Aylesbury and Cheddington Railway Act, '37. 222; and Thame Road Act, '39. 213. Aylmer, Lord, articles of impeachment against, passed by the Assembly of Lower Canada, '35. 255; returns from Canada, '36. 249. Ayr, population of (1821), '29. 83; population and representation of, $33. 82; harbour of, pier of, extension of, '32. 234; Harbour Improvement Act, '36. 211; Water Act, '41. 217; Glasgow, &c. Railway, partial opening of, '40. 88; completion of, '41. 93, 94; particulars of, 41. 80; Kilmarnock, Paisley and Glasgow Railway, particu way, particulars of, id. ib.; Ayres Quay, church at, in progress, '42. 206. Ayrshire, population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in, and its representation, '33.82; summary of same, in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 89; population of, male and female, in 1841. 1841, 142.108; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831 and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 95; electors, number of in, in 1836, '37. 182; houses; number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, '42. 108; turnpike trusts, their extent and income, in (1834), '35. 193; gates in, rents of, in 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37.178. Azalea Indica, '31. 37; the scarlet, '28.35; viscosa, 29. 64. Azara, Felix de, 32. 72. Azimuth, circle of, what it is, '42. 23. Azoph ceded to Russia, '31.53. Azores discovered, '28.58; '30.93; coals, quantity of, exported to, in 1833, '35. 186; cotton goods, British, quantity of, value of exports to, in 1833 and 1834, 36. 169; in 1838, 40. 182; cotton, quantity imported from, in 1831, '36. 168; wool and woollens, British, value of, exported to, in 1832, '34. 167; woollens, value of, exported to, in 1833, 35. 177; in 1840, 42. 161; value of general exports to, in 1828, '31. 177; in 1830, '33. 179; in 1831, '34. 158; value of imports from, and of exports of home produce, &c., foreign and colonial merchandize to, in 1831, '34. 160; of general exports to, in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834 and 1835, '37. 160; in 1836, '38. 173; in 1836 and 1837, 39. 189; in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, 41. 188; in 1840, '42. 163. Azores, British consuls to, where employed, and amount of their salaries (1828), '42. 181. B. Baader, Dr. F. von, dies, '42. 124. Baal's Bridge Act, '31. 211.Babacushi, '31. 69; '32. 79. Babbage, Mr., his Table of Rates of Premiums without profit, '31. 93; his Table of the Premiums of Life Assurance, '31. 92. Babe, an Arabic Monk, '30. 16. Baber, '31. 71; 32.79. Babington, Dr., dies, '34. 244. Babylon, '28. 50; first kingdom of, '28. 50; destroyed by Cyrus, '28. 51; observations at, '29. 57; observatory at '29. 62. Babylonia taken by Seleucus, 28.52. Babylonian kingdom, the second, '28.50. Baca, A., '32. 78. Bacai, '31. 71; 32.79. Baccalaos, '30.94. Bacchilides, '32. 48. Bacellar, A. B., '32. 71. Bachelors, number of, and their several ages in a certain number of marriages in England and Wales, in 1838-9-142.49. Back, Captain, returns from the Arctic Land Expedition, '36.248; sails to explore the Wager River, '37. 254. Backstaff, Quadrant-on, '29. 62. } Bacon, Francis, '31, 72; '32. 60; his observations on false dispatch, 29. 142; dies, '28. 60. Roger, 28. 57; '31.68; '32.58; '37.22; spectacles, telescopes, '29. 62; the extent of his belief in astrology, '37. 25; account of his calendar, '39. 54. Bacon, duty on (1829), '30, 206. Bacon and Hams, quantity and declared value of exports of, in 1828, '31. 176; in 1830, '33.179; in 1831, '34. 157; in 1834 and 1835, '37. 161; the same in 1835, 1836, and 1837; '39. 182; the same, and quantities thereof, in 1838, '40.180; the same in 1839, '41. 187; the same in 1840, 42, 162. Baden, Grand Duchy of, its extent, population, duke, capital, religion, revenue, debt, and army, in 1828, '29: 70, 71; population and sovereign of (1836), '36. 107; increase of inhabitants in, '29.78; population and territories of, comprised in the Prussian Commercial League, '42. 113, 114; gold and silver coins of, their names, value, weight, alloy, and value in English money (1829), '30. 103; Leopold, Grand Duke of, succeeds, '31. 235; Grand Duke Louis of, dies, '31. 235; peace of, '31. 50. Badenoch district of roads, their extent, and annual expense, '29. 84. Badi, the first half of the Indian month, '30. 24. Badjazet captured by the Russians, 29. 243. Bæhmerwald Mountains, chain of, and their several heights, '33. 43; Baglivi, G., '31. 74; '32. 56. Bagnioli, G., '31. 70; '32. 56. Bagnall, Maria, murdered, '29. 238. Bahali, '31, 67. Bahama Islands discovered, '30. 93. Bahamas, date of settlement of, how governed, population, imports and. exports of, and tonnage inwards and outwards (1831), '32. 104, 105; education, state of, and amount of population in, '34.181; quantity of rum imported from in 1829, '31. 186; value of imports and exports into and from in 1833, '37. 165; slaves, registered number of, in 1822 and 1828, '34. 180; number of slaves in, in 1825, '29. 199; number of in, appraised value of, sales of from 1822 to 1830, and amount and rate of compensation for, '39. 195. Bahar taken by Lord Clive, 28.61. Bahia proclaimed a republic, '39. 218; retaken by the emperor's troops, id. 249; British consul at, his salary (1828), '31. 182. Bahun, ancient Arabic for Monday, '30. 21. Bail, for forgery, not to be taken in Scotland, except in certain cases (5 & 6 W. IV. c. 73), '36. 132. Bail allowed for felony (5 & 6 W. IV. c. 38), '36. 120, 121. Bailable processes, number of executed in London, Middlesex, and Surrey, in in 1828, '30.214; in Londơn, in 1829, 31. 194; in Middlesex, id. ib. in Surrey, id. ib. aildon, population of, '33. 77. Bailey, Mr., premium to for his design of the Nelson Monument, '40. 222. trade (Ireland), regulation Act (2 W. IV. c. 31), '33. 129, 130. Balance of power in Europe first established, '31.48. "Balance Politique du Globe en 1828," by Balhi, 29. 69. Balance-springs of glass for chronometers, used by Mr. Dent, '42. 44. Balbi, M. Adrien, his chart entitled "Balance Politique du Globe en 1828," id. ib.; his "Essai Statistique sur le R. de Portugal et d'Algarve," id. 79. Balbriggan, population of, in 1821 and 1831, 34. 89. Balcombe tunnel on the Brighton railway, account of, '42. 69. Balde, James, '31. 72; '32. 64. Balearic Isles, British Consuls and Vice-Consuls to, where employed, and amount of their salaries (1828), '31. 181. &c., value of export of British produce, &c., to, in 1828, 31.177; the same in 1830, '33. 180; the same in 1631, '34: 158; the same in 1840, '42. 163; cotton goods, British, quantity and value of exports to, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 169; in 1888, 40. 182; general exports to, in 1827, 1880, 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37. 160; in 1836, '38. 173; in 1836 and 1837, 39. 189; in 1838, 40.181; in 1839, '41. 188; and Spain, cotton, quantity imported from in 1834, '36. 168. Balguy, F., '31. 74; '32.62. Balisson de Rougemont, M. М., dies, '41.138. Balkan, the, heights of the chain, '33. 41; alphabetical index to same, &c., id. 49, 53. passage of the, by the Rus sians, '30. 263. Ball, J., '31. 70; '32.59. Ballast of tea ships used for road making, '33. 226. Ballaten bridge, destruction of, 31. 228; reconstruction of, 34. 238. Balina, population of in 1821 and 1831, 34. 92. Ballinamore, armed meeting at, '29. 241. Ballinasloe, population of in 1821 and 1831, 34.92. Ballinrobe, population of in 1821 and 1831, 34.92. Ballochney, Railway Extension Act, '36.210; further Act, '40. 217, 218; account and particulars of, '37.92, 93; '41. 66. Balloon, air, '29. 55; hydrogen, id. ib. voyage from Vauxhall to Nassau, '37. 257. Ballot dies, '41. 138. vote by, motion by Mr. Grote in favour of, '34. 191; '36. 194; '38.200; '39. 201, 202; '40. 205; immense petition for, id. ib. Ballybay and Dundalk Railway Act, '38. 212. Ballyheagh, faction fight at, '35. 259. Ballymacarret, population of, in 1821 and 183.1, 31. 92. 1 Ballymoney, population of, in 1621 and 1831, '34. 91. Ballyshannon, population of, in 1821 and 1831, id. ib. Balm of Gilead fir, 12.9. 66. Balma, Henry of, '31.69; '32. 67. Baloochistan, extent and population of, in 1828, '28. 71.. Balsams, duties on (1832), '33.190. Baltic, question of the Sound duties debated, '42, 178, 179. -- timber, number of loads imported from 1820 to 1827, '29. 1.9L trade, number of vessels of various nations that passed the Sound in 1828, 30. 207; in 1829, 31. 185; in 1831, distinguishing their countries, ies. '33. 182; in 1820, 1826, and 1831, '34. 163; in 1831, 31, 34. 164; number of vessels which passed the Sound, and cleared at Elsinore in 1833, aud their tonnage and countries, '35. 175; in 1834, 36. 164; number which passed in 1836, '38. 176; same in 1837, '39. 187; number aud tomage of vessels which passed the Sound in 1838, '40. 187; proportion of British to Foreign ships passing the Sound from 1832 to 1835, '36. 167. Baltimore, British Consulat, his salary (1828), '31. 182. Bamba, 31. 78. Bambarra, kingdom of Upper, its extent, population, capital, and religions, in 1828, '29. 74, 75. Banagher, population of, in 1821 and 1831, '34. 90... Banbridge, population of, in 1821 and 1831, '34.92; Road Act, '35.221. Banbury, population and representation of, '33.70; Lutterworth road repairing Act, '41. 219. Banco, vacation sittings in, Act for (1 and 2 Vict. c. 32), '39..150. Bancote taken by Commodore James, '32. 28; given to the English, id. ib. Banda Oriental, declared independent, '29. 243. Bandages, improper for new-born infants, '29. 115. Bandannoes, import and export of, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 170. BANDANNOES, see SILK MANUFAC TURES. Bandon, Cork, population of (1821), '29.83; in 1831 and 1831, '34. 90. Bandonbridge, electors, number of in, in 1834, '37. 182. Banff, population of, '33. 82; glebe lands feu Act, '38. 214; burgu regulation Act, '41.218, 219. Banffshire, population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property 831 in, and its representation, '33.82; summary of same in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. of male and fe19; population of, male, 1841, 42. 108; population of in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; occupations of persons in (1831), '35.95; electors, number of in, in 1836, '37. 182; houses, number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building in 1841, '42. 108; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834), '35. 193; gates in, ren s of in 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37.178. Bangalore, capt ure of, '32. 38, 39. Bangor, popula ion of, '33. 79; difference of time between, and London, '31. 22. diocese of, number of Sunday schools and of scholars in the, in 1826, 29. 95; number of parishes, benefices, churches, and chapels in, and population of (1834), '35. 125; revenues of bishop, of cathedral, and of benefices, sums paid to curates, and in whom the patronage of benefices vested, and other facts relating to the same (1835), '36.82-89. (Down), population of in 1821 and 1831, '34. 92. Banim, Mr., pensioned, '37..252. Bank of England established, '28. 61; '32. 81; no director of, to be a director of the East India Company (9 Anne, c. 7), '32. 27; make a loan to the East India Company, '32. 32; discount bills, '28. 69; its enormous amount of discount in 1825, '33.109; discounts by, of London and country bills in week ending 31st : March in each year from 1832 to : 1840, 41.182; report of the com mittee of secrecy on, abstract of, '33. 101-113: resolutions as the basis of the renewal of the charter of,'34. 193, 194; Charter Renewal Act, privileges of continued for a limited period, and upon certain conditions (3 and 4 W. IV. c. 98), '34. 144, 145; Act extending one of its provisions, bills of exchange (7 W. IV. and 1 Vict. c. 80), '38. 158; motion for a committee of inquiry relating to, rejected, '40. 206; its facilities as a bank of deposit, '33. 110, 111; GOLD, &c., amount of gold issued and received by, from May 2, 1828, to Dec. 31, 1829, '31. 172; bullion and coin, amount of possessed by, in each of the years from 1815 to 1832, '33. 108; gold and silver received at, and delivered from during each of the quarters of the year 1833, '35. 172; in each quarter of 1834, '36. 153; in 1834 and 1835, '37. 156; in 1834, 1835, and 1836, '38. 171; the same in the years 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 180; NOTES, &C., CIRCULATION, notes and post bills in circulation for years before 1827, '28. 165; in 1827, id. ib.; notes in circulation in England, Scotland, and Ireland for various stated years, '28. 165; average amount of promissory notes and post bills in circulation for the year preceding 6th April, 1828, 129. 189; for the year ending 6th April, 1830,'31.172; from 10th April, 1830, to 10th April, 1831, '32. 176; from 30th July, 1830, to 30th July, 1831, id. ib.; Notes of in circulation, deposits held by, investments in securities and bullion held by, in the years ending 28th Feb. 1829, 1830, 1831, and 1832, '33. 174; notes issued by, and not paid into, up to 2nd Nov. 1831, distinguishing the amount and description of each class, '34. 152; notes in circulation on 17th Aug. 1833, 34. 152; and bank post bills in circulation, in each month from Aug. 1833, to March 1834, 35. 171; in each quarter in 1833 and 1834, '36. 154; value of bank notes and bank post bills in 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37. 156; average annual amount of the circulation of, in London and its branch banks from 1828 to 1837, '39. 181; notes and post bills in circulation in 1836, 138. 173; the same in 1837, 139. 180; the same in 1838, '40. 175; the same in 1839, '41. 181; the same in 1839 and 1840, '42.155; notes in circulation from June 1839, to March 1840, '41. 181; CAPITAL, &c. &c., amount of issues, securities, and bullion in the Bank at various periods in 1834, 1835, and 1836, 137.157; income and expenditure of, for 1832, 134. 153; income of same for 1833, id. ib.; liabilities and assets of, in the quarters ending March, July, and October, 1834, '35. 172; from October 1836, to October 1837, '38. 172; the same from Sept. 1837, to Nov. 1838 '39. 182; the same from Sept. 1838, to October 1839, 40. 174; the same from Sept. 1839 to Oct. 1840, '41. 180; quarterly average of weekly, from Oct. 1840, to Oct. 1841, 42. 154; fluctuations of its liabilities and assets from Jan. 1834, to Oct. 1840, '41.180; capital of, in 1832, '33. 102; its amount and sums invested (1832), '34. 151, 152; PROFITS of, and sources from whence derived, for the year ending 29th Feb. 1832, '33. 105, 106; statement of its accounts on that day, id. 107, 108; amount of its estimated profit from the issue of notes, 133. 112; balances of public money in, average amounts of, from 1807 to 1831, id. 109, 110; of private deposits for the same period, id. 110; LOST NOTES, amount paid upon indemnity, or otherwise, for |