

(lege graduates are unfitted for State street.
schools, as they now are, are a detriment to prepara-
tion for practical life. It wastes time and emasculates
the habits of toil to prepare every one for college,
when only a part can go there. The system which
produced Butler, Theodore Parker, Wade and others,
was better than the present system of instruction.
The present system takes the backbone out of youth.
More practical knowledge is needed-knowledge
which the proposed institution would supply. But for
the unusual brightness of the Yankee, the American
people must have deteriorated, through their defective
systems of education.

without being able to earn $1 a day. In his days
boys were taught a practical education. At thirteen
he was able to take a watch to pieces or build a
stone wall. In some of the smaller towns the same
state of affairs exists in some measure to-day, but the
larger places, like Fitchburg, Leominster, or the
Brookfields, give children a city education. It is
an equal division of the school funds to say to one
"We will fit you for the door of the col-
lege," and to another class, that cannot have college
advantages, "We will fit you for business." Boys
of thirteen or fourteen years, who have studied all
their lives, are unprepared for manual labor. Col- |


[blocks in formation]

James Johonnot. Pp.: 395. New York: D.
Appleton & Co. 1878.

struction, and to determine the subject-matter best adapted to each stage of development."

The topics treated are in the following order: General Objects of Education, the Mental Powers, Objective Course of Instruction, Subjective Course of Instruction, Object Teaching, Relative Value of the Different Branches of Instruction, Pestalozzi, Froebel and the Kndergarten, Agassiz: and Science in its Relations to Teaching, Systems of Education Compared, Physical Culture, Esthetic Culture, Moral Culture, General Course of Study, Country Schools and their Organization. These chapters are again subdivided, to render the book easy of reference and convenient for study.

The "General Course of Study," for graded schools, where there is opportunity for the complete development of an educational system, is treated in Chapter XIV., which occupies some ninety pages. It is arranged for four departments of three grades each, and requires an average of twelve years study on the part of the pupil passing through it-of course, presup posing the employment of competent teachers. This chapter is, of itself, worth the cost of the book. APPLETON'S SCHOOL READERS.-FIRST READER Pp.: 90. SECOND READER, Pp.: 142. THIRD READER, Pp.: 214. FOURTH READER, Pp. 248. By Wm. T. Harris, Superintendent Schools St. Louis, Missouri; Andrew J. Rickoff, Superintendent of Instruction, Cleveland, Ohio; and Mark Bailey, Instructor in Elocution, Yale College. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1878.

This valuable contribution to the literature of the teachers' profession deserves more than passing notice, and we take pleasure in letting the distinguished author speak for himself from his preface. Says Mr. Johonnot: "Experience is beginning to show that teaching, like every other department of human thought and activity, must change with the changing conditions of society, or it will fall in the rear of civil ization and become an obstacle to improvement. Teachers imbued with modern thought, in comparing the ideals which such thought suggests with the actual results of their efforts in the ordinary routine of instruction, have become dissatisfied, and intelligent outside observers have seen with great concern the continual divergence of education from practical affairs. Efforts to remove these difficulties have usually been directed toward reforming the methods of presenting the ordinary topics, rather than toward a more radical change; and hence there have grown up a great number of empirig methods, which have found expression in manuals for teachers, and in text-books. These have all contributed something to the solution of the problem, and in the aggregate have been of great value to education, especially in the primary grades. But the remedies have proved inadequate, and the dissatisfaction remains, taking the form of a wide-spread feeling that, in some way, the schools are out of joint with the times, and that the instruction which they afford is not the highest and best, either as To find these readers ordinary text-books, after be a disciplinary force or as a preparation for the duties ing prepared by the experienced talent that has been and occupations of life. This feeling gives rise to a employed upon them, would be a disappointment to demand that some means shall be devised by which "great expectations." We have been through them education may profit by the results of modern science carefully from first to last, and are delighted with and philosophy, and once more take rank as a leading them. No. 1 begins with the "word method," anaforce in civilization. To meet this demand the lyzing the word into its elements and recombining changes required are organic and fundamental, and in- these into the word, the children using slate and penclude the matter which shall be made the basis of in-cil for printing as soon as they begin to read. struction, and the order of presenting the several sub- use of pictures, in arresting the attention of children, jects, as well as the methods to be pursued. In this is recognized by the authors, and no pains or expense volume, an endeavor has been made to examine edu- has been spared to make the numbers throughout as cation from the stand-point of modern thought and to attractive and suggestive as possible through apt and contribute something to the solution of the problems artistic illustrations. These are also designed as that are forcing themselves upon the attention of edu- subjects of conversation with the little ones. cators. To these ends a concise statement of the continues the plan of No. 1, giving prominence to the well-settled principles of psychology has been made, phonic analysis and the noting of silent letters, to the and a connected view of the inter-dependence of the placing of diacritical marks which must be learned by sciences given, to serve as a guide to methods of in-practice in marking words; also, to the spelling of


No. 2

many parts of the country are one after another here laid before the reader, he feels a growing interest in these pre-historic millions. He looks back to his brother man of the far-off era when the mammoth was upon the earth, much as he looks across wide continents and broad expanse of waters to some strange race inhabiting a distant clime. All are of "one blood," however far removed by time or dis

words and to sentence making, using the words | As the contents of a very large number of mounds in occurring in the reading lessons. Nos. 3 and 4 continue and enlarge upon the plan of the preceding numbers. The pieces to be read as wholes except for the purpose of critical drill, every reading lesson to be accompanied by an oral language exercise both on the reading matter of the lesson and upon the picture. Lessons on 66 How to Read" are placed at intervals through Nos. 3 and 4. These present the most important principles of good reading in so simple a way that they can readily be understood by even a child. Being made reading exercises, they are not likely to be neglected, as lessons upon elocution frequently are when inserted as separate articles or by way of an introduction. The series possesses great merit, and will be widely known.

A SYSTEM OF PUNCTUATION. By John G. R. McElroy, A. M., Prof. of Rhetoric and English Language in the University of Pennsylvania. Pp.. 36. Price, 50 cents. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates.

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This little book presents substantially the notes of lectures delivered to several classes in the University. They are printed," says the author, "both in order to save time in giving my own instruction, and in the hope that this method of presenting the subject may recommend itself to others. I have tried different plans of initiating students of composition into the mystery of punctuation. The least successful has been that which rested on usage; the most successful, the one presented here." The rules presented do not number more than ten or a dozen, but they are deduced from foundation principles, and are illustrated by examples sufficient to render them clearly intelligible to the average student.


J. W. Foster, LL. D., Author of Physical
Geography of the Mississippi Valley," President
Chicago Academy of Sciences, etc., etc. Pp.: 415.
Fourth Edition. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co.
Price, $3.00.

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Written Spelling. National Series. Three Num-
bers. New York: Potter, Ainsworth & Co.
This series of spelling blanks has been received
with much favor. No. 1, containing three columns
to the page, is designed only for written spelling and
the correction of misspelled words. No. 2, with two
columns to page, for written spelling, defining and
correcting, with practical drills in the use of capitals
and in punctuation. No. 3, an open page, for written
spelling, defining, sentence writing and correcting,
with drills continued in the use of capital letters and
punctuation marks. A fine grade of paper is used in
the several books, and they are bound with neat and
attractive cover.

Numbers. New Copies. Graded according to the
New York City Course of Study. By the Au-
thor of the Ellsworth System of Penmanship and
Book-Keeping. New York: H. W. Ellsworth,
Publisher. American News Company, General
Trade Agents.

The publisher makes definite claim for the following points of excellence in his Series of Reversible Writing Books, viz.: "They occupy but half the desk Each page is full size, lies flat without fold, curve or room of others. But one page is exposed at a time. wrinkle. They permit spoiled or unwritten pages to be removed without affecting the rest. Each book has a full-page hinged blotter attached to the cover without extra expense to the pupil." An examination of the books proves this an excellent business series, with common-sense style of hand-writing that has not the fault of being "too good."

amples for Oral Practice. By E. P. Seaver and
G. A. Walton. Pp.: 316. Boston: Wm. Ware
Co. 1878.

There is not much waste timber in this book. It seems to cover the ground of arithmetic in a single text-book quite satisfactorily. Oral problems precede those for the slate. Definitions and principles are thoroughly illustrated and explained, and the problems are numerous, practical, and of every-day interest. Miscellaneous examples are numerous and in great variety, and each section is followed by a set of questions for review. A special feature of the book is its drill exercises. The Metric System has been treated in such a manner as will be suggestive to teachers. ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. By Sidney A. Norton, Professor in Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College. Pp.: 300. Cincinnati: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co.

Who were the Mound Builders?" Dr. Foster tells, in this book of absorbing interest, more than we thought any one was ever likely to know of the mysterious people who once inhabited the Mississippi Valley, and certain other parts of this continent. The story of their origin and extinction-with all the history of human experience, both individual and tribal or national, that came between-he does not touch, for of all this we as yet know absolutely nothing. These ancient inhabitants are known only through the earthworks and tumuli which they have left behind, and in the more or less rude but intensely interesting objects found in such mounds as have been opened by archeologists and others in prosecuting their researches. The book is filled with results of original observation on the part of the author. Most of his illustrations have been derived from materials here for the first time brought together. The general plan of the work may be learned from the headings of the leading chapters, which are as follows: Antiquity of Man, Evidences in Europe; Antiquity of Man, Evidences in the United States; Mound Builders, Geographical Distribution of their Works; Shell Banks, Geographical Distribution; Mounds and Enclosures; Mound Builders, their Arts and Manufactures; Ancient Mining by the Mound Builders; Crania of the Mound Builders; Manners and Customs as the Basis of Ethnic Relations; Who were the Mound Builders? The Unity of the Human Race; and Chronometric Measurements as Applied to the Antiquity of Man.gravings represent well-fashioned apparatus, but,"

This work is not intended as a manual for reference, but as a text-book for class-room use. Such phenomena of chemistry have been selected as represent the leading principles of the science. Experiments that can easily be made by the student are given in preference to those more brilliant or more striking, which require more expensive apparatus.

"The en

says the author, "no one should be deterred from attempting an experiment because he has not the exact shaped figure. Any drug store or kitchen will afford bottles and tumblers which may be used in place of flasks and beakers. In some way the experiments ought to be tried. Glass tubing, rubber tubing, and good corks are the first requisites, and are easily obtainable. The most essential thing in experimenting is the experimenter. He should know (1) what he proposes to do; (2) what are the means at his command; and (3) how he intends to use them. He must bear in mind that a Chinese fidelity is not required -. g., that one alkali may replace another, or that corresponding salts may be substituted one for another, as occasion requires. Nevertheless he must remember that Chemistry is exact in her methods; that careless manipulation will not secure good results; and that such words as neutral, acid, basic, excess, must not be neglected." As regards nomenclature, the author has used those names which have become a part of our language, with as little change as possible. In style and make-up, as well as in matter and arrangement, the book leaves a very favorable impression. CRITTENDEN'S NEW BOOK-KEEPING SERIES. Printed in Colors. Royal Octavo. New Single Entry. Pp. 192. Price, 75 cents. Also an Inductive and Practical Treatise on Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry. Pp.: 192. Price, $1.25. Philadelphia: W. S. Fortescue & Co.

These text books are both by Samuel W. Crittenden, Consulting Accountant, and for many years principal, of Crittenden's Philadelphia Commercial College. The first named work, on Single Entry, contains five sets of books, showing successively the business of a painter and glazier, a village retail store, that of a cabinet maker with two partners for two years, that of a farmer, and that of a blacksmith. The book second named shows five sets of books by Single, and six sets by Double Entry. For each of these a full and minute history of the business is given, from which the student is to make his entries aided by accompanying instructions. These books

"mean business," and will commend themselves at once to teachers who have to do with Book keeping. SYLLABUS OF LECTURES IN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. By T. B. Stowell, A. M. Syracuse, N. Y.; Davis, Bardeen & Co. Price, 50 cents. This little book was published for the students of the State Normal and Training School at Cortland, New York. All the even pages present briefly the topics treated in the lecture course, while the odd pages are blank, affording space for notes by the student. The author was a pupil of Agassiz and is a successful teacher of Physiology. The book will be of great use to all who give instruction in this branch of science, as well as to students.

YEAR BOOK OF EDUCATION FOR 1878. Edited by Henry Kiddle and Alexander J. Schem. Pp.: 420. Price: Paper cover, $1.25; Cloth, $2.00. New York: E. Steiger, Publisher. This important work is a continuation of, and similar in style to, the "Cyclopædia of Education " issued last year, and already widely adopted as a standard educational authority. There is necessarily, during each successive year, a considerable accumulation of fresh material, the addition of which in the form of a year-book serves to complete the main work, and to show, also, when compared with the Cyclopædia itself, the progress made through each succeeding year in each department treated. The "Year-Book" may,

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therefore, be expected to present a considerable amount of information of equal interest to that contained in the "Cyclopædia;" since it is the living questions and issues of the present which, in educational matters especially, attract and engage the attention of the public. The contents of the "Year-Book of Education for 1878" embrace the following:Original articles on the progress of education in the United States and in foreign countries up to the close of the year 1877; statistical tables, chiefly compiled from information recently received; reviews and notices of recent educational publications; a list of collegiate, denominational, special, and private educational institutions; a classified descriptive catalogue of American, British, German, French, and other foreign publications on education and general philology, together with works of reference, teachers' handbooks, etc.-exclusive of text-books; select lists of educational publications, etc., arranged by the publishers themselves, together with a complete alphabetical subject-index of all the books and other articles enumerated therein. It will be seen from the above that the scope of the Year-Book" is as comprehensive as that of the " Cyclopædia," though, of course, without the same attempt at exhaustiveness; and it is believed by the publisher that a work devoted to the record of the most memorable events in this interesting field of knowledge and effort, both in this country and among all the important nations of the world, will not only prove attractive, but will meet an actual want-filling a vacant place in the educational literature of every English-speaking people. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, for July. McCalla & Stavely, 237-9 Dock St., Philadelphia.

The present number fully sustains the reputation which this magazine has established. It opens with an interesting article on the Diamond, which is followed by a very readable one on "The Moundmaking Ants of the Alleghanies." Under the head of "Recent Literature," in a notice of the "Report of the President," there is a severe criticism of the present condition of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, from which it appears, we are sorry to learn, that this ancient institution has degenerated into a mere "show museum," to use the expression of the critic, instead of upholding the character which it formerly possessed, of an institution for the promotion of original scientific research. It is undoubtedly an easy and pleasant thing to stroll through apartments filled with rare scientific collections, staring at them with ignorant and stupid wonder; but if the reputation of the Academy is to be maintained, and the character of the State as a seat of scientific culture

is to be established, work very different from this will have to be done. Elsewhere people who pretend to scientific acquirements are actively engaged in original to keep pace with the rest of the world, she will have and independent observation; and if Pennsylvania is than a "show museum. to. contribute something more to the general stock

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THE Excelsior School Furniture Manufacturing Company, in our last issue, announce their "Common-Sense" Bent Wood Desks as the ne plus ultra of school desks. In its bent wood and wrought-iron parts, its seats and backs solid and curved, thus obviating the use of slats, and its ability to withstand rough usage-this desk presents certain strong features of excellence that invite careful examination and will commend the desk to the favorable consideration of school committees.

ACCENT. The subject of accent has been often misunderstood in its practical application. The regularly returning accent of measure should not usually prevail in any very marked manner. Such an accent belongs chiefly to a lower class of music, which makes its appeal to the mere external sense; it is heard, and indeed is often the only element, in the music of savage life. The march and the dance are somewhat dependent upon it, though in the higher department of these forms of music, it is often designedly hidden by higher properties for a short time, or as long as

it is safe to trust the feet without it. A regular drum-like recurrence of it in vocal music is usually at variance with good taste; nor does it belong to instrumental music of a high order. To the fact that this element is much concealed by the organ is to be attributed one of the chief excellencies of this noble instrument, and one which renders it peculiarly appropriate to the dignity, solemnity and spirituality of divine worship. The rhythmic accent which belongs to phrases, or periods, and also the rhetorical accent or emphasis belonging to emotion or expression, on



But my pleasures are not now, love, What childhood's pleasures were.

But they are not half so bright, love, As childhood's roses were. I remember, I remember, But you know you're not so true, love, As childhood's lov-ers were.


the contrary, are of the highest importance; they are, in all cases, essential to a tasteful and appropriate performance, and they should never be disregarded. | HINTS. As it is not uncommon to see a person, when singing, assume a disquieted and troubled countenance, and by frowning or scowling indicate uneasiness and distress, sometimes alarming to others, it may not be amiss to add a note by way of caution against wry faces and sour looks while singing, or at other times, and to recommend a pleasant countenance; for, as the old saying is, "a pleasant face

makes a pleasant voice, " and, we may add, does much toward making others happy. Also, the complaint is often made that the words cannot be heard, or are not carefully spoken in singing; but it cannot be expected that one who delivers tones in a careless, indifferent, lifeless manner, should articulate or pronounce words in any other way; whereas, if the habit of a careful utterance or emission of tones has been formed, it is almost sure that there will be a corresponding attention to words. A good delivery of the tones is a pre-requisite to a good delivery of words.

"Invaluable to the Teacher, and to all who have Children to Educate, School Funds to Disburse, or School Taxes to Pay."

How can any Teacher or School Director afford to be without an Educational Journal?


DOES YOUR BOARD SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL? TO THE SCHOOL BOARD.-The number of Boards of Directors on our subscription list in all parts of the State is steadily increasing. May we not hope that this increase will keep pace with the growing interest in education everywhere manifested? It is believed that the schools of every district would be greatly benefited were THE JOURNAL generally received by the members of School Boards. Every Director ought, therefore, to take a copy in the interest of the schools under his charge; and the Law seems to contemplate this in making provision for allowing Boards to sub. scribe for a Copy for Each Member out of the funds of their respective districts. Directors need the information concerning school matters which it contains; and, besides, its cost to a district is a small price to pay for the gratuitous service rendered by its school officers. The "School Law and Decisions," page 151, contains the following paragraph:

"Each Board has the right to subscribe for one copy of The Pennsylvania School Journal for each member, at the cost of the district as a means of information in relation to the duties of their office and the general condition and operations of the system in other parts of the State."

WHAT DIRECTORS SAY.-"Largest of the Educational Monthlies"-"Handsomest and best""A fixture in our arrangements"-" We find it indispensable"-" Cannot think of being without it"-"The longer we take it the better we like it"-" Can't keep house without it"-" Should be in the hands of every Teacher and Director in the State"-"We most heartily endorse it"-" Most valuable to school officers as well as teachers"-" The new members as desirous of having it as the old"-" Have taken it for ten years, are unanimous in favor of continuing & scription"-"If Directors knew the benefits to be derived from reading it, no Board would be without THE JOURNAL."

"Invaluable to all who have School Funds to Disburse or School Taxes to Pay."

Full Official and Editorial Departments each month. Four hundred royal octavo pages. Choice School Song or School Hymn in each number. Lists of Examination Questions given frequently. Subscription rate, $1.60. To Boards of Directors: Five copies 1 year, $7.00. Remit amounts of Three Dollars or over by Check, Money Order, or Registered Letter. The fee in the latter case (10 Cents) may be deducted from amount to be remitted. Receipt is always sent. THE JOURNAL is mailed promptly. J. P. WICKERSHAM & CO., Lancaster, Pa.


Will the Secretary please present this Note at an Early Meeting of the School Board, that the Directors may consider and act upon the matter of Subscription for The Pennsylvania School Journal ?



THE MOST Responsible Position to be filled by Popular Election in any District is that of School Director. Districts so fortunate as to have progressive School Directors, always have the Best Teachers and the Best Schools.

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