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" of afparagus upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought into England till many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catharine with a fugarloaf; whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large, feeing the "
Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ... - 39. oldal
szerző: John Bell - 1781
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A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces: Both in Verse and Prose

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 430 oldal
...ferve hipi with a difh of carps before that time: He might as well give King James the firft a difh of afparagus upon his firft coming to London, which...many years after; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catherine with a fugar-loaf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large ; feeing...

A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces, Both in Verse and Prose ...

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 426 oldal
...with a difh of carps before that time : He might as well give King James the firft a difh of afparagns upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought...many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catherine with a fugar-loaf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large ; feeing...

A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces: Both in Verse and Prose

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 432 oldal
...a difh of carps before that time : He might as well give King James the firft a difh of afpai agtis upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought...many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catherine with a fugar-loaf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large ; feeing...

The Original Works of William King ...: Now First Collected ..., 3. kötet

William King - 1776 - 330 oldal
...with a difh of carp before that time : he might as well give King James the Firft a difli of ajparagut upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought...or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catharine with a fugar-haf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large ; feeing the iceing of cakes...

The Works of the English Poets, 20. kötet

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 452 oldal
...ferve him with a d'rfh of carp before that time : he might as well give King James the Firft a difli of afparagus upon his firft coming to London, which...till many years after; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queeii •Catharine with zfugar-loaf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large,...

The Works of the English Poets: Garth and King

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 452 oldal well give King Ja:ncs the Firft a difli of afparngus upon his firlt coming to London, which weie not brought into England till many years after; or make Owen Tudor prefent Qt^cen Catharine with zfugar-loaf, whereas he might as eaftly ave given her a diamond as large, feeing...

The Works of the English Poets: Garth; King

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 450 oldal well give King James the Firfi a dirti of effarvg:<j upon his inft coming to London, which we; e not brought into England till many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prcfcnt Queen Catharine with * fugar-lcaf, whereas-lie might as ealily Jhave given her a diamond as...

A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Dryden. Rochester ...

1793 - 806 oldal
...: he might as well give King James the Firft a difh of effaragui upon his firft coming to Ix>nd»n, li</i><br/><br/> repente se émisse cingala pronuncient.<br/><br/ Tutor prcfcnt Queta Caharinc with a fugar-lcaf, whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond...

Dryden. Smyth. Duke. King. Sprat. Halifax

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 658 oldal
...with a dim of carp before that time : he might as well give King James the Firft a difh of afparagiu upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought...England till many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prefcnt Queen Cathajine with a fugar-loaf, whereas he might as eaiily have giren her a diamond as large,...

The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., 9. kötet

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 666 oldal
...: he might as well ¿rive king James the First a dish of asparagus upon his first coming to Loudon, which were not brought into England till many years after; or make Owen Tudor present queen Catharine with a sugar-loaf, whereas he might as easily have given her a diamond as large,...

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