until, as in the case of negroes under the tropical suns of Africa, each hair becomes so íntimately curled up with its neighbors as to produce what we call a woolly head. All hair is wool, or rather all wool is hair, and the hair of the negro differs so much in appearance from that of the European, only because it is so much more curled, and the distinct hairs are so much more intimately intertwined. The more hair curls, the more thoroughly does it form a web in which a stratum of air lies entangled to maintain an even temperature on the surface of the brain. For that reason it is made a law of nature, that the hair should be caused to curl most in the hottest climates.

A protection of considerable importance is provided in the same way by the hair of the face to a large and important knot of nerves that lie under the skin near the angle of the lower jaw, somewhere about the point of junction between the whiskers and the beard. Man is born to work out of doors and in all weathers for his bread; woman was created for duties of another kind, which do not involve constant exposure to sun, wind, and rain. Therefore man only goes abroad whiskered and bearded, with his face muffled by nature in a way that shields every sensitive part alike from wind,. rain, heat, or frost, with a perfection that could be equalled by no muffler of his own devising. The whiskerless seldom can bear long exposure to a sharp wind that strikes on the bare cheek. The numbness then occasioned by a temporary palsy of the nerves has in many cases become permanent; I will say nothing of aches and pains that otherwise affect the face or teeth. For man who goes out to his labor in the morning, no better summer shield or winter covering against the sun or storm can be provided, than the hair which grows over those parts of the face which need protection and descends as beard in front of the neck and chest, a defence infinitely more useful as well as more becoming than a cravat about the neck, or a prepared hareskin over the pit of the stomach. One of the finest living prose-writers in our language suffered for many years from sore throat,


which was incurable, until, following the advice of an Italian surgeon, he allowed his beard to grow; and Mr. Chadwick has pointed out the fact that the sappers and miners of the French army, who are all men with fine beards, are almost entirely free from affections of the lungs and air-passages.

Mr. Chadwick regards the subject entirely from a sanitary point of view. He brought it under the discussion of the medical section engaged on sanitary inquiries at the York mecting of the British Association, and obtained among other support the concurrence of Dr. W. P. Alison of Edinburgh. We name that physician because he has since persuaded the journeymen masons of his own city to wear their beards as a preventive against consumption that prevailed among them.

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for the purpose. the mustache and beard around the mouth.

Surely enough has been here said to make it evident that the Englishman who, at the end of his days, has spent about an entire year of his life in scraping off his beard, has worried himself to no purpose, has submitted to a painful, vexatious, and not merely useless, but actually unwholesome, custom. He has disfigured himself systematically throughout life, accepted his share of unnecessary tic-doloreaux and toothache, coughs and colds, has swallowed dust and inhaled smoke and fog out of complaisance to the social prejudice which happens just now to prevail. We all abominate the razor while we use it, and would gladly lay it down. Now, if we see clearly and I think the fact is very clearthat the use of it is a great blunder, and if we are no longer such a slovenly people as to be afraid that, if we kept our beards, we should not wash, or comb, or trim them in a decent way, why can we not put aside our morning plague and irritate our skin no more as we do now?

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For that is another use of the mustache and beard. They protect the opening of the mouth, and filter the air for a man working in smoke or dust of any kind; they also act as a respirator, and prevent the inhalation into the lungs of air that is too frosty. Mr. Chadwick, years ago, was led to the discussion of this subject by observing how, in the case of I recommend nobody to grow a beard in some blacksmiths who wore beards and such a way as to isolate himself in appearance mustaches, the hair about the mouth was from his neighbors. Moreover, I do not at discolored by the iron dust that had been all desire to bring about such a revolution as caught on its way into the mouth and lungs. would make shaven chins as singular as The same observer has also pointed out and bearded chins are now. What I should much applied to his argument the fact that travel- prefer would be the old Roman custom, which lers wait, if necessary, until their mustaches preserved the first beard on a young man's have grown before they brave the sandy air face until it became comely, and then left it of deserts. He conceives, therefore, that the entirely a matter of choice with him whether absence of mustache and beard must involve he would remain bearded or not. Though it a serious loss to laborers in dusty trades, would be wise in an adult man to leave off such as millers and masons; to men employed shaving, he must not expect after ten or in grinding steel and iron, and to travellers twenty years of scraping at the chin, when he on dusty roads. Men who retain the hair has stimulated each hair into undue coarseabout the mouth are also, he says, much less ness and an undue rapidity of growth, that liable to decay, or achings of the teeth. To he can ever realize upon his own person the this list we would add, also, that apart from the incessant dust flying in town streets, and inseparable from town life, there is the smoke to be considered. Both dust and smoke do get into the lungs, and only in a small degree it is possible for them to be decomposed and removed by processes of life. The air-passages of a Manchester man, or of a resident in the city of London, if opened after death, are found to be more or less colored by the dirt that has been breathed. Perhaps it does not matter much; but surely we had better not make dustholes or chimney funnels of our THE ROCKET (eruca sativa) is used in salad lungs. Beyond a certain point this introduc- in Italy, though its smell is disagreeable, like tion of mechanical impurity into the delicate rancid bacon; and in Holland the yellow air-passages does cause a morbid irritation, stone-crop is eaten with lettuce.

beauty of a virgin beard. If we could introduce now a reform, we, that have been inured to shaving, may develop very good black beards, most serviceable for all working purposes, and a great improvement on bald chins; but the true beauty of the beard remains to be developed in the next generation on the faces of those who may be induced from the beginning to abjure the use of razors.

marked disease, and premature death. We had better keep our lungs clean altogether, THE garden CRESS was thought by the and for that reason men working in cities ancients to make those who ate it strong and would find it always worth while to retain brave; wherefore it was much used by the air-filter supplied to them by nature gladiators.

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"MABEL," said my aunt, facing me sternly, and speaking with solemn emphasis you are lowered forever in my eyes! When Mr. Ellison comes, he shall assuredly know of this. Go!" she added, with a gesture as if the sight of me were intolerable: "I shall never have confidence in you again.'

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I ran out of the room into the garden through the side-door, which always stood open in hot weather; but my cousins were at play on the lawn; so I flew on in the bitterness of my wounded spirit, until I found the shade and quiet I wanted under a large hoary apple-tree, which stood in the neighboring orchard. Under its spreading branches I threw myself down.

I have a vivid impression of the aspect and "feel" of that summer afternoon. The heat was intense; even the ground on which I lay seemed to burn the bare arms crossed beneath my humbled head. knew there was not a grateful cloud in the radiant sky above me; I felt there was not a breath of wind stirring, not enough even to rustle the thick leaves of the orchard trees. The gairish brilliancy, the sultry stillness, oppressed me almost more than I could bear. If I could have hidden myself from the sight of the sun, if I could have cheated my own consciousness, I would have gladly done so. I will not believe the world held at that moment a more wretched being than I was, that any grown-up man or woman with developed faculties ever suffered more keenly from the pangs of self-contempt. For, let me at once tell the reader, I was no victim of injustice or misconstruction; the words with which I had been driven from the house were justified by what I had done. I was fourteen years of age, I had been carefully and kindly educated, none knew better than I the differences between right and wrong; yet in spite of age, teaching, and the intellect's enlightenment, I had just been guilty of a gross moral transgression: I had been convicted of a falsehood; and, more than that, it was no impulsive lie escaping me in some exigency, but a deliberate one, and calculated to do another hurt. The whole house knew of it- servants, cousins, and all; the coming guest was to know of it too. My shame was complete. "What shall I do? what will become of me?" I cried aloud. "I shall never be happy again!

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manner, would make effort impossible. My aunt had lost all confidence in me.

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terrible; what was worse, I had lost all confidence in myself. I saw myself, mean, ungenerous, a liar! I had no more self-respect. When my cousins whispered together about me, or the servants nodded and smiled significantly, I should have nothing to fall back upon. Why, I was what they thought me; I could not defy their contempt, but must take it as my due. I might get angry, but who would mind my anger? A thousand thoughts exasperated my anguish.

I was very fond of reading, and had a liking for heroic biographies. Noble actions, fine principles, always awoke a passionate enthusiasm in my mind, caused strong throbs of ambition, and very often my aunt had lent a kind ear to the outpouring of such emotions. The case would be altered now. I might read, indeed, but such feelings I must henceforth keep to myself: who would have patience to hear me thus expatiate? I was cut off from fellowship with the good.

I must give up, too, my little class at the village Sunday-school, which I had been 80 proud to undertake. How could I, despised at home, go among the children as before? I could never talk to them as I used to venture to do. They would know it, as all the world would know; they would mock me in their hearts each feeling she was better than I. I rose up from the grass, for my state of mind would bear the prone attitude no longer, and leaning against the tree, looked around me. Oh! the merry games I had had in this orchard. The recollection brought a flood of bitter tears to my eyes-I had not cried before for I was sure that time was past; I should never have another. "Never, never!" I cried, wringing my hands; "I shall never have the heart to play again, even if they would play with me. I am another girl now!"

In truth, my brief experience seemed to have oldened me, to have matured my faculties. I saw myself in a kind of vague confused vision as I might have been, as I could never now become. No; life was an altered thing from what it had appeared yesterday: I had its capabilities on the threshold. I could get a glimpse of the house through the trees; I could see the parlor windows where, within the shady room, tea was even now being prepared for the expected visitor. Ah! that visitor, with whom I used to be a favorite, who had always been so kind- he was now on his way with the same heart towards me, little knowing what had happened, little knowing I was lost and ruined!

It seemed so to me. I had lost my position in the house where I had been so favored and happy; I had compromised my character from that day henceforward. I, who had meant to do such good in the world, had Does this description of my state of mind, lost my chance; for that sin clinging to my of my sense of guilt, seem overstrained? It conscience, the remembrance of which is just possible I give a little more coherence should read in everybody's face and altered to my reflections than they had at the time,

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