
toms, the Hungarian authorities manifested the rocity. Here, too, intercepted letters are not most marked desire to avoid dissension, by invi-wanting to establish a correspondence and agreeting him to communicate with them so that a ment from the outset, between these leaders and day might be appointed for the convocation of the Austrian Minister of War, Count Latour. the Croatian Diet, when he might be officially The third and last party of malcontents arose installed.* In further manifestation of the friendly among the Wallachs of Transylvania, members spirit which animated them, they called upon the of the Greek Church. It will not be denied, that people of the Croatian districts to make known up to the time of the reunion of that principality through special delegates their wants. These with Hungary, this race had just and strong cauovertures were rejected by Jellachich, who in-ses for discontent. For while all other races in hibited all intercourse with the Hungarian Min- the State-Magyars, Szeklers and Saxonsistry, and soon thereafter declared that he in no were possessed of precisely the same rights and manner recognized the authority of that Minis- privileges, the Wallachs alone were unrepretry. The King, Ferdinand V., it was asserted, sented as a race in the Diet, and were otherwise favored and authorized this position, and these subject to harsh and degrading restrictions ;-but acts; but when called on by the Hungarian Min-with the annexation of Transylvania to Hungary, istry he disavowed it in the most explicit lan- and the consequent extension over that princiguage, and denounced Jellachich and his adhe-pality of the reform acts of 1847-8, all such porents. The King was probably sincere, but for years an imbecile, he was a mere puppet in the hands of an insatiate, heartless Bureaucracy, who during the whole time were in direct communication with the malcontents, as is conclu- But the race so long kept in subjection by the sively established by intercepted letters addressed unjust laws of Transylvania, was the most ignoby Jellachich to Count Latour, and other rant and debased in the social scale of the realm, sons connected with the Cabinet of Vienna, and thoroughly under the influence and control which acknowledge the receipt of military stores, of the priesthood of their church, whom as a ask for further supplies, and otherwise explic-class we are constrained to regard as the agents itly show the existence of an understanding between him and the Central Government.


litical inequalities and restrictions were annulled, and the Wallachs were from that day placed on equal political footing with the other portions of the population.

of the Czar, and to whom in this particular instance may be traced the first expressions of disWe have said that the prominent leaders first content and the subsequent sanguinary outbreak, in the agitations, and then of the revolt and the aided, however, by the Austrian officials, who sanguinary deeds of the Serbs. having been the supplied munitions of war and led the hostile priesthood of the Greek Church, and Austrian movements. General Puchner, who in May, military and civil officers, would suggest Austrian 1848, had been the organ for conveying to the and Russian intrigue, and taint the sincerity of people of Transylvania the Emperor-King's their pretensions and the justice of the cause-sanction of, and gratification at, the act of but further and conclusive evidence is furnished reunion, was now actively occupied in prein the fact, that the Hungarian authorities spared venting the practical consummation of the meano measures of conciliation with the Serbian sure and in sowing the seeds of discord and jealmalcontents. Peter Osernovich. a Serb and ousies among races and classes, in which he sucgreat grandson of that Serbian patriarch, Arse-ceeded with the ignorant, bigoted Wallachs nius Osernovich, who had headed the immigra- aloue, who blind and insensible to the extension tion of that people into Hungary in the last half and equality of rights secured to them by the of the 17th century, was delegated by the Hun-union with Hungary, remembered only past ingarian Ministry as a Commissary with ample juries-for which the Hungarians were in no wise powers for the restoration of good feeling and responsible-the recollections of which were kept order. He appealed to his countrymen to obey alive by the priests. the laws and submit any causes of complaint to Under such influences, this insensate race broke the Government. He granted an armistice aud out into open revolt, excelling even the Serbs withdrew Hungarian troops from their territory. in deeds of atrocity and wholesale slaughter. This armistice the Serbs immediately violated, and enacted deeds of the most unmitigated fe

* Bathhyányi's frequent though vain efforts to come to some amicable arrangement with the Ban, arc admitted by the Austrian writer Tyndale. See p. 16, &c., "Hungarian Campaigns."

† Some 40,000 families.

All the other races in the State remained loyal to the Hungarian administration under which they were relieved from the power of a corrupt Bureaucracy, by whom their old institutions and rights had been systematically retrenched, and

* In the work edited by Tyndale, to which we have several times referred, the general conduct of the Serbs in action is characterized as "wholesale slaughter," p.195

the State urged on towards a thorough dena-All are familiar with events which for a time entionalization.

The details of these several hostile movements we shall not seek to trace, restricted as we are at present; neither are such details necessary to a proper understanding of the questions involved. We will merely add that in all quarters hostilities were of the most relentless, ferocious character. Civil wars are always internecine ones, where

"Hunger for slaughter, and a hate that eats thy heart Thy foe's head"—

to eat

grossed public attention and excited general admiration, not less than with the tragic close. To recall these in detail has not been the object of this paper.

Having already exceeded our limits, we should merely state in conclusion the precise points which we have aimed to establish, viz:

That Hungary was in no wise a dependency or province of Austria, subject to legal control or interference in its affairs by the Central Cabinet at Vienna, but was by right merely connected with the Empire by virtue of a common head. That the struggle was not in any manner comanimate both parties. And the acts of the Cro-menced and carried ou by Hungary for the acats, Serbs and Wallachs are signal illustrations quisition and security of class or race, exclusive of the fell spirit that possesses and governs man privileges and immunities or restrictions, nor with on such occasions; while we may not doubt that any disposition on the part of the Magyars to on the other side many deeds of cruelty and re-impose their peculiar language on the Slavonic taliation were perpetrated. races of the State-and not due to the manifestation of any spirit of Magyaric domination over Slavonians.

In the meantime Radetzki's successes in the Italian revolts, having restored confidence to the Cabinet at Vienna, the mask was boldly thrown That equality of rights before the law, and aside. In June, 1848, the cause of the Croats equal privileges in all respects for all classes, was openly espoused by Austria, and the march both of Magyars and non-Magyars, were the obof reaction was no longer concealed. The mea-jects of the movement-and centralization and sures of the Diet of 1847-8, providing for a sep-absolutism the aim of its opponents. On the one arate and responsible Ministry for Hungary, and side we behold rational progress, and on the empowering the Palatine with the executive other reaction and counter-revolution. The latfunction in the absence of the King, were in Au- ter triumphed; but the end is not yet. We have gust declared contrary to the "Pragmatic sauc-no fears that this brave people will remain downtion;" and illegal and invalid as being opposed trodden and subject. He who conquers to the legal relation existing between Hungary and the Austrian empire, and without the sanction of the Central Cabinet; nevertheless, the Hungarians still sought to secure the discharge of the constitutional duties of the King and the restoration of order, but in vain. In September Jellachich was restored by a public decree to the high dignity from which he had been but nominally suspended;-his "fidelity to the empire" was recognized, and he henceforward must be regarded as an Austrian General at the head of an imperial army.

A last effort was made, however, by the Hungarians, to preserve peaceable relations with Austria and their King. A deputation proceeded to Vienna for that purpose. It was received, but its requests were in effect denied. Collision was now manifestly inevitable unless the Hungarians should assent to a total surrender of nationality, independence, and constitutional institutions and rights. Seeing this, the Hungarian patriots set about preparing the nation for the shock. The journals of that day supply ample evidence with reference to the manner in which they and the Hungarian people of all classes and races met the crisis, as well as the rare administrative and military capacity which it developed.

"By force, hath overcome but half his foe." July, 1851.


Across the narrow dusty street

I see at early dawn,

A little girl with glancing feet,
As agile as the fawn.

An hour or so and forth she goes,
The school she brightly seeks,
She carries in her hand a rose
And two upon her cheeks.
The sun mounts up the torrid sky-
The bell for dinner rings-
My little friend, with laughing eye,
Comes gaily back and sings.
The week wears off and Saturday,
A welcome day, I ween,
Gives time for girlish romp and play;
How glad my pet is seen!
But Sunday-in what satins great,
Does she not then appear!
King Solomon in all his state

Wore no such pretty gear.

I fling her every day a kiss,
And one she flings to me:
I know not truly when it is
She prettiest may be.

T. J.



I knew thee in our girlhood, when life was fresh and fair— Our hopes as bright, as morning's light,

Our hearts devoid of care.

And well do I remember, the merry, happy hours, We spent in play, each holiday,

Midst singing birds and flowers.

Editor's Cable.

Among the men of decided genius whom the world has recognized with an apotheosis, there have been one or two who became famous solely by reason of their consummate and most exquisite impudence. This quality is common enough in society, and its ordinary manifesta

How often with dear schoolmates, such pleasant walks tions are exhibited on every side, but it is rare to

we took,

In youthful ranks, along the banks
Of our canal and brook.

In those days, those happy days! how bright thy cheeks did glow

With rosy health, the richest wealth
Kind Nature can bestow.

Thy hair was of a golden hue, bewitching was thine eye,
And Cupid's wile seem'd in thy smile,
And fragrance in thy sigh.

And well do I remember, how in the sprightly dance,
Thy winsome grace, and beaming face,
Would rivet many a glance.

In after years of womanhood, we greeted thee a Bride,
Beneath the sun, no lovelier one

E'er stood by Bridegroom's side!

see any specimen of assurance which we may pardon for its freshness or its very effrontery. Brummell was the Coryphoeus of the class o impudent men, and Jesse in his biography has preserved some notable examples of his excellence in this line. The best we recollect was the remark he made once of a man of plebeian antecedents whose ostentatious hospitality he had enjoyed at dinner. "The cuisine," said the Beau, "was perfect, but only think the impertinent fellow insisted upon dining with us." Now, this was really delightful, and he who could find it in his heart to censure Brummell in consequence, can have no genuine appreciation of merit. Less agreeably expressed, perhaps, but

Time glided on with silken wing-we saw thee a fond certainly quite as cool, is the following letter we


A beauteous race thy home did grace,

Each rivalling the other.

lately received from a kind patron of literature down in the "State of Maine." There is something very refreshing in the self-importance of

On, on, sped Time-then sickness came-then Death!- the very first sentence. Lisez.

thou past from earth!

Ah, many a tear upon thy bier,

From weeping eyes gushed forth!

Calais, Maine, July 1, 1851.

It is through my efforts that the postage on the Magazines and Reviews is now less than one half what it has

Yes, friend beloved and cherished! we've looked upon been-I had to labor hard to accomplish my object-1

thee Dead!

In shroud arrayed, on death-couch laid,

Then borne to earth's cold bed!

wrote relative to the matter to nearly a hundred different individuals in my own State (including the members of our Board of Education,) and to not less than twenty members of Congress during its two last sessions (among

And there within the open grave, we heard the thrilling these Calhoun, Clay, Mann, Webster and General Bailey sound

Of the clods that slid on thy coffin's lid,

When the spade was passed around

to whom please refer for proof of what I say.) I ask of you, as I have asked, and shall ask, of the proprietors of the several monthly and quarterly periodicals, that you

By those among thy funeral train, who joined in the sad make me proper remuneration for this my labor in your


And piled that heap, above thy sleep, Which hides thee from our sight.

behalf. Mind, I am not begging, but am trying to collect my honest dues. Yours, truly,

G. W. EVELEth.

'Tis true our grief is selfish, for we know that thou art Gentlemen proprietors of Sou. Lit. Messenger.


In Heaven above, where all is love, And the weary soul finds rest.

We do not see how our correspondent could have expressed himself more decidedly or concisely, as to the purpose he has in view, unless

Yet tears will fall like raindrops, when mem'ry turns to indeed he had employed the alternative saluta


And fondly traces, scenes and places,

Where thou wert wont to be

tion of STAND AND DELIVER. We have but a note or two to submit. In the first place, let it be known that it is due to George Washington

Then paints the gentle virtues, which so adorned thy life, Eveleth (we suppose this is his name) and to

Gracing each sphere, filled by thee here,

Of Sister, Mother, Wife.

him alone, that the postage on Magazines and Reviews has been reduced. We have no evi

Farewell, farewell, sweet spirit! our guardian angel be, dence of the fact but his own statement, but
Pray for us! Pray! Guide us the way
That leads to Heaven and Thee!

[blocks in formation]


"hisu." In the second place, let it be under-, ered as part payment. Two bands of music in attendance stood that our friend is no beggar, but only a stickler for his "honest dues,” to which we say in all sincerity—"we wish he may get it."

There's a cook for you! Why, le grand Vatel himself never thought of any such triumph as As for the "proper remuneration" which this. What a great exercise of gastronomical George expects from us, we are constrained talent is it by which, upon the payment of a certo declare, that having duly reflected upon tain entrance fee, one may be transported "out the matter, we can give him none other than of England into France" in sitting down to dinthe notoriety of our editorial comment. If he ner! And what economy of locomotion is it to has written to the distinguished men to whom find yourself in California, within a stone's throw he refers, as impudent letters as the one given of the Crystal Palace. The bands, we suppose, above, we should be at a loss to say what his keep up the illusion with national airs; so that "proper remuneration" would be. The perse- one eats his paté de foie gras to the tune of the cuted shade of Mr. Calhoun might cry out for, Marseillaise, or has his maccaroni served up with the thumb-screw; the living should declare in the music of Massaniello. Canvass-back ducks the flesh what more suitable reward might be are unfortunately beyond M. Soyer's reach or given. One thing is certain, that when we de- they might make a good accompaniment to Yansire to act upon Congress in any case of wished-kee Doodle. for reform, we shall not go to the State of Maine for our advocate, nor ask the intervention of Mr. George Washington Eveleth.


The oppressive heat of July in the cities, has driven the inhabitants to the sea-board and to the mountainous districts in large numbers. From We notice with very great satisfaction the the very great travel in the direction of the Virmovement of the Board of Visitors of the Uni- ginia Springs, we are constrained to think that versity of Virginia, at their recent annual ses- many have acted upon the suggestion thrown sion. in creating an assistant Professorship of out by us, in our last number, on the subject of Law in that institution, and electing to the chair | Domestic Tourism" and have determined to so suitable a person as James P. Holcombe, Esq. visit Southern watering places in preference to This gentleman is known to the legal fraternity merely fashionable resorts of New York and throughout the country as author of many excel-New England. We only wish that we could lent works on Law, and will bring to the duties, ourselves get away from the hot and dreary rouof his new station a fund of professional know- tine of editorial duty to the breezy ridges of the ledge and an acquaintance with the forms of interior; but editors may rarely, and only for practice that, exercised in connection with the high abilities of Professor Minor, will make the University Law School the best in the United States. Mr. Holcombe is a Virginian and an alumnus of the University, and is, in private life, an estimable and accomplished gentleman.

We believe that we may claim the credit of having given to the world the most satisfactory and elaborate treatise that has yet appeared upon the genius and resources of Mons. Alexis Soyer. Our readers will recollect, of course, the article on "Conservative Cookery" to which we allude, published in the Messenger for April, 1850. It is interesting to trace the movements of this illustrious mau, and we therefore clip from a London file, the last advertisement relating to him. Here it is:

"Soyer's gigantic encampment of all Nations is now open, situated in the park-like Pré d'Orsay, Gore House (opposite the Crystal Palace,) in which 1,500 persons may dine together. It is so arranged, that parties wishing to dine in France, Italy, America, California, or any other part of the globe, have merely to trace the table bearing the name of the required country, when they can be served with a cold collation. The entrance fee consid

brief periods, enjoy the dolce far niente of mid-
summer holiday. For a few days during the
month past, we had the good fortune to revel in
the salt-water diversions of Old Point Comfort,
and we allude to the fact here, only for the pur-
pose of rendering our tribute of praise to the
obliging proprietors of the Hygeia Hotel, whose
enterprise has provided an establishment where
all such as would dip themselves in the sea, may
find agreeable quarters. The return to town,
after such relaxation, predisposes one for the
shade of the country, and forcibly recalls the
well-known stanzas of Hood-

The sun his daily course renews
Due east, but with no eastern dews;
The path is dry and hot!
His setting shows more tamely still,
He sinks behind no purple hill,
But down a chimney pot!

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Oh! well may poets make a fuss
In summer time, and sigh " O rus!"

Of city pleasures sick :

My heart is all at pant to rest

In Greenwood shades-my eyes detest
This endless meal of brick!

to assure our readers that in subscribing for it they will not only encourage the much neglected cause of Southern letters, but secure for themselves a publication whose weekly visits will afford them perennial delight. Mr. Baldwin's forte, we think, is in essay-writing, and we are Southern literature is looking up decidedly. not sure that some of his efforts in this line would De Bow of the Commercial Review, has of late not compare favorably with the best vein of devoted a considerable space in that excellent Leigh Hunt. We confidently expect great things publication to Belles-Lettres and thereby greatly of him. increased its interest. The Southern Quarterly comes to us invariably filled with interesting materiel, and the Literary Gazette of Charleston continues to supply its weekly quota of pleasant reading. Mr. Richards is a man of industry, besides being a poet, and the Gazette bears abun

dant evidence of his taste and zeal.
We are
glad to hear of his success in his excellent under
taking. But in a recent number of his paper,
among many things to delight the litterateur, we
observed something that did not please us.

Medio de fonte leporum
Surgit aliquid amari.

It was the (no doubt, accidental) appropriation of a poem which we published some time since, entitled "Hymn from the Prairies. By J. Clement." Iu mentioning this, we may also suggest to the compiler of "Marked Passages" in the same number of the Gazette, that it is hardly a sufficient acknowledgment of a beautiful selection, to credit it to "Tuckerman," without adding the name of the work for which Tuckerman wrote it. Yet a paragraph from this writer's characterization of Hawthorne, which has appeared no where else than in the Messenger and was written expressly for our June number, is merely attributed to the author without alluding to this magazine as its vehicle of transmission to the public.

This matter frankly stated, we must say that we hold that Southern man utterly without excuse who passes by such literary issues as the Gazette, the Commercial and Quarterly Reviews, or our own magazine-all representing the Southern mind and devoted to the support of Southern institutions, to take Northern works in no degree superior and often full of rancorous hostility to our social system.

George E. Dabney, Esq., well known to our readers as one of the most valuable contributors to the Messenger, has recently accepted the post of Professor of Ancient Languages in Richmond College. Mr. Dabney for many years discharged this office most worthily in Washington College at Lexington, and we are glad that the services of so useful a man are not to be lost to the public.

Notices of New Works.


Lectures Delivered before the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, December 5th and 6th, 1850. By the Right Honorable THE EARL OF CARLISLE, (Lord Morpeth.) New York: G. P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. 1851.

There seems to be as little connection between the subif the Right Honorable the Earl of Carlisle had bound up jects discussed in the small volume now under our eye, as together a treatise on farriery and some thoughts on the National Debt. The Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, before whom these two Lectures were pronounced, we suppose, must be responsible for the we have now to do only with his Lordship's reflections on incongruous character of the publication. For ourselves America, and we shall therefore dismiss his very extravagant estimate of the Twickenham poet, with applying, in answer to a question of our own, a single line of this writhe names of Pope and Carlisle. The line is well-known ter's verse, which arises to us by association in coupling as following the query,

What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards? the silliness of a ridiculous book? Our interrogatory is different. We ask what can relieve

Alas, not all the blood of all the Howards!

In all candor we must say, that we consider Lord Morpeth's Lecture on his American travels, by far the shallowest thing we have ever seen from any man who had the least reputation for good sense-we will not say wit or depth of observation. If Mr. Webster or Mr. Clay had visited Europe and delivered, after his return, before any Literary association in America, an essay so distressingly

We welcome with unaffected pleasure the appearance of "THE MAGNOLIA," a literary weekly which has just come out in this city. The editor, OLIVER P. BALDWIN, Esq. is every way tertained of his fitness any longer to legislate for, or serve void of merit as this, serious doubts would have been enfitted to conduct it with spirit and good taste, the American people. Indeed, his Lordship seems himwriting, as he does, with rare facility and feli-self to have a very just notion of the nature of the percity, and having at ready command very remark-formance, when he laments, that from the limits assigned able stores of illustration drawn from extensive him, his remarks "must be the merest superficial skimming of the subject that can be conceived." reading. The numbers of the Magnolia which have Lord Morpeth, in coming to America, had one considalready been published, afford us ample ground 'erable advantage over the majority of his countrymen

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