
gustus, date of, '30. 18; subdued
by the Vandals, '28. 55; the Ro-
mans expelled from, id. ib.; con-
quered by the Arabs, id. 56;
united to Portugal, id. 59; be.
queathed to Philip of Anjou, '31.
49; throne of, ceded to Bonaparte,
31. 57; Joseph Bonaparte, king
of, '28. 64; evacuation of, id. ib.;
revolution in, id. 65; French
army invade, id. ib.; again in-
vaded by France, '31. 60; king
of, removed to Seville and Cadiz,
'28. 65; government of, declares
against interference in the affairs
of Portugal, id. 68; king and
queen of, return to Madrid, '29.
242; queen of, dies, '30. 262;
Spain claims part of Hayti, '31.
234; Salic law in, abolished, id.
235; military commissions issued
in, '32. 236; queen of, made re-
gent, '33. 232; king of, revokes his
decree of the renewal of the Salic
law, '34. 240; he grants an am-
nesty, id. ib.; he dies, id. 248;
queen dowager of, made regent by
the will of king Ferdinand, id. ib.;
council of regency, '35. 253;
change in the administration of
affairs, id. ib.; decree for convo-
cation of the Cortes, id. 257; meet-
ing of the Cortes, id. 259; Cortes
opened, Mendizabel, prime mi-
nister, '36. 250; Isturitz, prime
minister, 37. 254; constitution
of 1812 proclaimed, id. 255;
Calatrava appointed prime mi-
nister, id. ib.; Cortes opened, id.
257; Cortes dissolved, '39. 248;
Count Ofalia, minister, id. ib. ;
Cortes opened, id. ib.; Frias,
Duke de, minister, 40. 252;
families of, adherents of Don
Carlos, exiled from Madrid, id.
253; queen regent of, abdicates,
'41. 256; elections in, ended,
'42. 236; Espartero declared re-
gent, id. 238; guardianship of
the queen
declared vacant, id.
240; Arguelles made guardian,
id. ib.; Queen Christina protests,
id. ib.; reply to her protest, id.
241; insurrection in, id. 243,

Spain, "Histories of," names of,
'32. 70-72.

extent, population, and mili-
tary force of, in 1828, '28. 71;
monarchs of, its extent, popula-
tion, sovereign, capital, religion,
revenue, debt, army, and navy,
in 1828, 29. 72, 73; extent, po-
pulation, and military force of,
and extent and population of,
with its colonies (1831), '33. 55,
56; population and sovereign of
(1836), '36. 107; population of,
probably increased, '29. 79; and
her colonies, extent and popula-
tion of, in 1828, 28. 74; moun-
tains of, and their several heights,
'33. 25-29; alphabetical index
to same, &c., id. 49-53; gold
and silver coins of, their names,
value, weight, alloy, and value
in English money (1829), '30.
109; state of crime in, 29. 101;
chronological table of monarchs
of, from the year 858 to 1828,
id. 47-54; earthquake in, '30.

British consul-general, con-
suls, and vice-consuls to, where
employed, and amount of their
salaries (1828), '31. 181.

vessels of, employed in the
foreign trade of the United King-
dom, 42. 160.

trade with: coals, quantity
of, exported to, in 1833, '35. 186;
cotton goods, British, quantity
and value of exports to, in 1833
and 1834, '36. 169; in 1838, id.
182; and the Canaries, linens,
exports to, value of, in 1838, '40.
183; quantity of rum exported
to, in 1829, 31. 186; in 1831,
'33. 183; wool and woollens,
British, value of, exported to, in
1832, 34. 167; of woollen manu-
factures, in 1840, '42. 161; value
of exports to, in 1828, '31. 177;
of British produce, &c., to, in
1830, '33. 180; exports to, in
1831, 34. 158; and the Canaries,
exports to, value and particulars
of, in 1838, '40. 183; in 1827,
1830, 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37.
160; in 1836, 38. 173; in 1836

and 1837, 39. 189; in 1838,
'40. 181; in 1839, '41. 188;
in 1840, '42. 163; cotton, quan-
tity imported from, in 1834, 36.
168; lead, quantity of, imported
from, in 1833, '35. 180; wool,
import of, from, and value of
exports of British woollens to,
in 1833, id. 176, 177; im-
port of, in 1840, '42. 163; value
of imports from, and of exports of
home produce, &c., and foreign
and colonial merchandize to, in
1831, '34. 160.

Spain, debates, &c., relating to: Fo-
reign Enlistment Act, debate on
the suspension of, '36. 196; mo-
tion for a new renewal of the Order
in Council suspending the Foreigu
Enlistment Act, rejected, '88.
British subjects in, motion
for an address relating to, '39.
203; motion against the policy
of ministers in, in the Lords, '39.
206; war in, statement of, in the
Lords, '40. 207; civil war in,
mentioned in the House of Lords,

'41. 203.

Slave Trade Abolition Treaty
(6 W. IV. c. 6), '37. 112,
Spalding, population of (1821), '29.
82; population of, '33. 67; High
Bridge Road Amendment Act,
'39. 210.

Spallanzani, L., '31. 76; '32. 57.
Spanheim, '31. 72; '32. 65.
Spaniards, expelled from Mexico,
'30. 261.

Spanish Africa, its extent, popula-
tion, capital, and religion, in
1828, '29. 74, 75.

America, its extent, popula-
tion, capital, and religion, in
1828, '29. 74, 75.

armada, defeated, '28. 59.
authors, list of, and of their
principal works, from A.D. 500 to
A.D. 1800, 32. 69–72.

brown, 29. 67.

chestnut, period of its being

in leaf, '30. 39.

convention for payment of

British claims, '29. 241.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Spanish literary chronology, '32.69


monarchy, partition of, '31.

· revolution, '28. 65, 66.
succession, disputed, '81.
49; regulated, id. ib.

wine, see WINES, FOREIGN.
and Italian refugees, con
cert for, '29. 234; meeting for, id.

Sparrmannia Africana, '31. 43.
Sparrow, the, '28. 31, 32; rate of
its flying, '29. 40; house-sparrow,
nest of, '30. 37.
Sparrows Herne Roads Trust, tolls
collected on, in 1834 and 1839,
'42. 119.

Sparta, built, '28.50; taken by An-
tigonus, id. 52.

Spartacus, war against, '28. 53.
Spartianus, '31. 65; 32. 53.
Spartium junceum, '29. 67.
Spasms, deaths from, within the
Bills of Mortality, in 1827, 29.


[blocks in formation]

Speckled wood, foreign, duty on

(1836), '37. 128.

Spectacles invented, '28. 57; Salvi-
nus Armatus, '29. 62; Roger
Bacon, id. ib.
"Spectator," "32. 61.
Speckter, Herman, dies, '37. 110.
"Speculum Stultorum," '32. 58.
Speed, J., '31. 72; '32. 60.
Speedy execution, certificates for (1
W. IV. c. 7), '32. 137.
Spelman, H., '31. 72; '32. 60.
Spelter, duty on (1829), '30. 200;
in cakes, duty on 1832), '33. 193;
import, export, and home con-
sumption of, in 1828, '31. 175;
in 1830, '32. 179; '33. 177;
in 1831, '34. 156; quantity
exported, in 1833 and 1834, '36.
156; exports of, value of, in 1834
and 1835, '37. 162; imports of,
value of, in 1834 and 1835, id.
163; import and home consump-
tion of, and duty on, in 1837, '39.
185; the same, in 1838, '40.
177; the same, in 1839, '41. 184;
the same, in 1840, '42. 157.
Spelthorne hundred, rental of the
parishes in the, '29. 85.
Spencer, Earl, dies, '35. 262; '36.

-Sir Robert, Surveyor-Gene-
ral of the Ordnance, '31. 240.

Hon. W. R., dies, '36. 108.
Spenser, Edmund, '31. 70; 32.59;
his allusion to the gossamer, '29.
42; his allusion to June, id. 37;
to September, id. 40.
Spermaceti, see OILS.
Speroni, Sperone, '31.70; '32. 56.
Spensippus, '28. 52.

Spey Bridge Act, '33. 210.
"Sphere and Cylinder," '32. 48.
Spheres, music of the, Pythagoras,


Spice islands, disputes concerning,
between Dutch and English com-
panies, 32. 25.

Spices, duty on (1836), '37. 128;
quantity exported, in 1833 and
1834, 36. 156; home consump.
tion of, in 1836, 38. 179; import
and home consumption of, and
duty on,
in 1837, '39. 186; the
same, in 1838, '40. 178; the

same, in 1839, 41. 185; the same,
in 1840, 42. 158.

Spicular form of hoar-frost, 31.


Spider, its power of counterfeiting
death, '29. 42.

Spieghel, Hendrick, 31. 71; '32.


Spindle tree, evergreen, '29. 65.1
Spinosa, '31. 73; '32. 73; death of,
'28. 60.

Spinous Jacksonia, '31. 40.
Spinsters, number of, and their se-
veral ages, in a certain number of
marriages in England and Wales,
in 1838-39, '42.49.
Spirea hypericifolia, 29. 67.
Spirit-level, Dr. Hooke, '29. 62.
Spirit of salt, poisonous properties

of, and remedies against, '28. 117.
Spirits, dangerous to new-born in-
fants, '29. 116; amount for which
publicans can recover debts for,
'37. 208; debts for, Bill to enable
the recovery of, rejected, id. ib.

distillation of, and duties on,
viz.: quantity of, manufactured in
the United Kingdom, and amount
of duty on, for three years pre-
ceding January 5th, 1828, 29.
194; quantity of, distilled in the
United Kingdom, and rate and
amount of duty on same, &c., '34.
170; quantity of, distilled in the
United Kingdom, and amount of
duty on, in year ending 5th Ja-
nuary, 1834, 35. 184; in year
ended 5th January, 1835, 36,
165; quantity distilled in 1835,
37.170; quantity of, and amount
of duty on, in 1836, '38. 181;
number of gallons distilled in
England, Scotland, and Ireland,
in 1810, 42. 169.

consumption and duty on:
number of gallons for home con-
sumption in 1830, and duty on
same, '32. 183; quantity charged
with duty, and amount of duty
on same, in 1833, '35. 183; in
1834, 36. 160; quantity of all
sorts that paid duty, and net
amount of duty, in 1835, '37.
170; duty on, amount of, in
1837, '39. 177; same, and quan-

tity charged, in 1838, 40. 178;
British and foreign, quantity that
paid duty in 1839, 41. 191;
number of gallons which paid
duty in the United Kingdom in
1840, '42. 169.

Spirits, imports, exports, and duty,
viz.: value of, imported in 1827,
'28. 167; foreign, quantity of,
imported for home consumption
in the years 1824, 1825, and 1826,
id. 168; quantity imported from
Scotland and Ireland, from Ja-
nuary to July 1826, id. ib.;
import, export, and home con-
sumption of, in 1828, '28. 175 ; in
1830, '32. 179; '33. 178; in 1831,
'34. 156.

duties on, viz.: British, duty
on (1829), '30. 205; British, ad-
ditional duty on (1840), '41. 145;
produce of same, 1840 and 1841;
42. 153; British, amount pro-
duced by duties on, in 1827, 29.
187; British, rates of duty on,
for home consumption, in 1821
and 1826, '31. 187; quantity of,
charged with duty on home con-
sumption from 1820 to 1829, and
amount of duty, id. ib.; Bri-
tish, quantity of, charged with
duty, in the years ending 5th
April, 1831 and 1832, '33. 181;
British, amount of duty on, in
1830, 1831, and 1832, '34. 164;
British, quantity on which duty
was paid, and rate and amount
of duty, for home consumption,
in 1836, 38. 180; British, ex-
ports of, value of, in 1831 and
1835, '37. 161; the same, in
1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 183;
British, Malt Drawback Act (2
W.IV. c. 29), '33. 128, 129; fo-
reign, additional duty on (1840),
'41. 145; produce of such duty
(1840 and 1841), '42. 153; fo-
reign, amount and rates of duty,
and quantity of, in 1827, '29.
191; foreign, rate and amount of
duty on, for the year ending Ja-
nuary 5th, 1829, '30. 213; fo-
reign, quantity of, charged with
duty, for home consumption, and
amount of duty thereon, for the

five years ending January 5th,
1830, '31. 186; foreign, quanti-
ties of, retained for home cou
sumption, exported, and ware-
housed in boud, in 1832, 34.
170; foreign, quantity of, retained
for home consumption, in 1833,
'35. 182; in bond, on 5th of Ja-
nuary, 1834, id. ib.; exported, in
1833, id. ib.; foreign and colo-
nial, quantity imported and re-
tained for home consumption, and
amount of duty on same, in year
ended 5th January, 1835, '36.165;
foreign and colonial, exports of,
value of, in 1834 and 1835, 37.
162; foreign and colonial, imports,
exports, and home consumption
of, and duty on, in 1836, '38. 180;
foreign and colonial, imports of,
value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37.
163; import and home consump-
tion of, and duty on, in 1837,
'39. 186; the same, in 1838, '40.
178; the same, in 1839, '41. 185;
the same, in 1840, 42. 158;
quantity in bond on 5th January,
1836, 1837, and 1838, '39. 192;
in 1839, '41. 191.

Spirits, Ireland, exports of, from, in
1825 and 1835, '39. 189; distil-
ling of, regulated (1 and 2 W. IV.
c. 55), '32. 160; quantity of, re-
tained for home consumption in
Ireland, aud duty thereon, in
1790 and 1831, '34. 162.
Spirit licenses, retail, number of,
issued under 4 and 5 W. IV. c.
75, in England, Scotland, and
Ireland, '36. 165; (Ireland), Act
for (4 and 5 W. IV. c. 75), '35.

and wine licenses, Act re-
lating to (5 and 6 W. IV. c. 39),
'36. 122, 123.
Spiritual services of parishes, Act
allowing the appointment of (2
and 3 Vict. c. 30), '40. 149.
Spirituous liquors, dissertation on
the intemperate use of, '29. 122,


Spitalfields, population, &c. of, '28.
86, 87; concert for the weavers
of, at Guildhall, '30. 261; dis-
turbances in, id. ib.

[blocks in formation]

Spittlegate Church, Grantham, ac-
count of, '41. 231, 232.
Spitzbergen, observed, '30. 95.
Splendid Beaufortia, '81. 37; Dry-
andra, id. 38; another sort, id. ib. ;
Melaleuca, id. 41; Protea, id. 43.
Splendid shilling," '32. 60.
Spondanus, Henry, '31. 73; '32.

Sponge, observations on, '30. 46, 47;
experiment on, id. ib.; its eggs,
id. ib.; duty on (1832), '33.

Sporting season, period of, '32. 153.
Spotland Church, Rochdale, build-
ing, '35. 227; completed, id. 229.
Spotted-flowered stenochilus, '31.


Sprengelia incarnata, '31. 43.
Sprengelia-like Andersonia, 31.37.
Spring, '28. 33-35; indications

of, '30. 39; advantage of its being
late, 28. 32; referred to by
Byron, '29. 34; Coleridge's re-
ference to, '30. 39; the trees of,
described by Cowper, '28. 34.

Assizes, Act to prevent the
interference of the, with the April
Quarter Sessions (4 and 5 W. İV.
c. 47), '35. 146.

guns, Act prohibiting the
setting of, '28. 151; except in
dwelling-houses, from sunset to
sunrise, id. ib.

tides, what they are, '30. 49.
wheat, time of sowing, '28.

Springwell coal mine, explosion at,
'34. 244.
Sprot, Isaac, '31. 68; '32. 47.

Spruce, hemlock, 29. 66; Norway,

id. ib.
Spurge, description and poisonous
properties of, and remedies against,
28. 119; honey-bearing, 31. 39.
Spurzheim, Dr., dies, 34. 240.
Square or superficial measure, *28.

Square miles, relative size of Eng-
lish and German, 28. 70+; their
relative proportions, '33. 53.
Squills, duty on (1832), '33. 193.
Squirrel, the, 28. 31.
Squirrel skins, see FURS.
Sravona, a Bengalee month, '30. 26.
Stack-burning, punishment for, '28.
144; law relating to same altered,
'38. 162.

Stackencloud, '30. 81.
Stadtholder appointed, '31. 46; visits
England, 28. 62.
Stadtholdership suppressed, '28. 62.
Stadweg, John, '31. 70; '32. 63.
Stael, Mdme. de, 32. 69.
Stafford, Marquess of (Duke of
Sutherland), extent of his roads
in Sutherlandshire, 29. 84.

town of, population of
(1821), '29. 82; population and
representation of, '33. 72; Paving
&c. Act, '31. 211; Disfranchise-
ment Bill rejected, '37. 212.

and Rugby Railway Bill,
defeated, '42. 179.

Stone, and Penkridge Roads
Trust, tolls collected on, in 1834
and 1839, '42. 119.
Staffordshire, extent and population
of, and number of sessions, magis-
trates, and parishes in, 28. 78; po-
pulation of, and of the principal
towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831,
value of real property in, and its
representation, '33. 72, 73; sum-
mary of same in 1821 and 1831,
distinguishing the sexes, id. 88;
the same in 1841, 42. 107; popu-
lation of, in 1801, 1811, 1821,
1831, and 1841, and increase per
cent., id. 109; extent of, in acres,
34. 84; difference of time be-
tween the principal towns of, and
London, '31. 19; bastards, num-
ber of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88;
number of, in 1835 and 1837,

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