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T was on one of the most pleasing Mornings in the last Summer, that CRITO ftole from the

Noife and Buftle of the Town, to enjoy an agreeable Day, or Two, with his Friend TIMANTHES in the Country. TIMANTHES received him with all that Joy and Pleasure, which is usual between Friends, who love one another entirely; and whe have not met for a confiderable Time. He fhewed him his new Grove, and Gardens; and, as they were walking in the latter, " Since the Weather begins to be fo warm (fays he,) if you like it, we will dine under that open Tent. The Air there will be refreshing to you; and will bring us the Smell of the Orange and Lemon-Trees which furround it, without breaking that View of the Country, of which you used to be fo fond. When I placed them there, I had you in my Thoughts; and imagined it might

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whenever you came

be a favourite Seat of yours, hither; which I wish your Affairs would fuffer to be much oftener." Indeed the Spot was fo well chofen, that it made not only their Dinner, but even their Conversation together after it, the more agreeable; and as they were still fitting and enjoying themselves there, for fome Time into the Afternoon; a Servant came to let TIMANTHES know, that MILESIUS was juft alighted; and was coming toward them. 66 Though in general I fhould not have chofen to be interrupted To-day (fays TIMANTHES,) I am not forry for MILESIUS's Vifit at prefent; because his Gaiety may serve a little to divert you." "And I, fays CRITO, love every thing that you love; and fhall therefore go with Pleasure with you to meet him. MILESIUS came up to them with his usual Vivacity in his Face, and Behaviour; and, after a fhort Compliment, or Two, they all fat down together again under the Tent.

They foon fell into a Conversation, which, though it might not be fo folid, was at least more lively and joyous than their former. TIMANTHES could not help obferving upon it. "You (fays he) MILESIUS give Life to the Company wherever you come ; but I am particularly glad of your coming hither To day, because my Friend CRITO, on his Arrival this Morning, feemed to have the Remains of fomething of a Melancholy on his Face; but, fince your joining us, the Cloud has been gradually clearing up, and feems now quite driven away. I would not then take any Notice of it to him, for fear of oppreffing the Mind



of my Friend whilft too much afflicted; but as it now appears to have been only a paffing Cloud, I could wish to ask the Cause of it; that I might endeavour to alleviate his Concern, if in my Power; and if not, that at least I might fhare it with him." "I am very much obliged to you (replied CRITO, with a Caft of the fame Concern returning on his Face,) for your Tenderness for me, on this, and all other Occafions: But if you obferved any thing of Sorrow about me on my Firft coming in, I can affure you, that it was not for any Misfortune that has happined to myself; nor any new Misfortune to any of our Friends: Whatever you saw in me of that kind, must have been occafioned by the Vifit I made this Morning. You both know the Beauty and Merits of Mrs. B * * as well as what a Brute of a Husband fhe has the Misfortune to be married to. I just called there, before I fet out; and, on the Servant's telling me, that his Lady had been up fome time, and was fitting in the Room next the Garden; as my near Relation to her gave me the Liberty of going on without fending in my Name, I walked toward the Room; and found the Door only. juft open enough to let me fee her leaning on a Couch, with her head refted negligently on one Hand, whilft, with the other, fhe was wiping away a Tear, that ftole filently down her Cheek. The Diftrefs in her Countenance, and the little Confufion that appeared about her Eyes, on her firft difcovering me (just as I was doubting whether I should retire or not,) added so much to the other Beauties of her Face, that I think I never faw her look so charmB 3 ing

in me.

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ing in my Life. "Stay, Sir (fays fhe ;) for you, I am fure, can excufe this little Overflow of Weakness My poor, dear, Jacky! If Heaven had fpared him to me, he would this very Day have been Seven Years old. What a pretty little Companion fhould I have had in him, to have diverted me in fome of the many Hours that I now pass alone!" I diffembled my being but too well acquainted with the real Occafion of her Sorrows; joined with her in lamenting the Lofs she had mentioned; and, as soon as I could, led the Converfation into another Channel; and said every thing I could think of, to divert her Mind from the Object that I knew afflicted her. By Degrees, the recovered her ufnal Behaviour; but, through all the Calmnefs and Pleafingness of it, there was still a Cloud hanging about her Eyes, which betrayed Part of the Uneafiness that the daily fuffers under in her Heart. Good Heaven! how is it poffible that any human Creature should treat so much Goodness, and fo many Charms, with fo much Barbarity of Behaviour !"-We all know the Vileness of the Man, cried MILESIUS, as well as the Beauty and good Qualities of his Lady; but, pray, how come you to think, that her Sufferings fhould add to her Charms? or that a Diftrefs, like her's, could ever be pleafing to the Eye? Some People have got fuch ftrange, unintelligible Notions of Beauty!"Was I to let you into all my Thoughts about Beauty, replied CRITO, what I happened to mention juft now would, perhaps, appear far from being unintelligible to you. To own the Truth, I have thought on this Subject (which is ufually rather viewed with


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