
Endowment of chapter of


Statutes for the chapter.

Income of dean and canons of Truro.

Provision for establishment

chapter of the cathedral church of Truro, if then founded, and if not, to the Truro Chapter Endowment Fund. 3. Whenever the Ecclesiastical Commissioners certify to Her Majesty under their common seal that the net income of the Truro Chapter Endowment Fund will provide such minimum income as herein-after mentioned for a dean and not less than four residentiary canons, Her Majesty by Order in Council may found a dean and chapter of Truro, and constitute them a body corporate, with all the rights and powers of other cathedral chapters in England, or with such of them as to Her Majesty may seem fit, and may subject them to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Truro as visitor.

The dean and chapter of Truro, and the endowment thereof, shall be deemed for all purposes to be subject to the same laws as the dean and chapter of any other bishopric in England, and the endowment thereof; and the deanery shall be in the direct patronage of Her Majesty, and every canonry shall be in the patronage of the Bishop of Truro for the time being.

4. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by Order in Council, to make, and when made alter and revoke, statutes for the order, rule, and governance of the dean and chapter of Truro, and the members, officers, and endowment thereof.

5. For the purposes of this Act the minimum income shall be a net annual income for a dean of one thousand pounds, and for a canon of three hundred pounds, exclusive in both cases of the value of any residence.

6. Whenever from time to time before the foundation of a dean and chapter of Truro the Ecclesiastical Commissioners certify to Her Majesty under their common seal that the income of the Truro foundation of Chapter Endowment Fund will provide such minimum income as

of canons at Truro before

dean and


Trusts of Truro
Chapter En-

is mentioned in this Act for any canon or canons, Her Majesty by Order in Council may establish a residentiary canonry or canonries in the cathedral church of Truro, and assign thereto an income not being less than the minimum income, and by the same or any other order from time to time define the duties which an incumbent of any such canonry is to perform in the said cathedral church and in the administration of the diocese of Truro.

Every canonry so established shall be in the patronage of the Bishop of Truro for the time being, and the incumbent of every such canonry shall hold his office by the same tenure as the incumbent of any other canonry in England, and, subject to any exceptions contained in any such Order in Council, the law relating to other canonries in England shall, so far as is consistent with the tenour thereof and with the circumstances of the case, apply to a canonry so established, and to the incumbent thereof.

7. The Truro Chapter Endowment Fund shall be held upon trust for the foundation of a dean and chapter of Truro. There shall be dowment Fund. carried to that fund such portion, if any, of the Truro Bishopric Endowment Fund as is applicable for the said trust.

The annual income arising from the Truro Chapter Endowment Fund shall, until the dean and chapter is founded in pursuance of this Act, be applied in paying the incumbent of any canonry established in-pursuance of this Act, and, subject to that payment, shall be invested and accumulated as part of the fund.

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners shall have the same power with respect to sale, investment, management, leasing, or other dealing in the case of the fund as they have in the case of the Truro Bishopric Endowment Fund.

Commissioners approved by

8. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners may from time to time sub- Scheme of mit for the approval of Her Majesty in Council a scheme or schemes Ecclesiastical for all or any of the following matters; namely, (1.) For the transfer to the dean and chapter of Truro, or the Order in CounTruro Chapter Endowment Fund, of the endowment of cil for carrying the canonry of Exeter, directed by this Act to be so Act. transferred:

(2.) For transferring to the dean and chapter of Truro, when founded, the Truro Chapter Endowment Fund; and

(3.) For making such provisions and arrangements as may be necessary for carrying into complete effect the said transfers and the foundation of the dean and chapter of Truro and the establishment of any canonry or canonries in the cathedral church of Truro, and this Act and any Order in Council made thereunder, and all matters incidental to anything before in this section mentioned.

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, in any scheme for transferring to the dean and chapter of Exeter lands in lieu of any annual sum payable to them by the Commissioners, shall keep distinct any land given for the endowment of the canonry of Exeter directed by this Act to be transferred to the dean and chapter of Truro.

into effect the

9. An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall have Validity and effect as if it were enacted in this Act.

publication of


An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall be pub- Orders in lished in the "London Gazette," and laid before both Houses of Parliament forthwith after it is made, if Parliament be then in session, or if not, within one month after the commencement of the then next session of Parliament.

A scheme made in pursuance of this Act shall be of no effect until it has been approved by Order in Council.

of Cornwall.

10. On the first vacancy after the passing of this Act in the Provision as to archdeaconry of Cornwall, the amount payable to the archdeacon archdeaconry out of the income of the canonry in the cathedral church of Exeter, which is by this Act directed to be transferred to the cathedral church of Truro, shall not exceed two hundred pounds a year, and the residue of the one third of the said income which is now paid to the archdeacon of Cornwall shall be transferred to the dean and chapter of Truro, if then founded, and if not, to the Truro Chapter Endowment Fund.

Save as aforesaid, nothing in this Act shall prejudice the existing application for the benefit of the archdeaconry of Cornwall of one third of the income of the canonry in the cathedral church of Exeter, which is by this Act directed to be transferred to the cathedral church of Truro.

11. Nothing in this Act shall authorise the Ecclesiastical Com- Comition fund missioners to apply any portion of their common fund towards the of Commissionendowment of the dean and chapter of Truro, or of any canonry in ers not applicthe cathedral church of Truro, save in so far as relates to the endow- ment. ment of the canonry of Exeter directed by this Act to be transferred.

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able to endow

Issue of 14,500,000/.

out of the Con

solidated Fund

for the service

of the year ending 31st March 1879.

Power to the Treasury to borrow.

Short title.


An Act to apply the sum of fourteen millions five hundred
thousand pounds out of the Consolidated Fund to the
service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of
March one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine.
[8th August 1878.]


Most Gracious Sovereign,

E, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, towards making good the supply which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this session of Parliament, have resolved to grant unto Your Majesty the sum herein-after mentioned; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the time being may issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and apply towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty for the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, the sum of fourteen millions five hundred thousand pounds.

2. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may borrow from time to time, on the credit of the said sum, any sum or sums not exceeding in the whole the sum of fourteen millions five hundred thousand pounds, and shall repay the moneys so borrowed, with interest not exceeding five per cent. per annum, out of the growing produce of the Consolidated Fund at any period not later than the next succeeding quarter to that in which the said moneys were borrowed.

Any sums so borrowed shall be placed to the credit of the account of Her Majesty's Exchequer, and shall form part of the said Consolidated Fund, and be available in any manner in which such fund is available.

3. This Act may be cited as the Consolidated Fund (No. 4) Act, 1878.


An Act to enable Her Majesty to provide for the Establish-
ment of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught
and of Strathearn and Her Royal Highness Princess
Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes of Prussia,
and to settle an Annuity on Her Royal Highness.
[8th August 1878.]

Most Gracious Sovereign,

WE, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Com

mons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, having taken into consideration Your

Majesty's most gracious message that Your Majesty has agreed to a marriage proposed between Your Majesty's third son His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn and Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes, third daughter of His Royal Highness Prince Friedrich Carl Nikolaus of Prussia, do most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted :

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

grant an addi

to Prince

1. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty in order to provide for the Power for Her establishment of His Royal Highness Prince Arthur William Patrick Majesty to Albert Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn and Her Royal High- tional annuity ness Princess Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes of Prussia, of ten thousand by letters patent under the great seal of the United Kingdom of pounds for life Great Britain and Ireland to grant unto His said Royal Highness, Arthur Wilor to such persons as Her Majesty may think fit to name in the said liam Patrick Albert Duke of letters patent, on trust for His said Royal Highness, and subject Connaught and to such conditions as Her Majesty may direct, an annuity of ten of Strathearn. thousand pounds for life; such annuity to commence from the date of the marriage of His said Royal Highness, to be free from all taxes, assessments, and charges, and to be paid quarterly on the fifth day of January, the fifth day of April, the fifth day of July, and the tenth day of October, and to be in addition to the annuity heretofore granted to him by Parliament.

2. The first payment of such portion of the said annuity as may Payment of have accrued between the date of the said marriage and the first of proportionate part of annuity. the said quarterly days which happens after the said marriage shall be made on such last-mentioned quarterly day, and a proportionate part shall be payable for the period between the last quarterly day of payment and the date of the determination thereof: provided that in the event of His said Royal Highness succeeding to any sovereignty or principality abroad, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty or her successors, with the consent of Parliament, to revoke or reduce the said annuity by warrant under the sign manual.

grant an an

3. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty or her successors, by letters Power for Her patent under the great seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Majesty to and Ireland, to grant to Her said Royal Highness in case of her nuity of six surviving His said Royal Highness, or to such persons as Her thousand Majesty or her successors may think fit to name in the said letters pounds to Her said Royal patent, on trust for Her said Royal Highness in the event of her Highness in so surviving, an annuity of six thousand pounds, to commence the event of from the date of the death of His said Royal Highness and to her surviving His Royal continue from thenceforth during the life of Her said Royal High- Highness the ness, and to be payable on the quarterly days aforesaid, the first Duke of Conpayment to be made on such of the said quarterly days as happens naught and of next after the death of His said Royal Highness of such portion of the said annuity as may have accrued between the date of the said death and the said quarterly day; and a proportionate part thereof to be payable for the period from the last quarterly day of payment to the date of the determination thereof.



Act to be



4. The annuities granted in pursuance of this Act shall, if Her granted by this Majesty think fit so to direct, be personal and inalienable provicharged on the sions, and the same shall be charged on and payable out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or the growing produce thereof, after paying and reserving sufficient to pay such sums as may have been directed to be paid out of the said fund by former Acts of Parliament, but with preference to all other payments which may hereafter be charged on the said fund.

Short title.

5. This Act may be cited as the Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn (Establishment) Act, 1878.


An Act to enable the Trustees of the Elders Widows' Fund to apply the Capital of the said Fund in aid of Income; and for other purposes in relation thereto. [8th August 1878.]

WHEREAS in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty

a fund, commonly known as "The Elders Widows' Fund," was established for the relief of the widows and orphans of persons employed in the Extra Department of the Home Service of the East India Company:

And whereas upon the establishment of the said fund the East India Company agreed to grant a contribution of one thousand pounds a year in aid of the fund, and such contribution is now payable by the Secretary of State for India in Council:

And whereas for some years after the establishment of the said fund the income thereof was more than sufficient to meet its current liabilities, and the surplus income was accordingly invested and accumulated for the benefit of the fund:

And whereas in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfour it was apprehended that, by reason of reductions in the home establishment of the East India Company, consequent upon the Act of the third and fourth William the Fourth, chapter eighty-five, the said fund would prove inadequate to meet the payments provided for by the then existing regulations thereof, and thereupon, at the request of the trustees of the said fund, it was resolved by the Court of Directors of the East India Company, with the sanction of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, that the deficiency should be made good by the East India Company as compensation under the seventh section of the said Act, on condition that, if the capital of the said fund and the income thereof from interest and subscriptions should be more than sufficient to provide for the permanent charge of pensions, the excess should be appropriated, so far as it would go, to repay to the East India Company the advances which they might make under that arrangement, together with interest:

And whereas on the seventeenth of May one thousand eight hundred and sixty the said fund was closed, and since that date no fresh subscribers have been admitted:

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