
shore, that immense crowds had assembled to be spectators of the action. The Frenchman having stopped his leak, returned to the combat, and poured a dreadful volley into the stern of the Isabella, when Captain Hornby was wounded by a ball in the temple, and bled profusely. The sight of their brave commander, streaming with blood, somewhat disconcerted his gallant companions, but he called to them briskly to keep their courage, and stand to their arms, for his wound was not dangerous. On this their spirits revived, and again taking post in their close quarters, they sustained the shock of three more tremendous broadsides, in returning which, they forced the Brancas, by another well aimed shot, a second time to sheer off and careen. The huzzas of the Isabella's crew were renewed, and they again set up their shattered ensign, which was shot through and through into honourable rags.

Andre, who was not deficient in bravery, soon returned to the fight, and having disabled the Isabella by five terrible broadsides, once more summoned Hornby, with terrible menaces to strike his colours. Captain Hornby turned to his gallant comrades. "You see yonder, my lads," pointing to the shore," the witnesses of your valour." It was unnecessary to say more; they one and all assured him of their resolution to stand by him to the last; and finding them thus invincibly determined, he hurled his final defiance at the enemy.

Andre immediately ran his ship upon the Isabella's starboard, and lashed close alongside; but his crew murmured, and refused to renew the dangerous task of boarding, so that he was obliged to cut the lashings and again retreat.

Captain Hornby resolved to salute the privateer with one parting gun; and this last shot, fired into the stern of the Brancas, happening to reach the magazine, it blew up with a tremendous explosion, and the vessel instantly went to the bottom. Out of seventy-five men, thirty-six were killed or wounded in the action, and all the rest, together with the wounded, perished in the deep, except three, who were picked up by the Dutch fishing boats.

This horrible catastrophe excited the compassion of the brave Hornby and his men; but they could, unfortunately, render no assistance to their ill-fated enemies, the Isabella having become unmanageable, and her boat being shattered to pieces.

Mr. Hornby afterwards received from his sovereign a large gold medal, in commemoration of his heroic conduct on this occasion; conduct, perhaps, not surpassed by any thing in the annals of British naval prowess.


A corporal of the 17th dragoons, named O'Lavery, serving under lord Rawdon, in South Carolina, during the American war, being appointed to escort an important despatch through a country possessed by the enemy, was a short time after their departure, wounded in the side by a shot, which laid his companion dead at his feet. Insensible to every thing but duty, he seized the despatch, and continued his route till he sunk from the loss of blood. Unable to proceed further, and

yet anxious for his charge, to which he knew death would be no security against the enemy, he then

"Within his wound the fatal paper plac'd

Which prov'd his death, nor by that death disgrac'd.

A smile benignant on his count'nance shone,
Pleas'd that his secret had remained unknown:

So was he found."

A British patrol discovered him on the following day, before life was quite extinct; he pointed out to his comrades the dreadful depository he had chosen, and then satisfactorily breathed his last. The Earl of Moira has erected a monument to the hero in the church of his native parish.


After the battle of Aspern, Bonaparte detached a force of nearly 40,000 men, under the command of General Lefebvre, to subjugate the Tyrolese, who, headed by the brave and enterprising Andrew Hofer, had opposed a desperate resistance to all their attacks. The account of this expedition, as related by a Saxon major, who escaped from the destruction of those terrible days, presents one of the most striking instances of national and individual heroism that history records.

"We had penetrated to Inspruck," says the officer," without great resistance. Our entrance into the passes of the Brenner was only opposed by a small corps, which continued falling back, after an obstinate, though short resistance. Among others, I perceived a man full eighty years old, posted against the side of a rock, and sending death amongst our ranks at every shot. Upon the Bavarians descending from behind to make him prisoner, he shouted, Hurrah! struck the first man to the ground with a ball, seized hold of the second, and with the ejaculation, in God's name ! precipitated himself with him into the abyss below.

Marching onward, we heard resound from the summit of a high rock, Stephen, shall I chop it off yet! to which a loud nay, reverberated from the opposite. This was told to the


duke of Dantzic, who, notwithstanding, ordered us to advance; at the same time, he prudently withdrew from the centre to the rear. The van, consisting of four thousand Bavarians, had just stormed a deep ravine, when we again heard hallooing over our heads, Hans! for the most Holy Trinity! Our terror was completed by the reply that immediately followed, In the name of the Holy Trinity, cut all loose below! and ere a minute was elapsed, thousands of my comrades in arms were crushed, buried, and overwhelmed, by an incredible heap of broken rocks, stones, and trees, hurled down upon We were all petrified; every one fled that could, but a shower of balls from the Tyrolese, who now rushed from the surrounding mountains in immense numbers, and among them boys and girls of ten and twelve years of age, killed or wounded a great many of us. It was not till we had got these fatal mountains six leagues behind us, that we were re-assembled by the duke, and formed into six columns. Soon after, the Tyrolese appeared, headed by Hofer, the innkeeper. After a short address from him, they gave a general fire, then flung their rifles aside, and rushed upon our bayonets. Nothing could withstand their impetuosity. They darted at our feet, threw or pulled us down, strangled us, wrenched the arms from our hands, and like enraged lions killed all, French, Bavarians, and Saxons, that did not cry for quarter. By doing so, I, with three hundred men, was spared and set at liberty.

"When all lay dead around, and the victory was completed, the Tyrolese, as if moved by one impulse, fell upon their knees, and poured forth the emotions of their hearts in prayer, under the canopy of heaven: a scene so awfully solemn, that it will ever be present in my remembrance. I joined in the devotion, and never in my life did I pray more fervently.


The hero of this little narrative was a Hottentot, of the name of Von Wyhk, and we give the story of this perilous and fearful shot in his own words: "It is now," said he, "more than two years since, in the very place where we stand, I ventured to take one of the most daring shots that ever was hazarded: my wife was sitting in the house near the door, the children were playing about her. I was without, near the house, busied in doing something to a waggon, when suddenly, though it was mid-day, an enormous lion appeared, came up, and laid himself quietly down in the shade, upon the very threshold of the door. My wife, either frozen with fear, or aware of the danger attending any attempt to flee, remained motionless in her place, while the children took refuge in her lap. The cry they uttered attracted my attention, and I hastened towards

the door; but my astonishment may be well conceived, when I found the entrance barred in such a manner. Although the animal had not seen me, escape, unarmed as I was, appeared impossible. Yet I glided gently, scarcely knowing what I meant to do, to the side of the house, up to the window of my chamber, where I knew my loaded gun was standing. By a happy chance, I had set it in a corner close by the window, so that I could reach it with my hand; for, as you may perceive, the opening is too small to admit of my having got in; and still more fortunately, the door of the room was open, so that I could see the whole danger of the scene. The lion was beginning to move, perhaps with the intention of making a spring; there was no longer any time to think; I called softly to the mother not to be afraid, and invoking the name of the Lord, fired my piece. The ball passed directly over my boy's head, and lodged in the forehead of the lion immediately above his eyes, which shot forth as it were sparks of fire, and stretched him on the ground, so that he never stirred more.


We extract the following interesting narrative from a private letter from India. "For some days before our arrival at A—, we had intelligence of an immense wild male elephant being in a large grass swamp within five miles of us. He had in

habited the swamp for years, and was the terror of the surrounding villagers, many of whom he had killed; he had only one tusk; and there was not a village for many miles round, that did not know the Burrah ek durt ke Hathee, or the large one-toothed elephant; and one of our party, Colonel Shad the year before been charged, and his elephant put to the right-about, by this famous fellow. We determined to go in pursuit of him; and accordingly, on the third day after our arrival, started in the morning, mustering between private and government elephants, thirty-two, but seven of them only with sportsmen on their backs. As we knew that in the event of the wild one charging, he would probably turn against the male elephants, the drivers of two or three of the largest were armed with spears. On our way to the swamp, we shot a great quantity of different sorts of game that got up before the line of elephants; and had hardly entered the swamp, when, in consequence of one of the party firing at a partridge, we saw the great object of our expedition: the wild elephant got up out of some long grass, about two hundred and fifty yards before us, where he stood, staring at us and flapping his huge ears. We immediately made a line of the elephants with the sportsmen in the centre, and went strait up to him, until within a hundred and thirty

yards; when, fearing he was going to turn from us, all the party gave him a volley, some of us firing two, three, and four barrels. He then turned round, and made for the middle of the swamp. The chase now commenced; and after following him upwards of a mile, with our elephants up to their bellies in mud, we succeeded in turning him to the edge of the swamp, where he allowed us to get within eighty yards of him, when we gave him another volley in his full front; on which he made a grand charge at us, but fortunately only grazed one of the pad elephants. He then again made for the middle of the swamp, throwing up blood and water from his trunk, and making a terrible noise, which clearly showed that he had been severely wounded. We followed him, and were obliged to swim our elephants through a piece of deep stagnant water, occasionally giving shot; when making a stop in some very high grass, he allowed us again to come within sixty yards, and get another volley, on which he made a second charge more furious than the first, but was prevented making it good by some shots fired when very close to us, which stunned and fortunately turned him. He then made for the edge of the swamp, again swimming a piece of water, through which we followed with considerable difficulty, in consequence of our pads and howdahs having become much heavier, from the soaking they had got twice before; we were up to the middle in the howdahs, and one of the elephants fairly turned over, and threw the rider and his guns into the water He was taken off by one of the pad elephants, but his three guns went to the bottom. This accident took up some time, during which, the wild elephant had made his way to the edge of the swamp, and stood perfectly still, looking at us, and trumpeting with his trunk. As soon as we got all to rights, we again advanced with the elephants in the form of a crescent, in the full expectation of a desperate charge; nor were we mistaken. The animal now allowed us to come within forty yards of him, when we took a very deliberate aim at his head, and on receiving this fire, he made a most furious charge; in the act of which, and when within ten yards of some of us, he received his mortal wound, and fell as dead as a stone. Mr. B, a Civilian, has the credit of giving him his death wound, which, on examination proved to be a small ball from a Joe Manton's gun over the left eye, for this was the only one of thirty-one that he had received in the head, which was found to have entered the brain. When down, he measured in height twelve feet four inches; in length, from the root of the tail to the top of the head, sixteen feet; and ten feet round the neck. He had upwards of eighty balls in his head and body. His only remaining tusk, when taken

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