
The hopeless and pitiable attitude of the Council itself, if the ultramontane spirit rules it, is not the least telling point in this remarkable book.

As a contribution to church history it is a monograph of great value. It secures our warmest sympathy as a high-toned, eloquent, profoundly learned and intensely earnest protest against a monstrous error, threatening society as well as the church. Within about twenty-four years this reactionary movement has acquired a great momentum. As Protestants, we might perhaps rejoice to see every one of its demands granted by the Council, and the Papacy involved in all the natural and just results of such a course: as lovers of truth we would not see even Rome take one more false step, either to save or to complete her consistency, or for any other purpose whatsoever.

Not a few other books and pamphlets have appeared on the same general subject, or some of its kindred. We have, however, seen none that approaches this in power and value. It is republished by Roberts Brothers, Boston.

The most important contribution of the last quarter in the department of dogmatic theology is Part I. of Rothe's Dogmatik, edited by Schenkel, from manuscripts left by the author. The volume just issued (pp. 325, 8vo) treats of "The Consciousness of Sin." Other works in this department are "Theology of the Old Testament: Revealed Religion in the An e-Christian Stage of its Development" (vol. i.), by Hermann Schultz (Prof. at Basle); H. Plitt's "Zinzendorf's Theol. ogy" (vol. i.), treating of "Zinzendorf's Original Sound Doctrine; " O. Flügel's "Das Wunder und die Erkennbarkeit Gottes; " Prof. W. G. Schmidt's (of Leipsic) "Doctrine of the Epistle of James-a Contribution to the Theology of the New Testament;" H. Ritter's "Evil and its Consequences." From closely-related departments we select W. Otto's "Evangelical Practical Theology" (vol. i.); a second edition of Prof. C. L. W. Grimm's "Institutio Theologia Dogmatica Evangelicæ Historico-Critica;" "The Christian's Faith and Life," posthumous sermons by C. Harms; an eighth edition of Hagenbach's "Methodology;" P. Zimmermann's "Immortality of the Soul in Plato's Phædo:" E. Buchholz's "Moral View of the World in Pindar and Eschylus;" Vol. I., Part 2, of Alex. von Oettingen's "Moral Statistics and Christian Ethics," containing an analysis of the data, and a tabular supplement of 176 tables.

Among the late contributions to ecclesiastical and religious history we find Förster's "Chrysostom in his Relation to the Antiochene School;" Dr. E. Sachau's edition and version of "Syriac Fragments of Theodore of Mopsuesta, found in Nitrian Manuscripts in the British Museum;" Vol. VII., Part 1, of Hefele's "History of Councils," containing the history of the Council of Constance; Baumgarten's Twelve Lectures on Church History, in Illustration of the Present State of the Church;" and Schiefner's translation from the Thibetan of Târanatha's "History of Buddhism in India."

In exegesis very little calls for our notice. We record Moll's "Commentary on the Psalms" (in Lange's Bibelwerk), vol. i.; Neteler's "Structure of the Book of Isaiah, as a Basis for its Exposition, etc.;" "A Practical Exposition of Paul's Epistle to the Colossians," by Prof. Thomasius, of Erlangen; Seydel's "Prophecy of Obadiah;" Stein's "Talmudic Terminology, compiled and alphabetically arranged;" the third edition of the "Commentary on Job," in the Kurzgef. exeg. Handb. zum A. T. (previously edited by Hirzel and J. Olshausen), revised by Prof. Dillmann, who succeeds Hengstenberg at Berlin.

In philosophy we find Vol. II. of Baumann's "Doctrines of Space, Time, and

Mathematics in Modern Philosophy;" Perty's "Nature in the Light of Philosophical Contemplation;" Biedermann's "Kant's Kritik and Hegel's Logic in their Significance with respect to the Science of Thought;" J. G. Meyer's "Kant's Psychology:" Hermann's "Philosophy of History;" Geiger's "Origin of Language;" Frohschammer's "Right of Private Judgment;" and Menzel's Kritik

des modernen Zeitbewusstseins." Several works of considerable interest and importance in philology and archæology are to be found among the quarter's issues, such as Lorinser's translation and interpretation of the "Bhagavad-Gita;" Vol. II. of A. Weber's "Indische Streifen;" Lauer's "Grammar of the Classic Armenian Language;" Schröder's "Phoenician Language;" L. Meyer's "Gothic Language;" Zschokke's "Institutiones Fundamentales Linguæ Arabicæ;" Vol. III., Part 2 (the conclusion), of Koch's very valuable "Historical Grammar of the English Language;" C. F. W. Müller's " Prosody of Plautus;" Vol. II. of Halm's edition of "Quintilian;" Vol. I. of a new edition of Overbeck's "Grecian Plastic Art;" Madsen's "Antiquités Préhistoriques du Danemark, l'Age de la Pierre;" and Part 1 of Eisenlohr's " Analytic Interpretation of the Demotic Part of the celebrated Rosetta Inscription."

There remain on our list, Vol. II. of the German (enlarged) edition of the "Life of Bunsen;""Humboldt's Letters to Bunsen;" Vol. II., Part 2 (conclusion) of Strodtmann's "Life and Works of H. Heine;" Part 1 of Hoffmann's " History of the Jesuits;" Vol. III. of Pertz's "Life of Field-marshal Gneisenau;" 3d and 4th Books of Part 2 of Klippel's "Life of General Von Scharnhorst;" Bengel's "Table-talk," edited by Ehmann; a monograph by Hetzel on "Capital Punishment in its Relation to the History of Civilization;" and Passarge's German translation of the "Narrative of the Swedish Expeditions to the Arctic Regions in 1861, 1864, and 1868."


In France, even more than in Germany, the Ecumenical Council and its various relations to religious and political questions have called forth no small number of treatises, more or less elaborate and valuable. Of this theologico-political character are Deschamps' "L'Infallibilité et le Concile Général;" Stap's "L'Immaculée Conception;" Jaugey's "Le Concile;" Michon's "Le Concile et la Science Moderne;" Bobart's "Le Sanctuaire;" Maret's "Du Concile Général et de la Paix Religieuse;" Perrot's "Le Libre Examen et la Presse;" Régis' "Le Christianisme et la Papauté au Moyen Age;" Sauvage's "La Clergé et la Démocratie;" Ferrari's Summa Institutionum Canonicarum ;" and Desjardins' "Le Pouvoir Civil au Concile de Trente." These are but samples.

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Among the works more nearly related to theology as a science are Aubertin's "Séneque et Saint-Paul;" Schoebel's "Démonstration de l'Authenticité Mosaïque du Lévitique et des Nombres;" Trognon's "L'Apôtre Saint-Paul;" Bois Evangile et Liberté;" Pressensé's "La Vraie Liberté;" Lambert's "L'Homine Primitif et la ible;" Le Lièvre's "La Science et la Foi;" Lenormant's "De la Divinité du Christianisme dans les Rapports avec l'Histoire ;" Ravelet's "Traité des Congrégations Religieuses;" and Lefranc's "De l'Esprit Moderne."

In church history we find Jéhan's "Le Christianisme dans les Gaules" (which evidently has at least one eye turned toward questions in which France is concerned with the Pope); Pilliers' "Les Bénédictins de la Congrégations de

France;" De Montalembert's "Les Moines en Gaule sous les Premiers Mérovingiens;" Darras' "Histoire Générale de l'Eglise" (which at least promises to be voluminous) Part 12; and Vol. IV. of D'Haussonville's "L'Eglise Romaine et le Premier Empire."

From the department of general history and biography we select Vol. VII. of Mortimer Ternaux' "Histoire de la Terreur;" Capefigue's "Clovis et les Mérovingiens;" Lévêque's "Recherches sur l'Origine des Gaulois;" Garat's "Origines des Basques de France et d'Espagne;" Jolly's "Philippe le Bel;" Cava lier's "Histoire de France depuis Louis XIV.;” Vol. V. of Sauzay's "Histoire de la Persécution Révolutionnaire dans le Département de Doubs;" Vol. VIII. of Gabourd's "Histoire Contemporaine." Also, Vol. I. of Gauthier's "Histoire de Marie Stuart;" Desnoiresterres' "Voltaire à la Cour;" two works on the philosopher Portalis-Lavollée's "Portalis, sa Vie et ses Œuvres," and Frégier's "Portalis, Philosophe Chrétien;" Colombel-Gabourd's "Vie de Saint Charles Borromée;" Dourlens' "M. de Montalembert;" Vol. I., Part 1, of "La Vie et les Ouvrages de Denis Papin," by La Soussaye and Péan; Biart's “Benito Vasquez;" and Bolanachi's "Précis de l'Histoire de Crète."

The most elaborate philosophical work of the quarter is Fouillée's "La Philosophie de Platon" (2 vols., 8vo). Among the works belonging to this department, with that of political science, we find Robidon's "République de Platon;" De la Guéronnière's "La Politique Nationale;" Midy's "La Régime Constitutionnel;" Vols. V. and VI. of Clement's edition of "Colbert's Letters, etc. ;" Cazenove's "La Guerre et l'Humanité au XIXe Siecle;" Duval's "Mémoire sur Antoine de Montchrétien" (author of the first treatise on political economy)" Bergmann's "Résumé d'Etudes d'Ontologie Générale.",

We complete our survey for the quarter with Smolka's "Autriche et Russie;" Girard's "France et Chine;" Bourlot's "Histoire de l'Homme Préhistorique;" Beauvois' "Les Antiquité's Primitives de la Norvége ;" Vol. II., Part 3, of Bourlier's " Recherches sur la Monnaie Romaine;" a new edition of Ampère's “IIistoire de la Formation de la Langue Française:" Reaume's "Les Prosateurs Français du XVIe Siècle;" Vol. II. of Dumeril's "Histoire de la Comédie Ancienne;" Egger's "La Hellenisme en France" (2 vols., 8vo); and Vidal's "Juvenal et ses Satires."

From Holland two late publications possess more than ordinary interest-a new translation of the New Testament from the original, made under the auspices of the General Synod of the Reformed Church of the Netherlands, and accompanied by introduction, tables of contents, parallel passages, etc., (royal 8vo, pp. 575); and Part 2 of the " History of the Christian Church in the Netherlands," by Prof. Haar and Wm. Moll, with the co-operation of Prof. Hofstede de Groot (8vo, pp. viii. and 715); Vol. II., Part 3, of Moll's "Church History of the Netherlands before the Reformation" is also out (8vo, xiv., 376); and Kovács' "Protestantism in Hungary during the past Twenty Years (Introduction by Kuenen)."


Bishop Wordsworth's Commentary is pushed rapidly onward toward comple tion-Part of Vol. V. contains the books of Jeremiah, Lamentations, aud Ezekiel. Of the Collins Commentary a new volume has also just been issuedVol. II., containing the books of the Old Testament from Joshua to Esther, with

notes by Dr. Jamieson; a new "Commentary on the Book of Job," by Rev. J. N. Coleman; Dr. Wardlaw's "Lectures on Ecclesiastes;" Littledale's "Commentary on the Song of Songs;" a third edition of Dr. Lightfoot's excellent "Commentary on Galatians;" Dr. Hanna's "Close of our Lord's Ministry;" a translation of Dr. W. Hoffman's "Prophecies of our Lord and his Apostles;" a continuation of Bonar's "Light and Truth; Bible Thoughts and Themes" (based on the Epistles); Bishop Wilberforce's "Heroes of Hebrew History;" Pounds' "Story of the Gospels;" Henderson's "Dictionary of Scripture Names;" Birks' "The Pentateuch and its Anatomists;" new editions of Rev. Isaac Williams' "Characters of the Old Testament," and "Female Characters of Holy Scripture;" Saphir "On the Lord's Prayer;" Whitfield's "Christ in the Word;" the Bampton Lectures for 1869, by Dr R. Payne Smith, on 'Prophecy a Preparation for Christ," and Lightfoot's "Epistles of Clement of Rome to the Corinthians," belong, by closer or more remote affinity, to the same general depart



Among the later issues in Doctrinal and Practical Theology are the following: Field's "Student's Handbook of Christian Theology" (Wesleyan); Garbett's "Soul's Life-its Commencement, Progress, and Maturity; " Bartle's "Scriptural Doctrine of Hades;" T. V. French's "Old Commandment New and True in Christ;" Westcott's "Christian Life, Manifold and One;" "Our Common Faith," a volume of Essays by such men as Bishop Alexander, Dean Mansel, Dr. Hanna, Dr. Vaughan, Prof. W. L. Alexander; Hunt's " History of Religious Thought in England from the Reformation to the End of the last Century;" Burgess' "Reformed Church of England;" a translation of some of Lacordaire's Discourses or Conferences," delivered at Notre Dame, under the title, "Jesus Christ;" Vol. II. of Inman's "Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names;" and Vol. III. of Bunsen's "God in History."

Among the recent contributions to ecclesiastical literature and church history we find De Pressensé's "Early Years of Christianity;" "Ecclesia, or Church Problems," considered by various writers (the general editor being Dr. Reynolds, President of Cheshunt College); Vols. III. and IV. of Dr. Stoughton's "Ecclesiastical History of England;" "The English Church Canons of 1604," with historical introduction, etc., by Rev. C. H. Davis; "First Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI., and the Ordinal of 1549, etc.," edited by Rev. H. B. Walton; "Review of Mariolatry, Liturgical, Devotional, Doctrinal;" and Marriott's "Vestments of the Church."

Arnot's "Life of Dr. James Hamilton" is just ready for publication; likewise Prof. Maurice's "Lectures on Morality;" Vols. VII. and VIII. of the Sunday Library are Maclear's "Apostles of Medieval Europe," and T. Hughes' " Alfred the Great." A second series of Dr. Butler's "Harrow School Sermons" is just published; also a volume entitled "Foreign Protestant Pulpit," containing twenty-eight sermons from the most distinguished preachers of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland.

In Bohn's Classical Library a new edition of the "Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus," in Long's translation, is one of the latest issues. Mr. Long notices the American reprint of his first edition, and its dedication by the American publisher to an American, and says that he has never dedicated a book to any man, and adds-"I would dedicate it to him who led the Confederate armies against the powerful invader, and retired from an unequal contest, defeated but

not dishonored—to the noble Virginian soldier, whose talents and virtues place him by the side of the best and wisest man that ever sat on the throne of the imperial Cæsars."

In philosophy, philology, and politics we find Sir A. J. E. Cockburn's "Nationalities;" Burgess' "Relation of Language to Thought;" Semple's translation of Kant's "Metaphysics of Ethics," with a preface by Prof Calderwood, of Edinburgh; R. Williams' translation of "Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics;" Reichel's translation of Zeller's “Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics;" a new edition of Shaftesbury's "Characteristics;" a new volume by F. W. Farrar, entitled "Families of Speech;" and Vol. I. of Ferrar's "Comparative Grammar."

In history and the kindred departments we find announced a new edition of Sir John Lubbock's "Prehistoric Times;" Vol. I. of the translation of Lenormant's admirable "History of the East" (American publishers, J. B. Lippincott & Co); Vol. III. of Freeman's "History of the Norman Conquest;" Vol. VIII. of Dean Hook's "Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury;" Cobbe's "History of the Norman Kings of England;" J. R. Andrews' "Life of Oliver Cromwell;" J. F. Nicholls' "Life of Sebastian Cabot;" A. J. Patterson's "Magyars, their Country and its Institutions;" Dickson's "Japan;" Petherick's "Travels in Central Afric;" "Life of the Sculptor Gibson;" Life and Letters of Faraday," by Dr. Bence Jones; Scott's "Life and Works of Albert Durer:" "Life and Remains of Dr. Robert Lee, of Edinburgh;" and Krummacher's " Autobiography" (American publishers, R. Carter & Bros.)

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"The Letters of Sir George Cornwall Lewis;" the "Poems and Prose Remains of A. H. Clough;" "Scotland, Social and Domestic," by Charles Rogers; F. W. Newman's "Miscellanies;" and three new versions of portions of Horace-the "Odes and Epo les," by Lord Lytton, the "First Book of Satires" by Millington, and the Satires and Epistles," by the lamented Prof. Conington, of Oxford, must close our present summary.

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