the softness of the succeeding twilight, are characteristic of the undisturbed peace and domestic happiness that have their dwelling-place in that land upon which the shadows of night always steal softly and unobtrusively. THE DYING BOY. I must be sweet, in childhood, to give back "Mother! I'm dying now- And on my brow I feel the cold sweat stand; My lips grow dry and tremulous, and my breath Mother! your hand Here-lay it on my wrist, And place the other soft beneath my head, Shall I be miss'd? Never beside your knee Shall I kneel down again at night to pray, You taught to me! Oh, at the time of prayer, When you look round and see a vacant seat, You'll miss me there!" "Father! I'm going home To the good home you spoke of, that bless'd land Storms do not come. I must be happy then: From pain and death you say I shall be free- Shall meet again!" "Brother! the little spot I used to call my garden, where long hours We've stay'd to watch the budding things and flowers, Forget it not! Plant there some box or pine— Something that lives in winter, and will be And call it mine!" "Sister! my young rose-tree, That all the spring has been my pleasant care, I give to thee. And when its roses bloom, I shall be gone away-my short life done! Upon my tomb?" "Now, Mother! sing the tune You sang last night I'm weary, and must sleep! You'll all come soon!" Morning spread over earth her rosy wings, HENRY IV.'S SOLILOQUY ON SLEEP. How many thousands of my poorest subjects And hush'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber, P And in the calmest and the stillest night, PUFF. I AM, sir, a practitioner in panegyric, or to speak more plainly, a professor of the art of puffing, at your service, or any body else's. Even the auctioneers now, the auctioneers I say, though the rogues have lately got some credit for their language, not an article of the merit their's, take them out of their pulpits, and they are as dull as catalogues; no, sir; -'twas I first enriched their style-'twas I first taught them to crowd their advertisements with panegyrical superlatives, each epithet rising above the other, like the bidders in their own auction-rooms; from me they learned to inlay their phraseology with variegated chips of exotic metaphor: by me, too, their inventive faculties were called forth. Yes, sir, by me they were instructed to clothe ideal walls with gratuitous fruits, to insinuate obsequious rivulets into visionary groves, to teach courteous shrubs to nod their approbation of the grateful soil, or, on emergencies, to raise upstart oaks, where there never had been an acorn; to create a delightful vicinage without the assistance of a neighbour; or fix the temple of Hygeia in the fens of Lincolnshire. Puffing is of various sorts the principal are, the puff direct-the puff preliminary--the puff collateral-the puff collusive, and the puff oblique, or puff by implication.These all assume, as circumstances require, the various forms of "letter to the editor"-" occasional anecdote""impartial critique”—“ observation from correspondent"or "advertisement from the party." For instance-the puff direct:-a new comedy or farce is to be produced at one of the theatres. The author, suppose Mr. Smatter, or Mr. Dapper-or any particular friend of mine very well; the day before it is to be performed, I write an account of the manner in which it was received. I have the plot from the author, and only add-characters strongly drawn-highly coloured-hand of a master-fund of genuine humour-mine of invention--neat dialogueattic salt. Then for the performance-Mr. Dodd was astonishingly great in the character of Sir Harry; that universal and judicious actor, Mr. Palmer, perhaps never appeared to more advantage than in the Colonel; but it is not in the power of language to do justice to Mr. King! indeed, he more than merited those repeated bursts of applause which he drew from a most brilliant and judicious audience. As to the scenery--the miraculous power of Mr. De Loutherbourg's pencil are universally acknowledged -in short, we are at a loss which to admire most, the unrivalled genius of the author, the great attention and liberality of the managers, the wonderful abilities of the painter, or the incredible exertions of all the performers! The puff preliminary, does well in the form of a caution. In a matter of gallantry now: Sir Flimsy Gossimer wishes to be well with Lady Fanny Fete; he applies to me; I open trenches for him with a paragraph in the Morning Post:-It is recommended to the beautiful and accomplished Lady F four stars F dash E, to be on her guard against that dangerous character, Sir F dash G; who, however pleasing and insinuating his manners may be, is certainly not remarkable for the constancy of his attachments in italics. Here, you see, Sir Flimsy Gossimer is introduced to the particular notice of Lady Fanny-who, perhaps, never thought of him before-she finds herself publicly cautioned to avoid him, which naturally makes her desirous of seeing him; the observation of their acquaintance causes a pretty kind of mutual embarrassment, this produces a sort of sympathy of interest, which, if Sir Flimsy is unable to improve effectually, |