
duce must be extremely trivial; for the effect of it will be only to decompose a small portion of the original muriate of soda; and as the difference is very inconsiderable in the proportion in which phosphoric and muriatic acids combine with soda, any difference of weight which may arise from this substitution, to any extent to which it can be supposed to happen, may be neglected as of no importance.*

To apply this method, then, to the present formula: add to the clear liquor poured off after the precipitation of the oxalate of lime, heated to 100°, and, if necessary, reduced by evaporation, a solution of carbonate of ammonia; and immediately drop in a strong solution of phosphoric acid, or phosphate of ammonia, continuing this addition with fresh portions, if necessary, of carbonate of ammonia, so as to preserve an excess of ammonia in the liquor as long as any precipitation is produced. Let the precipitate be washed; when dried by a heat not exceeding 100°, it is the phosphate of ammonia and magnesia containing 019 of this earth; but it is better, for the sake of accuracy, to convert it into phosphate of magnesia by calcination for an hour at a red heat: 100 grains, then, contain 40 of magnesia.

Evaporate the liquor remaining after the preceding operations to dryness, and expose the dry mass to heat as long as any vapours exhale, raising it towards the end to redness. The residual matter is muriate of soda, 100 grains of which are equivalent to 533 of soda and 467 of muriatic acid. It is not, however, to be considered necessarily as the quantity of muriate of soda contained in the water for a portion of soda may have been present above that combined with muriatic acid, united, for example, with portions of sulphuric or carbonic acid; and from the nature of the analysis, this, in the progress of it, or rather in the first step, that of the removal of these acids by the muriate of barytes, would be com

*For the sake of comparison, and to ascertain the accuracy of different methods, I submitted a similar solution of muriate of magnesia and muriate of soda to analysis by subcarbonate of ammonia. To the saline liquor, heated to 100°, a solution prepared by dissolving carbonate of ammonia in water of pure ammonia was added until it was in excess. A precipitation rather copious took place; the precipitate being collected on a filter, the clear liquor was evaporated to dryness, and the saline matter was exposed to heat, while any vapours exhaled. Being redissolved, a small portion remained undissolved; and on again adding subcarbonate of ammonia to the clear liquor, precipitation took place, rather less abundant than at first. This was repeated for a third, and even for a fourth time, after which the liquor was not rendered turbid. Being evaporated, the muriate of soda obtained, after exposure to a red heat, weighed 20.5 grains. The whole precipitate washed, being heated with sulphuric acid, afforded of dry sulphate of magnesia 4.8 grains, a quantity inferior to that obtained by the other methods, evidently owing to the less perfect action of the ammoniacal carbonate as a precipitant. A similar deficiency in the proportion of magnesia was found in the analysis of sea water by subcarbonate of ammonia, as has been already stated: while, on the other hand, in its analysis by phosphate of soda and carbonate of ammonia, a larger quantity of muriate of soda was obtained than by the other methods, probably from the difficulty of avoiding an excess of phosphate of soda in precipitating the magnesia.

bined with muriatic acid. It does not, therefore, give the original quantity of that acid; but it gives the quantity of soda, since no portion of this base has been abstracted, and none introduced.

The quantity of muriatic acid may have been either greater or less than that in the muriate of soda obtained. If the quantity of soda existing in the water exceeded what the proportion of muriatic acid could neutralize, this excess of soda being combined with sulphuric or carbonic acid, then, in the removal of these acids by muriate of barytes, muriatic acid would be substituted, which would remain in the state of muriate of soda; and if the quantity considered as an original ingredient were estimated from the quantity of this salt obtained, it would be stated too high. Or if, on the other hand, more muriatic acid existed in the water than what the soda present could neutralize, the excess being combined with the other bases, lime or magnesia, then, as in the process by which these earths are precipitated, this portion of the acid would be combined with animonia, and afterwards dissipated in the state of muriate of ammonia, if the original quantity were inferred from the weight of the muriate of soda obtained, it would be stated too low.

To find the real quantity, therefore, another step is necessary. The quantities of bases and of acids procured (taking the quantity of muriatic acid existing in the muriate of soda obtained) being combined according to the known proportions of their binary combinations, if any portion of muriatic acid has been abstracted, the bases will be in excess, and the quantity of this acid necessary to produce neutralization will be the quantity lost; or, on the other hand, if any portion of muriatic acid has been introduced, and remains beyond that originally contained in the water, this quantity will be in excess above what is necessary to produce neutralization. The simple rule, therefore, is to combine the elements obtained by the analysis, in binary combinations, according to the known proportions in which they unite; the excess or deficiency of muriatic acid will then appear; and the amount of the excess being subtracted from the quantity of muriatic acid contained in the muriate of soda obtained, or the amount of the deficit being added to that quantity, the real quantity of muriatic acid will be obtained. *

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There is one deficiency, however, in this method. If any error has been introduced in any previous step of the analysis, either in the estimation of the bases or of the acids, this error will be concealed by the kind of compensation that is made for it, by thus adapting the proportion of muriatic acid to the results such as they are obtained; and at the same time an incorrect estimate will be made of the quantity of muriatic acid itself. When any error, therefore, can be supposed to exist, or, independent of this, to ensure perfect accuracy, it may be proper to estimate directly the

* See the notice of an analysis of sea water in illustration of this. (Annals of Philosaphy, vol. ix. p. 50.)

quantity of muriatic acid in a given portion of the water, by abstracting any sulphuric or carbonic acid by nitrate of barytes, and then precipitating the muriatic acid by nitrate of silver or nitrate of lead. The real quantity will thus be determined with perfect precision, and the result will form a check on the other steps of the analysis, as it will lead to the detection of any error in the estimate of the other ingredients; for when the quantity is thus found, the quantities of these must bear that proportion to it which will correspond with the state of neutralization.

Thus by these methods the different acids and the different bases are discovered, and their quantities determined. To complete the analysis, it remains to infer the state of combination in which they exist. It will probably be admitted that this must be done on a different principle from that on which the composition of mineral waters has hitherto been inferred. The compounds which may be obtained by direct analysis cannot be considered as being necessarily the real ingredients, and to state them as such would often convey a wrong idea of the real composition. There are two views according to which the state of combination in a saline solution may be inferred, and in conformity to which, therefore, the composition of a mineral water may be assigned. It may be supposed that the acids and bases are in simultaneous combinations. Or if they be in binary combinations, the most probable conclusion with regard to this, as I have already endeavoured to show,* is, that the combinations are those which form the most soluble compounds, their separation in less soluble compounds, on evaporation, arising from the influence of the force of cohesion. In either of these cases the propriety of first stating as the results of analysis the quantities of acids and bases obtained is obvious. On the one supposition, that of their existing in simultaneous combination, it is all that is to be done. On the other supposition, the statement affords the grounds on which the proportions of the binary compounds are inferred: and there can be no impropriety in adding the composition conformable to the products of evaporation. The results of the analysis of a mineral water may always be stated, then, in these three modes: 1. The quantities of the acids and bases. 2. The quantities of the binary compounds, as inferred from the principle that the most soluble compounds are the ingredients; which will have at the same time the advantage of exhibiting the most active composition which can be assigned, and hence of best accounting for any medicinal powers the water may possess. 3. The quantities of the binary compounds, such as they are obtained by evaporation, or any other direct analytic operation. The results will thus be presented under every point of view.

It is obvious that the process I have described, adapted to the most complicated composition which usually occurs, is to be modified according to the ingredients. If no lime, for example, is

* Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Dunblane and Pitcaithly, &c. Annals of Philosophy, vol. vi. p. 256.

present, then the oxalate of ammonia is not employed; and in like manner with regard to the others. I have also supposed the usual and obvious precautions to be observed, such as not adding an excess of any of the precipitants, bringing the products to a uniform state of dryness, &c. having mentioned only any source of error less obvious, or peculiar to the process itself.

With regard to other ingredients, either not saline, or more rarely present, it will in general be preferable, when their presence has been indicated by the employment of tests, or by results occurring in the analysis itself, not to combine the investigation to discover them with the general process above described, but to operate on separate portions of the water, and to make the necessary allowance for their quantities in estimating the other ingredients. The quantity of iron, for example, in a given portion of the water, may be found by the most appropriate method. Silica will be discovered by the gelatinous consistence it gives on evaporation, and forming a residue insoluble in acids, but dissolved by a solution of potash. Alumina may be discovered in the preliminary application of tests, by the water giving a precipitate with carbonate of ammonia, which is not soluble, or is only partially soluble in weak distilled vinegar, but is dissolved by boiling in a solution of potash, or by its precipitation from the water sufficiently evaporated by succinate of soda; or in conducting the process itself, it will remain in solution after the precipitation of the lime by the oxalic acid, and be detected by the turbid appearance produced on the addition of the carbonate of ammonia previous to the addition of the phosphoric acid to discover the magnesia. Its quantity may then be estimated from its precipitation by carbonate of ammonia, or by other methods usually employed. Silica will also be precipitated in the same stage of the process; its separation from the alumina may be effected by submitting the precipitates, thoroughly dried, to the action of diluted sulphuric acid. Potash, when present, which is very seldom to be looked for, will remain at the end, in the state of muriate of potash. Muriate of platina will detect its presence, and the muriate of potash may be separated by crystallization from the muriate of soda.

There is another mode in which part of the analysis may be conducted, which, although perhaps a little less accurate than that which forms the preceding formula, is simple and easy of execution, and which may hence occasionally be admitted as a variation of the process; the outline of which, therefore, I may briefly state.

The water being partially evaporated, and the sulphuric and carbonic acids, if they are present, being removed by the addition of muriate of barytes, and the conversion of the whole salts into muriates effected in the manner already described; the liquor may be evaporated to dryness, avoiding an excess of heat, by which the muriate of magnesia, if present, might be decomposed; then add to the dry mass six times its weight of rectified alcohol (of the spe

cific gravity at least of 835), and agitate them occasionally during 24 hours, without applying heat. The muriates of lime and magnesia will thus be dissolved, while any muriate of soda will remain undissolved. To remove the former more completely, when the solution is poured off, add to the residue about twice its weight of the same alcohol, and allow them to stand for some hours, agitating frequently. And when this liquor is poured off, wash the undissolved matter with a small portion of alcohol, which add to the former liquors.

Although muriate of soda by itself is insoluble, or nearly so, in alcohol of this strength, yet when submitted to its action along with muriate of lime or of magnesia, a little of it is dissolved. To guard against error from this, therefore, evaporate or distil the alcoholic solution to dryness, and submit the dry mass again to the action of alcohol in smaller quantity than before; any muriate of soda which had been dissolved will now remain undissolved, and may be added to the other portion; or at least any quantity of it dissolved must be extremely minute. A slight trace of muriate of lime or of magnesia may adhere to the muriate of soda; but when a sufficient quantity of alcohol has been employed, the quantity is scarcely appreciable; and the trivial errors from these two circumstances counteract each other, and so far serve to give the result more nearly


Evaporate the alcohol of the solution, or draw it off by distillation. To the solid matter add sulphuric acid, so as to expel the whole muriatic acid; and expose the residue to a heat approaching to redness, to remove any excess of sulphuric acid. By lixiviation with a small portion of water, the sulphate of magnesia will be dissolved, the sulphate of lime remaining undissolved, and the quantities of each, after exposure to a low red heat, will give the proportions of lime and magnesia. The quantity of soda will be found from the weight of the muriate of soda heated to redness; and the quantities of the acids will be determined in the same manner as in the general formula.

This method is equally proper to discover other ingredients which are more rarely present in mineral waters. Thus alumina will remain in the state of sulphate of alumina along with the sulphate of magnesia, and may be detected by precipitation by bicarbonate of ammonia. Silica will remain with the muriate of soda after the action of the alcohol, and will be obtained on dissolving that salt in water and iron will be discovered by the colour it will give to the concentrated liquors, or the dry residues, in one or other of the steps of the operation.

The general process I have described may be applied to the analysis of earthy minerals. When they are of such a composition as to be dissolved entirely, or nearly so, by an acid, that is, where they consist chiefly of lime, magnesia, and alumina, its direct ap

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