
much pains to make him a murderer. At length he reached the habitation of Madame de Vineuil, uncertain what to say to her, and whether he ought to relate to her his melancholy ad

venture or not.

He was admitted. The eldest sister, in tears, came to meet him, exclaiming-"O! M. Favelle; my brother, my unfor tunate brother is killed."

The reader may conceive the painful presentiments which harrowed the soul of the unhappy youth. A cold perspiration bedewed his brow; he started back, and would have quitted the house; but instead of that, unconscious of what he did, he went into the next room. As the door opened, he beheld the corpse of his opponent extended on a sofa. The weeping mother embraced the knees of her murdered child; the younger sister in speechless sorrow contemplated in silence the pallid face of her beloved brother.

Favelle, as if thunderstruck, attempted to retire, but was detained by the mother and daughter. "Alas, my brother!— my son !"-resounded in his ears. "Killed too for a mere trifle, for a word! He did not wish to fight; he wanted to make up the quarrel. He was urged on, ridiculed, and pains were taken to inflame his resentment."-" He was your friend, though he did not know you," added the sister. "How he rejoiced at the thoughts of seeing you !"


His senses almost forsook the unhappy murderer. features, distorted by anguish and despair, evinced the agony which tortured his soul. The fearful confession trembled upon his lips; but when he opened them for utterance, it was transformed into an inarticulate cry of horror. At this sight, gloomy suspicions seized the mother and the sisters.-With a voice, which did not seem like that of a human being, he at length exclaimed :-" I, I am his murderer." He departed, and the weeping females again sunk down upon the corpse of the beloved youth.

He had arrived at Paris the evening before to surprize his family with the joyful intelligence, that the house, whose concerns he had hitherto conducted, had given him a share in the business, and that he was now in a condition to provide for his sisters. The joy of the whole family was so great, that they longed to see Favelle, to communicate to him this welcome information. The young Vineuil testified an extraordinary desire to become acquainted with the friend of his house, and had sought him in vain on the very morning of the unfortunate duel. Had he met with him, it is easy to conceive that the issue of this affair would have been extremely different.



When Coso Fabius and T. Virginius were consuls, Rome had several wars to sustain, less dangerous than troublesome, against the Equi, Volsci, and Veientes. To put a stop to the incursions of the last, it would have been necessary to establish a good garrison upon their frontiers; but the commonwealth was too much exhausted of money, to be in a condition to provide for so many different cares and expenses. It was then that the family of the Fabii showed a generosity and love of their country, that has been the admiration of all ages. They applied to the senate, and demanded as a favour, that they would be pleased to transfer the care and expenses of the garrison necessary to oppose the Veientes, to their house, which required an assiduous rather than a numerous body; promising to support with dignity the honour of the Roman name, in that post. Every one was charmed with so noble an offer, and it was accepted with grateful acknowledgment. news spread over the whole city, and nothing was talked of but the Fabii. Every one honoured-every one admired their conduct. "If," said they, "there were two more such families in Rome, the one might take upon them the war against the Volsci, and the other against the Equi, while the commonwealth remained quiet, and the forces of particulars subdued the neighbouring states."


Early the next day the Fabii set out, with the consul at their head in his robes. Never was there so small, and at the same time, so illustrious an army seen. Three hundred and six soldiers, all patricians, and of the same family, of whom there was not one unworthy of commanding an army, marching against the Veii, full of courage and alacrity, under a captain of their own name, Fabius. They were followed by a body of their friends, animated by the same spirit and zeal, and actuated only by great and noble views. The whole city flocked to see so fine a sight. and praised those generous soldiers in the highest terms. As they passed before the capitol and other temples, the assembled multitude implored the gods to take them under their protection, to favour their undertaking, and to afford them a speedy and happy return.

When the gallant band arrived near the river Cremera, which is not far from the Veii, they erected a fort, which incommoded the enemy extremely. The Veientes, not finding themselves strong enough to ruin the fort, obtained considerable aid from the Hetrurians. In the meantime the Fabii, encouraged by their successful incursions into the enemy's coun

try, made farther progress every day. Their excessive boldness made the Hetrurians conceive thoughts of laying an ambuscade for them in several places. During the night, they seized all the eminences that commanded the plain, and found means to conceal a good number of troops upon them. The next day they dispersed more cattle about the country than they had done before. The Fabii being apprized that the plains were covered with flocks and herds, and defended only by a small number of troops, quitted their fort, leaving only a sufficient number to guard it. They arrived at the place in order of battle, and were preparing to attack the advanced guards of the enemy, when the latter, who had their orders so to do, fled without staying till they were charged. The Fabii believing themselves secure, seized the shepherds, and were preparing to drive away the cattle. The Hetrurians then quitted their skulking places, and fell upon the Romans on all sides, most of whom were dispersed in pursuit of their prey. All they could do was to rally immediately; and this they could not effect without great difficulty. They soon found themselves assailed on every side; and although they fought like lions, yet, as they could not sustain this kind of combat long, they drew up in the form of a wedge, and advancing with the utmost fury and impetuosity, opened themselves a passage through the enemy that led to the side of the mountain. Here they halted, and fought with fresh courage; the enemy allowing them no time to respire. Although their number was so small, they defended themselves with advantage, and beating down the enemy, who did not relax in the attack, they made a great slaughter of them. But a body of the Veientes having gained the top of the mountain by a circuitous route, fell suddenly upon them, and galled them exceedingly with a continued shower of darts. The Fabii defended themselves to their last breath, and were all killed to a man.

The Roman people were greatly affected with the loss of this illustrious band of heroes. The day of their defeat was ranked among their unfortunate days called nefosti, on which the tribunals were shut up, and no public affair could be negociated, or at least concluded The memory of these public spirited patricians, who had so generously sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the service of the state, could not be too much honoured.


When Charles the Twelfth invaded Norway, in the year 1716, the main body of his army advanced towards Christiana, whence a detachment was sent to destroy the silver works at

Konsberg. On this expedition, a party of eight hundred horsemen, commanded by Colonel Loeven, passed through a narrow defile in the Harestuewood, and quartered for the night at Norderhoug, in the neighbourhood of which, a small detachment of Norwegian dragoons had been stationed to watch the motions of the enemy. The Swedish commander, who put up at the parsonage, soon after his arrival, received information that the Norwegians were only at the distance of three miles, and altogether ignorant of his arrival. Mrs. Anna Colbioernsen, the wife of the clergyman, who was confined at the time to his bed, happened to overhear a consultation among her guests, in which it was resolved to attack the Norwegians by break of day, and then to march against Konsberg. She immediately determined to apprize her countrymen of their danger. In the meantime, the greatest attention was paid to her guests; and while she appeared wholly occupied in providing for their entertainment, improved her information. She displayed equal apparent benevolence towards the comforts of the private soldiers; and on pretext of wanting other necessaries to complete their entertainment, she dispatched a servant, as it were, to procure them.

The Swedish colonel, in the meantime, inquired of Mrs. Colbioernsen the road to Stein, where he intended to station his outposts, and was completely deceived by her replies. He ordered his horses to be kept in readiness at the door; but she contrived to make the grooms intoxicated, upon which she put the horses in the stable and locked the door. Her next object was, under the plea of compassion, to obtain permission of the colonel to light a fire in the yard to comfort his men. This fire she insensibly increased to such a degree, that it served as a beacon to guide the Norwegians to the spot; for she had informed her countrymen, that a fire would be a signal for them to advance. Every thing succeeded to her utmost wishes and her address and intrepidity were rewarded by the are rival of the Norwegians at her house, without discovery. They took the Swedish colonel prisoner, and either cut to pieces, or put to flight, the whole of his party; upon which they sat down to the entertainment which Mrs. Colbioernsen had provided for their enemies.


The next morning she went out in company, with another female, to view the field of battle. The Swedes, who had fled during the night, in the meantime rallied, and being still superior in numbers to the Norwegians, they resolved to attack them but being ignorant of the force of the enemy, they sent out a reconnoitering party; who falling in with Mrs. Colbioernsen, the corporal rode up to her, and pointing his car

[blocks in formation]

bine to her breast, demanded instant information as to the position and numbers of the Norwegians. Her companion fainted away; but Mrs. Colbioernsen boldly asked," Is it the order of your king to shoot old women?" The corporal, abashed, removed his carbine, but persisted in his first question." As to their numbers,” she replied," that you may easily find out, as they are at this moment mustering behind the church, in order to pursue you. More I cannot tell you, not having counted them; but this I know, they are as numerous as the bees in a hive." Relying upon this intelligence, the party returned to their countrymen, who fled in all directions; and such was their confusion and disorder, that many were taken by the natives, and many lost in the forest.


"And here," he cried, "my friends, set down
The heart that bears the wings and crown;
That heart beneath whose holy shade

My sires have drawn ther conquering blade,
Nor ever with dishonour sheath'd,
Since royal Bruce his heart bequeath'd,
And gallant James of Douglas swore
To bear it from his native shore,
And yield it up in Palestine,

Within his dear Redeemer's shrine.
Now plant it here, for whence I go
With whirlwind fury on my foe;
But mark, whatever fate betide,
I charge you by your courage tried,
And as my knightly love you prize,
To rest in peace-who moves, he dies.
Now sound a summons to the fight,

Douglas for Scotland and the right.”

The heart crowned and winged, is the ancient crest of the Douglas family. The circumstance from which it took its rise, is thus narrated by Froissart:

When the valiant King Robert of Scotland saw his end approaching, he called to him the brave Lord James Douglas, and said to him, " My dear friend, you know that I have had much to do, and have suffered many troubles during my life to support the rights of my crown.

"At the time I was most occupied, I made a vow, the nonaccomplishment of which, gives me much uneasiness. I vowed, that if I could finish my wars in such a manner that I might have quiet to govern peaceably, I would go and make war against the enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the adversaries of the Christian faith. To this point my heart has always leaned; but our Lord was not willing, and gave me so much to do in my life-time, and this last expedition has lasted

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