
grounds before the Houfe. When they fufpended the Habeas Corpus Act, he was one of those who thought they were acting without fufficient grounds, but Minifters feemed to think that the danger was not fo great as to justify them in continuing to deprive the People of that invaluable bleffing. They had now recourfe to the attack which was made upon his Majefty the first day of the Sef fions: lamenting that event as he did, and abhorring the perpetrators of it, ftill he wanted proof of the affertion of Minifters. He believed the prefent were the firft Minifters that ever called upon a Parliament to be convinced of certain facts, merely because thofe Minifters had chofen to affert thofe facts in a Proclamation. Mr Fox concluded with recommending mild and conciliatory meafures, as more likely to be effectual than the fevere ones now propofed.

Mr Pitt faid, that confidering the latenefs of the hour, and the ample difcuffion thefe Bills would have hereafter, he should not intrude at any great length upon the time of the House.

The Hon. Gentleman had ftated, that the Minifters had called upon Parliament to pass thefe Bills, without laying before them any.ground upon which they could be convinced of the neceffity of them. He had ftated before, that he would not anticipate the difcuffion upon thefe Bills; but when they did come forward, he would venture to affert, that he would

lay fuch grounds before the Houfe as should fatisfy their minds upon the fubject. The Right Hon. Gentleman did not mean to bring ftrict legal proof, such as would be neceffary to convict a man of a capital offence; but he would prove it by fair reafoning, and from a general view of the ftate of affairs. But then the Right Hon. Gentleman afks, why, if this danger exifts, and has exifted for fome. time, why did you fuffer the Habeas Corpus Act to revive? why did you not continue its fufpenfion? When the immenfe mafs of matter was laid open, and the defigns of thefe Societies developed, it ferved to open the eyes of the unwary, to check the incautious, and to deter the timid; there was fair ground for Minif-. ters to fuppofe that the delufion would. ceafe; it was therefore prudent to try the effect of a lenient measure; and what was the effect? From the moment the fufpenfion of the Habeas Corpus A& was taken off, all the plans of these Societies revived, and continued in a progreffive ftate till the meeting of Parliament. Could it be fuppofed that the daring outrage was committed without fome hope of fupport from fome party or other? Certainly not.

The question being called for, Sir William Milner, Sir Francis Baffet, Mr Fox, and Mr Sheridan, faid a few words; after which the Houfe divided. For Me Sheridan's motion, 22; against it, 167; majority 145. Adjourned.



London Gazette Extraordinary, Jan. 7.
(Continued from our last.)
Horfe Guards, 6 Jan. 1796.
Difpatches from Colonel Stuart, of which
the following are copies, have been this
day received by the Right Hon. Henry,
Dundas, one of his Majesty's Principal
Secretaries of State.

SIR, Camp near Trincomale, Aug. 30.
OON after I had the honour to addrefs

So I had the heat, informing


you of my intention to begin our approach es against the Fort of Trincomale on the Ed. Mag. Feb. 1796.

following day, circumftances occurred which induced Commodore Rainier and me to detain the hips then under dif patch, in the hope of that fuccefs which I have now the honour to announce. We broke ground on the evening of the 18th, opened our Batteries on the 23d, and before twelve o'clock on Wednesday the 26th, completed a practicable breach. Commodore Rainier and I then thought proper to fummon the garrifon to fur

render, while preparations were making

for the affault. Terms were demanded which could not be allowed, and fuch as U



we thought confiftent were tranfmitted the Officers appointed by us to receive in return: Thefe not being accepted within a limited time, our fire recom menced, and in a few minutes the White Flag was displayed on the ramparts, the conditions we had offered were accepted, figned, and tranfmitted to camp, with two Captains of the garrison as hostages for their performance.

I have the honour to inclofe a copy of the Capitulation offered to the garrifon and accepted by the commandant, and of fome explanatory articles which were afterwards arranged, with a ftate of the garrison return of ordnance and flores taken, and a lift of the killed and wounded of the forces under my command.

This evening the prifoners taken here will embark for Madras. I fhall imme diately take up a convenient pofition, and begin the neceffary preparations for the attack of Fort Ooftnaburg, the Commandant of that garrifon having refufed to furrender when fummoned on the 27th imftant; and I have reafon to hope, that that fort alfo will be very foon in our poffeffion.

His Majefty's and the Honourable Company's troops, forming the force under my command, have fo uniformly diftinguished themselves on every former occafion, that I need only fay their zeal and gallantry on the prefent fervice has been well exerted to maintain the reputation they have fo juftly acquired.

I am beyond measure indebted to Commodore Rainier for his cordial cooperations, and the active affiftance of the navy in every department of the public fervice; and I have particular pleafure in affuring you, that from the perfect harmony fubfifting between all defcriptions of the Naval and Land forces employed here, every thing may be expected from this divifion of his Majefty's troops, which is capable of being attained by their united exertions.

I have the honour to be, &c.
J. Stuart.

Terms of Capitulation.

The Garriton of Trincomale, in confideration of the defence they have made, will be allowed to march out of the fort with the honours of war, drums beating and colours flying, to the glacis, where they will ground their arms, and furren der themselves prifoners of war: the Officers keeping their fwords. Private property will be fecured to them; but all public property, papers, guns, ftores and provifions of every kind, muft be delivered up, in their prefent condition, to

The garrifon to march out, and the British troops to be put in poffeffion of the fort, in one hour after this capitulation is figned; and two officers of the garrifon of the rank of captain to be. delivered immediately as hoftages for the performance of this agreement. Thefe are the only terms we, the undersigned Officers, commanding his Britannic Majetty's forces, can grant. Major Fornbauer, if he accepts the conditions, will fign this paper, and return it by the Officers he fends as hoftages, within half an hour from the time he receives it.

Given under our hands, in camp before Trincomale, this 26th day of Auguft, 1795.


Peter Rainier. J. Stuart. Thefe articles were returned, figned by J. G. Fornbauer, with fome explanatory articles of no importance.

State of the Garrifon of Trincomale.. Fit for fervice- Major, 1 Town Major, 1 Garrifon-Writer, 9 Captains, 2 Çaptain-Lieutenants. 13 Lieutenants, IS Enfigns, I Cadet, 5 Quarter-masterSerjeants, 4 Bombardiers, 45 Serjeants, 44 Corporals, 5 Gunners, I Surgeon, 2 Cadets, 24 Drummers and Fifers. and 50s Privates.

Sick and Wounded.

Total-1 Captain, 5 Serjeants, 10 Corporals, 1 Gunner, 1 Surgeon, I Cadet, 1 Drummer and Fifer, and 69 Pri


Ordnance taken in the Fort of Trincomale Brass Ordnance.-2 twenty pounders, 1


eighteen ditto, 1 twelve ditto, 2 nine ditto, a fix ditto, 2 four ditto, 7 threeditto, 5 one ditto, x fwivel, 2 fix-inch howitzers, 2 five and half inch ditto, 2 four and half inch ditto, 3 twelve and quarter inch mortars, I eleven and three-quarter inch ditto, 1 ten and half inch ditto, eight-inch ditto, 2 five and half inch ditto, and 5 four-inch ditto. Total, 37 ferviceable, and 5 unferviceable.

Iron Ordnance-2 twenty-four pounders, 3 twenty ditto, 22 eighteen ditto, 17 twelve ditto, 14 nine ditto, 3 fwivels, and four Carronades. Total, 55 ferviceable, and to unferviceable.

7. W. Dixon Capt. Royal Artillery. 7. Glow. Lt. Com. Stores.

J. Quale, Lt. Royal Artillery. C. Carlile, Capt. Com. Artillery.


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General return of Killed and Wounded of the Troops under the command of Colonel Stuart; during the fiege of Trincomale.

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His Majesty's Troops.

Royal Artillery-1 bombardier and 3 gunners killed; a gunners wounded. Flank companies of his Majefty's 71ft and 73d regiments- Captain, I ferjeant, and 6 rank and file wounded. -His Majefty's 72d regiment-1 Enfign, 2 ferjeants and 7 rank and file wounded.-Royal Navy-1 feaman killed; 2 feamen wounded.

The Honourable Company's Troops. Staff-Major Smart, Deputy QuarterMaster-Ġeneral, wounded.-Madras Artillery, 3 Matroffes and 6 Lafcars killed; Lieutenant, Serjeant, I Corporal, 10 Matroffes, 1 Syrang, and 8 Lafcars wounded.-ift battalion of Native Infantry-1 Sepoy killed and 6 wounded.-23d ditto, 1 Sepoy wounded. Corps of Pioneers-2 Sepoys wounded. Total Bombardier, 3 Gunners, 3 Matroffes, Seaman, I Sepoy, and 6 Lafcars, killed; 1 Major, 1 Captain, I Lieutenant, 1 Enfign, 4 Serjeants, I Corporal, 2 Gunners, to Matroffes, 13 Privates, and 2 Seamen (Europeans) Syrang, 9 Sepoys, and 8 Lafcars, (natives) wounded.

Officers Wounded.

Major Smart, Deputy Quarter-Mafter

Captain Gorry, of his Majefty's 71ft

Lieutenaut Prefcot, of the Madras Artil-

Enfign Benfon, of his Majefty's 72d Regiment.

P. A. Agnew, Dep. Adj. Gen.

[blocks in formation]

After clofing my dispatch of yesterday, an officer was fent to me by the Commandant of Fort Ooftenburgh, requafting that I would permit an officer to meet him this morning for the purpofe of opening a negociation for the furrender of the fort. I accordingly fent Major Agnew, the Adjutant-General of the forces under my command, and have the fatisfaction to inform you, that the garrifon this day furrendered themselves prifoners of war, and that a detachment of his Majefty's troops took poffeffion of

the fort, and the British colours were hoifted in it before fun-fet.

I have the honour to inclose the articles of capitulation, but have it ́ not at prefent in my power to tranfmit the fe veral returns which will be neceffary, as Commodore Rainier and I do not think it proper to detain the Indiamen any lonpofes recommending to the Government ger, particularly as the Commodore proof Madras to dispatch the John Schooner in a few days to Europe, as a more expeditious conveyance.

I have the honour to be, with great refpect, &c.

J. Stuart. [Here follow the Articles of Capitular tion, by which the garrifon are made prisoners of war, and the rest of the articles are the fame with those of Trincomale, inferted above.]

A Supplement has been publifhed to the Gazette, containing letters from Admiral Rainier, which give exactly fimilar details with thofe in Colonel Stuart's letters inserted above, and it is therefore unneceffary to repeat them. Admiral Rainier adds the following particulars :—

"Moft unfortunately, as his Majefty's fhip Diomede, with her tow, were working up against a strong land wind into the bay, fhe ftruck with so much violence on a rock, lying in fifteen fathoms water, and not delineated in our charts, between Pigeon ifland and the outer point of this bay, that the water the hip made gained fo faft on every exertion of both feamen and foldiers at the pumps, there was barely time to take the men out before fhe foundered, without a pof fibility of faving a fingle store of any confequence but the boats.The employ ment of all the boats on this preffing occafion prevented the landing the army till the following morning, when the first detachment of 530 Europeans and 110 Natives, and two field-pieces, landed at the White Rocks within Elizabeth Point,

without oppofition, and were followed by the remainder of European troops and natives as faft as the boats could convey them. The boats with the first detachment rendezvoused on board the Heroine, who was placed as near the landing-place as fhe could anchor in fafety, and, on the boats pufhing off, prefented her broadfide to cover them: the broadfides of the Suffolk and Centurion would also have done execution, had there been any oppofition made. In the courfe of the next ten days the ftores and provifions were landed with all expedition; not without the most vigorous exertions of the officers and feaU 2


men, the land breeze blowing strong all the time, as it ftill continues, and keeping up the most extraordinary high furf I ever remember to have feen here: the army had then to move them from the landing place to the camp, a diftance of three or four miles, over a very heavy fand.

"Trincomale furrendered to his Majefty's arms the 26th of Auguft, the eight day from the opening of the trenches, a work the enemy most unaccountably neer interrupted. The grand battery of 8 eighteen pounders and 2 ten inch mortars, from five to fix hundred yards diftant from the Glacis of the N. W. Baftion, was fo judiciously planned by Col. Stuart, and the work fo ably executed, as to do amazing execution from its firft opening, difmounting, in the courte of the attack, almoft every gun the enemy could bring to bear it. upon

* There were also two batteries erected to the right of the grand battery, one of a twelve pounders, the other of 2 eight inch howitzers, that annoyed the enemy much, and diverted their attention from the working parties of the grand battery, which was opened on the 23d inft. During the three first days, the enemy kept up a very smart fire from all their works that looked towards our batteries, but with little execution, and few cafualties. "In the courfe of the operations of the army, obferving Col. Stuart to be fhort of men for working parties, the diftance of the camp from the trenches being nearly two miles, partly over a heavy fand, and no draught cattle or vehicle of any kind to affift, I prefsed him to accept of the fervices of the feamen of his Majefty's fhips, who were accordingly landed as required, in parties of one and two hundred, and worked with great chearfulness. A party of twentyfeven artillery men, who had entered at Madras, their time being expired, were allo at Col. Stuart's request landed to affist in the battery under Mr William Stains, one of the midshipmen of the Suffolk. Three of the Suffolk's upper deck -guns were landed to fupply as many found defective in the grand battery from injury received, and falfe boring.

"Three hundred feamen and marines, under the command of Capt. Smith, late of the Diomede, were alfo under orders to affift in ftorming the breach, had the -enemy determined to hold out: With the feamen were Lieutenants Page and Hayward, with Meffrs. Clarke, Dredge, Jeunings, Elliot and Percy, under Cap

tain Smith's orders for the feamen, and Lieutenants M'Gibbon and Percival for the marines; a confiderable part of both were felected from the Diomede's late


"Every service required of the Captains. Officers and feamen of his Mar jefty's fhips under my command, was executed with amazing alacrity and fleadinefs, the only contention being who fhould be foremost on every fervice rcquired.

"Col. Stuart and myself have fent all the prisoners, with a few exceptions, to Madras, in a tranfport and prize, under convoy of his Majesty's hip Heroine. There appeared fome difpofition among the foldiers of the garrison to mutiny after the fummons was delivered, which probably accelerated the furrender. His Majefty's forces were put in poffeffion of the garrifon that very evening; the Dutch troops marched out, and grounded their arms in the battery.

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"Previous to the furrender of Trincomale, the hips and boats of the quadron took two small veffels laden with provifions and flores for the garrifon from Columbo, and fome small craft belonging to the port; baving also found one fmall ketch under the guns of the fort laden with rice, the whole of little value.

"Lieutenant Pulham, of the Suffolk, cut out a fall veffel from under the guns of Fort Ooflenburgh, without receiving any moleftation from the enemy, the crew having abandoned her."

A General Return of Killed and Wounded of the Seamen of his Majefty's fquadron under my command, during the fege of Trincomale.

Suffolk-2 feamen wounded.
Centurion-1 feaman killed, and 2 ditto


Heroine-2 feamen wounded. Totar. feaman killed, and 6 feamen wounded.

From the London Gazette Jan. 9.

Carleton Houfe, Jan. 7.

This morning, bet ween nine and ten o'clock, the Princess of Wales was happily delivered of a Princefs. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucester, his Grace. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Prefident of his Majefty's Council, his Grace the Duke of Leeds, his Grace the Duke of Devonfhire, the Earl of Cholmondeley, Lord Chamberlain, and the Earl of Jerfey, maft

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mafter of the horfe to his Royal Highnels the Prince of Wales, the Right Hon ourable Lord Thurlow, and the Ladies of her Royal Highness's Bedchamber, were pretent.

Her Royal Highnefas is as well as can be expected, and the young Princefs is in perfect health.

This happy event, was immediately made known by the firing of the Tower guns, and other demonftrations of joy in London and Westminster.

From the London Gazette, Jan. 16.

Downing freet, Jan. 16.

A difpatch, of which the following is an extract, has been received from Lieutenant-Colonel Crauford by the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, his Majefty's Principal Secretary of State for the Foreign Department, dated Headquarters of Machal Clerfay's Army, Creutzenach, the zift of December, 1795:

In confequence of the advantages obtained by Marhal Clerfaye, as ftated in my laft, Geueral Jourdan, after having attempted in vain by different manduvres to fecure the right of his army, began his retreat from the Nahe, on the 13th inftant, and on the 15th took a pofition upon the Hunfruck, occupying all the principal paffes between Bacharach on the Rhine, and Trarbach on the Mofelle.

From the 15th to the prefent date fevetal unimportant actions have taken place between the advanced corps of these two armies, and the Auftrian light troops have at different times fcoured the country from Birkenfeldt to Treves; but the ftrength of the enemy's pofition in the mountains, and the roads that lead to it being rendered fo bad by the late rains as to make the march of heavy artillery almoft impoffible, have prevented Marthal Clerfay from undertaking any operation of confequence. His excellency's line now extends from Dreyekhaufen on the Rhine, by Stromburg, Kirn, and Oberftein, to Birkenfeldt, from whence the left of his army is connected by a chain of light troops with Marthal Wurmfer's right, which occupies Kai ferslautern, Marthal Wurmfer has drawn his line from Kaiferflautern, by Neuftadt, along the rivulet called the Spirebach, to the Rhine.

Gen. Pichegru has made feveral at tempts to oblige the Auftrians to abandon the poft of Kaiferflautern, and on the 20th inft. he attacked it with very fuperior numbers; but, after an action of fe

veral hours he was completely repulfed, with the lofs of near two thoufand men and several cannon. The Austrians had, on this occafion, twenty-nine officers, and between fix and feven hundred noncommiffioned officers and privates killed and wounded.

The enemy fometimes make demonftrations from Duffeldorf, but the Auftrian corps ftationed upon the Sieg rivulet keeps them completely in check on that fide.

Part of Marthal Wurmfer's army and the Prince of Conde's corps defend the right bank of the Rhine from Phillipf bourg to Bifle.

[Here end the Gazettes.]

Court of Exchequer.

Edin. Jan. 25. This day was tried ia the Court of Exchequer, here, a cause, wherein the Advocate Gen. was plaintiff and Meff. Tennant and Co. Glasmakers at Carfdyke, near Greenock, defendants:-The object of the profecution was, to recover penalties from the defendants, for fubftituting large for fmall pots, in the annealing oven, without giving notice to the Officers of Excife, by which the Revenue, was faid to be defrauded of its duty; and for different obftructions of the Officers in the execution of their duty. The Jury retired at 12 o'clock at night, and in a few minutes brought in a verdict for the Plaintiff on five Counts, four of which being one and the fame in the Information, (which confifted of 22 Counts,) for four penalties of L. 50 each, for using pots for making glass without notice, and one of L. 20 for not making entry every fix weeks, of the quantities of glass by them made; and a verdict for the Defendants on the remaining seventeen Counts, the penalties of which amounted to L.770.

Jan. 25. Lait night there was a most dreadful form of wind at Greenock, accompanied with a great deal of thunder and lightening; none of the fhipping. we are happy to fay, fuffered any da mage. For two days previous, the tides were remarkably high; but this day there was one of the highest tides ever remembered; the whole quays, the breafts, and the laigh ftreet from the Long Vennal to the Weft Bridge, and the whole caft end of the town, from Virginia- ftreet to Crawford's dyke, were completely overflowed. Some of the property in the cellars, con fting of Sugar and Tobacco, was loft. The tide owed with the most astonishing rapidi

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