
Committee on Judiciary
Committee on Appropriations

ONE campaign at a time is

enough for most men, but Mr. Barry is a real political enthusiast. He tried for the United States House of Representatives and for the New Hampshire House at the same time last fall, carried off the New Hampshire office easily and badly damaged his opponent's lead for the national office. He has the honor of having thrown into the present session its chief bone of contention-House Bill, No. 1, the 48-hour law, and he led the forces which slew the factfinding resolution.


Committee on Claims

Committee on Ways and Means

AS a boy he stood by a Massa

chusetts roadside and wistfully watched New Hampshire bound trains. In 1914 the citizens of Temple sent him to the Legislature-regardless of the fact that he was the sole Progressive in the town-and this year they even nominated him without his knowledge. Which shows how his personality has won friends for him in his adopted state. As for efficiency-ask those who know his Liberty Loan work or his achievements when Speaker of the House,



TALL men, sun-crowned, that

stand above the crowd

In public duty and in private thinking..."

Into the halls of the legislature he carries the spacious manner of one who knows and loves life in the open. Whether this is a heritage from his Canadian birthplace or a later acquisition from adventurings in Texas oil fields is difficult for a stranger to say. But it convinces one immediately of the truth of the remark: "Ben Orr would get up at midnight to help out a friend."

Chadbourne Studio


Committee on Labor

Committee on Agricultural College

PSYCHOLOGY and chickens" Mr. Craig's hobbies, but he doesn't mix them. He applies psychology to the management of the diverse elements of the Manchester Delegation of which he is leader. He claims the study is useful in politics as throwing some light on the way in which a man with a fixed idea can be brought to see the other fellow's point of view. His chickens, we suppose, furnish refreshing examples of docility after a legislature session.

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An Appeal from Women to Women

BOUT twenty years ago a Sheppard Towner Act went into ef

small group of Cornell University faculty wives persuaded President Schurmann to open a department of Home Economics in the College of Agriculture. One of our first acts was to get ready a bulletin on "The Care and Feeding of Children." We had to send it to the office of the college for approval before it could be printed. It came back with these words, "We can't print this. It isn't Agriculture."

History repeats itself, and the bill introduced in the New Hampshire Legislature which would secure for New Hampshire a federal appropriation provided by the Sheppard Towner bill has met the reply from one faction in the house, "We can't pass this. It isn't state's rights."

It is difficult for mere women to understand why state's rights should be an argument against the saving of the lives of mothers and babies, whereas it is not the argument when gypsy moths or corn borers are involved, but the history of the Sheppard Towner bill in various states shows almost without exception that the states refusing the federal appropriation are accepting money to protect their crops, their forests, and their cattle. Possibly the reason for this distinction is the same which led to the founding of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals many years before there was any organization for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Every year in the United States we are losing 250,000 babies, and between 15,000 and 16,000 mothers die in childbirth. Most of these deaths are from preventable causes. This deathrate has not decreased in twenty years, until the past year when the

fect. One half the deaths of mothers are from child-bed fever which we have known how to prevent for thirty years. Until the Sheppard Towner money became available this country had spent no federal money on maternal and infant aid. It is safer to be a mother in Sweden, Norway, Italy, France, Prussia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Hungary, Japan, Australia and Belgium, than in the United States of America.

The Sheppard Towner Act was devised in an effort to remedy this situation. It provides that a sum of money shall be given by the federal government under certain conditions to each state to be used under the direction of the State Board of Health in co-operation with the Children's Bureau, to be at the disposal of every woman who desires instruction in maternal in maternal and infant hygiene, and to provide public health nurses, health centers, prenatal clinics, infant clinics, and medical and nursing care in hospital or home. Nothing is compulsory. Aid is given only on request. The bill further provides that if a state will appropriate dollar for dollar an equal amount a further sum of money will be given for the work. Forty-two state have accepted the provisions of this act.

If New Hampshire adopts the provisions of the Sheppard Towner bill and makes the appropriation provided for in the bill under consideration in the house, there will be about $20,000 available for use in New Hampshire in furthering this great work, and this with an expense to the state itself of only $7,988.31. The opposition which we have already referred to provides simply for the re

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We are keeping a record of the number of times that information is given us. And to give zest to the research we are running a competition between this remark and "What do you think of this for winter weather?"

Up to the end of last week the weather was ahead-the record standing about like the vote on the Bass fact-finding resolution. Then we went to Boston. New Hampshire natives who live in the Hub have had their impression of New Hampshire weather dulled by comparison with weathers more recently encountered, but they still retain their sense of pride in the legislature. Now the record is slightly in favor of the legislature-but the weather is a close runner-up.

One thing we notice about New Hampshire weather is that it shares. the fine democracy of the state. It is no respecter of persons.

In the Hall of Representatives the other day it was our good fortune to behold His Excellency the Governor of New Hampshire in close conference with one of the members of the

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Honorable Senate. We aren't used to Governors or even Senators—yet, and it gave us quite a thrill. We wondered what weighty affair of state was being settled in that informal tete-a-tete. We edged a little. closer and caught His Excellency's words "But I took two aspirin tablets and it didn't do any good!"

And the Governor is not the only


It takes a lot of weather to knock out the New Hampshire Legislature, however. In spite of sneezes the game of lawmaking goes on. In our opinion it ranks high among New Hampshire's justly famous winter sports. Even skiing-which we tried ourself the other evening with more or less distinguished success-pales in comparison. Which does not mean that we belittle the sport of skiing. Far from it. It didn't take us long to come to the conclusion in regard to it which Darius Greene reached as a result of his flying-machine experiences. Skiing is wonderful-so long as one keeps skiing; it's only when one stops skiing in the middle of a hill that the sun and stars begin to reel. A day in the Legislature

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