
merce, is that docile and tractable animal the Horse. In what a variety of ways do those of the Ox and Sheepkind administer to our wants? and happily for the world these creatures are most extensively diffused, from the polar circle to the equator.

Goats in many of the mountainous parts of Europe constitute the wealth of the inhabitants: They lie upon their skins, convert their milk into cheese and butter, and feed upon their flesh. The Rein-deer, to the inhabitants of the icy regions, supply the place of the horse, the cow, the sheep, and the goat. The Camel is to the Arabian what the Rein-deer is to the Laplander. The flesh of the Elk is palatable and nutritious, and of his skin the Indians make snow-shoes and canoes. The Elephant, in warm countries, is useful as a beast of burden, and draws as much as six horses.

What an unwearied pattern of unremitting exertion and fidelity is that invaluable animal the shepherd's Dog! What humane and excellent life-preservers, the Newfoundland species! and what sagacious guides and safe conductors are that useful breed trained in the Alpine solitudes, to carry provisions to the bewildered traveller, and lead his steps to the hospitable convent.

To what a number of depredators would our substance be exposed, were it not for that convenient and agile, but often ill-fated domestic animal, the Cat; which, in consequence of an ill-founded prejudice excited against her for those very habits and propensities which render her valuable, and were implanted in her nature for the best of purposes, often becomes the victim of unfeeling boys, and often, too often, alas! is made the sport of more unfeeling barbarians, who deserve not the name of The Ichneumon is to the Egyptians, in several respects, what the Cat is to us; but far from thinking



of hanging her up in a barrel, and amusing themselves with her sufferings, that more grateful people have wor shipped the Ichneumon as an emanation of the Deity! Cannot our more sober-minded countrymen adopt a conduct betwixt the two extremes, and at least treat the purring race with kindness? Animals of the Weaselkind furnish us with a number of rich and valuable furs; The Civet, the Jenet, and the Musk, with a supply of perfumes; the tusks of the Elephant and the Seahorse with ivory; the beautiful skin of the Tiger decorates the seats of justice of the mandarins of the East;the flesh of the White Bear is eaten by the Greenland. er-that of the Leopard is much relished by the Afri. can:—and the Lion, even the Lion, the living tomb of so many creatures, is frequently eaten by the Negroes at the last!

We have reason to be thankful that in our happy country we are abundantly supplied with food of a more harmless nature, and much easier to be come at than those formidable monsters of the desert-and that, when taking a solitary ramble through our peaceful fields, we have no occasion to adopt the following sentiments of the poet, so feelingly expressed:

"What, if the LION in his rage I meet?
Oft in the dust I view his printed feet;

By hunger rous'd, he scours the groaning plain,
Gaunt WOLVES and sullen TIGERS in his train ;
Before them Death with shrieks directs their way,
Fills the wild yell, and leads them to their prey.'

C. P.

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My dear TOMMY, will no doubt bring to your recollection a story you read at school, in which the advantages of having learned a useful calling, is made to appear in a very striking manner, by the decided superiority it gave to a poor artist over a rich man, when they were cast away on a remote island inhabited by savages.

This art is far from being a modern invention in our island, for we learn that it was practised by the ancient Britons, at the time they rambled about with their bodies painted.

Baskets are generally made of willows, which according to their manner of growth are called osiers and sallows. They thrive best in moist places: and the proprietors of such marsh lands generally let what they call the willowbeds to persons who cut them at certain seasons, and prepare them for basket-makers. Osiers planted in small spots, and along hedges, will supply a farmer with hurdlestuff, as well as with a profusion of all sorts of baskets. The common osier is cut at three years, but that with yellow bark is permitted to remain a year longer.

When osiers are cut down, those that are intended for white work, such as baskets used in washing, are to be stripped of their bark or rinds while green. This is done by means of a sharp instrument, fixed into a firm block :

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the osiers are passed over this, and stripped of their covering with great velocity. They are then dried, and put in bundles for sale. Before they are worked up, they must be previously soaked in water, which gives them flexibility. The basket-maker usually sits on the ground to his business, unless when the baskets are too large for him to reach their upper parts in that position.

Hampers and other coarse work are made of osiers without any previous preparation except soaking. Some expert workmen make a variety of articles of wicker manufacture, as work-baskets of different descriptions, tablemats, small desert baskets, &c.

An Apprentice to a basket-maker is bound seven years, for which he has 2s. 6d. per week during the first year, 3s. the second, 3s. 6d. the third, 4s. the fourth, 4s. 6d. the fifth, and for the sixth and seventh year, half of his earnings.

Journeymen work by the piece, and make from 20s. to * 30s, per week.


ALFRED the Great was one of the wisest, the best, and most beneficent monarchs that ever swayed the sceptre of England; and his example is highly memorable. Every hour of his life had its peculiar allotted business. He divided the day and night into three portions of eight hours each; and though much afflicted with a very painful disorder, he assigned only eight hours to sleep, meals, and exercise; devoting the remaining sixteen, one half to reading, writing, and prayer, and the other to public business. So sensible was this great man that time was not a trifle to be dissipated, but a rich talent intrusted to him, for which he was accountable to the Great Dispenser of it!

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We are told by historians, that Queen Elizabeth, except when engaged by public or domestic affairs, and the exercises necessary for the preservation of her health and spirits, was always employed either in reading or writing, in translating from other authors, or in compositions of her


Among the antient Indians there were a set of men called gymnosophists, who had a great aversion to sloth and idleness. When the tables were spread for their repast the assembling youths were asked by their masters in what useful task they had been employed from the hour of sun-rise. One perhaps represented himself as having been an arbitrator, and succeeded by his prudent management in composing a difference between friends A second had been paying obedience to his parents' commands. A third had made some discovery by his own application, or learned something by another's instruction. But he who had done nothing to deserve a dinner was turned out of doors without one, and obliged to work while the others enjoyed the fruits of their application.


"I've seen the morning's lovely ray,
Hover o'er the new-born day;
With rosy wings so richly bright,
As if he seem'd to think of night;
When a ruddy storm whose scowl
Made heaven's radiant face look foul,
Call'd for an untimely night,

To blot the newly blossomed light."


HE that uses means for carrying into effect either good or evil, whether he is successful or not, his principle is obvious, and the man is estimated according to his motive.


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