
ness. I will lend my money to the use of none but indigent men, secured by such as have ceased to be - indigent by the favour of my family or myself. What makes this the more practicable, is, that if they will do any good with my money, they are welcome to it upon their own security and I make no exceptions against it, because the persons who enter into the obligations, do it for their own family. I have laid out four thousand pounds this way, and it is not to be imagined what a crowd of people are obliged by it. In cases where Sir Roger has recommended, I have lent money to put out children, with a clause which makes void the obligation, in case the infant dies before he is out of his apprenticeship; by which means the kindred and masters are extremely careful of breeding him to industry, that he may repay it himself by his labour, in three years journey work after his time is out, for the use of his securities. Opportunities of this kind are all that have occurred since I came to my estate, but I assure you I will preserve a constant disposition to catch at all the occasions I can to promote the good and happiness of my neighbourhood.

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But give me leave to lay before you a little establishment which has grown out of my past life, that I doubt not, will administer great satisfaction to me in that part of it, whatever that is, which is to come.

There is a prejudice in favour of the way of life to which a man has been educated, which I know not whether it would not be faulty to overcome: it is like a partiality to the interest of one's own country before that of any other nation. It is from an habit of thinking, grown upon me from my youth spent in arms, that I have ever held gentlemen, who have preserved modesty, good-nature, justice, and humanity in a soldier's life, to be the most valuable and worthy persons of the human race. To pass through

imminent dangers, suffer painful watchings, fright ful alarms, and laborious marches for the greater part of a man's time, and pass the rest in sobriety conformable to the rules of the most virtuous civil life, is a merit too great to deserve the treatment it usually meets with among the other part of the world. But I assure you, Sir, were there not very many: who have this worth, we could never have seen the glorious events which we have in our days. I need not say more to illustrate the character of a soldier, than to tell you he is the very contrary to him you observe loud, saucy and over-bearing in a red-coat about town. But I was going to tell you, that in honour of the profession of arms, I have set apart a certain sum of money for a table for such gentlemen as have served their country in the army, and will please from time to time to sojourn all, or any part of the year, at Coverley. Such of them as will do me that honour, shall find horses, servants, and all things necessary for their accommodation, and enjoyment of all the conveniences of life in a pleasant various country. If colonel Camperfelt be in town, and his abilities are not employed another way in the service, there is no man would be more welcome here..... That gentleman's thorough knowledge in his profession, together with the simplicity of his manners, and goodness of his heart, would induce others like him to honour my abode; and I should be glad my acquaintance would take themselves to be invited or ot, as their characters have an affinity to his.

"I would have all my friends know, that they need not fear (though I am become a country gentleman) I will trespass against their temperance and sobriety. No, Sir, I shall retain so much of the good sentiments for the conduct of life, which we cultivated in each other at our club, as to contemn all inordinate pleasures: but particularly remember, with our beloved Tully, that the delight in food consists in

desire, not satiety. They who most passionately pursue pleasure, seldomest arrive at it. Now I am writing to a philosopher, I cannot forbear mentioning the satisfaction I took in the passage I read yesterday in the same Tully. A nobleman of Athens made a compliment to Plato the morning after he had supped at his house, "your entertainments do not only please when you give them, but also the day after."


'I am, my worthy friend,

'Your most obedient humble servant,


Quin potius pacem æternam pactosque Hymenæos

Let us in bonds of lasting peace unite,
And celebrate the hymeneal rite.


I CANNOT but think the following letter from the emperor of China to the pope of Rome, proposing a coalition of the Chinese and Roman churches, will be acceptable to the curious. I must confess I myself being of opinion, that the emperor has as much authority to be interpreter to him he pretends to expound, as the pope has to be a vicar of the sacred person he takes upon him to represent. I was not a little pleased with their treaty of alliance..... What progress the negociation between his majesty of Rome and his holiness of China makes (as we daily writers say upon subjects where we are at a loss) time will let us know. In the mean time, since

they agree in the fundamentals of power and authority, and differ only in matters of faith, we may expect the matter will go on without difficulty.

Copia di Littera del Re della China al Papa, interpretata dal Padre Segretario dell'India della Compagne di Giesu.

'A voi Benedetto sopra i benedetti PP. ed interpretatore grande de Pontifici e Pastore Xmo, dispensatore dell' oglio de i Re d'Europa, Clemente XI.

'IL favorito amico di Dio Gionata 7° Potentissimo sopra tutti i potentissimi della terra, altissimo sopra tutti gl'Altissimi sotto il sole e la luna, che sede nella sede di smeraldo della China sopra cento. scalini d'oro, ad interpretare la lingua di Dio a tutti i descendenti fedeli d'Abramo, che de la vita e la morte a cento quindici regni, ed a cento settante isole, scrive con la penna dello Struzzo vergine, e manda salute ed accresimento di vecchiezza.

'Essendo arrivato l tempo in cui il fiore della reale nostro gioventu deve maturare i Frutti della nostra vectuezza, e confortare con quelli desiderii de i populi nostri divoti, e propagare il seme di quella pianta che deve proteggerli, habbiamo Stabilito d'accompagnarci con una virgine eccelsa ed amorosa allattata alla mammella della leonessa forte e dell'Agnella manfueta. Percio essendo ci stato figurato sempre il vestro populo Europeo Romano per paese di donne invitte, i forte, e chaste; allongiamo la nostra mano potente, a stringere una di loro, e questra sara una vostro nipote, o nipote di qualche altrograi Sacerdote Latino, che sia guardata dall' occhio dritto di Dio. sera seminata in lei l'Autorita ni Sara, la fedelta d'Esther, e la Sapienza di Abba; la vogliamo con l'occhio che guarda il cielo, e la terre, e con la bocca della Conchiglia che si pasce della ruggiada del matino. La sua eta non passi ducento

corsi della luna, la sua statura si alto quanto la spicca dritta del grano verde, e la sua grossezza quanto un manipolo di grano secco. Noi la mandaremmo a vestire per li nostri mandatici Ambasciadori, e chi la conduranno a noi, e noi incontraremmo alla riva del fiume grande facendola salire suo nostro cocchio. Ella potra adorare apresso di noi il suo Dio, con venti quatro altre a sua ellezione e potra cantare con loro come la Tortora alla Primavera.

'Sodisfando noi Padre e amico nostro questa nostra brama, sarete caggione di unire in perpetua amicitia cotesti vostri Regni d'Europa al nostro dominante imperio, e si abbracciranno le nostri leggi come l'edera abbraccia la pianta, e noi medesemi Spargeremo del nostro seme reale in coteste Provincei, riscaldando i letti di vostri Principi con il fuoco amoroso delle nostre Amazoni, d'alcune delle quali i nostri mandatici Ambasciadori vi porteranno le Somiglianza dipinte. V. Confirmiamo di tenere in pace le due buone religiose famiglie delli Missionarii gli'neri Figlioli d'Ignazio, e li bianchi e neri figlioli di Dominico, il cui consiglio degl' uni e delg' altri ci serve di scorta del nostro regimento e di lume ad interpretare le divine Legge come appunto fa lume l'oglio che si getta in Mare. In tanto Alzandoci dal nostro Trono per Abbracciarvi, vi dichiariamo nostro conguinto e Confederato, ed ordiniamo che questo foglio sia segnato col nostro Segno Imperiale della nostra Citta, Capo del Mondo, il quinto giorno della terza lunatione l'anno quarto del nostro Imperio.

'Sigillo e un sole nelle cui faccia e anche quella della luna ed intorno tra i Raggi vi sono traposte alcune Spada.

Dico, il traduttore che secondo il ceremonial di questo lettere e recedentissimo specialmente Fessere scritto con la penna dello Struzzo virgine con la quelle non sogliosi scrivere quei Re che le pregiere a Dio e scrivendo à qualche altro a Principe del Mondo, la

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