
Subject of reasonable Christian Faith, because it CHA P. is the Object of Reason, as well as Faith, ever XVIII. fince Scripture has revealed it to Reafon.

IV. LET it efpecially be obferved, that the Myfteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, notwithstanding they are revealed, are revealed but IN PART. The Part that is indeed revealed or made known to its proper Faculty, the Understanding, is fo far now not a Secret; but a moft edifying Ground, and the substantialleft Reason for Piety and Virtue, that ever was exhibited to the World. And fo far as it is difcover'd, is become a Matter of common Knowledge, and firm Affent of the understanding Faculty, which is, in a great Measure, the true-Import of Faith in Scripture. There is the bright, and there is. the fhady Side of the Mystery, the Top, and the τò äppyτov; one the fublunary ufu-fructuary Part for the prefent Occafion of bringing us to Heaven; the other the diftant, dark, impervious Side referv'd to another State; to which we affent in the general Method of giving Credit to God, that whatever he certainly speaks of his own Nature, is certainly true, and may be useful to us hereafter by a more perfect Disclosure, in the Vifion of God; a Vifion that is the Chriftian's reverfionary Knowledge and Fruition of Mystery. Had no part been difclofed, there had been no Notion at all engendred; but enough is open'd to kindle Defire, and ftir up human Endeavour, and completely do the Bufinefs of a Notion in part; which, in Truth, is all the Notion that we Men, who are Notion-guided Creatures, have either of Things Natural, or Reveal'd.

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1. As to Things reveal'd, the Apostles themselves writing in the true Sublime, or most intelligible Character, that belongs to fuch Things as they respect us at prefent, confefs, that they knew but IN PART and prophesied (i. e. inftruct others, as Prophecy often fignfies in Scripture, and especially in that Scripture, 1 Cor. xiv. 1. Covet earnestly the best Gifts, but rather that ye prophesy, i. e. teach; which is the ftanding, the ufeful, and most edifying Talent unto others) IN PART: Affigning the Reafon from the Conftitution of Things according to the Will of God; when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part fhall be done away, 1 Cor. xiii. 9, 10. And if the very Secretaries and Amanuenfes of thofe Celeftial Discoveries fpeaking of Myfteries and Knowledge, fpake fo of themfelves, at the time they were infpired with the Holy Ghoft, who led them into all Truth, how much more Reason have we to acquiefce in a partial Apprehenfion, and deem it fufficiently profitable for us? The Understanding in part, which is the Measure of our Faith' and the Portion allotted to us at prefent, is a very' contentable Knowledge; there is enough and to fpare for our real Service, and its Views upon us; and what fhou'd we do with more than enough, or why defire it? And the Excellency of it is, that it is very obvious, and very fruitful. Whilft arduous Speculations foaring in Theory, and in lofty Clouds, and like the aquecus Drops of Rain boyant and floating there, of no use at all to us, till they defcend to water the Capacity of common Fruitfulness. If the great and eloquent Apoftle wou'd rather fpeak five Words to the Churches of God, concerning

cerning things whereby we must be faved, with CHAP. the Understanding, and to the Understanding, XVIII. that he might teach others alfo; than ten thousand Words in an unknown Tongue; is it not better for us Readers, and Students of his Words, to meafure the Meaning by the profefs'd Defign, which is to profit withal? And to receive fuch as worthy of all Acceptation, concerning the Points of Salvation, as give us an Understanding of the Matter, by arguing plainly what is our Interest and Concern therein, and the Manner how we are to profit withal? and to prefer fuch before ten thousand Volumes of intricate Difputation, which are all, with refpect to the Business of profiting, to almoft all People, in an unknown. Tongue, tho' wrote in that wherein they were born.

"THERE was none of the Doctrines of our "Saviour calculated for the Gratification of "Mens idle Curiofity, the bufying and amufing "them with airy and useless Speculations; much "lefs were they intended for an Exercife of "Credulity, or a Trial how far we could bring "our Reason to fubmit to Faith: But, as on "the one Hand they were plain and fimple, " and fuch as by their Agreeableness to the ra"tional Faculties of Mankind, did highly re"commend themselves to our Belief; fo on the "other Hand they had an immediate Relation "to Practice, and were the genuine Principles "and Foundations upon which all human and "divine Virtues were naturally to be fuper"ftructed *."

* Archbishop of York's Serm. before the Queen, Chriftmas Day, 1704.





CONSIDERING the Wifdom and Goodnefs of God, who is perfect in all his Works, and never does things by halves, 'tis a great Prefumption, or rather Demonftration, that we are either incapable of understanding that part which is kept fecret, or, that it is ufelefs for us to be appriz'd of it in this Life prefent: Better therefore lock'd up by him, who does all things for the belt, whilft the ufeful Part is difplay'd and made known. And we have clear diftinct Ideas, and may talk as intelligibly of that Part of the Mystery, as of any other plain thing; fo that none need be at a Lofs to give a Reason of the Hope that is in them..

THO' we, who were fometime Darkness, are now Light in the Lord, and his Revelation is put into our Hands as a Telescope for a clearer Infight into divine and heavenly Things, yet we know very well that where the Telescope fhews what we could not fee without it, it does not fhew all But ftill it is, as the Scripture acquaints us, we fee through a Glas darkly. The concerning edifying Part wherein we are interefted, fhines bright like the Sun, and our Heart burns within us, when we cordially converfe with it; whilft the other twinkles like the more diftant fix'd Stars. And if an ordinary magnifying Glafs can make fuch Difcoveries here to our bodily Eyes of a new World of invifible Infects and Seeds, & (incredible if it had been written

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By means of that excellent Inftrument [Microscope] "we have a far greater Number of different kinds of Things "reveal'd to us, than were contain'd in the visible Universe "before." Hif. R. S. pag. 384. And I would add, that


or reported only, and the Invention of thofe CHAP. magnifying Glaffes had never been communi- XVIII. cated to the World) what vaft felicitating Dif coveries remain in the next World, to the Spirit of Man beholding God Face to Face? If the Defect is in our prefent imperfect Faculties, it is plain, we fhall never be able, in this Life, to attain the vainly afpiring Knowledge of the Manner how. When we arrive at higher Degrees of Knowledge, and Revelation in another World, the Manner will be manifeft, and we shall be Comprehenders of the whole Mystery; which put us in mind to be contented, at prefent, to be Apprehenders of the Thing in general, and its best Use.

THE Scriptures never defign'd to give Information farther than ferves to qualify us in a godly, fober, righteous Life, in order to lead us to the Happinefs to which we were ordain'd; by raifing the active Faculties of our Understanding and Will, of our Love, Hope, Fear, to the fecuring our Obedience to him, from the affecting Confideration of the Intereft we have in his moft gracious Tranfactions with us; not by Exhibitions of his Effence, Substance, &c. things above our Comprehenfion in this Life; but of his great Goodness in creating, redeeming, preferving us; his Power, his Dominion, his Wifdom as a Governor, his Legislature over our Thoughts, Words and Actions, his prefent Inspection over, and future Account in judging us: all which we understand to an Accuracy, and

the Grandeur and Almightiness of the Skill of the Divine Architect, is no lefs feen in those invisible Myriads, than in the groffer Objects of his framing.

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