[ocr errors]

way, extent of, and when opened,
'43. 67; full account of, and of
its cost and high rate of charges,
&c., id. 73-76; restriction on its
dividends, id. 80.
Manchester and Sheffield Railway,
extent of, and length opened, '43.
68; some account of, id. 76.
Manufactures of Great Britain, ex-
port duty on (1842), '43. 119;
of cotton, duty on (1842), id.
102; hair, id. ib.; leather, id.
101; linen, id. 102; metals, id.
89; silk, id. 107; wool, id. 102.
Mark's Repository, Langham-place,
account of, '43. 249.
Market-gardeners, traders, '43. 165.
Marriage, offences against the law of,
not triable at sessions, '43. 151.
Marshalsea, consolidated with the
Queen's Bench, '43. 134; com-
mittals to, abolished, id. 135.
Mathematical sciences, references
for the history of, by A. De Mor-
gan, '43. 40-65.

Maturin, Rev. H., dies, '43. 127.
Mauritius, computed duration of

voyage to. '43. 161; value of ex-
ports to (1841), id. 187.
"May-Day in the reign of Queen
Elizabeth," plate of, copied by
electrotype process, '43. 18.
Meal, duty on (1842), '43. 132.
Melasses, duty on (1842), '43.

Memorandum of titles of public

Acts of the session of 1842 not
abstracted, '43. 171-176.
Menozzi, Domenico, dies, '43. 127.
Merchandize, &c., British, export
duties on (1842), '43. 119.
Merchant Vessels, Passengers in,
Regulation Act (5 and 6 Vict. c.
107), '43. 160-162.

Metals, duty on (1842), '43. 89.
Mexico, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Miller, Mr., principal engineer of

the Edinburgh and Glasgow Rail-
way, '43. 72.

Millers, traders, '43. 165.
Minerals, duty on (1842), '43. 89.
Mines and Collieries Regulation
Act (5 and 6 Vict. c. 99), '43.
158, 159.


customs duties

(1842), '43. 113.
Misprision of treason, not triable at
sessions, '43. 150.
Molasses, quantity imported from
West Indies and British Guiana,
from 1831 to 1841, '43. 189;
duty on (1842), id. 119.
Montucla, account of his "Histoire
des Mathematiques," '43. 43—46.
Morea, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Morocco, &c., value of exports to
(1841), '43. 187.

Morse, electrical telegraph, '43. 7.
Mortality, average of, dependent as
well on drainage, &c, as on other
circumstances, '43. 29; diminish-
ed by drainage, in Ely, id. 34;
wages not a fair test of average,
of, id. 30; average of, in prisons,
diminished by cleanliness, id. 34.
Moxhay's Building, account of, '43.

Mudie, R., dies, '43. 127.

Munster, Earl of, death of, '43. 127.
Murder, not triable at sessions, '43.
150; attempts, average convic-
tions for, in 1835, 1836, 1837,
1838, 1839, 1840, and 1841, id.

Musical compositions, copyright in,

'43. 153.


National Vaccine Institution, an-
nual report of (1841), '43. 39.
Naval stores, duty on (1842), '43.

Navy, expenses of (1841-2), 43.
Necrological table of literary men,
artists, and public characters,
from April 1841 to November
1842, 43. 127, 128.

Nelson Column, progress of, '43.
Nemours, Duke of, appointed Re-

gent of France, '43. 259.

New Orleans, duration of voyage to,
'43. 197.

South Wales Government Act
(5 and 6 Vict. c. 76), '43. 155,

156; sale of Crown waste lands

(5 and 6 Vict. c. 36), '43. 149,

New York, duration of voyage to,
'43. 197.

Zealand, value of exports to
(1841), '43. 187; computed du-
ration of voyage to, id. 161; sale
of Crown waste lands (5 and 6
Vict. c. 36), id. 149, 150.
Newspapers, number of stamps is-
sued for, and used during years
ending March 1840, 1841, and
1842, '43. 199.

Northern and Eastern Railway, ex-
tent of, and when opened, '43. 67.

Union Railway, its in-
tended line, '43. 66; several par-
ticulars relating to, id. 77-79.
Northumberland, Duke of, installed
Chancellor of Cambridge, '43.

Norway, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Norwich and Yarmouth Railway,

its intended line, 43. 66; some
particulars relating to, id. 78, 79;
projected line from, to Cambridge,
id. 80.

Nott, General, leaves Candahar,
'43. 259.

Notting-hill, proposed buildings at,
'43. 232.

Numerical abstract of petitions and
private bills for the session 1842,
43. 220-227.


Oaths, unlawful taking, &c., not
triable at sessions, '43. 151.
Oatmeal, duty on (1842), '43. 132.
Oats, duty on (1842), '43. 132;
price of, from 1828 to 1841, id.
Obituary of literary men, artists,
and public characters, from April
1841 to November 1842, '43.
127, 128.

O'Connor, Feargus, arrested, '43.

Occurrences. chronicle of, from
August 1841 to November 1842,
'43. 257-260.

[blocks in formation]

Pacioli, Lucas, his edition of Euclid,
its existence ascertained, '43. 40+.
Paddington improvements, '43.232.
Palestine, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Palmer, Col., evacuates Ghuznee,
'43. 257.

Mr. E., his electrotint in-
vention described, '43. 19, 20;
his glyphography described, id. 20.
Mr. Vaughan, his electro-
type plate from engraving, '43.
Parliament opened, '43. 201; chron-
icle of the session of, 5 and 6
Vict. (1842), id. 201-219;
length of the session of 1842,
number of its hours of sitting,
&c. &c., id. 219+; offences against,
not triable at sessions, id. 151.
Parliamentary documents, see AB-

[blocks in formation]

Passengers in Merchant Vessels,
Regulation Act (5 and 6 Vict. c.
107), 43. 160-162.
Parish Constables Appointment and
Payment Act (5 and 6 Vict. c.
109), 43. 163, 164.
Peas, duty on (1842), '43. 132.
Peel, Sir R., announces his financial

plans-proposed income tax, '43.
205; notice of motion for com-
mittee on corn laws, id. 201;
introduces his measure, id. 202.
Pensions, amount of (1841-2), '43.

[blocks in formation]

Pixis, F. W., dies, '43. 128.

Plating by electricity, described,
'43. 16.

Pollock, General, forces the Khyber
Pass, '43. 257.

Poor Law Amendment Continuance
Act (5 and 6 Vict. c. 57), '43.
154, 155.

Commissioners, their en-
quiry into the sanitory condition
of the labouring population, '43.

rates, value of real property
assessed to, in year ended 25th
March, 1841, in each county in
England and Wales; amount
levied, &c. &c. (1841), '43. 192,


Pope, the, orders prayers for the

Church in Spain, '43. 257.
Population of Great Britain, ratio of

increase of (1840), '43.188†; pro-
portion of, in each county of Eng-
land and Wales, to number of
acres assessed to poors' rate, id.
192; pressure of, not diminished
by epidemic diseases, id. 30.
Population, labouring, of Great Bri-
tain, sanitary condition of, '43.
Porcelain, duty on (1842), '43. 105.
Pork, salt, contract prices of, from
1835 to 1841, '43. 196.

Port Natal, insurrection at, '43. 257;
suppressed, id. 258.

Porter, Sir R. K., dies, '43. 127.
Portugal, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Post-office, revenue of (1841-2),
'43. 177; net produce of, in each
quarter ending October 1841 and
1842, id. 179; revenue of, for
month ending 5th January, 1840,
and ditto, 1842, id. 200; sums
paid by, for conveyance of mails
by railway, in 1838, 1839, 1840,
and 1841, id. ib.; money orders,
number of, issued and paid in
England and Wales, in several
quarters of 1839, 1840, 1841, and
1842, id. ib.

Pottinger, Major, massacred,'43. 257.
Poynter, Mr. A., architect of Christ

Church, Westminster, '43. 239.
Pozzo, Professor, dies, '43. 127.
di Borgo, Count, dies, '43.

Præmunire, not triable at sessions,
'43. 151.

Prison, Queen's. Act (5 Vict. c. 22),
'43. 134-136.

Prisons, three, consolidated and call-
ed the Queen's Prison, '43. 134.
Prisoners, classes of, in the Queen's

Prison, '43. 135; fees of, abolished
in several London prisous. id. ib.
Private Bills of the Session (5 and 6
Vict.), 1842, 43. 220-227;
comparative classification of, for
ten years, from 1833 to 1842, id.

Professions, tax on, '43. 136.
Property Tax Act (5 and 6 Vict.
c. 35), '43. 136-149; net revenue
of tax, for quarter ended 10th
October, 1842, '43. 179.

[blocks in formation]

Quarter Sessions, jurisdiction of
Justices of, Act (5 and 6 Vict.
c. 38), '43. 150, 151; courts may
be divided, id. 151.
Queen Victoria, fired at by Francis,

'43. 258; attempt to fire at, by
Bean, id. ib.; masked ball at the
palace, id. ib.; embarks for Scot-
land, id. 260; Act for the pro-
tection of her person (5 and 6
Vict. c. 51), id. 153, 154.
Queen's Bench Prison consolidated
with Fleet, &c., '43. 134.

Prison Act (5 Vict. c. 22),
'43. 134-136; salary of the
keeper of, and of clerk of the pa-
pers, surgeon, and chaplain, id.

speech, '43. 201-219;
title, &c., offences against, not
triable at sessions, id. 151.

[blocks in formation]

strictions on, '43. 79; fallacy of
competing lines to the public, id.
76; of Great Britain, account of
those in progress in 1842, id. 66

Rapallo, not indicted, '43. 257.
Real property, returns showing an-
nual value of, in each county of
England and Wales assessed to
the poors' rates, for year ended
25th March, 1841; amount of
rates, proportion of population,
and annual value of real property
in 1815, '43. 192, 193.
Records, stealing, &c., not triable at
sessions, '43. 151.

Redgrave, Mr., his criminal tables
for 1841, referred to, '43. 120.
Reflectors for telescopes, attempt to
produce, by galvanism, '43. 17.
Religion, offences against, not triable
at sessions, '43. 151.
Reprints of copyright books not to
be imported, 43. 152.
Resins, duty on (1842), '43. 94.
Revenue, abstract of the net produce
of the revenue of Great Britain,
in years and quarters ended 10th
October, 1841, and 10th October,
1842, with increase and decrease
thereof, '43. 179; gross receipt of,
derived from customs, excise, and
stamps and assessed taxes; esti-
mated amount of repealed, &c.;
taxes, and actual increase and de-
crease of revenue in each year,
from 5th January, 1815, to 5th
January, 1842, id. 180.

of India, and finance ac-
counts (1809-10,1819-20,1829-30,
and 1839-40), '43. 178.

Review, Court of, regulated, '43.

Reviews, copyright in, '43. 152.
Ricouti, T. J., dies, '43. 128.
Rio de la Plata, value of exports to
(1841), '43. 187.

Riots, increase of, in 1841, '43. 123;

at Cork, at Ennis, id. 258; in
manufacturing districts, id. 259.
River Acts, titles of, passed in ses-
sion 1842, '43. 221.

Road Acts, titles of, passed in ses-

sion 1842, 43. 224.

Robbery, average convictions for, in

1835, 1836, 1837, 1839, 1840,
and 1841, '43.123.
Roberts, Mr. H., architect of the
Greenwich Railway Stations, '43.

Roebuck, Mr., his committee on

elections, '43. 211, et seq.
Rosse, Earl of, telescope reflectors,
'43. 17, 18.

Royal Exchange, first stone laid by
Prince Albert, '43. 257; further
account of building, and first stone
laid, id. 245.

"Royal George," operation to raise
it, described, '43. 4.
Ruhl, J. E., dies, 43. 128.
Rules, liberty of the, abolished in

several instances, '43. 135.
Rum, quantity imported from West
Indies and British Guiana, from
1831 to 1841, '43. 189; see

Russell, Lord J., his amendment on
the corn law question negatived,
'43. 202.

Russia, value of exports to (1841),
'13. 187.

Emperor of, his ukase, '43.

Rutlandshire, mean chances of life
in, in the lowest class, '43. 30, 31.
Rye, duty on (1842), '43. 132.

price of, from 1828 to 1842,
'43. 198.


Sacrilege, average convictions for,
in 1835, 1836, 1837, 1839, 1840,
and 1841, '43. 123.
St. Domingo, earthquake at, '43.

St. George, Hanover-square, and
Whitechapel, proportionate aver-
age mortality in, '43. 29.

St. Helena, value of exports to
(1841), 43. 187.

St. Petersburgh, duration of voyage
to, '43. 197.

Salaries, public, amount of (1841-2),
'43. 177.

Sale, Lady, hostage to Akhbar Khan,

'43. 257.

Sir R., defeats the Affghans,
*43. 257.

Sanitary condition of the labouring
population of Great Britain, '43.

Sardinia, King of, grants an am-
nesty, '43. 257.
Saumarez, Lord, proposed monu-
ment to, '43. 219.
Savage, Mr. James, architect of some
of the Temple Church alterations,
'43. 234.

Savings Banks, number of annuities
granted through, up to March
1842, '43. 191.

Schaller, J., dies, '43. 127.
Schelling, Baron, his suggestions on
magnetic telegraphs, '43. 9.
Schorn, Dr., dies, '43. 127.
Schreiber, Aloys, dies, '43. 127.
Scotland, annual average imports

and exports of, for five years end-
ing 1827, ditto 1841, '43. 189.
Seditious libels, printing, &c., not
triable at sessions, '43. 151.
Seeds, duty on (1842), '43. 85.
Sentences, proportion of, in 1834,

1837, and 1841, '43. 123; num-
ber of, in 1839, 1840, and 1841,
id. 124.

Session of Parliament of 5 and 6

Vict. (1812), chronicle of the,
43. 201-219.
Sessions, Jurisdiction of Justices in,
Act (5 and 6 Vict. c. 38), '43.
150, 151.
Sheffield and Manchester Railway,
extent of, and length opened, '43.
68; some account of, id. 76.
Ship-owners, traders, '43. 165.
Ships, registered in England, Scot-

land, and Ireland, entered coast-
wise, entered and cleared to and
from the colonies, and whether
steam or sailing vessels, 43. 190;
tonnage and men which arrived
from China, from 1836 to 1841,
id. ib.; see further, TONNAGE,

Shiskov, Admiral, dies, '43. 127.
Silk, and manufactures of, duty on
(1842), '43. 107.

Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, dies, '43.

Skins, duty on (1842), '43. 98.
Sliding scale, under Act 5 Vict
c. 14, '43. 132.

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