
unfortunately missed his way in the descent. After a fruitless search of many hours, he discovered that he had reached the bottom of the valley, and was near his own cottage. To renew the search that night, was equally fruitless and dangerous; he was, therefore, compelled to go home, although he had lost both his child and his dog, who had attended him faithfully for many years. Next morning, by break of day, the shepherd, accompanied by a band of his neighbours, set out in search of his child; but after a day spent in fruitless fatigue, he was at last compelled, by the approach of night, to descend from the mountain. On returning to his cottage, he found that the dog, which he had lost the day before, had been home, and on receiving a piece of cake, had instantly gone off again. For several successive days, the shepherd renewed the search for his child, and still, on returning home disappointed in the evening, he found that the dog had been home, and, on receiving his usual allowance of cake, had instantly disappeared. Struck with this singular circumstance, he remained at home one day; and when the dog, as usual, departed with his piece of cake, he resolved to follow him, and find out the cause of this strange procedure. The dog led the way to a cataract, at some distance from the spot where the shepherd had left his child. The banks of the cataract almost joined at top, yet separated by an abyss of immense depth, presented that appearance which so often astonishes and appals the travellers that frequent the Grampian mountains. Down one of those rugged, and almost perpendicular descents, the dog began, without hesitation, to make his way, and at last disappeared, by entering into a cave, the mouth of which was almost level with the torrent. The shepherd with difficulty followed; but, on entering the cave, what were his emotions, when he beheld his infant eating, with much satisfaction, the cake which the dog had just brought him; while the faithful, animal stood by, eyeing his young charge with the utmost complacency! From the situation in which the child was found, it appeared, that he had wandered to the brink of the precipice, and then either fallen or scrambled down, till he reached the cave. The dog, by means of his scent, had traced him to the spot; and afterwards prevented him from starving, by giving up to him his own daily allowance. He appears never to have quitted the child by night or day, except when it was necessary to go for food; and then was always seen running at full speed to and from the cottage.



Brodeau, a learned critic of the sixteenth century, gives a curious account of the enterprising schemes practised by a ventriloquist who was valet de chambre to Francis the First. The fellow whose name was Louis Brabant, had fallen in love with a young, handsome, and rich heiress; but was rejected by the parents as an unsuitable match for their daughter, on account of the lowness of his circumstances.-The young lady's father dying, he paid a visit to the widow, who was totally ignorant of his singular talent. Suddenly, on his first appearance, in open day, in her own house, and in the presence of several persons who were with her, she heard herself accosted in a voice resembling that of her dead husband, and which seemed to proceed from above, exclaiming, "Give my daughter in marriage to Louis Brabant; he is a man of great fortune and of an excellent character. I now endure the inexpressible torments of purgatory, for having refused her to him. If you obey this admonition, I shall soon be delivered from this place of torment. You will at the same time provide a worthy husband for your daughter, and procure everlasting repose to the soul of your poor husband.”

The widow could not for a moment resist this dread summons, which had not the most distant appearance of proceeding from Louis Brabant; whose countenance exhibited no visible change, and whose lips were close and motionless during the delivery of it. Accordingly, she consented immediately to receive him for her son-in-law. Louis's finances, however, were in a very low situation, and the formalities attending the marriage contract rendered necessary for him to exhibit some show of riches, and not to give the ghost the lie direct. He accordingly went to work upon a fresh subject, one Cornu, an old and rich banker at Lyons, who had accumulated immense wealth by usury and extortion, and was known to be haunted by remorse of conscience on account of the manner in which he had acquired it.

Having contracted an intimate acquaintance with this man, he one day, while they were sitting together in the usurer's little back parlour, artfully turned the conversation on religious subjects, on demons and spectres, the pains of purgatory, and the torments of hell. During an interval of silence between them, a voice was heard, which to the astonished banker seemed to be that of a deceased father, complaining, as in the former case, of his dreadful situation in purgatory, and calling upon

him to deliver him instantly thence, by putting into the hands of Louis Brabant, then with him, a large sum for the redemption of Christians then in slavery with the Turks; threatened him at the same time with eternal punishment, if he did not take this method to expiate likewise his own sins. Louis Brabant affected a due degree of astonishment on the occasion; and further promoted the deception, by acknowledging his having devoted himself to the prosecution of the charitable design imputed to him by the ghost. An old usurer is naturally suspicious. Accordingly, the wary banker made a second appointment with the ghost's delegate for the next day; and to render any design upon him utterly abortive, took him into the open fields, where not a house or a tree, or even a bush, or a pit, was in sight, capable of screening any supposed confederate. This extraordinary caution excited the ventriloquist to exert all the powers of his art. Wherever the banker conducted him, at every step his ears were saluted on all sides with the complaints and groans not only of his father, but of his deceased relations, imploring him in the name of every saint in the kalendar, to have mercy on his own soul and theirs, by effectually seconding with his purse the intentions of his worthy, companions. Cornu could no longer resist what he conceived to be the voice from heaven, and paid him down ten thousand crowns: with which the honest ventriloquist returned to Paris, and married his mistress.


During the sacking of Acradina, Archimedes was shut up in his closet, and so intent on the demonstration of a geometrical problem, that neither the tumult and noise of the soldiers, nor the cries and lamentations of the people, could divert his attention. He was very deliberately drawing his lines and figures, when a soldier entered his apartment, and clapped a sword to his throat. "Hold, friend," said Archimedes," for one moment, and my demonstration will be finished." The soldier, astonished at the unconcern and intrepidity of the philosopher in such imminent danger, resolved to carry him to the proconsul. But Archimedes unfortunately taking with him a small box of mathematical and astronomical instruments, the soldier supposing it contained silver and gold, and not being able to resist the force of temptation, killed him on the spot. His death was much lamented by Marcellus, who caused his funeral to be performed with the greatest pomp and solemnity, and ordered a monument to be erected to his memory, among those illustrious men, who had distinguished themselves in Syracuse.

The passion of this philosopher for mathematical knowledge was so strong, that he devoted himself entirely to the pleasures of study. This gave occasion to the report, that he was so charmed with the soothing songs of a domestic tyrant, that he neglected the common concerns and occupations of life. Every other object he despised; and that he might not interrupt his pursuits, he frequently denied himself the necessaries of life. Hiero, king of Syracuse, prevailed by entreaties on the speculative geometrician, to descend to m chanics; and Archimedes constructed those wonderful machines for the defence of cities, the effects of which retarded, and might perhaps, have completely impeded, the taking of Syracuse. He is also said to have been the inventor of a sphere of glass, on which the periodical and synodical motions of the stars and planets were represented.


The wisest persons of the community saw the prudence of accepting the peace offered by Philip; accordingly, ambassadors were sent to treat with the king of Macedon, upon the terms he proposed. In the number of these ministers, was Demochares, an irreconcileable enemy of Philip, and a strenuous promoter of the war. He acquitted himself on this occasion, with that ridiculous petulance which naturally flowed from his character. At their audience of leave, Philip, with less sincerity than politeness, lavished his praises on the ambassadors, and asked if there were any thing more, in which he could serve their republic? "Yes," replied Demochares, "hang thyself." The just indignation of all present, broke forth against this unprovoked insolence; but Philip, with wonderful coolness and moderation, silenced the clamour, by say ing, "Let this ridiculous brawler depart unmolested." He then turned to the other ambassadors, and bid them tell their countrymen, that those who can utter such outrages, are less just and moderate, than he who can pardon them.


Shere Afgun, or the Overthrower of the Lion, so dignified from his having, in his youth, killed a lion with his own hands, was born of noble parents in Turcomania. He first served with uncommon renown under Shaw Ismael, the third of the Sufveye line, and afterwards with increasing reputation in the wars of the Emperor Akbar of India. He distinguished himself in a particular manner under Khan Khanan, at the taking of Suid, by exhibiting prodigies of personal strength and valour. Preferments were heaped upon him, and he was in

bigh esteem at court during the life of Akbar, who loved in others that daring intrepidity for which he himself was renowned.

When at the height of his reputation, Shere married Mher ul Nissa, or the Sun of Women, the daughter of Chaja Niass, the high treasurer of the empire. This lady, who excelled in beauty all the damsels of the East, had captivated the heart of Selim, the prince royal; and the prince had even gone so far as to apply to his father, Akbar, for permission to espouse her; but the emperor, aware that she had been betrothed to Shere, sternly refused to commit a piece of injustice, though in favour of the heir to his throne. The prince retired abashed and Mher ul Nissa became the wife of Shere.

Akbar died, and Selim ascended the throne. The passion for Mher ul Nissa, which he had repressed from respect to his father, now returned with redoubled violence. He was afraid to go so far against the current of popular opinion, as openly to deprive Shere of his wife; but he resolved to leave no base art untried to get his rival out of the way, when he reckoned upon his triumph being secure. The first plot which he laid against the life of the brave Shere, was distinguished for the depth of its perfidy. He appointed a day for hunting, and ordered the haunt of an enormous tiger to be explored. News was soon brought that a tiger of immense size was discovered in the forest Nidarbari. This savage, it was said, had carried off many of the largest oxen from the neighbouring villages. The emperor directed thither his march, attended by Shere Afgun and all his principal officers, with their train of dependants. Having, according to the custom of the Mogul Tartars, surrounded the ground for many miles, they began to move towards the centre on all sides. The tiger was roused; his roaring was heard in all quarters, and the emperor hastened to the place.

The nobility being assembled, the emperor called aloud "Who among you will advance singly, and attack this tiger ?" They looked on one another in silence: then all turned their eyes on Shere Afgun. He seemed not to understand their meaning. At length three Omrahs started forth from the circle; and sacrificing fear to shame, fell at the emperor's feet, and begged permission to try singly their strength against the formidable animal. The pride of Shere Afgun rose. He had im

agined that none durst attempt a deed so dangerous. He hoped that after the refusal of the nobles, the honour of the enterprise would devolve of course on his hands. But three had offered themselves for the combat, and they were bound in honour to insist on their prior right. Afraid of losing his former re

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