
for the New and for the Old World, if Columbus Book II. had steered a little to the northward, or the Ch. 1. southward, of the course which he actually took. One thing, however, is obvious, that in arriving at Hispaniola he came to a central point, not Hispaniola only of the West Indies, but of the whole of the a central New World, and a point, therefore, most felici- discovery. tously situated for the spreading of future discovery and conquest.

It may be mentioned here, that Martin Alonzo Pinzon had wilfully parted company from the Admiral while on the coast of Cuba: covetousness being probably the cause of this most undutiful proceeding. But, indeed, there is another instance of the insubordination of the mariners, which makes the wonder only still greater how Columbus could have brought them across the Atlantic at all. One evening the Admiral, after paying a visit to Guacanagari, seeing the sea quite calm, betook himself to rest. As he had not slept for two days and a night, it is probable his slumber was deep. Meanwhile, the steersman, contrary to the distinct orders of the Admiral, gave the helm to a common sailor, a youth. All of the sailors went to sleep. The sea was as calm " as water in a dish." Little by little the ship drifted on to a shoal. Directly they touch, the sailor-boy at the helm starts from his dream, haply about his mother, and cries out. The Admiral jumps up first (for the responsibility of command seldom goes quite to sleep); then the officer whose watch it ought to have been, hurries

point for

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is shipwrecked.

BOOK II. up, and the Admiral orders him to lower the boat which they carried on the poop, and to throw out an anchor astern. Instead of obeying the Admiral, this cowardly villain, with others like him, sprang into the boat, and made off for the other vessel, which was about half a league off. The other vessel would not receive them, and they rowed back again. But it was too late. The Admiral did what he could in the emergency: he cut down the mast, lightened the vessel as best he might, took out his people and went with them to the other caravel, sending his boat to Guacanagari to inform him of the misfortune. The good Guacanagari was moved to tears by this sad affair. He gave not only sympathy, however, but assistance. His people went out with their canoes, and in a few moments cleared the vessel of all the goods in it. Guacanagari was very careful that nothing should be lost. He himself stood guard over the things which had been taken out of the ship. Then he sent comforting messages to the Admiral, saying that he would give him what he had, to make up for the loss. He put all the effects under shelter, and placed guards round them. The Admiral was evidently touched to the heart, as well he might be, by the kindness of these Indians. He thus Character expresses himself, "they are a loving, uncovetous of the people, so docile in all things, that I assure your Highnesses I believe in all the world there is not a better people, or a better country: they love their neighbours as themselves, and they have


the sweetest and gentlest way of talking in the Book II. world, and always with a smile."*

The Admiral resolved to found a colony in Guacanagari's land, "having found such good will and such signs of gold." In relating this, the Spanish historian, HERRERA, makes some curious reflections. He looks upon the loss of the vessel as providential, in order that the true faith might be preached in that country. Then he says, how Providence causes its work to be done, not on high motives only, but also on the ordinary ones which influence mankind. He concludes by observing that Providence dealt with the Indians as a prudent father who has an ugly daughter, but makes up for her ugliness by the help of a large dowry. By the ugliness in this case he means the seas to be traversed, the hunger to be endured, and the labours to be undertaken, which he considers no other nation but the Spaniards would have encountered, even with the hope of greater booty. There we may venture to differ from him.

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builds a


Columbus built a fort and called it La Navidad, because he entered the port near there on Columbus Christmas-day. He remained on very friendly terms with the good Cacique Guacanagari; and might have established himself most advantageously in that part of the country, if he could have been content to be a settler. But, from the first moment of his discovery, he, doubtless, had an anxious desire to get back to Spain, and tell what he knew; and at times, perhaps, was fearful lest his grand secret, through some mischance to the expedition, should still perish with him. The great discoverer, therefore, now prepared to return homewards. He left his fort in trust to a small body of his followers,* whom he commended to the good offices of Guacanagari, not forgetting to impress upon them the excellent advice-to do no violence to man or woman, and, in short, to make their actions conformable to the idea (which the Indians first entertained of them) that they had come from heaven:-then, having received the necessary provisions for his vessel from the Sets sail friendly Cacique, the Admiral set sail for Spain on the 4th of January, 1493.

for Spain.

*They were forty in number, and it would be strange to find, but for the well-known fact that nothing brings men of different races together more than maritime and commercial enterprize, that in this small list there is an Irishman, "Guillermo Ires (Qy.,

William Herries, or Rice) natural de Galney, en Irlanda ;” and an Englishman, "Tallarte de Lajes (Qy., Arthur Lake) ingles." See lista de las personas que Colon dejó en la Isla Española.'-NAVARRETE, Col. Dip., Núm. 13.




S this history does not undertake to give a Book II. life of Columbus, it is not requisite to relate Ch. 2. the minor discoveries which he made after leaving La Navidad, or the troubles and difficulties he had on his voyage homewards, or his reception at Lisbon, where he was obliged to take refuge from a storm, and where displaying the signs of a new world at a court which had refused to aid in the discovery must have been almost too much of a triumph for a generous mind. mind. Suffice it to say, that he arrived at Palos, the port he had set out from, on the 15th of March, 1493, and forthwith 1493. commenced his journey to Barcelona, where the court then was. HERRERA tells us, that the Admiral now "entered into the greatest reputation;" and the historian goes on to explain to his readers what the meaning of "reputation" is. It does not consist, he tells us, in success, but in doing something which cannot be easily comprehended, which compels men to think over and over again about it.* And certainly, this definition makes the word particularly applicable to the achievement of Columbus.


* HERRERA, dec. 1, lib. 2, cap. 3.

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