A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE COMPANION TO THE ALMANAC, FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT, IN 1828, TO 1843, INCLUSIVE. TOR LIBRA NEW-YORK LONDON: CHARLES KNIGHT & Co., 22, LUDGATE STREET. 1843. NOTICE. ENDEAVOUR has been made in the following Index that every fact contained in the COMPANION shall be found under its most probable title. With this view, in many instances the same fact will be found entered under various heads, so as to avoid the loss of time occasioned by reference from one title to another in the Index. Generally, under the name of any particular place, its trade, imports and exports, are placed respectively together; but as it frequently happens that the parliamentary returns are made up of both imports and exports together, and often with the amount and value of home consumption added, ́that plan has not been strictly adhered to. In consulting the Index, therefore, the reader will sometimes have occasion to run through the whole entries under a particular title for the object of his search. In indexing the chronicle of the Session, the most prominent debates only have been noticed, as in numerous cases the chronicle itself is but an index to the parliamentary proceedings, Where, however, a measure has been frequently debated, care has been taken to make a reference to each period of debate...Where the discussion on a Bill has immediately preceded its passing, the date to the Statute, in the "Abstract of important Public Acts," will be a sufficient guide to find. what may be required in the chronicle of the Session. INDEX TO THE COMPANION TO THE ALMANAC. This mark signifies that the matter referred to will be found in a Note at the Page indicated. The abbreviated Figures '28, '29, '30, &c., mean the Volumes of the "Companion to the Almanac" for the Years 1828, 1829, 1830, &c. A. A. C., explanation of, '28. 49. A. Æg., explanation of, '30. 30. Aaron, Mr., his paper on the Treatment of Cases of Apparent Death, 29. 124, 125. '31. 68. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," less sense than sound, '29. 141. Ab, a Jewish month, 28. 14; '30. Abba, Isaac bar, '32. 47. Abbott, Sir Charles, created Lord Abscess, number of deaths from, within the Bills of Mortality, in 1827, 29. 110. Abdollatif, '31. 69; 32. 78. '40. 259. Abelard, Pierre, '28. 57; 31. 69; '32. 66. Aben Bochan,' '32. 47. Aben Ezra, '31. 66, 68. Aben Serach, id. 68. Aben Tyhon, id. 68. Aberavon,population of, 33. 80; Har Mr., elected Speaker, '36. 183, 241; '38. 248; announces his intended resignation, '40. 202; resigns, id. 203; created Lord Dunfermline, id. 258. Aberdeen, Old and New, population of (1821), '29. 82. population and representation of, 33. 81; Harbour Improvement Act, '30. 232; Lighting, &c., Act, id. 231; Market Act, '40. 214. Port of, Customs duty collected at, in 1833, '35. 173; the same in 1834, '36. 157; the same in the years ending 5th Jan. 1835 and 1836, '37. 164; the same for year ending 5th Jan., 1837, '38. 175; the same in the years ended 5th Jan., 1837 and 1838, '39. 191; the same in the year 1838, 40. 187; the same during 1839, '41. 188; the same in 1840, '42. 164. Aberdeen, Postage, amount col B |