
Part IV. deals with the army in war time, setting forth the situation which would obtain both at home and at the seat of war in the event of our having to mobilize for home defence, or of having to despatch an expeditionary force abroad.

The chapters have been generally arranged in numbered sub-headings, in the hope that this may facilitate study and reference.

Two maps have been prepared to illustrate certain parts of the work. Of these, No. 1 gives the arrangement of the military and regimental districts of the home army in the United Kingdom, and No. 2 shows concisely the coaling stations and Colonial defended ports of the British Empire, and the distribution of troops, Imperial and local, for their protection.

The Editors, impressed from the commencement of their labours with the necessity for ensuring that every part of the work should be written from personal knowledge, and not merely as a compilation, have obtained valuable assistance, freely and cordially rendered, from a number of officers and. other gentlemen connected with the service, who have either written various chapters in their entirety, or have more or less identified themselves with the matter they contain.

From the many kind offers of assistance made them, the Editors know that had they been able to extend their demands for aid, these would have been cordially met, and the work would have benefited thereby but to do this was impossible in the time available.

The thanks of the Editors are sincerely tendered to the undermentioned contributors, who have all, some to a greater and others to a less degree, afforded their valuable help, viz. :

Major J. Adye, R.A.

Major Eustace Balfour, London Scottish R.V.

Colonel J. T. Barrington.

Mr. H. T. De la Bère, C.B.

General Sir R. Biddulph, R.A., G.C.M.G., C.B.

Major H. N. Bunbury, A.S.C.

Captain C. E. Callwell, R.A.

Major Sir G. S. Clarke, R.E., K.C.M.G.
General the Hon. W. H. A. Feilding.

Dr. G. Fleming, C.B.

Major C. F. Gambier, I.S.C.

Colonel the Hon. G. H. Gough, 14th Hussars.

Rev. C. Gregson, C.F.

Capt. J. M. Grierson, R.A.

Colonel C. Grove, C.B., A.A.G.

Colonel H. J. T. Hildyard, A.A.G.
Colonel E. T. Hutton, A.D.C.
Mr. G. Lawson, C.B.

Colonel J. F. Maurice, R. A., C.B.

Colonel O. R. Middleton, K.O. Royal Lancaster.
Major W. Peacocke, R.E., C.M.G.

Surgeon-Major W. S. Pratt, A.M.S.

Major-General F. G. Ravenhill, R.A.
Colonel H. S. Reeves, C.B., A.Q.M.G.
Mr. Denham Robinson.

Lieut.-Colonel C. M. Watson, R.E., C.M.G.
Colonel Sir W. A. Eardley-Wilmot, Bart.

For the tables in the Appendix, the thanks of the Editors are due to Captain J. S. Cowans, R.B., and for the reproduction of the maps to Lieut.-Col. J. K. Trotter, R.A., also for kind help in other ways to Lieut.-General E. F. Chapman, R.A. C.B., Lieut.-General J. J. H. Gordon, C.B., Major J. Wolfe Murray, R.A., Lieutenant W. H. Cromie, R.E., Mr. W. Benett, Bengal Civil Service, and Mr. G. R. Hunter, Special Assistant to the Director of Artillery.

The Editors are also grateful to the many officers and officials of the War Office who have afforded them valuable help generally.

For the reproduction of the photograph which has been given as frontispiece, with the gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen, the Editors have to thank Major-General Sir C. W. Wilson, R.E., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., and the officers of the Ordnance Survey department; the right to reproduce

the photograph having kindly been given by Mr. A. Bassano of 25, Old Bond Street. The Editors desire respectfully to acknowledge the kind sanction accorded by H.R.H. the Commander-in-Chief to his portrait being given in the book, and their thanks are due to Mr. Herman Herkomer who painted the picture, and to the officers of the Royal Engineers whose property it is, for the right to reproduce it, as well as to Messrs. A. Dixon and Son, of 112, Albany Street, for the use of the negative.

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