[blocks in formation]

know that such detestable principles are equally abhorrent to reLC w to ms LC lígion and humanity. Whát! to attribute the sacred sanction of

1 RO

1 RO Ft

God and nature to the massacres of the Indian | scálping-knife! SRO wtr C F to waist w C to s C w tr C to the cannibal sávage, torturing, murdering, devouring, drinking to waist the blood of his mangled victims! Such notions shock every precept

m RO



tr C F to br C F W


[blocks in formation]

of morálity, every feeling of humánity, every sentiment of honor!

to f m C

These abominable principles, and this more abominable avówal of lift C and

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

I call upon that right réverend, and this most learned bénch, to

[blocks in formation]

vindicate the religion of their God, to support the justice of their

W 1 RO to 10 w

tr R C to

br C to

country. I call upon the bishops to interpose the unsullied sanctity

[blocks in formation]

of their lawn,—upon the judges, to interpose the purity of their


to m s C

1 RO

ermine, to save us from this pollution. I call upon the honor of

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

your lordships, to reverence | the dignity | of your ancestors, and to

m Ꭱ 0

maintain your own. I call upon the spirit and humanity of my coun

[blocks in formation]

try, to vindicate the national character. I call upon your lordships, B Ctr w to m f B C prone

and upon every order of men in the state, to stamp upon this in

[blocks in formation]

famous procedure | the indelible | stigma of the public | abhòrrence.


This, my Lords, is a perilous and tremendous moment. It is no time for adulation. The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis. It is now necessary to instruct the throne, in the language of Truth. We must, if possible, dispel the delusion and darkness. which envelop it, and display, in its full danger and genuine colors, the ruin which is brought to our doors. Can minis

ters still presume to expect support in their infatuation? Can Parliament be so dead to its dignity and duty as to be thus deluded into the loss of the one, and the violation of the other, as to give an unlimited support to measures which have heaped disgrace and misfortune upon us; measures which have reduced this late flourishing empire to ruin and contempt? But yesterday, and England might have stood against the world: now, none so poor as to do her reverence! France, my Lords, has insulted you. She has encouraged and sustained America; and, whether America be wrong or right, the dignity of this country ought to spurn at the officious insult of French interference. Can even our ministers sustain a more humiliating disgrace? Do they dare to resent it? Do they presume even to hint a vindication of their honor, and the dignity of the state, by requiring the dismissal of the plenipotentiaries of America? The people, whom they affected to call contemptible rebels, but whose growing power has at last obtained the name of enemies, the people with whom they have engaged this country in war, and against whom they now command our implicit support in every measure of desperate hostility,this people, despised as rebels, or acknowledged as enemies, are abetted against you, supplied with every military store, their interests consulted, and their ambassadors entertained, by your inveterate enemy,- and our ministers dare not interpose with dignity or effect!

My Lords, this ruinous and ignominious situation, where we cannot act with success nor suffer with honor, calls upon us to remonstrate in the strongest and loudest language of truth, to rescue the ear of majesty from the delusions which surround it. You cannot, I venture to say it, you cannot conquer America. What is your present situation there? We do not know the worst; but we know that in three campaigns we have done nothing, and suffered much. You may swell every expense, and strain every effort, still more

extravagantly; accumulate every assistance you can beg or borrow; traffic and barter with every little pitiful German prince, that sells and sends his subjects to the shambles of a foreign country: your efforts are forever vain and impotent, doubly so from this mercenary aid on which you. rely; for it irritates to an incurable resentment the minds of your enemies, to overrun them with the sordid sons of rapine and of plunder, devoting them and their possessions to the rapacity of hireling cruelty! If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms! - never! never! never!


(0) The war of centuries is at a close. The patronage and proscriptions of Ebrington have failed. The procrastination and economy of Russell | have triumphed. Let a thanksgiving | be proclaimed from the pulpit of St. Paul's.


(AO) Let the Lords and Commons of England vote their gratitude

[blocks in formation]

to the vicious and victorious economist! Let the guns of London shRC back h R C


Tower | proclaim the triumph which has cost, in the past, coffers of s R C prone

gold and torrents of blood, and, in this year, masses of putrefac

1 во

tion, to achieve. England! your great | difficulty is at an end: your w 1 s BC gallant and impetuous enemy is dead. Ireland, or rather the remains

1 Во

BC back

of Ireland, are yours at last. (GO) Your red ensign floats, not from


hs RC F

the Custom House, where you played the robber; not from Limerick

8 R

wall, where you played the cut-throat; but it flies from a thousand |



W to

RC Ft on waist

1 RO

graveyards, where the titled | niggards of your cabinet | have won

[blocks in formation]

the battle which your | soldiers | could not tèrminate.

m SRC and down

(AO) Go; send your scourge | steamer to the western coast to

[ocr errors]

convey some memòrial of your conquest; and in the halls where the flags and cannon you have captured from a world of foes are grouped SRO snatch Ft to waist


together, there let a shroud, stripped from some privileged côrpse,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

be for its proper price | displayed. Stop not thère; change your wàr h C pr and falling


crest; America has her eagle; let England have her vulture. What

[blocks in formation]

èmblem more fit | for the (G) rapacious power whose statesmanship | WRC Ft tr to br Ft to RO depopulates, and whose commerce | is gorged with fàmine | prices?

WRC to ms C

1 RO

(0) That is her proper | signal. But whatever the monarch | journal


ists of Europe may say, (A O) Ireland, thank God, is not down | yet.

[blocks in formation]

(AG) She is on her knee; but her hand | is clìnched | against | the BO Ft 1 во


giant, and she has yet power | to strike.

(0) Last year, from the Carpathian heights, we heard the cry of the Polish insurréctionists: "There is hope for Poland, while in Poland

there is a life to lose.'


1 R O

(AO) There is hope for Ireland, while in


W 1 SRC Ireland there is a life to lose. True it ís, thousands upon thousands





of our comrades have fallen; but thousands upon thousands still

[blocks in formation]

survive; and the fate of the dead shall quicken the purposes of the drop and lift h C living. The stakes are too | high | for us to throw up the hand until h C prone h C W the last | card | has been played; too high for us to throw ourselves


f C prone


br C and


in despair upon the coffins of our starved and swindled partners. (0) A peasant population, generous and heróic, a mechanic | population, honest and industrious, is at stake.

[blocks in formation]


GENTLEMEN: I address the men who govern us, and say to them, Go on, cut off three millions of voters; cut off eight out of nine, and the result will be the same to you, if

it be not more decisive. What you do not cut off is your own faults; the absurdities of your policy of compression, your fatal incapacity, your ignorance of the present epoch, the antipathy you feel for it, and that it feels for you; what you will not cut off is the times which are advancing, the hour now striking, the ascending movement of ideas, the gulf opening broader and deeper between yourself and the age, between the young generation and you, between the spirit of liberty and you, between the spirit of philosophy and you.

What you will not cut off is this immense fact, that the nation goes to one side, while you go to the other; that what for you is the sunrise is for it the sun's setting; that you turn your backs to the future, while this great people of France, its front all radiant with light from the rising dawn of a new humanity, turns its back to the past.

Gentlemen, this law is invalid; it is null; it is dead even before it exists. And do you know what has killed it? It is that, when it meanly approaches to steal the vote from the pocket of the poor and feeble, it meets the keen, terrible eye of the national probity, a devouring light, in which the work of darkness disappears.

Yes, men who govern us, at the bottom of every citizen's conscience, the most obscure as well as the greatest, at the very depths of the soul, (I use your own expression,) of the last beggar, the last vagabond, there is a sentiment, sublime, sacred, insurmountable, indestructible, eternal, the sentiment of right! This sentiment, which is the very essence of the human conscience, which the Scriptures call the corner-stone of justice, is the rock on which iniquities, hypocrisies, bad laws, evil designs, bad governments, fall, and are shipwrecked. This is the hidden, irresistible obstacle, veiled in the recesses of every mind, but ever present, ever active, on which you will always exhaust yourselves; and which,

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