pool, may be increased from 10,000 to 15,000 barrels, of 100 lbs. each. By order of the Master-General, W. Cotton. ADMIRALTY NOTICE RESPECTING LIGHTS TO BE CARRIED BY SEA-GOING VESSELS TO PREVENT COLLISION. By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. &c. By virtue of the power and authority vested in Us by the Act 14 and 15 Victoria, Cap. 79, dated 7th August, 1851, we hereby require and direct that the following Regulations be strictly observed: Steam Vessels. All British Sea-going Steam Vessels (whether propelled by Paddles or Screws) shall within all Seas, Gulfs, Channels, Straits, Bays, Creeks, Roads, Roadsteads, Harbours, Havens, Ports, and Rivers, and under all circumstances, between sunset and sunrise, exhibit Lights of such description, and in such manner, as hereinafter mentioned, viz : A Bright White Light at the Foremast Head. When under Steam. A Green Light on the Starboard A Red Light on the Port Side. 1. The Mast-head Light is to be visible at a distance of at least five miles in a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, and the Lantern is to be so constructed as to shew a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of twenty points of the Compass, being ten points on each side of the Ship, viz. from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side. 2. The Green Light on the Starboard side is to be visible at a distance of at least two miles in a dark night, with a clear atmosphere; and the Lantern is to be so constructed as to shew a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the Compass, viz. from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the Starboard side. 3. The Red Light on the Port side is likewise to be fitted so as to throw its light the same distance on that side. 4. The side Lights are moreover to be fitted with screens, on the inboard side, of at least three feet long, to prevent the lights from being seen across the bow. When at Anchor.-A Common Bright Light. Sailing Vessels. We hereby require that all Sailing Vessels when under sail, or being towed, approaching or being approached by any other Vessel, shall be bound to shew between sunset and sunrise a bright light in such a position as can be best seen by such vessel or vessels, and in sufficient time to avoid collision. All Sailing Vessels at anchor in Roadsteads or Fairways, shall be also bound to exhibit between sunset and sunrise, a constant bright light at the Mast-head, except within Harbours or other places where regulations for other Lights for Ships are legally established. The Lantern to be used when at anchor, both by Steam Vessels and Sailing Vessels, is to be so constructed as to shew a clear good light all round the horizon. We hereby revoke all Regulations heretofore made by us relating to Steam Vessels exhibiting or carrying Lights; and we require that the preceding Regulations be strictly carried into effect, on and after the 1st of August, 1852. Given under our hands the 1st day of May, 1852. HYDE PARKER. By Command of their Lordships, W. A. B. HAMILTON. Diagrams intended to illustrate the working of this mode of fitting Lights. 1ST SITUATION. B B B In this situation the Steamer A. will only see the Red Light of the Vessel B. in whichsoever of the three positions the latter may happen to be, because the Green Light will be hid from view. A. will be assured that the Port side of B. is towards him, and that the latter is therefore crossing the bows of A. in some direction to Port. A. will therefore (if so close as to fear collision) Port his helm with confidence, and pass clear. On the other hand, the Vessel B. in either of the three positions, will see the Red, Green, and Mast-head Lights of A. appear in a triangular form, by which the former will know that a Steamer is approaching directly towards him.-B. will act accordingly. It is scarcely necessary to remark that the Masthead Light will always be visible in every situation till abaft the Beam. 2ND SITUATION. A B Here A. will see B's Green Light only, which will clearly indicate to the former that B. is crossing to Starboard. Again A's three Lights being visible to B. will apprize the latter that a Steamer is steering directly towards him. A. and B. will see each other's Red Light only; the screens preventing the Green Lights from being seen. Both Vessels are evidently passing to Port. 4TH SITUATION. B Here a Green Light only will be visible to each; the screens preventing the Red Lights from They are therefore passing to Star being seen. board. Here the two coloured Lights, visible to each, will indicate their direct approach towards each other. In this situation both should put their helms to Port. Directions for fitting the Lights. The manner of fixing the Coloured Lights is to be particularly attended to. They should be fitted, each, with a screen of wood, on the inboard side, |