THE Parliamentary Register; OR, HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSES of LORDS and COMMONS. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF The most interesting SPEECHES and MOTIONS; accurate DURING THE FOURTH SESSION of the EIGHTEENTH PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN. VOL. X. LONDON: Printed by WILSON and Co. Wild Court, Lincoln's-Inn Fields : INDEX ΤΟ THE DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS. VOLUME X. HOUSE OF LORDS. A. ABERCROMBY (Sir Ralph), Thanks voted to, 76. Addrefs of Thanks for His Majefty's Speech, Debate on, 4; Copy of, 22; His Majefty's Answer to, 24. Address to His Majefty respecting the Treaties with Ruffia, 137. B. Bavarian Troops, Meffage from the King refpecting the Engaging of, Bread Corn, Report of the Committee refpecting, 536; Lord Darnley's D. Dutch Expedition, Debate on a Motion for inquiring into the Failure of, 491. F. France, Meffage from His Majefty refpecting Pacific Overtures from, with Copies of the Letters, and of the Answers thereto, 200; Debate on, 213. H. Habeas Corpus Aft, Debates on the Bill for renewing the Sufpenfion of, 525, 708, 722. Harvest, Motion for a Committee to inquire into the Failure of the late, 540. M. Militia Reduction Bill, Debate on the fecond Reading of, 102, 125. Mitchell (Vice Admiral), Thanks voted to, 77. Mornington (Earl of), Thanks voted to, 96. P. Peace, Motion of Lord Stanhope for concluding one with France, 660. Proteft of Lord Holland against the Rejection of the Overtures from France, 260. |