
2 P. M.-Reception in the parlors of the Revere House, Bowdoin Square, Boston, at which there will be exhibited many original family portraits and other relics. Mr. Dean Dudley, the family historian, will be present to receive the guests and to explain the articles exhibited.

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5.30 P. M. Dinner at the Revere House, tickets for which should be obtained from Dudley R. Child, Sec'y, 30 High St., Boston, on or before Saturday, Oct. 22d, in order that the number of guests to be provided for may be known in season. Later applications will be received at the Revere House. Numerous short addresses will be delivered after

the dinner by members of the family.

The first two meetings are open and free to all, and it is hoped and expected that a large number of the descendants will be present and participate in the discussions of the business matters to be considered at the morning meeting. All who have relics are requested to bring or send them to the Revere House on Monday (or Tuesday at the latest), where they will receive all possible care and attention from the Committee in charge.

BOSTON, October 19, 1892.


The day of the reunion was bright and clear. At ten o'clock in the morning some seventy-five members of the family met in the Chapel of the Bowdoin Square Church. The meeting organized with the choice of L. Edwin Dudley of Boston as chairman, and Warren P. Dudley of Boston, secretary. Mr. Sanford H. Dudley, instructed by the executive committee, presented a plan for the permanent organization of the family, in form of a constitution and by-laws. This document was discussed and agreed upon by sections and finally adopted as a whole. A nominating committee was appointed and, after consultation, presented a list of officers, who were elected by the meeting, thus completing the organization of The Governor Thomas Dudley Family Association. Mr. Sanford H. Dudley having been elected president of the Association, was introduced to the chairman of the meeting, and assumed the chair. The further proceedings were brief, and included the appointment of the special publication committee, by whom this report is prepared. Many present availed themselves of the opportunity to sign the constitution and by-laws, pay their fees and become members of the Association. The meeting adjourned at noon, some of the people visiting the Dudley tomb in the Old Roxbury burying ground and other points of interest.




ORGANIZED OCT. 25, 1892.




ARTICLE II. The purpose of this association is to promote acquaintance and good-fellowship among the descendants of Governor Thomas Dudley, one of the founders of New England, many times governor and deputy-governor of the ancient Colony of Massachusetts Bay; to create and promote sentiments of respect, love and regard, for him, his achievements and his honored memory; to investigate and study his life and achievements and the lives and careers of distinguished men and women among his posterity; to establish such memorials and monuments to his name and memory as shall be most appropriate and fitting; to take and to insure the taking of such means and measures for the protection of the place where rest the ashes of our celebrated ancestor as may be found most appropriate and fitting; and finally to knit together in closer bonds of unity and respect the living descendants of Governor Dudley.


ARTICLE III. Any descendant of Governor Thomas Dudley, or the husband or wife of such descendant, may become a member of this Association by signing the Constitution and By-Laws and paying an initiation fee of

Three Dollars and otherwise complying with the terms and conditions hereof upon proposal of any member and recommendation of the Board of Directors; and upon like recommendation any person may be dropped from membership by the Association.


ARTICLE IV. The officers of the Association shall consist of a president, ten vice-presidents, a board of ten directors, a treasurer, a secretary, a historian, and such committees of the Association as may from time to time be constituted.


ARTICLE V. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the third Tuesday of October in each year, at which time the officers of the Association shall be chosen. They shall hold office till the next annual meeting or until others shall be chosen in their stead. Such elections shall be by ballot.


ARTICLE VI. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and in his absence the senior vice-president who happens to be present. The full board of directors shall consist of the president, the several vice-presidents, the directors, the treasurer, secretary, and historian, and five persons and the records at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum thereof.


The treasurer shall receive, hold and disburse, all the moneys of the Association, and shall give such bond as by vote of the Board of Directors shall be required of him. He shall from time to time render an account of the

moneys received and disbursed, both to the Board of Directors and to the Association, and make report to the Association at the annual meeting, which upon examination and approval by an auditing committee appointed for that purpose by the president, shall, if found correct, be accepted and allowed. All bills and charges paid by him shall first receive the approval of the Board of Directors.


The secretary shall have charge of the books, papers, and records of the Association, saving and excepting those pertaining to the duties of the treasurer, and, as to those, the treasurer shall have charge thereof.


The historian shall from time to time inform the Association of such facts, worthy of note or mention, relative to Governor Thomas Dudley and any of his posterity as he shall discover, and give such assistance as he can to members of the Association who may desire to investigate any such facts. In the absence of any special committee appointed for the purpose, he shall take note of the death of any member and at the next meeting report thereon, with a brief and appropriate eulogy of the deceased.


ARTICLE VII. In addition to the annual meeting of the Association, other meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Board of Directors shall appoint, or as they may be instructed by vote of the Association, or upon the written request of any ten members of the Association.

ARTICLE VIII. initiation fee before sum of one dollar.


Each member shall, in addition to the provided, pay each year thereafter, the

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