
And he said, "Alas, that ever I made,
Or that skill of mine should plan,
The spear and the sword, for men whose joy
Is to slay their fellow-man!"

4. And for many a day old Tubal Cain
Sat brooding o'er his woe;

And his hand forbore to smite the ore,
And his furnace smoldered low;

But he rose at last with a cheerful face,
And a bright, courageous eye,

And bared his strong right arm for work,
While the quick flames mounted high;
And he sang
-"Hurrah for my


And the red sparks lit the air

"Not alone for the blade was the bright steel made”

And he fashioned the first plowshare.


1. Some years ago a foreigner came to America with his family, and established himself in the business of a weaver, to which he had been bred. He had thought little about educating his children; for hitherto his chief efforts had been devoted to obtaining the necessaries of life.

2. But it happened that there were good public

schools within reach; and, as Terence found that his children could be instructed without cost, he sent them to a neighboring school.

3. Kathleen was the eldest of the three children; and, though she was eleven years old, she did not know her letters. She was, however, naturally intelligent; and, devoting herself earnestly to her books, she made rapid progress. At the end of two years she could read well.

4. Neither of her parents could read at all; and it soon became the custom of the family to collect together in the evening, that Kathleen might read to them.

5. In this way the several members of the family obtained considerable knowledge; and, besides, they enjoyed a large amount of gratification; for as we have said, Kathleen read well; and, lightly as we are apt to think of it, there are few things so agreeable as to listen to a skillful reader.

6. Kathleen read in such a way that every one could understand her easily. She spoke every word distinctly and in a sweet, musical voice. Hence her father used to say to his wife: "That child is a real treasure. I would rather hear her read than go to the theater."

7. Now, let us consider what a blessing this girl was to this poor family. She helped to make home

pleasant; to furnish amusement that was not merely innocent, but useful. She assisted in making the whole circle-father, mother and brothers- happy and contented, even in the midst of poverty. She made her father forget his toil, and her mother her cares. She did more than this, for she made home so agreeable that her father found his enjoyment there, rather than at the tavern, where some of his companions spent their time in drinking.

8. Nor was this all. Her brothers were always at home in the evening, instead of running about the streets. When evening came they were impatient to have supper over, to get the lamp, to have their mother put away the dishes, and to get quietly settled down to hear Kathleen read.

9. Thus it is seen that the children of even the poorest may assist in making the home happy, and in inducing all its members to be contented with the pleasures which home affords.

10. The pleasures of good reading can be enjoyed alike in the family circles of the rich and the poor.

Then read from the treasured volume the poem of thy choice;

And lend to the rhyme of the poet the beauty of thy voice.

And the night shall be filled with music, and the

cares that infest the day

Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, and as silently

[blocks in formation]

Over and over and over;

Turn in the little seed, dry and brown,
Turn out the bright red clover.

2. Work, and the sun your work will share,
And the rain in its time will fall;
For Nature, she worketh everywhere,
And the grace of God through all.

3. With hand on the spade and heart in the sky, Dress the ground and till it;

Turn in the little seed, brown and dry;
Turn out the golden millet.

4. Work, and your house shall be duly fed;
Work, and rest shall be won;

I hold that a man had better be dead
Than alive, when his work is done!

5. Down and up, and up and down,

On the hilltop, low in the valley;

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