
Dublin Edition, 1816. "The pastors must explain not only that the true body of Christ, and whatsoever belongs to the true nature of a body, as bones and sinews, but also that whole Christ is contained in this sacrament." p. 181.

"Now after this" (the subject is 'inward penance,' or 'penance as a virtue,')" there follows, as the companion thereof, grief and sorrow, which is a disturbance and affliction, and by many is called a passion, joined with the detestation of sin. Therefore according to many of the holy fathers, the definition of this kind of penance is declared in the grief of the soul." p. 206.

"Virginity is rather highly commended and persuaded to every one, and that by sacred scripture." p. 275.

Acceptable also to God, and his saints which are in heaven." p. 335.

Donovan's Edition, 1829.

"The pastor will also explain to the faithful, that in this sacrament are contained not only the true body of Christ, and all the constituents of a true body, but also Christ whole and entire." p. 226.

"It is accompanied with a sincere sorrow, which is an agitation and affection of the mind, and is called by many a passion, and if accompanied with detestation, is, as it were, the companion of sin; it must, however,” &c. p. 254.

"Virginity is highly exalted and strongly recommended in scripture.” p. 328.

"Most pleasing in the sight of God and of his saints." p. 389.


"Yet it is not to be denied, but that they [heretics and schismatics] are in the power of the church, as those who may he judged by her, [punished,] and condemned with an anathema." p. 71.

Although Christ at his last supper instituted and delivered to the apostles this most profound sacrament in the species of bread and wine, yet it does not follow from hence that this was made by our Lord and Saviour to be a law," &c. p. 197.

"This [the form of absolution] the

"It is not, however, to be denied that they are still subject to the jurisdiction of the church, inasmuch as they are liable to have judgment passed on their opinions, to be visited with spiritual punishment, and denounced with anathema." p. 96.†

"It does not follow of necessity." &c. p. 244.

"This form is not less true when

* The words added are printed in italics.

"Ut qui ab eâ in judicium vocentur, puniantur, et anathemate damnentur." It will be seen that both the editions are faulty here: the Dublin edition entirely omits the word "punished,” while the professor interpolates the word "spiritual," to make us believe that the power of the "secular arm" is not intended!

Dublin Edition, 1816.

priest may pronounce no less truly, concerning that man also who, by virtue of a most ardent contrition, (yet so as that he has the wish of confession,) has obtained from God the pardon of his sins." p. 211.

Donovan's Edition, 1829. pronounced by the priest over him who, by means of perfect contrition, has already obtained the pardon of his sins. Perfect contrition, it is true reconciles the sinner to God, but his justification is not to be ascribed to perfect contrition, independently of the desire which it includes of receiving the sacrament of penance." p. 259.



"Received from the apostle." p.

"All others, which falsely claim to themselves that name, [of the 'Church,'] and being also led by the spirit of the devil," &c. p. 76.

"Which words [1 Cor. xi. 26] shew the true substance of the body and blood of Christ our Lord." p. 177. "It was said by the Prince of Apostles." p. 264.

"Delivered by Peter, the prince of apostles." p. 266.

"They [the apostles] very well. knew how great and how many advantages might arise to the Christian society, if the faithful rightly understood the holiness of matrimony, and kept it inviolable; and, on the contrary, it not being understood, or neglected, many great calamities and injuries are brought upon the church." p. 271.

"We ought, indeed, at all times to pay the duties of honour to our parents; but especially when they are dangerously sick, for then we must endeavour that nothing be

"Received from apostolical tradition." p. 64.

"All other societies arrogating to themselves the name of Church, because guided by the spirit of darkness," &c. p. 102.

"Words which prove to demonstration the real presence of Jesus Christ." p. 222.

"The doctrine of St. Peter." p. 317.

"Peter also has left," &c. p. 319.

"They well understood the numerous and important advantages which must flow to Christian society from a knowledge of the sanctity and an inviolable observance of the obligations of marriage; while they saw that from an ignorance of the former, and a disregard of the latter, marriage must prove the fertile source of the greatest evils, and the heaviest calamities to the church of God." p. 324.*

"We should then pay particular attention to what regards their eternal salvation, taking especial care that they duly receive the last sacraments." p. 390.

The object of the compilers of the Catechism was to shew that great evils and calamities have arisen from neglect of the obligations of marriage; but the professor has so constructed his translation, that marriage itself is represented as the source of those evils and calamities.

Dublin Edition, 1816.

omitted which belongs either to the confession of sins or to the other sacraments which are to be received by Christians when death approaches." p. 336.

"Fortified-with the defence of religion." Ibid.

"But of them who obeyed not the priests, it is written," &c. p. 339.

Donovan's Edition, 1829.

"Fortified by the sacraments of the church." Ibid.

"But of those who resist the spiritual authority of the priest, it is written He that will be proud, and refuse to obey the commandment of the priest who ministereth at that time to the Lord thy God, by the decree of the judge that man shall die,' (Deut. xvii. 12.)" p. 394.

Many more passages might have been adduced. These, however, will suffice to convince the reader that Romancatholic translations ought to be carefully watched.*

* At page 82, an entire paragraph is omitted. In another place, enumerating the incentives to irregular desire, the authors mention "obscene books," which are as much to be avoided (they say) as indecent images. They add, (referring to the decree on the use of images,) "let the pastor chiefly take care that those things be studiously observed which have been piously and religiously decreed by the holy Council of Trent, concerning those points."-Dublin edition, p. 356. Professor Donovan has virtually suppressed this passage, by placing it as a note at the bottom of the page in the original Latin! The reason is obvious ; he was unwilling to have it believed that the images adored by Roman Catholics are ever disgraced by anything approaching to indecency. But why was the admonition given?




Decree respecting the Observance of the Enactments of the Council-Bull of Confirmation-Pope Pius's Creed-Concluding Observations-Popery and Christianity contrasted.

THE Concluding portion of the last decree of the council evinces the anxiety felt by the fathers for the due observance of their enactments; and the manner in which they decreed such observance to be enforced deserves particular notice, since a claim is openly advanced which some would fain persuade us has been long ago relinquished.

"So great has been the calamity of these times, and the inveterate malice of the heretics, that no explanations of our faith have been given, however clear, nor any decrees passed, however express, which, influenced by the enemy of mankind, they have not defiled by some error. For which cause the holy council has taken particular care to condemn and anathematize the principal errors of the heretics of our age, and to deliver and teach the true and catholic doctrine: this has been done the council has condemned, anathematized, and defined. But since so many bishops, called from different provinces of the Christian world, could be no longer absent from their churches without great loss and universal peril to the flock; and no hope remained that the heretics would come hither any more, after having been so often invited and so long waited for, and having received the pledge of safety, according to their desire; and therefore it was necessary to put an end to this holy council; it now remains that all princes be exhorted in the Lord, as they now are, not to permit its decrees to be corrupted or violated by the heretics, but to ensure their devout reception and faithful observance, by them and by all others. But if any difficulty should arise in regard to their reception, or any circumstances occur, which indeed are not

to be feared, that should render necessary any further explanation or definition; the holy council trusts that, in addition to the remedies already appointed, the blessed Roman Pontiff will provide for the exigency, either by summoning certain individuals from those provinces in which the difficulty shall arise, to whom the management of the business may be confided, or by the celebration of a general council, if it be judged necessary, or by some fitter method, adapted to the necessities of the provinces, and calculated to promote the glory of God, and the good of the church."

On January 26th, 1564, Pius IV. published the bull of confirmation, commanding all the faithful to receive and inviolably observe the decrees of the council; enjoining archbishops, bishops, &c., to procure that observance from those under them, and in order thereto, to call in the assistance of the secular arm, if necessary; and exhorting and beseeching the Emperor, and the respective sovereigns and states of Europe, by the tender mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ,' to support the church in so pious an endeavour, and to shew their zeal for the divine honour, and their concern for the salvation of souls, by preventing their subjects from holding and avowing any sentiments opposed to those which had been promulgated at Trent. At the same time, private interpretations of the decrees were expressly prohibited, and the publication of any commentaries, glosses, annotations, remarks, &c., without papal authority, was sternly forbidden. If any doubt or difficulty existed, recourse was to be had to the "place which the Lord had chosen," the apostolic see.* A congregation of cardinals was appointed to regulate and announce the legitimate meaning of the decrees. It still continues, and meets usually twice in every month.†

The canons and decrees of the council were printed at Rome, and widely circulated throughout Europe. Their reception was various. "In what concerns faith, or morals, the decrees of the council have been received, without any re

Canones et Decreta, (Le Plat,) pp. 342-345.

"A collection of its sentences has recently been published by D. Zamboni, in eight volumes quarto, at Rome, with the title "Collectio Declarationum Congregationis Concilii Tridentini."-Butler's Historical Memoirs, i. p. 491.


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