
do, we shall suffer in rates, in service, and in the development of our means of transportation.

The ablest observers and students of industrial affairs in this country, agree that New England's greatest industrial resource, lies in her large supply of highly skilled workmen. It is probable that our continued industrial prosperity depends in a large degree upon our ability to keep and increase this supply of skilled labor. For it is only by means of highly trained men and women that we can hope to turn out finished products of such a quality as will command the best prices. The transportation charges incurred in the distribution and selling of such goods, will be proportionately less than the transportation charges on bulky coarse products, turned out by unskilled labor, which must be sold at a much lower value in relation to their bulk or weight.


It is perhaps natural that the first tendency of manufacturers who feel the pressure of the increasingly keen. competition, should be vigorously opposed to the more liberal working conditions which are being adopted in other sections of the country. plausible argument is advanced that New England cannot afford to meet these conditions owing to its adverse situation in respect to coal and freight rates. Is it wise for New England to allow other sections of the country to maintain more favorable conditions for skilled labor? If the conditions under which employment can be obtained in New England are lower than those which prevail elsewhere, it is inevitable that the more enterprising, intelligent and skilled men and women within our borders will gradually and continually drift to those localities where conditions of work are more favorable.

Furthermore, there is a field of economy and thrift in this connection which we in New England, cannot afford to overlook. Strikes, lockouts, large groups of employees hostile or

antagonistic to their employers, are all the source of immeasurable losses, not only to the community at large, but to our industries themselves. It is of vital importance to New England business that its leaders should develop a far-sighted and resourceful policy in dealing with the labor


Another serious disadvantage to New England industry lies in the fact that the cost of living is higher here than it is in some sections of the the country which produce the food necessary for their population. We in New England import 75% of Our food. The transportation charges on this food add substantially to its cost to the consumer. This has an injurious effect on New England business. If mill operatives, for instance, can live better on the same wages in St. Louis than they can in New England, there is bound to be a tendency for those industries which employ the best class of help, gradually to move their plants where living costs are cheapest. In such localities they will find a more abundant, more contented, and more capable supply of labor.

Industrial prosperity and agricultural development are largely interdependent. This is more true to-day than ever before, because of the increase costs of transporting food.


In the interests of the continued prosperity of New England, we need to foster and encourage our agricultural resources. We have not been doing this in the past. During the last fifty years, while our population has largely increased, products of farms have shown a steady and alarming decline. We need to encourage better and more efficient agricultural methods, accompanied by a discriminating selection of the things to be produced on New England farms. We need more productive stock, a better selection of seed, intensive cultivation of land, more fertilizer, and a wise selection and rotation of crops.

The valuable work being done along

these lines by our State College, by the Agricultural Extension Service, and by our farm organizations, should be encouraged. They not only help the farmer, but indirectly they contribute fundamentally to the prosperity of all business in our community.

We have in our midst the best markets for farm products to be found anywhere in the world. But, unfortunately, these have not been developed in the interests of New England farmers. Others have profited by this natural advantage. We have in this country the most extravagant system of distributing food to be found anywhere in the world. Much can be done to reduce the cost of food and to increase farm profits by means of cooperative buying and selling. In New England, at least, we cannot afford longer to support a system of food distribution which charges the consumer, on an average, twice as much as it costs to produce that food on the farm. Here is a field for constructive progress which will benefit both our industries and our farmers.

Many of the policies and lines of action which I have suggested can be initiated and developed only by the business men of our community. They are broad, economic questions which must be handled as other practical problems are handled.

But there are a few things which can be done through our government. Of recent years, taxes have grown to such an extent that they are a serious burden to the farmer, to the householder, and to many business enterprises. At present, our taxes are not equally distributed. Certain classes of property bear more than their share of the cost of government. Other classes of property escape taxation either in part or in whole. This discrimination is not only unjust, but it may even threaten the continued prosperity of those interests most heavily burdened. This is a time when taxes should be distributed fair

ly on all classes of property, in some reasonable proportion to their ability to pay.

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In the last ten years the cost of running our state government has more than doubled. Much of this increase is inevitable, and due to causes we cannot control. But we should take every precaution against waste, inefficiency and the extravagrant use of public moneys. Realizing the taxes are unusually high, and that the functions of Government have been enormously extended, states have been making a careful survey of all the departments of government. These surveys have for their object, increasing the efficiency, and introducing economies, in conducting the business of the of the state. I believe that New Hampshire could profitably order a similar investigation of its State's affairs to be made by men of experience and training in such matters.

In brief, it seems to me that the business prosperity of New England. could be substantially increased; first through the wise development of our water powers to overcome the disadvantage of expensive coal and high freight rates. Secondly, by encouraging the development of our forest to provide cheap raw material, at least for one great industry. Third, by developing our agricultural sources, and a cheaper system of food distribution, in order to lower the cost of living. And finally, by a vigilant and intelligent effort to institute efficiency, thrift, and economy. in all public expenditures. This to be accompanied by a wider and more equitable distribution of the cost of government, through an equalization of the tax burden.


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By John H. Foster, State Forester.

The Crawford Notch, one of the most famous gateways in the White Mountains, was named for Ethan Allen Crawford, one of the first settlers in the region. It is a source of gratification to know that a tract of 6,000 acres, extending southward from the gateway for a distance of about six miles, belongs to the people of New Hampshire and is known as the Crawford Notch State Forest Reservation. Reservation. This reservation occupies the northerly half of the township known as Hart's Location. On either side the boundary extends to the summits of the mountains bordering the Saco river. The purchase of this reservation was made possible by a special act of the Legislature of 1911.

August 28, 1826, came down the slope of Mt. Willey and killed the entire Willey family, who had rushed from their home upon the approach of the avalanche. It is well known that the house itself remained untouched. This house was afterwards enlarged by the addition of another building and used as a hotel. The original house was finally destroyed by fire and the hotel buildings eventually disappeared. For many years now the only suggestion of previous habitation at this famous spot has been the clearing in the otherwise unbroken forest, the remains of the cellar walls of the original Willey House and the walls of other buildings. of ings. Gravel from the great slide has been used for many years in constructing and maintaining state highway, known as the Theodore Roosevelt Highway, which passes the spot.

To the east and west of the State Reservation lies the White Mountain National Forest which makes of the region altogether a splendid stretch of forested mountains, valleys and slopes now in public ownership. A short distance below the gateway are the Silver Cascades, well worth a stop on the part of motorists passing through the Notch, but unfortunately frequently overlooked. Mounts Avalon. Willard, Willey and Frankenstein comprise the border range on the west, while the magnificant slopes of Mt. Webster occupy much of the easterly border of the valley. The southern border of the reservation is near the crossing of Bemis Brook, where a vista has been cut through to the river and a magnificent view may be obtained of the summit of Mt. Washington,

Within the Crawford Notch reservation and some three miles below the gate of the Notch, is the site of the original Willey House, famous the country over on account of the great slide which on


One-half mile below the Willey House site is the headquarters of the State ranger or patrolman employed by the Forestry Commission as caretaker of the reservation. The ranger cabin is known as the Allen Spring Camp, where there is located one of the finest springs in the mountains, close by the highway and near the State cabin. Through the fire season the State ranger watches for fire, patrols north and south along the state highway and the railroad above, allots camping space to forest travellers and motor tourists and gives permits for building fires. He is at the service of the public and is always glad to accommodate passers-by, point out places of interest and render every service possible free of charge. The open spaces between the Allen Spring Camp and the Willey House site are used for the accomodation of

the public for 'camping purposes. Two permanent camps away from the highway and on a roadway leading to the Willey House Station on the Maine Central railroad a half mile below the Allen Spring Camp have been built by private parties under leases from the State. The station on the Maine Central railroad, known as the Willey Station, makes the Notch country accessible to parties wishing to visit the place either from the north or south by railroad.

Thousands of persons each year

Boston, who has freely given his services in the interest of this mountain country. One of the cabins is for a public rest room, with fireplace and toilets. The other cabin is a store and lunch room, where food and supplies as well as souvenirs, both for the tramper and automobile party, may be purchased at reasonable prices and under regulation by the State Forestry Commission. Smaller cabins, also of peeled spruce are placed artistically in the rear, both for service quarters and for use of over

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