
among other things, to determine, whether the Northern Lights, feen at the fame time, in different places, are in reality, the fame meteors placed at a great height, or different phenomena, merely local, and not much elevated, as is the opinion of fome modern authors who have treated this fubject fince M. DE. MAIRAN. In this difcuffion, our Author will draw confiderable affiftance from the comparison of phenomena perceived, at the fame time, in different places, and also from three learned differtations, published by M. BERGMAN, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sweden.

4. As to the influences of the Northern Light upon certain phenomena, fuch as magnetism, the electricity of the atmosphere, and the temperature of the atmosphere, M. VAN SWINDEN proposes to treat largely on these interesting fubjects. The article of magnetism has attracted, particularly, his attention, and the observations he has made, during eight years paft, on that phenomenon, will be employed with advantage in the present investigation. Under the article of electricity, he will have occafion to difcufs the following question, Whether the air is more charged with the electrical fluid, during the appearance or the approach of the Northern Light, than at other times? And as to the influence of this meteor on the temperature of the atmoSphere, he means to inquire, whether it be true, as fome obfervers have affirmed, that the appearance of the Northern Light is ordinarily followed by high winds; an obfervation that has been made by fome navigators, and which Dr. Franklin has endeavoured to explain.

5. The caufes that have been fuppofed to produce the northern light may be reduced to five :-the vapours and exhalations of the earth, which hypothefis is now alnioft entirely rejectedthe ice and fnow of the polar zone, which opinion has been revived by the learned Abbé Hell, in his Ephemerides of 1777the effluvia of magnetic particles, which was Halley's fyftem-the zodiacal light, which is the fyftem of DE MAIRAN-and the electrical fluid, which has, fince his time, put in bold pretenfions to the honour of producing the aurora borealis. All thefe causes our learned Profeffor propofes to difcufs with attention, as alfo to confider the doubts and conjectures which may arise from these difcuffions.

We cannot here infert, for want of room, a fpecimen of the table, or chronological lift of the northern lights, which we find at the end of M. VAN SWINDEN's plan; but we have seen nothing of the kind fo accurate, so circumftantial, and fo com

• For the Doctor's hypothefis, relative to the Aurora Borealis, fee his miscellaneous and philofophical pieces, lately published; or our account of it, in the Review for last month, p. 207.


plete. It is, beyond all comparison, fuperior to that of M. DE MAIRAN in every respect.

Before we close this Article, we fhould obferve that the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris have applauded the undertaking of Profeffor Van Swinden, and expreffed their defire of feeing it fpeedily executed, as they think it muft contribute, in such judicious hands, to encrease our knowledge of the curious phenomenon in question, and of the effects which refult from and depend upon it.

M. VAN SWINDEN has lately published an academical dif- · course concerning the Newtonian philofophy, of which we shall give an account in a fubfequent Review. We feel a peculiar pleasure in embracing every occafion that offers of doing justice to the eminent merit of this excellent philofopher.



Art. 11. Confiderations on the Laws between Debtors and Creditors; and an Abitract of the Infolvent Acts. With Thoughts on a Bill to enable Creditors to recover the Effects of their Debtors, and to abolish Imprisonment for Debt. 8vo. I s. 6d. Bew. 1779.

HIS Writer is not fufficiently mafter of his own opinion, to be

Table to inform or regulate that of the public. He appears

indeed convinced himfelf, and takes fome pains to convince others, that great abuses flow from the laws between debtors and creditors; but till he can point out in human fociety, any inftitution which fraud and villany cannot pervert against the ends for which it was defigned, he must content himself with pathetically lamenting the evils which he cannot remedy. Laws are in their nature general. We fee the mifchiefs that their promifcuous operation produces in particular inftances. We forget, or do not perceive, the good effects with which they are attended upon the whole.

This pamphlet embraces a twofold object, and each is dictated by humanity. The Author (whofe humanity, though it be greater than his judgment, certainly merits praife) firft takes the fide of the creditor against the arts of the dishoneft and fraudulent debtor: and afterwards, that of the debtor against the cruel and unrelenting creditor. In one cafe, the laws, it feems, are too fevere against the debtor. In the former cafe, they are too mild, and too easily evaded. To correct these oppofite defects (if the charge do not deftroy itself by its inconfiftency), and to find a middle path between them, requires the matureft political wifdom. We are afraid that no human laws can reach the human heart; and when an artful head and a corrupt heart meet, they must always prove an over-match for undefigning fimplicity, though guarded by all the legislative cautions and provifos that ever were fuggefted. The Laws between Debtors and Creditors will be found like others,

"Still for the ftrong too weak, the weak too ftrong."


We have a better opinion of this Writer's powers of description, than of his talents for legiflation. However, as he recommends a standing legislative provifion on the principles of the late infolvent ads, we may here fafely truft him lefs on his own credit than on the wisdom of Parliament, which, by paffing these acts fo frequently, has, in effect, shewn the neceflity of a perpetual infolvent act. The chief impediment to this great object, this Writer imagines to be the profeffors (we fuppofe, he means the law practifers) of the law; whose gains, he tells us, rife in proportion to the loffes of others, and to whom the legislature leaves the fubjects of the state, as sheep to the dogs of their drivers: they are fleeced of all that can be got, and then barked into prison, that gaolers and their followers may take what lawyers and their fubordinates have left behind.

"There are a part of his Majefty's subjects, forty thousand or fo, whose revenues rife in part from the law that arrefts the perfon, and leaves the property of the debtor in his hands, to contend with the creditor. Every man that is arrested, if he is not under a neceflity, is generally in a humour, to go to law with his creditor. Every writ is a dividend to the profeffion of the law; and an act to give liberty to debtors, and their property to their creditors, would be a law, though neither offenfive to justice, mercy, or the good of his Majesty's induftrious fubjects, yet it would prejudice the intereft of a numerous learned profeffion, who live with great, good management on the labours of their fellow-fubjects. This is the great objection against the Bill propofed; and if the learned profeffion unite together in one fcale, they will probably be found to outweigh the most evident interests of the whole community in the other."

To take off the edge from thefe harsh and illiberal reflections, we fhall just observe, that the prefent Bill, now depending before Parliament (called Lord Beauchamp's Bill), was not only penned by à great lawyer of the prefent day, but has been also warmly fupported by him in the House of Commons; the truth is, the most formidable oppofition to it has arifen not from the tribe of men above alluded to (whom the Author wildly reckons at " forty thousand or fo"), but from the trading part of the community, who were apprehenfive that fuch a mealure would clip the wings of credit.

We hope, however, the experiment will be tried; and that the call of humanity, now fo powerfully made on the legislature, will not be deadened by the clamours of mistaken selfishness in fome creditors, and the vindictive tyranny of others.

Art. 12. A Brief Inquiry into the Justice and Policy of Long Confinement for Debt. With a View of all the Infolvent Acts. 8vo. 1 S. Bew.

Exhibits in a clear manner the ill policy, inutility, and cruelty, of vesting creditors with a power of confining infolvent debtors, to the utter ruin of individuals and their families, and the injury of the community in general.

Mr. Wallace, Solicitor General.


Refpecting IRELAND.

Art. 13, A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord North, on his Propositions in favour of Ireland. By Francis Dobbs, Efq; Barrifter at Law. Dublin, printed; London, reprinted. 8vo. 6d. Bladon. 1778.

If Ireland does not affume the language and conduct of North America, the fault will not reft with Mr. Dobbs, who seems ready to dye his bar-gown red to obtain a nominal diminutive independency, which could not perhaps be permanent.

Art. 14. Seafonable Advice to the People of Ireland, during the prefent Recefs of Parliament. Dublin printed, London reprinted. Evo. 6d. Wilkie. 1:80.

A fenfible, temperate reprefentation, calculated to conciliate the minds of the two nations.

Art. 15. Thoughts on a Fund for the Improvement of Credit in Great Britain; and the Establishment of a National Bank in Ireland. 8vo. I 1 s. Murray. 1780.

Among the fchemes for national improvement and convenience, that of funding is the most myfterious in its operations; at least to as authors,-whofe ftudies are rather directed to overturn the unreafonable credit which our bookfellers wish to establish in their dealings with us. We therefore refer this fubject to the mature confideration of the Irish patriots, whom it more immediately concerns;-obferving only, in general terms, that the pamphlet appears to be fenfibly written; and that the thoughts contained in it deferve the mature confideration of all who may be interested in the scheme propofed, on either fide of the water.


Art. 16. Political Reveries, and Utopian Schemes for the Welfare of Great Britain and Ireland. By an Idle Man. With a Plan for new modelling the British Forces by Sea and Land. 8vo. 1 s. 6 d. Richardfon, in the Strand. 178c. Where political fchemes, various and extenfive in their objects, are formed, they are properly characterized as of an Utopian nature, Our prefent Idle Man is a bufy writer, and difcuffes many parts of our national policy, both internal and external. He decides against the probability of our reducing the continent of America, and would have our colonies to confift only of islands, that might be controuled by our fleets. He protests against draining away our men for foreign land fervice, and would raife German troops with British money for all fuch occafions, to diminish the inconveniencies of a halfpay lift. He is for reducing our land forces according to this idea, and for increafing our marines and artillery; properly remarking, that, as an infular power, all our forces ought to be of an amphibious nature. But our Author does not confine himself to these objects; his Reveries extend incidentally to the most effectual mode of raifing taxes; the propriety of an equal land-tax; the fale of churchlands, and thofe in public trufts; the planting oaks for fhip-building; a frict application of the finking fund; a general naturalization, &c.; fo that his purchafers have variety enough for their money. Without following fo multifarious an author through all his meanders,

We fhall conclude with intimating, that while a writer of any abilities indulges his reveries, he may throw out remarks, and start hints in the course of impracticable plans, that may nevertheless deferve ferious attention.

Art. 17. The Speech of Leonard Smelt, Efq; delivered by him at the Meeting of the County of York, Dec. 30, 1779, with Notes Variorum. 8vo. 2 S. York printed, and fold by Faulder, in London.

The Editor obferves, in his advertisement, that as this fpeech was not taken down in fhort-hand, the prefent copy is not to be confidered as pretending to be an exact copy of every word that was spoken by Mr. Smelt; but as it was put together from the notes taken by feveral gentlemen prefent, the Public may rely on its authenticity in point of argument and of fentiment, as much as on that of any fpeech in parliament that is not immediately publifhed under the Author's own infpection. He adds, it is prefumed that the Public will accordingly rely on "it, till its inaccuracy fhall be proved by another edition, fo authenti"cated."-Another edition, jo authenticated, has been published, and the difference between the two copies is great indeed (fee the next article)! The notes to the present copy will, however, be efteemed by many Readers, as containing a variety of fhrewd political obfervations.

Art. 18. An Account of fome Particulars relative to the Meeting beld at York, on Thursday, the 30th of December, 1779. By Leonard Smelt, Efq. 8vo. 1s. Becket.

The public prints have fufficiently informed us of the odium which this gentleman incurred by freely declaring his fentiments in a general affembly, profeffedly held to collect the opinions of the county. He complains that his fpeech has been mifreprefented, both in manner and fubftance, and he therefore does himself justice in this publication.

No one who has ever attended a numerous affembly of this nature, will boaft much of the maturity of their deliberations, or of the liberality of their proceedings. When a particular point is to be carried, any indifcreet individual who ventures to open his mouth against it, is fure to be hooted into filence, and may efteem himself happy if he escapes actual violence, while the favourites of the meeting may procure their eager fanction to any thing they are prepared to offer.

But when the profeffed advocates for liberty become arbitrary, which is fometimes the cafe where their predominant humour is oppofed, they act like fome of the early reformers, who no fooner revolted against the errors of the Romish church, and formed little ecclefiaftical establishments themselves, than up ftarted fuch petty PoPES as Calvin, who employed thofe faggots, they had juft escaped, against their brethren. It is a mild rebuke to apply the words in the gofpel to those who have liberty in their mouths, and tyranny in their hearts -Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of.

Mr. Smelt does not, in this authentic copy of his speech, appear to be altogether the abject tool of defpotifm which he has been reprefented to be by his violent commentators on the other fide of the queftion.


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