

affairs of government; but likewise in the flourishing ages, wherein Rome was mistress of Italy, and had made her power respected beyond the seas. I need not, therefore, mention Quintius Cincinnatus, who was found labouring in his grounds, by the persons who were dispatched to notify to him that he was appointed dictator. I want not for instances to my purpose in Curius Dentatus, in Fabricius, Astilius Serranus, Licinius Stolo, Cato the Censor; and many others, who, in much later times, were proud to take their surnames from some particular branch of husbandry in which they excelled: hence (according to the concurring opinions of ancient writers) came the Asinean, the Vitellian, the Suillian, Porcian, and the Ovinian family; the founders of these families having been famous for breeding the several sorts of animals implied in their names. Others likewise had distinguished themselves by raising and improving particular kinds of pulse; whence came the surnames Lentulus, Fabius, Piso, Cicero, and many more. In a word, so generally were the Romans addicted to the occupations of a country life, that the names of Way-farers (Viatores) was given to certain officers, whose business it was to go and acquaint the senators, that an extraordinary session would be held on such or such a day. As for the

ordinary meetings of the senate, they were fixed to the day of the calends, and the day of the ides, in every month; and consequently did not require to be notified. Now, if the Senators and men of note passed a great part of their time in the country, what may we judge of the inferior citizens? Above three parts in four of them (probably) saw the city but once in every nine days, in the time of peace. They came thither only to buy necessaries for their farms, and to examine whether they should approve or reject any new regulations; which the magistrates fixed upon the Capitol, and up in the Forum, three market-days successively before they were offered to be confirmed. It was on these market-days that (in time) the tribunes of the people entertained them with the affairs of the government, and the changes that were to be made; and by their harangues fomented the jealousies which agitated the different orders of the community, under the republic.

Lastly, the practice of husbandry must have been universally esteemed amongst the Romans for a considerable time, when Cicero (towards the declension of the commonwealth) speaks honourably of it; and does not scruple to affirm, that, even then, the persons of probity and distinction gloried more in being enrolled amongst

the country tribes, than in being numbered amongst the wealthiest of the city families.

I shall pursue this subject in the next halfsheet, that I may here have room to make a few remarks on what has been said.

This account of the Romans is not peculiar to them; but may be applied as justly to most nations, if we look back into their ancient manners and customs. There was a time, when tillage, pasturage, breeding of cattle, and planting, were not ignoble occupations in this island: neither is it yet half a century, since most of our country gentlemen have been bred in a complete ignorance of husbandry, to learn the idleness of the town. We can likewise, even to this day, shew perhaps a more ample catalogue of rural surnames, than the Romans could ever boast of: several of which are taken from animals; as Lamb, Kid, Colt, Bullock, Gosling, Cock, Dove, Partridge, Pheasant: others from country occupations; as Shepherd, Cowherd, Farmer, Plowman, Gardener: many from grain, trees, plants, and flowers; as Wheat, Oats, Ash, Birch, Broom, Ivy, Violet, Lilly, Primrose: some from fruits; as Cherry, Strawberry, Nut, Haws, Sweetapple, Crab: others from the water; as Lake, Pool, Ford, Rivers, Brooks: and several from the nature or distribution of

the ground; as Hill, Dale, Heath, Wood, Greenwood, Lane, Hedges, Acres, Meadows.

Thus did our ancient families distinguish themselves by appellations which betokened industry, innocence, and independency; and which bore some relation to either their lands, their seats, or their business. If most of the flourishing modern families, who haunt the town, were to copy after our predecessors in this respect; many, who might be ambitious of being dignified by their places of abode, would have a right to assume the surnames of White's, Tom's, Will's,Button's, the Grecian, Jonathan's, Changealley, Groom-Porter's, &c. Others, who might be more desirous to be known by the particular arts of life they cultivated, or might be proud of signifying to posterity by what industry they happened to thrive in the world, would not be thought to arrogate by appropriating to themselves the genteel names of Hazard, Piquet, Ombre, Basset, Punter, Masker; Gamester, likewise, and Sharper, are no disreputable nor improper titles, with a handsome equipage; and, if any gentleman of the industrious tribe should have a particular fondness to a rural denomination, he may borrow, from a country animal, the surname of Setter.

FREE-THINKER, No. 120, May 15, 1719.


Ubi pro labore desidia, pro continentia et æquitate lubido atque superbia invasere; fortuna simul cum moribus immutatur.


Where sloth prevails instead of industry, where sensuality and pride have banished temperance and equity; the prosperity together with the morals of a country must necessarily undergo a change.

To carry on the


which was begun in my last.-About the five hundred and seventieth year of the city (after the second Punic war), the Romans were invited into Greece, by the Ætolians and the Athenians: and when they had subdued Philip, King of Macedon, and his son Perses; flushed with success, they extended their conquests into the Lesser Asia, and into Syria. Hence, their own writers date the visible declension of their former simplicity. Their victories turned to their prejudice; for, with the arts, they adopted the vices, of the people they had subjected to their empire.

There was a sudden change in Rome: new arts and sciences were studied; the houses were new modeled and enlarged; sumptuous furniture and costly apparel were coveted; and their

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