78th Foot, Lieutenant-General Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B. from the 72nd Regiment of Foot, to be Colonel, vice General Paul Anderson, deceased. Dated 29th December 1851. 1st West India Regiment, Ensign William Arnold Arnold Wallinger to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Bourne, who retires. Dated 2nd January 1852. HOSPITAL STAFF. Acting Assistant-Surgeon John Lyster Jameson to be Assistant-Surgeon to the Forces, vice Barrow, promoted on the Staff. Dated 2nd January 1852. UNATTACHED. Brevet Major Henry William Bunbury, from the 33rd Foot, to be Major, by purchase. Dated 2nd January 1852. MEMORANDUM. Major James Adair, upon half-pay Unattached, has been permitted to retire from the Army by the sale of his Commission, he being about to become a Settler in Canada. Dated 2nd January 1852. The Christian names of Lieutenant Eaton, of the 26th Foot, are "Sackville Hamilton Molesworth." The Commission of Lieutenant James Lambert Byrne, of the 2nd West India Regiment, has been dated 26th December 1851, and not 27th December 1851, as stated in the Gazette of the 26th of that month. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of JANUARY 6, 1852. AT the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of December 1851, The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council was pleased to approve and ratify the schemes prepared (as set forth in the Gazette) by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England For authorizing the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the sub-deanery of the cathedral church of Lincoln. For substituting a money payment to the prebendary of the prebend of Wistow, in the cathedral church of York, for the property belonging to his prebend. Foreign-Office, January 1, 1852. The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint Lord Augustus Loftus, now Paid Attaché to Her Majesty's Legation at Stuttgardt, to be Secretary to Her Majesty's Legation at that Court. The Queen has also been graciously pleased to appoint George Frederick Herman, Esq. now British Vice-Consul at Bengazi, to be Her Majesty's Consul at Tripoli. Whitehall, January 2, 1852. The Right Honourable Sir George Grey, Bart., G.C.B., one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, has appointed the undernamed Gentlemen to be Inspectors of Coal Mines in Great Britain: Thomas Wynne, Esq. Office of Ordnance, 5th January 1852. Royal Regiment of Artillery. Second Captain James Drummond Telfer to be Adjutant, vice Maude, promoted. Dated 9th March 1851. Second Captain Disney Frederick Russel to be Adjutant, vice Domvile, promoted. Dated 16th April 1851. Second Captain John Fraser Lodington Baddeley to be Adjutant, vice Wodehouse, promoted. Dated 29th April 1851. Corps of Royal Engineers. • Second Captain Conolly McCausland to be Captain, vice Howorth, retired on full pay. Dated 20th December 1851. First Lieutenant Millington Henry Synge to be Second Captain, vice Mc Causland. Dated 20th December 1851. Second Lieutenant Henry Sandeman to be First Lieutenant, vice Synge. Dated 20th December 1851. Second Lieutenant Gerald Graham, with temporary rank, to be Second Lieutenant, with permanent rank. Dated 19th June 1850. Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners. Second Captain Harry St. George Ord, of the Royal Engineers, to be Adjutant, vice Fanshawe, who resigns the Adjutancy only. Dated 1st January 1852. Admiralty, 30th December 1851. Corps of Royal Marines. Gentleman Cadet Edward Congreve Langley Durnford to be Second Lieutenant. Gentleman Cadet Edward Gladstone to be Second Lieutenant. Gentleman Cadet Ussher Lee Morris to be Second Lieutenant. Gentleman Cadet Joseph George Shanks to be Second Lieutenant. Gentleman Cadet Arthur Charles Joshua Mc Meekam to be Second Lieutenant. Gentleman Cadet George Frederick Walker to be Second Lieutenant. Warwickshire Regiment of Militia. The Lord Lieutenant has cancelled the Commission of Philip Tranter, Gent. to be Surgeon. Commission dated 25th April 1851. A warrant of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, dated the 31st day of December 1851, appoints under the authority of "An Act to amend the laws relating to the customs," a certain place, called the New or Northern Quay, within the port of Penzance, to be a legal quay for the lading and unlading of goods. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury having certified to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, in pursuance of the Act, 10th Geo. 4, c. 27, sec. 1, that the actual surplus revenue of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, beyond the actual expenditure thereof, for the year ended the 10th day of October 1851, amounted to the sum of two million nine hundred and seventynine thousand and eleven pounds eleven shillings and six pence; The Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt hereby give notice, that the sum of seven hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-two pounds seventeen shillings and ten pence, being one-fourth part of the said surplus of two million nine hundred and seventynine thousand and eleven pounds eleven shillings and six pence will be applied, under the provisions of the said Act, between the 7th day of January 1852, and the 5th day of April 1852, to the following purposes; viz.: To be applied to the purchase of Stock....... .. 744,752 17 10 3,877 11 10 £748,630 98 National Debt Office, January 1, 1852. A. Y. Spearman, Comptroller-General. Brampton Union, Brampton Parish. An Order from the Poor Law Board, to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Brampton, in the county of Cumberland, and to all others whom it may concern, dated the 9th day of August 1851, directs that so much of the Act passed in the 14th year of the reign of Her Majesty, intituled "An Act to prevent the holding of vestry and other meetings in churches, and for regulating the appointment of |