
8. The pupils were evidently much excited. They jumped up on the edge of the nest, and twittered, and shook their feathers, and waved their wings; and then hopped back again, saying, "It is pretty sport, but we cannot do it."

9. Three times the neighbors came in and repeated their graceful lessons. The third time, two of the young birds gave a sudden plunge downward, and then fluttered and hopped till they alighted on a small upright log. And O, such praises as were warbled by the whole troop! The air was filled with their joy! Some were flying round, swift as a ray of light; others were perched on the hoe handle and the teeth of the rake; multitudes clung to the wall after the fashion of their pretty kind; and two were swinging, in the most graceful style, on a pendent hoop. Never, while memory lasts, shall I forget that swallow party.

10. The whole family continued to be our playmates until the falling leaves gave token of approaching winter. For some time the little ones came home regularly to their nest at night. I was ever on the watch to welcome them, and count that none were missing. Their familiarity was wonderful. If I hung my gown on a nail, I found a little swallow perched on the sleeve. If I took a nap in the afternoon, my waking eyes were greeted by a

swallow on the bedpost: in the summer twilight, they flew about the sitting room in search of flies, and sometimes lighted on chairs and tables. I almost thought they knew how much I loved them. But at last they flew away to more genial skies, with a whole troop of relations and neighbors. It was painful to me to think that I should never know them from other swallows, and that they would have no recollection of me.



I. Courage, brother! do not stumble,

Though thy path be dark as night;
There's a star to guide the humble—
"Trust in God, and do the right.”
Though the road be long and dreary,
And the goal be out of sight,
Foot it bravely, strong or weary;
"Trust in God, and do the right."

2. Perish policy and cunning,

Perish all that fears the light;
Whether losing, whether winning,
"Trust in God, and do the right."


Fly all forms of guilty passion,,
Fiends can look like angels bright;
Heed no custom, school, or fashion;
"Trust in God, and do the right.”

Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee;
"Trust in God, and do the right."
Simple rule and surest guiding,

Inward peace and shining light,
Star upon our path abiding —

“Trust in God, and do the right."



1. But I am met with the great objection, What good will the monument do? I beg leave, sir, to exercise my birthright as a Yankee, and answer this question by asking two or three more, to which I believe it will be quite as difficult to furnish a satisfactory reply.

2. I am asked, What good will the monument do? And I ask, What good does anything do? What is good? Does anything do any good? The

persons who suggest this objection of course think that there are some projects and undertakings that do good; and I should therefore like to have the idea of good explained, and analyzed, and run out to its elements.

3. When this is done, if I do not demonstrate in about two minutes that the monument does the same kind of good that anything else does, I will consent that the huge blocks of granite already laid should be reduced to gravel, and carted off to fill up the millpond; for that, I suppose, is one of the good things.

4. Does a railroad or canal do good? Answer, Yes. And how? It facilitates intercourse, opens markets, and increases the wealth of the country. But what is this good for? Why, individuals prosper and get rich. get rich. And what good does that do?

5. Is mere wealth, as an ultimate end — gold and silver, without an inquiry as to their use are these a good? Certainly not. I should insult this audience. by attempting to prove that a rich man, as such, is neither better nor happier than a poor one.

6. But as men grow rich, they live better. Is there any good in this, stopping here? Is mere animal life-feeding, working, and sleeping, like an ox -entitled to be called good? Certainly not.

7.- But these improvements increase the popula

tion. And what good does that do? Where is the good in counting twelve millions, instead of six, of mere feeding, working, sleeping animals?

8. There is, then, no good in the mere animal life, except that it is the physical basis of that higher moral existence which resides in the soul, the heart, the mind, the conscience in good principles, good feelings, and the good actions (and the more disinterested, the more entitled to be called good) which flow from them.

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9. Now, sir, I say that generous and patriotic sentiments sentiments which prepare us to serve our country, to live for our country, to die for our country feelings like those which carried Prescott and Warren and Putnam to the battlefield — are good; good, humanly speaking, of the highest order.

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10. It is good to have them, good to encourage them, good to honor them, good to commemorate them; and whatever tends to animate and strengthen such feelings does as much right-down practical good as filling up low grounds and building railroads. This is demonstration.



The heritage of American youth is equal opportunities in a land of equal rights.

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