
of deprivation of rights of conscience of the poorer and less protected classes of Catholics, under any circumstances. That the committee shall be authorized to appoint sub-committees of not less than five members out of their own body, for any purposes of the institute, and also to organize local committees, and to solicit and avail themselves of the co-operation of individuals in different parts of Great Britain and the colonies."

Several tracts have already been published by the institute, at a very cheap rate, and calculated, by their plausible assertions, and ingenious, but sophistical arguments, to pervert the minds of the ignorant, the inconsiderate, and the misinformed. One of them, intituled, "The widow Woolfrey versus the Vicar of Carisbrook," is a melancholy specimen of disingenuousness.

In the church of England has sprung up a new school of semi-popish divinity, recommended by the virtues and talents of its professors, eating its way to the very core of the Protestant system of theology. We allude to those unfortunate and deeply to be regretted publications · "Tracts for the Times," "Froude's Remains,” Palmer's "Church of Christ,” "Newman's Sermous," &c. The time has gone by when those works can be passed over without notice, and the hope that their influence would fail is now dead.

It is asserted that these Oxford divines "are daily acquiring new disciples, and command a force amounting, if we are not misinformed, to about seven hundred of the clergy, with no inconsiderable portion of the best informed among the laity." This is appalling enough, if true, and demands the most serious consideration of all true-hearted Protestants. Let them ponder well the following sentences, expressing the feelings and hopes with which the movement is contemplated by Roman Catholics ::-" Most sincerely and unaffectedly do we tender our congratulations to our brethren c. Oxford, that their eyes have been opened to the evils of private judgment, and the consequent necessity of curbing its multiform extravagance."... "It has been given them to see the dangers of the ever shifting sands of the desert in which they were lately dwelling, and to strike their tents, and flee the perils of the wilderness. They have already advanced a great way on their return towards that church within whose walls the wildest imagination is struck with awe, and sobered down to a holy calm, in the enjoyment of which it gladly folds its wearied wings." &c. They have found the clue which, if they lead them safely through the labyrinth of "Some of the brightest ornaments


have perseverance to follow it, will error into the clear day of truth." of their church have advocated a re-union with the church of all times and all lands; and the accomplishment of the design, if we have read aright the 'signs of the times,' is fast ripening. Her maternal arms are ever open to receive back repentant children; and, as when the prodigal son returned to his father's house, the fatted calf was killed, and a great feast of joy made, even so will the whole of Christendom rejoice greatly when so bright a body of learned and pious men as the authors of the Tracts for the Times' shall have made the one step necessary to place them again within that sanctuary where

[blocks in formation]

alone they can be safe from the moving sands, beneath which they dread being overwhelmed. The consideration of this step will soon inevitably come on; and it is with the utmost confidence that we predict the accession to our ranks of the entire mass.' ""*

We have no fears of the ultimate result, because "that Wicked One" is doomed to be destroyed by the Lord himself, "with the spirit of his mouth and with the brightness of his coming." (2 Thess. ii. 8.) But there will be a sharp previous conflict. Let all who love the truth prepare for it, by providing themselves with such weapons as shall be "mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."

*Catholic Magazine, ut sup. p. 175.


[blocks in formation]

Apocrypha, 40

Assurance of Faith, 88, 97

Augsburg, Diets at, 11, 138, 215, 220

Baptism, 65, 70, 118; necessary to sal-
vation, 119; not to be repeated, ib.;
to be administered to children, ib. ;
binds to obedience to the church, 120;
the mode, indifferent, 121; the minis-
ters, ib.; number of sponsors limited,
122; ceremonies observed at its cele-
bration, 122-124; its effects, 124
Baumgartner, Bavarian ambassador, 241
Bavaria, state of religion there in the
sixteenth century, 241; present influ-
ence of popery, 396
Becket (Thomas à), 351
Bellarmine (Cardinal), his enumeration

of the marks of the church, 35; his
lectures on the power of the Pope, 299

Bible Society, 51, 54

Bishops, divine right of their order, 207;
debate on the subject at Trent, 280;
diversity of opinion thereon, 286;
Peter Soto's letter to the Pope, ib. ;
their exclusive right to ordain, 294;
their rank and power, ib.
Bitonto (Bishop of), his sermon at the
opening of the council, 24
Bohemia, 242

Bologna, translation of the council to
that city, 128; proceedings there, 131;
suspension of the council, 135

Boniface IX. (Pope), 2

Books. Certain books prohibited, 230;
appointment of a committee on that
subject, 232; licences to read pro-
hibited books, ib.; restrictions on
printers and publishers, 370-375
Bourdeaux Testament, 57-60
Brandenburg (Elector of), 164
Brentius, 140

Butler (Mr. Charles), his views on the
Pope's power, 298

Cajetan (Cardinal), his opinion on the
salvation of infants, 111
Calixtus III. (Pope), 3
Calvin, 99, 100, 106

Campeggio (Cardinal), his plan for
putting down Protestantism, 10; ap-
pointed legate, 13
Canon of scripture, 40, 45
Canon of the mass, 261
Caraffa (Cardinal), 14; appointed pre-
sident of the Roman Inquisition, 16;
chosen Pope, 214.-See Paul IV.
Cardinals, 303

Catechism of the Council of Trent, 378;

strictures on the Rev. J. Donovan's
translation of it, 379-383

Cava (Bishop of), banished for an as-
sault, 78

Celibacy, 310; enjoined on all ecclesi-
astics, 311; its immoral tendencies
and effects, 312

Charles V. (Emperor), 7; convenes a
diet at Worms, ib.; decree obtained
by him at the diet of Augsburg, 11;
his endeavours to procure a general
council, ib.; his pledge to the Pope,
22; wishes reformation to be first at-
tended to, 23; forms an alliance with
the Pope against the Protestants, 73;
prevents the transfer of the council,
78, 91; his rage at the removal of the
council to Bologna, 131; compels the
submission of the Protestants, 133;

publishes the interim, 134; procures
the resumption of the council by Pope
Julius III., 137; his difficulties in
enforcing the submission of the Pro-
testants, 139; defeated by Maurice of
Saxony, 211; resigns the empire, 217
Charles IX. (King of France), 223
Cheregate, papal nuncio at Nurem-
burg; his speech, 8

Church, the; views of Roman-catholic

writers, 33; marks of the church, 34
-36; infallibility of the church of
Rome, 36; her exclusiveness and in-
tolerance, 37, 120; assumed power of
the church to make alterations in the
dispensation of the sacraments, 244
Clement VII. (Pope), 9; proposes to
summon a general council, 11; his
death, 12

Commendon (James), nuncio to Ger-
many, 225

Communion in one kind; debates on
the subject, 239-241; denounced by
the ambassadors at Trent, 241; its
lawfulness decreed, 243-246; re-
marks on that decree, 247
Confession, 167, 177, 189; examination
previous to it, 179; origin of auricu-
lar confession, 180; described, 182;
its annual observance enjoined, 190;
an engine of tyranny, 193; demoral-
izing in its tendency, 194
Confirmation, 124; mode of its adminis-

tration, 125; its supposed effects, 126
Constance (Council of), its decree re-
specting safe-conducts to heretics, 209,

Contarini (Cardinal), 14
Contrition, 175, 189
Corpus Christi Day, 154
Councils, remarks on them, 6; one
summoned to meet at Mantua, 13;
prorogued, and summoned to Vicenza,
ib.; prorogued, 14; summoned to
Trent, 15; suspended, ib.; list of the
principal councils, 406-408; differ-
ence of opinion respecting the general
councils, 408


COUNCIL OF TRENT summoned by
Pope Paul III., 18; state of parties
at the time, 20; appointment of le-
gates, 21; opening of the council, 23
-25; measures taken by the Pope to
govern it, 26; discussions respecting
the title of the council, ib.; tyranny
of the legates, 27; second session,
proxies prohibited, ib.; adoption of
the title "oecumenical and universal,"
28; resolution passed to combine doc-
trine and discipline in every decree,
29; the council divided into three
congregations, 30; third session-the

Nicene creed published, 31-33; dis-
cussions on scripture and tradition, 40
-42; appointment of a committee to
revise the vulgate, 43; fourth session—
decree on scripture and tradition, 44—
48; opinions of the Protestants on that
decree, 48; discussions on the right to
preach and deliver lectures on divinity,
61; boldness of the Bishop of Fæsuli,
62; debates on original sin, 64; on
the immaculate conception, 65; fifth
session-decree on original sin,67—72;
debates on justification, 74-78; con-
templated removal of the council, 78;
the session postponed, 78; debates on
free-will, 79; on predestination, 80;
extraordinary care taken in framing
the decree on justification, 81; the
question of the removal of the council
agitated again, ib.; sixth session—de-
cree on justification, 82-100; oppo-
site publications on it, 107; decree on
residence, ib.; debates on the sacra-
ments, 109-111; attempts at reform
frustrated, 112, 113; pluralities dis-
cussed, ib.; seventh session-decree on
the sacraments, and on baptism and
confirmation, 114-120, 124-126;
decree on pluralities, 126; an infec-
tious disease reported to prevail at
Trent, 127; eighth session-translation
of the council to Bologna, 128; ob-
servations thereon, 129; views of the
Pope and the emperor, 130; ninth ses-
sion-the council prorogued, 132;
tenth session-prorogued again, ib.;
submission of the Protestants to the
council procured by the emperor, ib.;
negotiations for its return to Trent,
133; suspension of the council, 135;
its resumption resolved on, 137; the
bull issued, 139; legate appointed,
140; eleventh session the council re-
opened, 141; twelfth session-protesta-
tion against the council by the King
of France, ib. ; debates on the euchar-
ist, 143; thirteenth session-decree on
the eucharist, 147-161; observations
on it, 162; safe-conduct issued to the
Protestants, 164; first appearance of
ambassador from a Protestant
prince, ib.; rejection of the safe-con-
duct by the Protestants, 166; debates
on penance, ib.; disputes on reforma-
tion, 167; violent conduct of the le-
gate, 168; arrival of Protestant am-
bassadors; 169; instructions of the
Pope to the legate on that occasion,
170; fourteenth session
- decree on
penance, 170-192; observations on
the decree, 192; the legate endeavours
to hinder its publication, 195; error



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