
Hanauer, S. W.-Continued.
Meat imports, Germany, 499.
Russia, trade openings, 149.
Street railways, Frankfort, 340.
Tool-machine trust, Germany, 121.
Trade and labor, Germany, 379.

Wages, children, Germany, 508.
Harbor improvements, Victoria, 107.
Harbor regulations, Puerto Cabello, 42.
Harris, E. L. (consular agent, Eiben-

Barber chairs, United States, Ger-

many, 141.

Emigration, German, 656.

Life-insurance companies, Germany,

Harrison, W. (vice-consul, Asuncion),
sugar, Paraguay, 47.
Hart, C. B. (minister, Bogotá):

Emeralds, Colombia, 480.
Loan, foreign, Colombia, 493.
Harvest, Great Britain, 494.

Imports, recent, 653.

Plows, United States, 441.

Hayden, J. E. (consul, Castellamare di
Stabia), United States goods, faulty
packing, 500.

Haywood, W. (consul-general, Hono-
lulu), plows, United States, Hawaii,


Heenan, T. E. (consul, Odessa):

Cattle, Russian, England, 389.
Crops, Russia, 157.

Hill, F. D. (consul, Santos):

Foreign judgments, Brazil, 54.
India-rubber trade, 114.

United States-Brazilian trade, 26.
United States trade, South America,
how to extend, 37.

Hog meat, Singapore, 339.
Hollis, W. S. (consul, Lourenço Mar-
quez), boots and shoes, Lourenço
Marquez, 316.

Holloway, W. R. (consul-general, St.

Air brakes, Westinghouse, Russian
railways, 404.

Flax and hemp crops, Russia (1898),

Flax trade, Russia, regulations,

Hop industry, Russia (1898), 628.
New city and port in northern Rus-
sia, 331.

Petroleum industry, Russia, 226.
Siberia, penal colony no longer,


Cocoanuts, 507.

Fruits, 336.

Honduras, British railroad, proposed,


Trade (1898), 166.

United States trade interests, 418.

Hop crop, world's (1899), 626.
Hop industry, Russia (1898), 628.

Crops, southern Russia, failure, 156, Hopley, J. E. (consul, Southampton),

[blocks in formation]

Gold production, Transvaal (Au- Importers, Sicilian essential oils, advice,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jews, emigration to Palestine, 496.
Johnson, A. B. (consul, Amoy), fruits,
United States, China, and Philippine

Islands, 313.

Johnston, B. (consul, Utilla):

Cocoanuts, Honduras, 507.

Fruits, Honduras, 336.
Jones, F. S. (chargé d'affaires, Buenos
Ayres), the tasajo, or dried-beef, indus-
try in the River Plata countries, 575.
Judgments, foreign, Brazil, 54.
Judicial reforms, Argentine Republic,


Kenneday, K. K. (consul, Para):

Amazon Valley, resources and trade
opportunities, 29.

Para, steamship service with United
States, improved, 660.

Railroad ties forgotten, Brazil,

Kid gloves, France, 367.

Kid skins, France, 368.

Kimberley diamond mines, 317.

King, H. (minister, Bangkok), treaty,
commercial, Russian-Siamese, 509.
Knit underwear:

England, 349.
France, 366.

Germany, 357.


Customs regulations, provisional,


Tariff regulations, 589.

Labor, Germany, 379.

Lang, P. (consul, Sherbrooke), platinum,
iridium, and osmium, Quebec, 146.

Japanese copyright, operation, 343.
Mining, Dutch East Indies, 180.
New railway, Mexico, 52.
On foreign corporations, Venezuela,

Tonnage dues, Japan, 292.

Lawn mowers, automatic, demand, Bel-
gium, 342.

Lay, J. G. (consul-general, Barcelonia),
tramways, electric, northern Spain,


Leather industry:

Cape Colony, 550.
Russia, 168.

Le Bert, R. (consul, Ghent):

Automatic lawn mowers and incu-

bators, Belgium, 342.
Exposition, Ghent, 222.
Fuel, new, Belgium, 172.

Iron and steel wanted, Belgium,

Refrigerators, demand, Belgium,

Ledoux, U. J. (consul, Three Rivers),
catalogues free of duty, Canada, 659.
Letters rogatory, tax, Brazil, 336.
Licenses, commercial travelers, Russia,

Liefeld, E. T. (consul, Freiburg), cellu-
loid, substitute, Germany, 654.
Life insurance, Cape Colony, 448.
Life-insurance companies, Germany,

Likin tax on rice, China, 180.
Lincoln, G. F. (consul-general, Ant-

Antwerp-San Francisco, steamship
service, 508.

Art exhibition, Antwerp, 184.
Belgium, trade (first five months,
1899), 136.

Dredge, new Russian, 543.

Ivory market, Antwerp, 452.

Steamship line, new, Antwerp to
Portland, Me., 508.

Listoe, S. (consul, Rotterdam):

Debts, collection, Netherlands, 453.
Fruit, United States, Netherlands,


Live animals, transportation, Belgium,


Loan, foreign, Colombia, 493.
Locomotives, Germany, 134.
Loomis, F. B. (minister, Caracas):

Coffee market, South America, plan
for controlling, 63.

Corporations, foreign, Venezuela,


Inland-navigation project, South
America, 175.

Pearl fisheries, Venezuela, 272.

Sugar industry, Trinidad, 61.

Lourenço Marquez, boots and shoes,

Lyon, S. S. (consul, Hiogo), cotton-spin-
ning machinery, Japan, 93.
Lyons silk trade, 211.

Macaroni manufacture, France, United

States wheat, 400.

McCook, J. C. (consul, Dawson City):
Agricultural possibilities, Yukon
territory, 620.

Dawson City, notes, 65, 333.
Mining and agriculture, Yukon ter-
ritory, 481.

Mining, Yukon region, 503.
Money-order department, Dawson
City, 504.

McCullough, C. A. (consul, St. Stephen):
Customs collection, Canada, 334.
Petroleum and naphtha, 504.
McFarland, S. C. (consul, Nottingham),
hosiery and knit underwear, England,

Magill, S. E. (consul, Tampico), water-
works, Tampico, 342.

McGinley, D. E. (consul, Athens):

Debts, collection, Greece, 456.
Quarantine regulations, Greece, 509.
Merchants, Athens, 144.

Machine, beet-lifting, prize for, Ger-
many, 392.

Machine trade, Ecuador, 35.

Cotton-spinning, Japan, 93.
Gold-mining, Transvaal, 188.
United States railway, India, 654.
United States, United Kingdom, 385.
Machines and tools, agricultural, Ger-
man tariff, 124.

McNally, J. C. (secretary of legation,

Match monopoly, Colombia, 174.
Platinum, iridium, and osmium, Co-

lombia, 147.

Macrum, C. E. (consul, Pretoria):

Broom factory, Transvaal, 325.
Diamond production, Transvaal,

Gold output (1899), Transvaal, 489.
Importers, South African Republic,


Railway construction, 100.

Railways, Transvaal, 341.


Flour, 491.

Taxes, municipal, 183.

Madrid, warehouse, French, 665.
Mail service, new, Azores, 181.
Malt export, Hamburg, 629.

[blocks in formation]

Plague, measures against, 238.
Port dues, 235.

Transportation, 233.

Martin, C. W. (consul, Amherstburg),
bedsteads, iron, Canada, 659.
Martin, W. (consul, Chinkiang):

Grain export prohibited, China, 180.
Likin tax on rice, China, 180.
Mason, F. H. (consul-general, Belin):
Cattle and fresh beef, United States,
Belgium and Germany, 196.
Consular education, Germany, 118.
Duty on druggists' scales, Germany,

German tariff on agricultural ma-
chines and tools, 124.

Motor-carriage exposition, interna-
tional, Berlin, 517.

[blocks in formation]

Medicines, patent, Portugal, 142.
Merchants, Athens, 144.

Merriam, J. W. (consul, Iquique), soda

nitrate, Chile, 493.

Mertens, T. (consular agent, Grao)·
Tobacco, Spain, 509.

Wheat and sugar, Spain, 171.

Metcalf, H. W. (consul, Newcastle-on-
Tyne), shipyards, covered berths, Eng-
land, 109.


Agriculture, 49.

Brick factory, 51.
Matches, 565.

Monterey, foundry, 265.

New railroad law, 52.

Railway concession, 174.

Railways, street, Veracruz, 562.
Tampico, waterworks, 342.

Tampico, waterworks and sewer-
age, 563.

Mica, Ontario, 485.

Milan, tramways, 135.

Mills, paper, failures, Norway, 342.

Coal, Belgium, ankylostomiasis,

Diamond, Kimberley, 317.


Alaska, 483.

Bubble, Dutch India, 433.

Canada, project, 483.

Enterprise, Ontario, 486.
Law, Dutch East Indies, 180.
Machinery, gold, Transvaal, 188.

Manganese, Bahia, 266.

Regulations, China, 590.

Szechuan, 67.

Yukon territory, 481, 503.

Mining and railway concession, Vene-
zuela, 269.

Mocha coffee, import, United States,

Monaghan, J. C. (consul, Chemnitz):

Electric plates, Germany, 376.
German and French trade with
Russia, 403.

German industries, growth, 377.
German interests, Transvaal, 490.
German schools, foreign countries,


German trade, Uruguay, 336.
Germany (1898), 205.

Monaghan, J. C.-Continued.

Germany's foreign interests, 127.
Hosiery and knit underwear, Ger-
many, 357.

Iron production, Europe and United
States, 526.

Italy, commerce, 525.
Locomotives, Germany, 134.

Paving stones, artificial, Germany,


Persia, trade conditions, 240.
Postal shipments, Russia, 496.

Printing paper, Germany, 498.

Russia, Asiatic, resources, 411.

Russia, trade opportunities, 403.

United States trade, Russia, exten-

sion, 555.

Monaghan, J. F. (vice and acting con-
sul, Chemnitz), Italian showrooms,
Port Said, 658.

Money-order department, Dawson City,


Camphor, Formosa, 415.
Match, Colombia, 174.
Tobacco, Japan, 431.
Monterey, foundry, 265.

Coal trade, 183.

Port, proposed, 261.
Port works, 41, 470.

Port works, plans, 176.

Moseley, R. A., jr. (consul-general, Sin-

Hog meat, Singapore, 339.

Tin, Straits Settlements, 511.

Tin, Straits Settlements: Capital,
opening, 584.

Motor-carriage exposition, interna-
tional, Berlin, 517.

Motor vehicles, Shanghai, 417.
Municipal taxes, Madagascar, 183.
Murphy, C. A. (consular agent, Ade-
laide), fertilizers, commercial, South
Australia, 615.

Nantes street-car strike, 396.
Naphtha, Canada, 504.

Naphtha industry, Russia, history, 147.
Natal, 322.

Neill, R. R. (secretary of legation,
Lima), steamship line, Spain to Peru,
proposed, 508.

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