
branches of industry. The premises are spacious and well appointed, and extend, from the east entrance in Regent Street, three hundred and twenty feet in depth, including the mansion No. 5, Cavendish Square. The cxhibition consists for the most part of mechanical and other models, distributed through various apartments; as a hall, devoted to manufacturing processes, a laboratory beneath, a theatre or lecture-room above, a very spacious hall, and other apartments. The gallery contains upwards of five hundred specimens, and several manufactures and arts are shown in their processes. The objects exhibited, and the lectures in explanation thereof, are repeatedly changed, to admit the topics of present interest: thus, aerial navigation, the atmospheric railway, the electric telegraph, agricultural chemistry, and the electric light, have successfully taken their places among the leading attractions. Open daily, from ten till five, and from seven till ten. Admission, 1s. Explanatory Catalogues, 1s. Subscribers pay £1 1s. for perpetual admission.


Baker Street. The proprietress of this very interesting exhibition of Wax-work was a spectator of some of the most striking scenes of the first French revolution. Her talent in this art is unique, and the skill with which the groups are arranged, and the truthfulness of the fulllength figures of the most noted persons of the age, lend a charm to this exhibition which no other collection of wax figures ever possessed. Open daily, from ten till ten. Admission, 1s. Catalogue, 6d. A small room, called the Chamber of Horrors, is set apart to models of the heads of the principal actors who were decollated in the first French revolution, and some of the most noted mur

derers. Here is also the identical shirt of Henry IV. of France, in which he was assassinated, still retaining the bloody appearance and the marks of the dagger Admission, 6d.


Temple Pier, Essex Street. The junk "Keying," now in London, is an object of great interest to visitors. She left China December 6, 1846; arrived at St. Helena April 17, 1847; having had very light winds nearly the whole of the voyage. She laid at anchor six weeks in the Java Sea and Sunda Straits, with high southerly and south-west winds. Off the Mauritius she experienced some very heavy weather on the 22nd and 23rd March, but she was found to be a most beautiful seaboat and easy, never having shipped a drop of water since leaving China, or leaking. Her masts and rudder are of immense size and weight, being made of ironwood. Her rudder is hung to three large ropes, and drawn into her stern by two others, going underneath her stern, and coming over the bows; and when the rudder is down draws twenty-three feet, but when hoisted only thirteen feet. It sometimes takes twenty men to steer her; but in fine weather, running before the wind, she goes so steadily that the tiller rarely requires to be touched, and then two men can steer her. She is built in compartments, having fifteen, several of which are water-tight; she has a main-deck, raised quarter-deck, two poops, and a raised forecastle, with a high verandah above that again. Her main-deck is arched. Her anchors are made of wood, and the shanks are about thirty feet long; the cables are made of bamboo, rattan, and Indian grass. She has three water tanks built on her decks. The sails reef themselves, by

lowering the halyards, so that one man by himself at the halyards can either reef the sails or take in in calm weather. Her stern and bows are open, but she is so very high that she never takes in any water at either end. Her main cabin or saloon is thirty feet long by twenty-five feet wide and twelve feet high, painted with various beasts, birds, &c.; she has also six small cabins on the first poop, with the joss-house in the centre, in which a light is kept constantly burning. Her stern is thirty-two feet out of the water. Open daily. Admission, 1s. Descriptive Guide, 6d.


14, Regent Street. This highly interesting exhibition consists of a Diorama of the Overland Route to India, representing the journey from Southampton to Calcutta. The Diorama is shown by gas-light, through an oval aperture, which is increased in size when the stationary pictures are exhibited. The landscape portion is by Messrs. T. Grieve and Telbin, the human figures by Mr. Absolon, and the horses by Mr. Herring, all artists of first-rate ability; and the work is in every way worthy of their high reputation. The stationary view of Malta is one of the most striking dioramic pictures ever seen. Open daily. Admission, one shilling.

In addition to the foregoing, there are numerous other exhibitions to be seen from time to time in London; but as they are only opened for a limited time, and are continually changing, we must refer the visitor to the daily papers, in which all novelties as they occur are duly announced.

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WHAT its Capitol was to Rome-what the Kremlin is to Moscow-such is the "Tower" to London, its palacecitadel and stronghold, and the monument most closely

connected with its popular annals and the history of the state. Indeed, it is chiefly in this latter respect, and on account of the objects of curiosity for which it serves as a repository, that the Tower now possesses much interest, since so far from being an imposing object to the eye, it shows itself only as a huddled-up mass of buildings, some of them comparatively modern, and none of them, with the exception of the new barracks, particularly dignified in appearance. The sole feature which gives character to the exterior, in a general view, is that lofty upright structure distinguished by the name of the "White Tower;" were it not for that, which, with the turrets at its angles, forms a bold and conspicuous architectural object in the views from the river and the opposite shores, the Tower would hardly be distinguishable at any distance. To survey the Tower with advantage, taking the more important objects step by step, the visitor should commence at the entrance on the west side, after passing through which he will proceed through other fortified gateways, of rude and venerable appearance, along an avenue, bounded on the south side by the external walls and ramparts, and on the north by a very lofty mass of apparently solid wall, having only here and there an upper window, conveying the idea of habitation, and thereby rendering the expression of prodigious strength and security all the more forcible. A somewhat similar effect is produced by the smaller and more modern erections scattered about below: and at intervals one obtains peeps into streets and lanes of houses, picturesque enough when taken collectively, but not prepossessing in their physiognomy when considered separately. Having turned through the third gateway, and proceeded a short distance towards the Parade, the visitor finds himself, on turning a corner, almost at the foot of the White Tower, and coming thus suddenly upon it, is the more impressed with its loftiness.

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