
Suffolk Amicable Insurance Office
Act, '35. 218.

coals and cinders entered
coastwise, and duty thereon, in
1829, 31. 190.

Eastern, Courts of Justice,
&c. Act, '37. 220.

-Waveney, and Beccles Navi-
gation Act, '23. 216.
Suffrage, household, proposed by

Mr. Hume, '40. 200.
Sugar, improper for new-born in-
fants, 29. 116; circumstances
affecting the supply of, in the
United Kingdom, '41. 126-136;
average consumption of, by each
person in Great Britain, annually,
id. 126; value of, sold at India
Company's sales, in 1834-35,
'36. 171; monopoly of trade in,
of the West Indies, injurious effects
of, '41. 129, 130; first cargo of,
from Peru, '35. 260; price of, in
London, in 1834, '36. 178; aver-
age price of, in 1835, '37. 169;
Jamaica, price of, from 1813 to
1831, '34. 182; brown, or mus-
covado, average prices of, from
1815 to 1840, 41. 127; con-
sumption of, duty on, revenue
from, and average price of, in
Great Britain, in 1801, 1811,1821,
1831, and 1839, il. ib.

from beet root, duty on, quan-
tity charged with, and amount
collected, in 1838, 40. 173.

colonial and foreign, duties
of, in France, to protect Leet-root
manufacturers, &c., '35. 104-106.

warehoused, Act continuing
former Act (10 G. IV. c. 48), '30.

imports of, value of, in 1827,
'28. 167; quantity of, imported,
from 1824 to 1828, '29. 191;
quantity imported into Great
Britain, from the British colonies
and plantations, British India,
and from foreign countries, and
amount of duty thereon, for 1828,
30. 213; importation of, in 1833
and 1834, '36. 170; in 1835, 37.
169; imports of, value of, in 1834
and 1835, id. 163; import and
home consumption of, and duty

on, in 1837, '39. 186; the same,
in 1838, '40. 178; the same, in
1839, 41. 185; the same, in 1840,
'42. 158.

Sugar, exports of: value of, refined,
in 1827, 28. 167; raw and re-
fined, quantity of, exported, in
1827, 29. 194; quantity and
declared value of exports of, in
1828, '31. 177; in 1830, '33. 179;
in 1831, '34. 158; in years end-
ing 5th January, 1833 and 1834,
'35. 173; quantity exported, in
1833 and 1834, 36. 156; value
of exports of, in 1833 and 1834,
id. 157; value of, in 1834 and
1835, 37. 162; the same, in
1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 183;
the same, and quantities thereof,
1838, '40. 180; the same, in 1839,
'41. 187; the same, in 1840, '42.

-imports and exports of: quan-
tity of, imported into, and ex-
ported from Great Britain and
Ireland, and duty on same, in
1829, 31.187; quantity imported
and exported, with amount of
duties, and the drawbacks and
bounties allowed on exportation,
for year ending 5th January,
1831, 32. 181; quantity im-
ported and exported, and amount
of duty received, in 1831, '33.
184; import and export of, and
duty on, &c., in 1832, '34. 169;
quantity imported and exported,
in 1833, and net revenue from
same, '35. 181.

import and home consump-
tion of, and amount and rate
of duty on, and prices of, in
1836, '38. 179; quantity entered
for home consumption from West
Indies, Mauritius, and Bengal, in
1833, 1839, and 1840, '41. 129;
quantity retained for home con-
sumption in Ireland, and duty
thereon, in 1790 and 1831, '34.
162; quantity of foreign, entered
for home consumption, in 1840,
'42. 164; quantities of the several
sorts retained for home consump-
tion within the United Kingdom,
with net revenue from same, in

[ocr errors]

each year, from 1815 to 1840, in-
clusive, '42. 165.

Sugar, import, export, and home con-
sumption of, unrefined, in 1828,
'31. 175; in 1830, '32. 179; '33.
178; in 1831, '34. 156.

duties on (1829), '30. 205;
and molasses, amount of duty on,
in 1830, 1831, and 1832, '34. 164;
English, manufactured, duty on
(1840), '41. 156; duties on sugar,
net produce of, for 1829, '31. 187;
in 1831, '33. 184; produce of
additional duties on (1840 and
1841), '42. 153.

Acts: Duties Act (10 G.
IV. c. 39), '30. 182; Duties Act
(1836), with scale of duties pay-
able on East India and other su-
gars (6 W. IV. c. 26), '37. 117;
Duty Act, regulation of sugar-
houses and sugar-makers (7 W.
IV. and 1 Vict. c. 57), '38. 149,
150; Act to improve the duties
of excise on, manufactured in the
United Kingdom (3 and 4 W. IV.
c. 57), '41. 156.

debates, &c.: alteration dis-
cussed between E. and W. India
trade and Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, '30. 262; motions re-
lating to the reduction of, '31.
206, 207; negatived, '41. 209;
further debate, and ministers de-
feated, '42. 182.

of lead, poisonous properties
of, and remedies against, '28. 123.
Sugden, Mr., knighted, and made
solicitor-general, '30. 262; car-
ries a motion against ministers re-
specting the Bill for better admi-
nistration of justice in the Court
of Chancery, '42. 184; his sitting
in the House of Commons after
his re-appointment as Lord Chan-
cellor of Ireland questioned, id.


Suger, 31. 69; '32. 66.
Suhm, P. T., '31. 77; '32. 75.
Suicide of Steinberg, after commit-
ting five murders, '35. 261.
Suicides, number of, within the Bills
of Mortality, in 1827, '29. 110;
number of, in England and Wales,
in 1838, 41. 27; at the "Monu-

[blocks in formation]


Sulub, extent and population of, in
1828, '28. 72.
Sumach, Chinese, 29. 64, 68;
leaved, id. 66; Venice, id. ib.
Sumakoroff, '31. 77; '32. 76.
Sumatra discovered, '30. 94; (king-
dom of Siak), its extent,population,
capital, and religion, in 1828,
'29. 74, 75; (kingdom of Acheen),
ditto, id. ib.; Java, &c. (Dutch),
extent, population, capital, and
religion, in 1828, id. ib.; trade
with: cotton goods, British, quan-
tity and value of exports to, in
1833 and 1834, '36. 169, in 1835,
'37. 167; in 1838, '40. 182;
machinery exports to, value of,
in 1838, id. 183; value of, ex-
ports to, in 1828, '31. 177; of
export of British produce, &c., to,
in 1830, '33. 180; value of ex-
ports to, in 1831, 34. 158; value
and particulars of, in 1838, '40.
183; in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1831,
and 1835, 37. 160; in 1836, '38.
174; in 1836 and 1837, '39. 190;
in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, 41.
188; of British and Irish produce
and manufactures, in 1840, '42.
163; cotton, quantity imported
from, in 1834, '36. 168.
Summary of houses, families, and
persons, in the islands of the Bri-
tish seas, '28. 81.

Summary conviction, offences pu-
nishable by, when to be com-
menced, '28. 140.

convictions, number of,

in London and Middlesex, in 1831
and 1832, '34. 65; in London, in
1832, id. 171.

Summer, '28. 36-38.

solstice, '28. 36.
Summit tunnel, at Littleborough,
account of, '42. 58.

Sumner, Rev. J. B. (Bishop of Ches-
ter), his "Records of the Crea-
tion," '29. 136, 137.
Sun, annual appearances of the, '28.
28-30; stability of, Aristarchus,
'29. 58; parallax of, id. 59; the
perihelion of the, 28. 44; eclipse
of the, id. 65; number of eclipses
of, in a year, '32. 6.

dials, invented, '29. 57.
flower, the, '28. 37.

Life Assurance Society Profits
Appropriation Act, 38. 209; the
Society's intended new building,
'42. 103. 104.

Sunbury, rental of the parish (1829),
'29. 85.

Sunda isles, discovered, '30. 94;
islands of, extent and population
of, in 1828, 28. 72.
Sunday, baking on; see BAKERS,

corporation elections not to
be made on (3 and 4 W. IV. c.
31), '34. 118.

notices in churches to be
discontinued (7 W. IV. and 1
Vict. c. 45), '38. 147.

School Society, '30. 160;

for Ireland, id. ib.

School Union, 30. 160.

schools, number of, and of
scholars in, in England, in 1818,
'29.92; number of, in the several
dioceses of England and Wales,
in 1826, id. 95; and other
Church of England schools, num-
ber of, and of scholars, in each
County of England and Wales,
(1832), '33. 120-122; schools
of Scotland, number of, and of
scholars in, in 1818, 29. 94†;
schools, number of, in Wales, in
1818, id. ib.; schools and societies

for religious instruction, in and
near London, 30. 159, 160.
Sunderland, population of (1821),
'29. 82; population and repre-
sentation of, '33. 62; difference
of time between, and London,
'31. 15; cholera morbus at, '32.
240; vessels from, ordered to per-
form quarantine, '33. 227; da-
mage to shipping at, from ice,
'42. 235; explosion in Thorneley
colliery, id. 241.

trade of coals, quantity
of, exported from, in 1833, '35.
186; quantity of,imported into Lon-
don from, in 1833, id. ib.; quan-
tity sent from, in 1837, '39. 192;
quantity sent from, to London,
and number of ships employed in
same, in 1836, 1837, and 1838,
'40. 193; shipped from, in 1839,
'41. 193.

Harbour Act, '31. 213.
port of, customs duties
received at, in 1833, '35. 173;
collected at, in 1834, '36. 157;
the same, in the years ending
5th January, 1835 and 1836, '37.
164; the same, for year ending
5th January, 1837, 38. 175; the
same, in the years ended 5th Ja-
nuary, 1837 and 1838, 39. 191;
the same, in the year 1838, 40.
187; the same, during 1839, '41.
188; the same, in 1840, '42. 164;
vessels and their aggregate tonnage
which entered the, in 1820, 1826,
and 1831, '34. 163.

and Durham Railway
Company Act, '35. 222; further
Act, 42. 197; Railway, particu-
lars of, '41. 72.

Sunesen, '31. 69; '32. 74.
Sunneebar, a Hindoo day, '30. 27.
Sunneechen, an Indian day, '30. 21.
Superannuation allowances, regu-
lations as to, '35. 134, 135.
Superficial, or square measure, '28.

Superfices of Great Britain and
Ireland, 28. 88.

Superintendent of police, his duties,
*30. 132.

Supervisors appointed for India. Ship
lost, '32. 31.

"Supputandi, De arte," '29. 56.
Supremacy, oath of, '28. 59.


[ocr errors]

Supreme Court" (India), meaning
of the term, '32. 36+; jurisdiction
of, defined, id. 36.
Supreme Courts, regulation and in-
crease of, Judges' Salaries Act (2
and 3 Vict. c. 36), '40. 150.
Supreme Government" (India),
meaning of the term, '32. 36+;
jurisdiction of, defined, id. 36.
Surat, factory established at, '32.
25; defended by the English, id.
26; nabob of, resigns his govern-
ment to the English, id. 41.
Surface, measure of, '29. 112.

in square miles of the se-
veral states of Europe, Asia, and
America, '28, 70-73.
Surgeons, English, perform cures at
the court of the Mogul, '32. 26.

Royal College of, London,
'30. 163; number of persons who
obtained diplomas from, and were
rejected by the, from 1823 to
1832, 34. 183; museum and
library, when open, id. 27; in
Lincoln's-inn-fields, alteration of,
'35. 238; further accounts of
alterations at, and correction of
error in former notice of, and view
of, '36. 215-217; account of the
interior of, and remarks on, '38.

Surgery, Hospital of, '30. 139.
Surinam, taken by the Dutch, '28.

Surplus of income over expenditure

of the revenue of Great Britain
for the year ending 5th January,
1828, '28. 163; see FINANCE.
Surrey, extent and population of,
and number of sessions, magis-
trates, and parishes in, 28. 78;
population of, and of the princi-
pal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and
1831, value of real property in,
and its representation, '33. 73, 74;
summary of same, in 1821 and
1831, distinguishing the sexes,
id. 88; the same, in 1841, '42.
107; population of, in 1801,
1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and
increase per cent., id. 109; extent
of, in acres, '34. 84; difference of

time between the principal towns
of, and London, '31. 20; bastards,
number of, born in, in 1830, '34.
88; number of, in 1835 and
1837, 38. 192; charities: cha-
rity property, income of, in (1834),
'35. 191; rental of charities, and
income of schools in, '36. 175;
education, proportion per cent. of
persons married in the year ended
June 1810, who could write, '42.
171; electors, county, number of,
in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 182;
excise licenses issued, and pub-
lic-houses in, number of (1831),
'32. 185; families, number of, in,
and how occupied, in 1811, 1821,
and 1831, 34. 86, 87; houses,
number of, in, in 1801, 1811,
1821, and 1831, id. 84, 85;
number of, inhabited, uninha-
bited, and building, in 1841, '42.
107; jurors in, in 1835, '37. 175;
lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion
of, to population, in 1837, '38.
193; marriages, buildings regis-
tered for solemnization of (1840),
'41. 199; proportion of persons
married under the age of twenty-
one years, in the year ended June
1810, 42. 171; occupations of
persons in (1831), '35. 86;
fenders in, and proportion of,
to population (1837), '39. 90;
RATES: amount of poor and
county rates levied in, in 1826,
'29. 197; the same for 1827, and
account of its expenditure, id. 198;
amount of poor rate levied in, from
March 1827 to March 1828, and
expenditure of same, '30. 216;
from March 1828 to March 1829,
31. 195; for year ending 25th
March, 1830, 32. 184; for year
ending 25th March, 1831, 33.
187; expended on the poor, in
year ending Easter 1832, 34. 174;
amount collected and expendi-
ture of same, for year ending 25th
March, 1833; '35. 189; in the
year ending 25th March, 1834, '36.
174; the same in the years end-
ing 25th March, 1834, 1836, and
1837, '38. 188; decrease of same,
in 1837, compared with 1834, id.

190; proportion of paupers re-
lieved to the population of, in
1839 and 1840, 42. 168; SAV-
INGS BANKS, friendly and cha-
ritable societies, amount of depo-
sits and accounts in (1831), '32.
102; average amounts deposited
in, and proportion of depositors to
population (1835), '37. 72; state
of, on 20th November, 1837, '39.
134; savings banks, friendly 80-
cieties, and charitable institutions,
number of, and of depositors, and
amount of deposits in, in Novem-
ber 1836, 38. 193; on 20th No-
vember, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th
November, 1839, '41. 194; on
20th November, 1840, '42. 166;
SCHOOLS: endowed, unendowed,
and Sunday schools in, in 1818,
'29. 91; unendowed day-schools
in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93;
number of Church of England
schools in, and of scholars in
same (1832), '33. 121; TAXES:
amount of land and assessed
taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172;
house tax, inhabited houses as-
sessed to, and rental of same, for
year ending 5th April, 1830, 32.
106, 107; turnpike trusts, their
extent and income in (1834), '35.
193; trusts in, and income and
expenditure of same, in 1834, '37.
177; the same, and length of the
roads, in 1839, '42. 122; tolls col-
lected on, in 1834 and 1839, id.118.
Surrey, number of warrants, pro-
cesses, and executions for debt in,
in 1831 and 1832, 34. 175.

Asylum, '30. 150.

Coal Meters Act, '31. 212.
Dispensary, '30. 143.
Institution, '30. 149, 162.
Iron Railway, account of,
'37. 85, 86; '41.62.

Pauper Lunatic Asylum,
account of, '42. 228, 229.

Zoological Gardens, for-
mation and description of, '33.
214, 215.

Earl of, '31. 70; '32. 59.
elected for Horsham,
'30. 261; takes his seat in the
House of Commons, id. 224.

Survey of England, leave for Bill to
be brought in, given, '42. 175.
Surveyor-General's office united to
the Woods and Forests office,
'33. 169.

Surveyors of highways, duties, &c.
of, '36. 125; Act enabling them
to recover arrears of rates, '37.

Surveys of the kingdom, ancient,
some account of, '38. 122-126 ;
observations on their importance
id. 120-126; suggestions as to,
id. 125, 126.

parliamentary, account of,

'38. 124, 125.
Survivorship, presumption of, Beck's
rules for the, '36. 31, 32.
Susdal, Simeon of, '32. 76.
Suspension bridge, stability of,
proved, 31. 235; at Hammer-
smith, description of, 28. 175;
near Leeds, description and dia-
gram of, '33. 222, 223; at Mon-
trose, account of, '34. 233-235;
at Wormwood Scrubbs, '40. 249.
Viaduct in Holborn,

proposed, '42. 205; from White-
ball to Southwark Bridge, also
proposed, id. ib.

Sussex, founded by Ella, '28. 55;
extent and population of, and
number of sessions, magistrates,
and parishes in, id. 78; popu-
lation of, and of the principal
towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831,
value of real property in, and its
representation, '33. 74; summary
of same in 1821 and 1831, dis-
tinguishing the sexes, id. 88;
the same, in 1841, '42. 107; po-
pulation of, in 1801, 1811, 1821,
1831, and 1841, and increase per
cent., id. 109; extent of, in
acres, '34. 84; difference of time
between the principal towns of, and
London, '31. 20; bastards, num-
ber of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88;
number of, in 1835 and 1837, '38.
192; rental of charities, and income
of schools in, '36. 175; edu-
cation, proportion per cent. of
persons married in the year ended
June 1840, who could write, '42.
171; electors, county, number of,

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