
determined to reject. The result was that the Scholarship was thrown open to public competition, a valuable prize in those days, for it led in due course to a Fellowship. I well remember the astonishment of the future Fellow, when, on his return from a boating expedition that evening, he was told he must start next morning for Oxford. However, not much persuasion was required, and, although there were some worthy competitors, Charles was successful at the examination; the thing that struck the examiners being the wide range of his reading for so young a man. The preferment then won he retained till his death.

At Oxford he was a diligent, energetic student, reading widely and systematically; and, although he failed to obtain the highest honours in the University examinations, he was generally allowed to be one of the ablest men of his standing. Perhaps in reading he did not keep the schools sufficiently in view to achieve the greatest success; but I suppose few at the present time will be found to maintain that a competitive examination is the most desirable stimulus for the best minds, or even an infallible means of discovering them.

I am sorry to have but few records of my brother's undergraduate life, which admit of being introduced in a memoir. The following extracts, however, will serve to give some glimpses of a routine of hard work lightened by genial sympathy with the thoughts and pursuits of others

As an undergraduate he was a very industrious student,

"In the Moderations List he obtained a second class. but was so little below the standard of a First as to make me feel (I was an Examiner at the time) that a very slight difference in the chances of the Examination would have secured him that position."-From a letter rom Mr. Robinson Ellis.

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Another Examiner also writes, "I examined him in the Final Classical School. He showed great ability and very considerable knowledge. His philosophical papers I thought quite on a level with the best sent in that time."

with a decided bent towards speculative philosophy. . . . Even in his freshman's term, nearly twenty years ago, two or three of his friends used to meet on Sunday evenings in each others' rooms and read philosophical books, among which Mansel's Bampton Lectures, then in the height of their fame, found a prominent place. The choice was not very happy, perhaps, and it was only Appleton's philosophical ardour which kept the little band together; the others soon found the food too strong for them, but he relished it heartily, and would not allow his friends to relinquish their chosen task.1

A contemporary adds the reminiscence :

If one was with him late in the evening, one would invariably see the faggot brought in and laid in the fender, that he might light his own fire and begin work before any servants came into college.

Another friend writes to me as follows:



When I went up as an undergraduate to Oxford in October, 1863, my first visit was to Appleton's rooms. It was on a Saturday night, at about half-past seven, when I found my way to "No. I, first quad., I pair, left hand door;" his" oak" was sported," but as soon as he discovered it was none of his college friends, he opened the door and welcomed me warmly to Oxford. He was now reading steadily for "Greats," and made a point of arranging his work so as to get to bed very early; but he went out of his way to keep me talking, and even walked out with me to see my rooms and gave me some hints about furnishing. It was the first of the many proofs he gave me of the genuine, practical interest he took in

his friends.

This term it was his custom to get up at four o'clock in the morning, light his fire, make some coffee and then work till nine. After a short interval for breakfast, he read on till midday, and then gave a long afternoon to exercise and recreation.

Though he was so busy, he allowed me to see a good deal of him even before the schools began. I found he had given up the idea of taking Orders and was now thinking of the Bar. One day we had a long talk about "Church principles," and he seemed satisfied that a good case could be made out for them. He was at this time inclined to the opinions of

1 From the obituary notice in the Athenæum, Feb. 22, 1879.

Maurice and Stanley, and something gave me the impression that Stanley had had a good deal of influence upon him.

On November 21, 1863, I wrote in my diary: "Appleton has just been to see me and we have had a walk. He has missed his First, but in very good company; for there are two or three men in the second, whom everybody expected to find in the first class."

His disappointment in the final schools did not make him. a less eager student than he was before. Having put aside, at least for the present, the thought of the Bar, he gave himself up earnestly to philosophy. I saw much of him during the next three years; and he used to talk often, and always with deep seriousness, of the questions which lie at the foundation of philosophy and theology. He was one of those men-not too many-who are in earnest about philosophy. His conversations gave me a clear idea of the nature and the bearings of the Hegelian system, and he put before me with great plainness and force the reasons which led him to think this philosophy the true one....

On Monday, October 22, 1866, I wrote in my diary: "Appleton lunched with me to-day and we walked out afterwards. He has been much troubled lately with weakness in one eye, and Dr. Symonds has advised him to avoid all reading for a time; so I have promised to read to him in the evening three times a week out of some book that may be useful to both of us. We shall begin with Mill's "Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy." Dr. Symonds' treatment was successful, and by the end of term the weakness was nearly cured.

About this time your brother took an interest in a friend of mine, A—, of Balliol, who had just been received into the Roman Catholic Church, and showed all that earnest curiosity about a position so different from his own, which I had noticed so often before to be characteristic of him. We had some talk about an article, which appeared at the beginning of November in the Daily News, accusing the High Church party in Oxford of systematic proselytism by means of brotherhoods, party lectures and personal influence. This charge Appleton did not think a fair one, and could not agree with his Liberal friends about it.

After I had taken my degree, I saw Appleton oftener than before, in company with his graduate friends, and used to enjoy listening to his conversation with them. One evening

I remember Laing of Wadham dining with him and discussing the subject of Monasticism in England, on which we afterwards heard Appleton read a paper at a meeting of the Architectural Society.1

About this time (Lent Term, 1868), he used to join me in going to Green of Balliol's college-lecture on Modern Philosophy. His interest in this subject seemed always to be uppermost, and to find its centre in the great problems common to philosophy and theology. He was reading, about this time, the history of the Port Royal, and studying the subject of miracles. . . .

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When I returned to Oxford in January, 1870, after an absence of a year, Appleton was kind enough to ask me to be sub-editor of the Academy, which he had recently started. He was enthusiastic about the undertaking. . . . and gave up nearly all his time to it. We used to sit down to work at a quarter-past nine in the morning, and left off about halfpast three, allowing a very short interval for lunch. Sometimes also, we worked in the evening, and then Cheyne came to help us.

Shortly after I went to Cambridge in January, 1877, your brother wrote to tell me of his intention to send a paper on the subject of "Doctrinal Development" to the Contemporary Review, or the Nineteenth Century; and I think I wrote to him twice in reply, sending (as he had requested me) what struck me as the best references to various works of Dr. Newman.

A few days before coming to the Oratory on Michaelmas Day, 1877, I dined with him at Hampstead and slept at his house. We had a long talk on the question of Development and the nature of Revelation, and next morning I parted from him and said "Goodbye" for the last time.

I am indebted to the Rev. T. A. F. Eaglesim, of the Birmingham Oratory, for the above interesting communication. It passes considerably beyond the time which we have reached in our narrative, but it seemed best to let it run on without interruption to the end.

My brother took his B.A. degree in October, 1863, and,

At the first Meeting of the Society in Trinity Term, 1868. An abstract of the Lecture was published.


* He subsequently took the Degree of D.C.L., in June, 1871.

after a short holiday, drew out for himself a course of reading in Philosophy, Law and History, which, with the occasional interruption of pupils, fully occupied his time until a long-cherished project' of a residence at one or more German universities could be realized. His scheme of study was no doubt framed in great measure with a view to the proposed sojourn in Germany, so that he might be able to gain the greatest advantage from the lectures he hoped to hear from the professors at Heidelberg, Halle and Berlin. He marked out his time and work with characteristic method:

Each month must consist of four weeks of six days, and each day of a good six hours' reading . . . . the hours kept and the work done to be noted in this book; public lectures, and light biographical, poetical and novel reading not to count.

It is interesting to observe that he read Hegel's "Propädeutik" in the early part of 1864, and soon commenced a translation of it, upon which he spent a considerable time during the next three or four years, until the engrossing work of the Academy compelled him to lay it aside. On Dec. 23, 1865, I find the following note, written at Berlin, which shows the expansion of his plan under the influence of his German studies:

My so-called "Translation of the Propädeutik" has increased into the following scheme :


Introduction: (a) Characteristics of Propädeutik; (b) Explanation of technical terms, with parallel passages; (c) Analysis of the four parts of the work; (d) Account of the Parallel Works"-i.e., i. "The Philosophy of Right"; ii. Phenomenology; iii. Logic; iv. Encyclopædia-in outline.

A. Essay on Philosophy of Right.

Notes and Translation.

1 An old schoolfellow writes; "Long before he left school he had formed the plan, which he afterwards carried out, of adding study in Germany to the university course at Oxford."

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