
unity-one substance with a trinity of powers. | guished as Retention and Recollection. By some writers these are regarded as separate faculties; and other again discard the element of retention. Besides these, in an act of the memory, there is also a representation of that which it recalls, and a recognition of it as something of our past experience.

The Intellect is the power by which we think and know. Its products are ideas and thoughts. An idea is a single notion, which may be expressed in one or more words, not forming a proposition; as a man, an animal, etc. A thought is the combination of two or more ideas, which when expressed in words, give us a proposition; as, a man is an animal.

Imagination is the power by which we form ideal conceptions. It is the power of forming mental images, by uniting different parts of objects given by perception, and also of creating ideals of objects different from anything we have perceived. Imagination is thus the power of ideal creation. Thus, I can con

The Sensibilities are the powers by which we feel. Their products are emotions, affections, and desires. An emotion is a simple feeling, as the emotion of joy, sorrow, etc. An affection is an emotion that goes out to-ceive of a flying horse by uniting my ideas of wards an object, as love, hate, envy, etc. A desire is an emotion that goes out to an object with the wish of possession, as the desire of wealth, fame, etc.

The Will is the power by which we resolve to do. It is the executive power of the mind, the power by which man becomes the conscious author of an intentional act. The products of the will are volitions and voluntary actions. It is in the domain of the will that man becomes a moral and responsible being. The relation of these three spheres of activity may be illustrated in a variety of ways. I read of the destitution and suffering in a great city, and understand the means taken for their relief: this is an act of the intellect. I feel a deep sympathy with this suffering; my heart is touched with pity, and I experience a strong desire to aid in relieving their distress; this is an act of the sensibilities. I desire to express my feelings of pity and follow my sense of duty, and resolve to aid them by sending a contribution or going personally to their relief; this is an act of the will.

wings and a horse; or I can imagine a landscape or a strain of music different from anything I have ever seen or heard.

The Understanding is the power by which we compare objects and derive abstract and general ideas and thoughts. It is the elaborative power of the mind; it takes the materials furnished by the other faculties and works them up into new products. Its products are abstract and general ideas, truths, laws, causes, etc.

Intuition, or the Reason, is the power which gives us ideas and thoughts not furnished by the senses nor elevated by the Understanding. Its products are called primary ideas and primary truths. The Primary Ideas are such as Space, Time, Cause, Identity, the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. The Primary Truths are all self-evident truths, as the axioms of mathematics and logic.

The Understanding.-The Understanding embraces several distinct faculties or forms of operation. These are Abstraction, Concep tion, Judgment, and Reasoning. This divisis now almost universally adopted, and the same terms are employed by nearly all modern writers.

The Intellect. The Intellect embraces sev-ion eral distinct faculties; Perception, Memory, Imagination, Understanding and Intuition or the Reason. This classification of the Intellect is now almost universally accepted, though writers occasionally differ in the terms they use to name the different powers.

Perception is the power by which we gain a knowledge of external objects through the senses. It is the faculty by which we gain a knowledge of objects and their qualities. Its products are ideas of external objects and of the qualities of objects. The ideas which we possess of persons, places, things, etc., are mainly given by perception.

Memory is the power by which we retain and recall knowledge. It enables us to hold fast to the knowledge we have acquired, and also to recall it when we wish to use it. These two offices of the memory are distin

Abstraction is the power of forming abstract ideas. It is the power by which the mind draws a quality away from its object, and make of it a distinct object of thought. Its products are abstract ideas, such as hardness, softness, color, etc. The naming of abstract ideas gives us abstract terms. term abstraction is derived from ab, from, and traho, I draw, and signifies a drawing from.


Conception is the power of forming general ideas. By it we take ideas of particular objects, and unite their common properties, and thus form a general idea which embraces them all. The products of Conception are general ideas, or ideas of classes; as horse, bird, man, etc. The naming of general ideas gives us common terms. This faculty is often

called generalization; but the term Conception is more appropriate, and is the one generally adopted by logicians, etc. The term Conception is derived from con, together, and capio, I take, and signifies a taking together. Judgment is the power of perceiving the agreement or disagreement of two objects of thought. Thus man is one idea and animal is another idea, and a comparison of them gives us the judgment "A man is an animal." Judgment is the power of comparison; it compares one object directly with another, and gives us a proposition. A proposition is a judgment expressed in words. Thus a bird is an animal, is an expression of the mental judgment which compares bird and animal. The term judgment is applied to both the mental faculty and its product.

Reasoning is the power of comparing two ideas through their relation to a third. It is a process of indirect or mediate comparison. It deals with three objects of thought and requires three propositions. Thus, suppose I wish to compare A and B, and perceiving no relation between them, see that A equals C, and B equals C, and thus infer that A equals B, such an inference is an act of reasoning. Reasoning differs from Judgment in that the latter compares two objects directly, while the former compares two objects indirectly by first comparing them with a third object.

The form in which reasoning is expressed is called a Syllogism. A Syllogism consists of three propositions so related that one of them is an inference from the other two. Two of these propositions are called the premises and the third the conclusion. Thus, in the above example, the two proportions "A equals C," and "B equals C," are the premises; and "A equals B" is the conclusion. Reasoning is of two kinds; Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning. Inductive Reasoning is the process of deriving a general truth from particular truths. Thus, if I find that heat expands several metals, as zinc, iron, copper, etc., I may infer that heat will expand all metals. Such an inference of a general truth from the particular parts is called Induction. Inductive reasoning proceeds upon the principle that what is true of the many is true of the whole.

Deductive Reasoning is the process of deriving a particular truth from a general truth. Thus, from the general proposition that heat expands all metals, I may infer by Deduction that heat will expand any particular metal, as silver. Deduction proceeds upon the principle that what is true of the whole is true of the parts.

Other forms of Mental Activity.- Besides the faculties now named, there are two other forms of mental activities, or mental states, called Consciousness and Attention. These are not regarded as specific faculties of the mind, but as conditions or accomplishments of these faculties.

Consciousness is that power or attribute of the mind by which it knows its own states and actions. The term is derived from con, with, and scio, I know, and means a knowing with the mental acts or states. It is regarded as an attribute of the mind, involved in the very idea of mind, and not as a mental faculty. Thus, to know is to know we know, to feel is to know we feel, to will is to know we will. The expressions "I know that I know." "I know that I feel," etc., are equivalent to I am conscious that I know. I am conscious that I feel, etc. Consciousness is a kind of inner light by which one knows what is going on within his mind; it is a revelation of internal phenomena of thought, feeling, and will.

Attention is the power of directing the mind voluntarily to any object of thought to the exclusion of others. It is the power of selecting one of several objects and concentrating the mental energies upon it. The term is derived from ad, to, and tendo, I bend, which was probably suggested by the attitude of the body in listening attentively to a sound.

Attention is not a distinct form of mental activity, but is involved in and underlies the activities of all the faculties. The voluntary operation of any of the mental powers, as Perception, Memory, etc., carries with it an act of attention. It is not a power of knowing but of directing that which may know. It has no distinct field or province of its own, yet without it the faculties would be of little use to us. It works with them and through them, increasing their efficiency, and giving them a power they would not otherwise possess.

Conception. The term Conception is often used in a general and popular sense meaning that power which the mind has of making anything a distinct object of thought. In this sense it is intimately related to all the mental faculties. Thus I can conceive of a tree or a house which I have seen, a landscape which I may not have seen, a proposition in geometry, a truth in natural philosophy, etc. Some writers have used the term in a more specific sense, as the power of forming an exact transcript of a past perception. In Logic the term is restricted to the power of

I recommend the young teachers of the State who have not studied mental philosophy to commit this brief statement of the mental faculties to memory. It is the same as that which we give to the classes in teaching in our Normal school, and we require them to recite it almost word for word. It is the alphabet of the study of mental science, and when committed and thoroughly digested will make the study of any ordinary text-book on the subject comparatively easy. The following outline will present a complete synopsis of , the subject:

forming general ideas, as we have previously | and varied intonation. Foreigners have nodefined it. ticed the same peculiarity upon the same key. The only model of many of our political speakers is apparently the revival preacher, and nothing is more common than to hear an excellent address almost ruined by an artificial style of delivery. Our best orators have invariably cultivated the habit of using the deeper chest tones, through the development of which the true power and compass of the voice can only be attained. In the "Rules for Declamation," which Goethe wrote for the training of actors at the Weimar Theatre, he says: "The greatest necessity is, that the actor should utter everything he declaims in as deep a tone as possible; for he thereby reaches a greater compass of voice, and with it the power of giving all shades of expression. But if he begin on a high pitch he soon loses the habit of a deep masculine tone, and with it the true expression of what is lofty and intellectual."



1. The Intellect

1. Perception.
2. Memory.
3. Imagination.
4. Understanding.

15. The Reason.
(1. Emotions.
2. Affections.
3. Desires.

2 The Sensibilities.

3. The Will.

(1. Retention.
2. Recollection.
(1. Abstraction.

2. Conception.
3. Judgment.
4. Reasoning.


The proper use of the voice should be taught in connection with the pronunciation of the language. It is absurd to refer the shrill or nasal voices of many Americans to the effect of climate; as well might the same reason be given for the sharp a of the Pennsylvanian or the lost of the Virginian. Nasal voices are very common in some parts T a recent inter collegiate oratorical con- of England, but the educated classes there test in this city, there was no more have inherited, through generations of culgratifying evidence of the good results of all ture, a deeper and more flexible larynx than such general competitions than the attention ours. Vocal habits are first and most easily which most of the speakers showed that they caught by children, and unlearned with most had given to the management of the voice. difficulty by men. Yet, certainly, the voice The first prize this year, as last, fell to a being next to the brain the vehicle of the student of Hamilton College; and at the re-orator's power, it should be forged, and ception given there to Mr. Laird, when he returned with the same honors won by Mr. Elliott, the services of Prof. Frink, who had carefully trained both gentlemen, received merited acknowledgment. The substance of an oration acquires its true value through a finished delivery, and it has been justly decided that the awarding of the prize shall depend upon the best union of both qualities. The competitors from Hamilton, Columbia, Williams, Lafayette and Rutgers showed a marked improvement in this respect over their brethren of the previous year. In fact, only one or two of the speakers betrayed the influence of the old-fashioned, high-pitched, monotonous twang.

The ordinary American voice sorely lacks compass and variety. In clearness of tone and free and animated delivery, the American usually excels the English speaker; but he falls behind the latter in depth, richness

shaped, and tempered with the same patience and craft as the chieftain's sword. We are glad that this subject is at last forcing itself upon the attention of the Faculties of our Colleges. There will probably be some difficulty for awhile to come in finding competent instructors. The men who possess finely developed voices, and are thus able to give precept and example together, are rarely willing to relapse into pedagogues. President Gilman, of the Johns Hopkins University, we understand, intends to establish a chair of Reading and Speaking, as indispensable to a thoroughly organized institution of learning. But the same course ought to be adopted by every Normal School in the country, in order to reach the great multitude of young pupils. Although a great deal of what the latter receive is worn off by careless home habits, some little always sticks; and the poor boy or girl who approaches the door of

N. Y. Tribune.



society later in life will find it beset with | ability to frequent practice. Let the slate be fewer terrors. Even well pronounced and in ready use in writing verses from the readagreeably modulated ignorance is much more ing lesson, the names in geography and other tolerable than when it reaches us through the branches, mental problems, short essays, and nose and accompanied by double negatives. anything that may take the form of language. How many men and women, who talk well, appear ridiculous as soon as they put pen to paper! Therefore, let incessant writing on slate and paper worry boys and girls (for they don't like it) at every step of their progress. Besides spelling, punctuation, the use of capitals, grammar, and other good things, are taught by the laborious pen and pencil. member what Bacon says: "Conversation makes a ready man, reading a full man, but writing an exact man.” The frequent written examinations, now in all good schools, are, of course, a part of this same general discipline. But, I fear, in many cases, the correctness of answers is the only feature considered in marking the grade. This is not enough. Let it be understood that every manuscript in school should be prepared as carefully as for the press.


N many schools two, three or four spelling classes form the closing exercises in the afternoon programme. Spelling, like geogra. phy or grammar, is considered a separate study. So the faithful dominie stands up daily before an array of open mouths, and gives out column after column of words, short or long, according to the capacity or age of said mouths. No wonder his head aches, and he finds it necessary to go up the Rhine every summer for his health. Spelling in this way always seemed to me a very tedious and mechanical performance, and I long ago (forty years) gave it up in disgust. Well, what then?



Practical Teacher.


NEVER can do it, mamma-never in the world," said Nanny John, coming in from school and dropping down on a chair at her mother's side, utterly dispirited.

"Do what?" inquired the mother, as she raised her flushed face from the noisy machine she had been running all day.


"Why, write a composition to-night. I've been thinking about it all afternoon. Eva Morris gave me a subject, a splendid one, she said, Self-Esteem,' and started me on it. But, dear me! it was pumping it, and of course nothing could come out; so I just a dry well. There wasn't anything in me about rubbed out all she had written. And beside it wasn't mine. If she fancies big-sounding words she may use them, but it isn't like me."

"Sure enough," said the mother, smiling, "it

1. Let spelling be a part of every study. Besides the words placed before every reading exercise, let the pupil be prepared to spell any word in the lesson. Insist on the same readiness in geography, grammar, history, physiology, philosophy, chemistry, or whatever the study may be. You will be surprised at the blunders by bright pupils not trained on this plan. See if some of them don't say imperitive, oxigen, put two t's in Cincinnati, and insert a d in John Hancock of blessed memory. Spelling thus goes side by side with reading and studying. The pupil is trained to look closely. He knows the meaning of what he pronounces; for if he is in philosophy, for instance, it is presumed that he is able to understand the text. According to the old plan, youngsters of eight with good memories are often discovered, lost like Liv-off as your own." ingstone, in the Ethiopia of the back part of the spelling book. They can rattle off concatenation, coup de soleil, and circumlocutory, with the pertness of parrots. The big words have no more meaning to these infants than so much Hebrew. Why spend time in vain repetitions? Why memorize a set of huge terms that a lad will never use. It seems to me that the only philosophical method is to enlarge the pupil's vocabulary gradually and intelligently by dealing with those words that arise in the course of daily studies.

would be something very odd indeed, for simple,
practical Nanny John to go off into high-sounding
phrases; and beside, Nanny, it isn't strictly honest to
have some one write your essay for you, and pass it

it, though, but I'm too independent for that.
"I know it," said Nanny. "Plenty of the girls do

I never

want credit that belongs to somebody else."
"Well said, my daughter," responded mother
John; "but what other subjects were tried."


"O, a half dozen or more. I got the Rhetoric and looked over the list of subjects-there's such a string of them. Very nice ones, too, if you could only manage them. The Seasons-Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter '-I wouldn't touch. be a dozen or more on them. Then I tried ⚫ Honesty,' and I thought I could say a good deal on that, but I soon came to a dead stop, and what I had writ ten sounded so much like preaching that I rubbed it out. Then Selfishness,' but that was no better, and 2. As soon as pupils can write, put their so on to the end of the chapter. I knew a little of

a good many things, but not enough of anything. And now, mother, what is to be done? I feel quite sick about it."

"What is to be done?" said the mother, thoughtfully. "Well, the first thing I have to do is to finish this sleeve, and then get supper, and while I am doing it, run out, Nanny, for half an hour, and take a play in the yard. Look at the flower-bed, and see if the lady-slippers and zinnias are up, and the lilies-of-thevalley-possibly they are out. Then skip to the barn and gather the eggs. Look at the beautiful sunset. Don't think anything about the essay. Let it be forgotten for an hour or two, and after that we will see about it."

"O, but mamma, it is on my mind, and I can't for

get it."


Try," said her mother, "just to please me. Look around and see what is to be seen. Be gay and playful, but notice whatever is beautiful or interesting, so as to be able to tell me something about it. This is to please mother, remember, and in return, she will help after supper about the essay-not write a word of it, of course, but give a plan perhaps. So run off. In a half hour precisely by the clock, I will call, and then don't delay, but come at once."

Nanny was very glad to do as her mother had sug. gested. Her brain was so tired of its fruitless thinking, and it was such a rest to just look at things to tell mamma-that was no trouble. When the halfhour was up, and her mother called her, she was quite ready to come in, full and overflowing with news.

Nanny began as fast as her little tongue could run. "No," said her mother, "not that, I am busy now in the kitchen about supper, and can't listen. Sit down here by this nice open window at papa's desk. There is paper, pen, ink, everything. Write it all down for me to read when I am done my work. Put it in just as good language as possible, and talk freely."

"O, mamma," said Nanny, "how foolish!" "Yes, I know," said her mother, "but I have a fancy for it, and can't I be indulged just this once ?" Nanny's heart was very tender.

"Yes, mamma," she said, and went to work. How easy it all came.

She sat by the open window and thus she wrote:

"I have been out enjoying myself for half an hour. Thirty minutes by the clock mamma gave me for a pleasure tour, and I have made it.

"I found the lilies-of-the-valley in my own little flower-bed just bursting into bloom-two white and waxy flowers already out, and more buds than I could count. My lady-slippers and zinnias are up and growing nicely, but so thick that I was forced to weed out about half of them, that the rest might have room and strength to grow. The grass had pushed up around my mignonette-papa calls it a weed, and says he sees no beauty in such a thing as that-but it is to me the sweetest, daintiest thing in my whole garden,and whenever you put it in a bouques, it fills the air with fragrance. I have seen people just like it, plain, and homely, and quiet, but always doing the little things that make the folks around them happy and good. "Then I ran down to the orchard to see if the early queens and harvest apples were ripe. I found some on the ground, that felt a little soft, and were slightly streaked with red, but when I sunk my teeth in them, they proved only blights all wormy at the core. These made me think of certain people of whom I heard mamma speak and a few of whom I have myself met, very fair and pleasing on the outside, but sad to tell, faulty at heart.

"I patted old Brindle as I came by, and helped Johnny give his pet calf, Spotty, her supper. Talk about cats and dogs! There is no nicer or cleaner pet in the world than a dear,

affectionate little calf.

"Next to the barn in search of eggs. The mows with the new hay were smelling so fresh and sweet that I jumped up and tumbled about on them, and when Harry called to me to throw down some hay for the horses, I picked up the fork and dropped down one forkful after another, till he shouted enough.

though I searched faithfully I couldn't find the one that would have made it a dozen.

Then I filled my apron with the eggs-eleven of them-but

"Coming back to the house, I watched the most beautiful there in the sky. Here by the window I sit and see it still, and of sunsets. Purple, gold, violet, every tint, every shade, was all the good and pleasant things that I have know in my life, seem to crowd into this moment, as I sit here writing for her dear heart! mamma what I saw and enjoyed in one half-hour.


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"There, Nanny!" said her mother, ring the gong for supper, and never mind writing any more. Just slip what is written under my plate at the table, and please set up the chairs, and bring a pitcher of water.

"Yes," said Nanny, glancing over it as she wiped her pen, "I guess it will do, though I could have said

twice that much." and then she hastened to do her mother's bidding.

When supper was over, mamma leaned back and read what her little girl had written for her. Her eyes brightened as she went along, and when she was done she looked quite happy.


Well, Nanny," she said, "was it very hard ?" "No, indeed," said Nanny. "It was a real pleasure to do it, and the thoughts came faster than I could write them. The only thing was, when I forgot to forget my composition; then I got into a stew again, but the pleasant thoughts soon drove it away. Indeed, mamma, I have had a good time, and now, to pay up, I will wash the dishes myself, and then that dreadful com-," and Nanny sighed.

"There, dear, don't worry," said her mother. "And now, Nanny, I might as well tell my design. Here, in my hand, is the composition."

"My composition! O no, mamma, that would never do. Everybody would laugh at it."

"Not at all," said her mother. "It is just the right kind of a composition for a little girl to write. We will have it copied neatly, and perhaps changed in a few places, but it doesn't want much. Handling will take the freshness out. It is just like Nanny John now, and as it is her essay, I want it to keep so."


But," said Nanny, coming round and looking at it over her mother's shoulder with a doubtful eye," it has no title. A composition without a title-who ever heard of such a thing?"

"Children come into the world and then we name them," said her mother, smiling. So let us find a name for this. What shall we call it? Help me think!"

Nanny's eye lightened with a thought. "Out with it, Nanny," said her mother.

"What I Saw and Enjoyed in Thirty Minutes." "That will do capitally," responded her mother, repeating it over. "I could hardly improve on it, even if I wanted to. And now, Nanny, the dreaded composition is written. It has a title, a beginning, and an end-and best of all, it is your own, every word of it. The whole trouble is over, for the copying is nothing."

"Nothing at all," said Nanny, and she skipped about her work brisker than ever.

The children, even the sleepy ones, opened their eyes the next day, when Nanny John read her composition. It was certainly something quite out of the usual order, for the smallest child in the room understood every word of it, and the teacher, who happened to be a good one, said, with a beaming face, as Nanny handed it to her for correction:


Very good, indeed, Nanny John! I like such an essay as that. It is as grateful to me as a breath of

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