Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to Churchill ...J. Bell, 1781 |
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x. oldal
... fuch an air of piety runs through all Hackluit's " difcoveries that makes it feem as if that alone made them " fuccefsful . What fignified all the Buccaneers ' profperity " without virtue ? to what authority did all their wars and ...
... fuch an air of piety runs through all Hackluit's " difcoveries that makes it feem as if that alone made them " fuccefsful . What fignified all the Buccaneers ' profperity " without virtue ? to what authority did all their wars and ...
xi. oldal
... fuch as were at leifure and would take the trouble . Mr. King therefore deeming himself to be thus called forth to the charge , readily entered the lifts , and with a proper mixture of wit and learning handfomely exposed the blunders of ...
... fuch as were at leifure and would take the trouble . Mr. King therefore deeming himself to be thus called forth to the charge , readily entered the lifts , and with a proper mixture of wit and learning handfomely exposed the blunders of ...
xii. oldal
... fuch a defign . Mr. Larroque " had , it is true , gone before him in the attempt , but that in- " genious gentleman was not well advised to meddle in a " ftrange country , till time had inftructed him more fully in " the conftitutions ...
... fuch a defign . Mr. Larroque " had , it is true , gone before him in the attempt , but that in- " genious gentleman was not well advised to meddle in a " ftrange country , till time had inftructed him more fully in " the conftitutions ...
xiii. oldal
... fuch a partial " extravagance , and with fo little regard to modefty and " truth , that he has not only provoked the learned of the re- " formed profeffion to chaftife his impudence in their publick " writings , but has alfo drawn upon ...
... fuch a partial " extravagance , and with fo little regard to modefty and " truth , that he has not only provoked the learned of the re- " formed profeffion to chaftife his impudence in their publick " writings , but has alfo drawn upon ...
xv. oldal
... fuch word is used amongst them . Their " notion amounts to this , that they believe fledfaftly a real " and true prefence of the body and blood of Chrift in the fa " crament in a manner ineffable , which our Saviour himself " is beft ...
... fuch word is used amongst them . Their " notion amounts to this , that they believe fledfaftly a real " and true prefence of the body and blood of Chrift in the fa " crament in a manner ineffable , which our Saviour himself " is beft ...
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Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete From Chaucer to Churchill John Bell Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2023 |
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Æneid almoſt Apicius Art of Cookery becauſe beſt breaſt Britiſh charms cry'd defign defire diſh eaſe ev'n ev'ry eyes fafe faid fam'd fame fate fatire fauce fays feem fenfe fhall fhew fighs fince fing firft firſt flain fleep foft fome fong foon foul freſh Frumenty ftand ftill fubject fuch fung fure Heav'n himſelf juſt King laft laſt Latian leaſt lefs mafter moft moſt Mufe muft Muſe muſt ne'er numbers nymph o'er occafion Orpheus Ovid paffion paſs perfons pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure poem poets pow'r praiſe prefent profe Pudding raiſe reſt rhyme rife riſe Rufinus ſaid ſay ſeem ſhall ſhe ſhould ſkies ſome ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtay ſtill ſtood ſtream ſuch tell thefe theſe things thofe thoſe thou thought thouſand thro Unleſs uſe verfe verſe Whilft whofe whoſe wife
Népszerű szakaszok
41. oldal - Fops may have leave to level all they can, ** As Pigmies would be glad to top a man. •* Half-wits are fleas, fo little and fo light, •' We fcarce could know they live but that they bite. " But as the rich, when tir'd with daily feafts, *' For change become their next poor tenant's guefts, •' Drink hearty draughts of ale from plain brown
33. oldal - in criticifm that this latter age has produced. I hope it will not be taken ill by the wits that I call my Cooks by the title of Ingenious; for I cannot imagine why Cooks may not be as well read as any other perfons: I am fure their apprentices of late years have had very
73. oldal - were a picture drawn With Cynthia's face but With a neck like Brawn, With wings of turkey and with feet of calf, Tho' drawn by Kneller it would make you laugh. Such is, good Sir! the figure of a feaft
67. oldal - and hours, fo as not to difturb it. My friend faid there remained but two books more, one of Sea and the other of River Fifli, in the account of which he would not be long, feeing his memory began to fail him almoft as much as my
39. oldal - of afparagus upon his firft coming to London, which were not brought into England till many years after ; or make Owen Tudor prefent Queen Catharine with a fugarloaf; whereas he might as eafily have given her a diamond as large, feeing the
101. oldal - might lie more compact; that too large a heap of precepts together might appear too burthenfome; and therefore (if fmall matters may allude to greater) as Virgil in his Georgicks, fo here moft of the parts end with fome remarkable fable, which carries with it fome moral: yet if any perfons pleafe to take the
41. oldal - from the coals; •' So you, retiring from much better cheer, ** For once may venture to do penance here: " And fince that plenteous autumn now is paft,
39. oldal - he has fome knowledge of this Art of Cookery, and the progrefs of it. Would it not found ridiculous to hear Alexander The Great command his cannon to be mounted, and to throw redhot bullets out of his mortarpieces ? or to have Statira talk of
1. oldal - That nymph that brew'd and bottled ale fo well. III. How fleet is air! how many things have breath Which in a moment they refign to death, Depriv'd of light and all their happieft ftatc Not by their fault but fome o'erruling Fate!
49. oldal - to fuppofe that Vally lying abroad that night, the old gentlewoman under that concern would have any ftomach to it for her own fupper. However, to fee the fate of things! there is nothing permanent: for one Mrs. Candia making (though innocently) a