
Bristles, duty on (1829), '30. 198; import and home consumption of, in 1828, '31. 173; in 1830, '32. 177; '33. 175; in 1831, '34. 154. Bristol, population of (1821), '29. 81; population and representation of, '33. 62; Branch Bank of England at, '33. 111; Chapels at proposed, '42. 206; postage collected at, in 1832 and 1833, '35. 192; in 1832, 1833 and 1834, '36. 179; same in 1835, '37. 178; same in 1836, '38. 196; same in 1837, '39. 196; difference of time between and London, '31. 19; Mayor of, trial and acquittal of, '33. 232; Mayor's Chapel, restoration of, '31. 214; new market, 29. 181; riots at, '32. 240; rioters, trial and execution of, '33. 228; Victoria rooms at, account, view, and ground plan of, '39. 243-246; note concerning, '40. 248; Blind Asylum Regulation Act, '33. 209; Cemetery Act, '38. 210; corporation, Act to enable the, to raise money, '37. 221; Court of Conscience Regulation Act, '38. 211; Damages Compensation Act, '33. 210; Encroachments, &c., Regulation Act, '38. 211; Improvement Act, '33. 209; Party Walls, &c., Act, '41. 216; Rates Collecting Act, 38. 211; and Clifton Oil Gas Company, further Act, '37. 220.

Port of, customs duty received at, in 1833, '35. 173; collected at, in 1834, '36. 157; same in the years ending 5th January, 1835 and 1836, '37. 164; same in year ending 5th January, 1837, 38. 175; the same during years ending 5th January, 1837 and 1838, '39. 191; the same in the year 1838, 40. 187; the same during 1839, 41. 188; the same 1840, '42. 164. SHIPS.-Vessels and their aggregate tonnage which entered the, in 1820, 1826, and 1831, 34. 163; number and amount of ships, and their tonnage, which entered the, in 1832, 1833, and 1834, 36. 163; same

in year 1835, '37. 166; same in 1836, 38. 176; same in 1837, '39. 188; same in 1838, '40. 186; same in 1839, '42. 160. TEAS.Quantities and descriptions of, imported into, in 1833-1834, and 1834-1835, 36. 172. RAILWAYS: viz., Bristol, Birmingham, and Thames Junction Railway, particulars of, 41. 76; Bristol and Exeter Railway Act, 37. 222; Amendment Act, '41. 220; further Act, '42. 196; Branches Act, '39. 214; account of '38. 63, 64; '41. 84; main line of, its total length, and extent of same opened up to 1841, '42. 57; further particulars of same, id. 71, 72; Bristol and Gloucestershire Railway Bill, '29. 182; progress of, '31. 231; account of, '37. 104; '41. 68; Extension, &c., Act, '40. 217; (extension) Railway, particulars of, '41. 80.

diocese of, number of Sunday schools in the, in 1826, '29. 95; number of parishes, benefices, churches, and chapels in, and amount of population of (1834), 35. 125; revenues of bishop, of cathedral, and of benefices, sums paid to curates, in whom patronage of benefices vested, and other facts relating to same (1835), '36. 82-89. Britain, Cæsar's expedition to, '28. 53; wall of Severus built in, id. 54; conquered by Agricola, id. ib. ; Christianity introduced into, id. ib.; yielded by Honorius, id. 55; subdued by Theodosius, id. ib.

"Conquest of," '32. 57; "History of," id. 58.

Great, monarchy of, its extent, population, sovereign, capital, religions, revenue, debt, army and navy, in 1828, '29. 72, 73. Britannia Life Assurance Company Act, '42. 192.

Britannic mountains, and their several heights, '33. 46-48; alphabetical index to same, &c., id. 49-53. British AlkaliCompany Act,'37.218. Almanac, tables showing


how the Tide Tables in have been calculated, '32. 13-15. BRITISH AMERICA. See AMERICA, BRITISH.

American Land Company Act, '35. 218.

Artists, Society of, '30. 163. Association meets at Birmingham, '40. 260; at Bristol, '37. 255; at Dublin, '36. 247; at Edinburgh, '35. 261; at Glasgow, '41. 255; at Liverpool, '38. 247; at Newcastle, '39. 251; at Plymouth, '42. 240; its encouragement of discussion on the observations made on tides, '35. 23; grant of money by, for calculations on the tides, '37. 6.+

authors, list of, and of their pricipal works, from A.D. 500, to A.D. 1800, '32. 57–62.

Auxiliary Legion formed, '36. 245.

Banking and Commercial Clerks, Society of, 30. 148.


Female Union Society, '30.

Fire Office, description of, and remarks on, '32. 220, 221. forces quit Portugal, '29. 238.

and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, committee of, declaration against reduction of sugar duties, '42. 238.

and Foreign Bible Society, '30. 153-157; number of schools and scholars of, in England, in 1818, 29. 92; grants for education through, from 1834 to 1838, '39. 197; meeting of subscribers to, and amount of Bibles published and circulated by, 42. 238; normal school of, account of, id. 227.

and Foreign Unitarian Association, '31. 138.

Gas Light Company Act, '30. 231.

goods prohibited in France, 28. 63; in America, id. ib. ; 29. 238.

Guiana Emancipation Act, working of, in 1834, '36. 73-78. Iron Company Act,'41.216.

[blocks in formation]

Lying-in Hospital, '30. 141. manufactures and produce, value of exports of, from Great Britain, in the years ending 5th January, 1835 and 1836, 37. 161, 162; the same in years ending 5th January, 1836, 1837, and 1838, 39. 182, 183; the same, and quantities thereof, in the year 1838, 40. 180; the same in 1839, '41. 187.

Museum established, '28. 61; account of the buildings at, 38. 241, 242; further progress of the works at, '40. 241; days and hours of public exhibition of, and holidays at, '30.217; opening of, on Sunday, motion respecting, '41. 210, 211; additional trustee, act for, '33. 169; Enlargement Act, '40. 213; number of MSS., charters, and printed books in, in 1821 and 1833, '34. 183; bequests. donations, and contributions to, from 1831 to 1833, 34. 183; geology, mineralogy, plants, zoological specimens, papers on the collection of, circulated by the trustees of the, to captains of the navy, &c. '38. 11-26; King's Library and Manuscript Room completed, '28. 173. COST OF.- -Money expended in purchase of books and manuscripts, in 1832, 34. 183; coins, &c., id. ib.; purchases for the collections in, in 1836, particulars of, '38. 197; Egyptian antiquities, money expended on in 1836, 38. 197; receipts and expenses of, for 1834, and estimated expenses for 1835, '36. 180; expenditure of, in 1835 and 1836, '37. 186; expenses of, in 1836, '38. 197; expenditure of, for 1837, '39. 197; estimate for 1838, id. ib. ; expenditure of, for 1840, and esti


mated for 1841, 42.170. GENERAL COLLECTIONS.-Visitors to, number from 1820 to 1826, '28. 172; from Christmas, 1823, to Christmas, 1828, 30. 217; in 1829, '31. 196; in each month, from Christmas, 1826, to Christmas, 1831, '33. 189; in 1832, '34. 183; number of visitors to, in 1831, 1832, and 1833, 35. 195; from 1829 to 1834, 36. 180; in 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1835, 37. 185; number of visitors to, in each month of the years 1836 and 1837, '39. 197; in 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836, '38. 197; the same and in 1837, 39, 197; the same in 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, and 1838, '40. 195; same in 1837, 1833, and 1839, 42. 170; PRINT ROOM, number of visitors to, in 1831, '33. 189; of visitors to, in 1831 and 1832, 34. 183; of visitors to, in 1832 and 1833, '35. 195; of visitors to in 1832, 1833, and 1834, 36. 180; in 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37. 186; in 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836, 38. 197; in 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 197; same in each year, from 1835 to 1840, '42. 170; READING ROOM, at what periods open, '34. 27; number of persons at, in 1827, 1828, and 1829, '31. 196; of visitors to, in 1810, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830, and 1831, 33. 189;

in 1831, 34. 183; in 1832 and 1833, 35. 195; of visitors to, in 1810, 1815, 1820, 1825, and 1830, and from 1831 to 1834, 36. 180; in 1810, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1835, 37. 186; in 1810, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836, '38. 197; in 1810, 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 197; same in 1837, 1838, and 1839,'42. 170+; SCULPTURE GALLERIES, number of artists studying at, from 1818 to 1829, '31. 196; in 1831, '33. 189; in 1831 and 1832, '34. 183; in 1832 and 1833, 35. 195; in 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834, 36.

180; in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1835, 37. 186; in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836, '38. 197; in 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 197; in 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, and 1840, '42. 170. British North American Postage, Act for regulating (4 W. IV., c. 7), '35. 129.

Pension Fund, '30. 145. plantations, number of vessels belonging to, with their tonnage, and number of men, in 1838, '40. 185.

possessions abroad, Act regulating the trade of (1 W. IV., c. 24), '32. 141.

Society for the Reformation

of Female Prisoners, '30. 150.

Society for Promoting the Religious Principles of the Reformation, id. 153.

Society for

Servants, id. 151.


"Writers, Lives of," '32. 59.

Brito, B. de, '32. 71.

Britons driven into Wales and Corn-wall, '28. 56.

[ocr errors]

Origin of the," '32. 57. Brittany, extensive fires in, '31. 236.

Brixham, population of, '33. 60; Pier, &c., Act, '38. 213. Brixton, East, three divisions of, Inhabited House Tax, houses assessed to, and rental of same, and farm-houses exempt from for year ending 5th April, 1830, '32. 108. Broad-street, St. Giles's, to Waterloobridge, street to be made, '40. 162. Broad-leaved brachysema, '31. 37; eustrephus, '31. 39; phylica, '31. 42.

Broadwater, population of, '33. 74. BROCADE, see SILK MANUFACTures. Brockton Road Act, '40. 215. Brodie, Mr., appointed Real Pro

perty Commissioner, '29. 239. Broglie, Duke de, Prime Minister of France, '36. 241; resigns, '35. 256.

Broken limbs, deaths from, within the Bills of Mortality, in 1827, '29. 110.

Troker, unlawfully converting money to his own use, punishment for, 28. 137.

Bromley, John, dies, '40. 141.

population of (1821), '29. 81; in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '33. 65; small debts Act, '42. 195.

population of, '33. 64; St. Leonard, rental of the parish of (1829), 29. 85; Small Debts Act Amendment, '37. 221; '39. 212; Cemetery Act, '42. 193. Brompton and Chelsea Dispensary, '30. 144. Bromsgrove, population of (1821), '29.81; in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '33. 76.

Bronikowski, '31. 77; '32. 76.
Bronte, destroyed by irruption of
Mount Etna, '33. 232.
Brook Villa, near Liverpool, account
of, '40. 248.

Brooke, H., 31. 76; '32. 61.
Brookes's Club, '30. 160.
Broom, the, 28. 35; butcher's, '29.
67; flax-leaved, '31. 40; Spanish,

Broom-like Jacksonia, '31. 40.
Brosses, L. des, '32. 70.

Brotherton, Mr., midnight legisla-
tion, '42. 173.
Brougham, Mr., public dinner to,
at Liverpool, '28. 69; his letters to
the clergy for returns of schools,
&c., referred to, '29. 92; his use
of the expression, "The school-
master is abroad," '29. 202; his
motion on the state of the law,
'29. 202; his motion for the esta-
blishment of local courts, '31.
203; presents petition from bank-
ers, &c., for abolishing death for
forgery, '31. 205; his local courts
(Kent, Durham, and Northum-
berland) Bill, '31. 207; his mo-
tion concerning slavery in the
colonies, '31. 208; his notice of
motion for reform, '32. 186;
takes his seat as Lord Chancellor,
'32. 188; his remarks on the ge-
neral bribery at elections, '42.
188. See further the Chronicles
of the various Sessions of Parlia-
ment, passim.

Brougham and Vaux, Lord, Lord Chancellor, '31. 240; introduces a Local Courts Bill, '32. 188; introduces the Bankruptcy Court Bill, '32. 191; introduces his Chancery Regulation Bills, '32. 191; moves the abolition of chancery sinecures, '33. 207; offices of the Court of Chancery abolished under his act (Chancery Offices Regulation Act), and incomes of same, '34. 175; introduces three Law Reform Bills, '34. 197; moves the Indemnity Bill relating to persons acting under Lord Durham's ordinances, '39. 207; his resolutions upon the principles of executive government in Ireland, '40. 208; report of his death unfounded, '40. 260; his opinion on Frost's case, '41. 201. See further the Chronicles of the several sessions of Parliament, passim. Brounker, Lord, continued fractions, '29.57. Broussonetia papyrifera, '29. 64. Brown, Captain Samuel, largely engaged in suspension bridges, '28. 175; designer of the Montrose Suspension Bridge, '34. 234. Brown, Hannah, murder of, '38. 244.

Rev. James, his opinion on ignorance as productive of crime

$29. 100.

- Sir Thomas, '31. 72; '32. 60. Brown-stalked magnolia, '31. 41. Browsing of animals does not take place when plants are in flower or seed, '29. 39. Broxtowe Compensation Act, '34. 205.

Bruce, James, '31. 76; '32. 62.
Robert, 28. 58.

the traveller, '28. 62. "Bruce, The," '32. 58. Brucher, Antonie, coining press, '29. 60.

Brudenell, Lord, dismissed from the command of the 15th Hussars, 35. 254; his appointment to the 11th Light Dragoons discussed in the House of Commons, '37. 195; his appointment again mentioned,

'37. 200; see further, CARDIGAN,


Brulliot, Francis, dies, '38. 128.

Brumaire, month of, '30. 20; revolution of, '28. 63. Brune, Jan de, '32. 73.

Brunel, Mr., his design for making the Thames Tunnel, '28. 176; his suggestions for the improvement of railways noticed, '37. 81; his contrivance at the Kilsby Tunnel, to impede the motion of locomotive carriages, '42. 63, 64.

Mr. J. K., engineer of the Taff Vale Railway, '42. 61; of the Bristol and Exeter Railway, '42. 72.

Sir J., passes through the Thames Tunnel, '42. 241. Brunetto Latini, '32. 54. Bruni Leonardo, '31. 68; '32. 55. Brunswick, Duchy of, its extent, population, date, capital, religion, revenue, debt, and army, in 1828, 29, 70, 71; population and sovereign of (1836), '36. 107; Prussian Commercial League, '42. 113; riots at, 31. 238; Duke Charles of, flies to England, '31. 238; and the Duke of Cambridge, suit between in the French Courts, '36. 240; Duke William assumes the sovereignty of, '32. 237.

and Wolfenbuttel Rail

way opened, '40. 255.

'29. 243.

clubs formed in Ireland,

club meeting held in Dublin, '29. 245.

maritime establishment, '31. 138; described, '31. 219.

Theatre built, '28. 174; fall of, id. ib. ; '29. 235. Brunswicke, Frederic Van, '37. 23; his works, id. 29.

Brussels, revolution at, '31. 237, 238; riot at, '35. 257. Brutus, death of, '28. 54.

Brydges, Sir Egerton, dies, '38. 128. Brymbo, church at, intended, '38. 218.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Buckhurst, Lord, '31. 70. Buckingham, population and representation of, 33. 58.

Duke of, dies, 40. 256.
Mr., Compensation

Bill thrown out, '37. 190.

Palace erecting, '28. 173; alterations at, '29. 216; progress of, '30. 238; suspension of the proceedings at, 31. 215; (new), alterations at, and removal of cupola of, 33. 215; alterations of, '34. 213; colonnades and other works at, '35. 215; marble arch, account and view of, '38. 234, 235; alterations at, '39. 232; occupation of, by Queen Victoria, 38. 234; expense of, up to Feb. 1829, '30. 225; grant for improving and completing, '33. 194; expenses, committee on, '32. 190; further particulars relating to, '38. 214. Buckinghamshire, extent and population of, and number of sessions, magistrates, and parishes in, 28. 78; population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property in, and its representation, 33. 58; summary of same in 1821 and 1831 distinguishing the sexes, id. 88; the same in 1841, 42. 107; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 109; extent of, in acres, '31. 84; difference of time between the different towns in, and London, '31. 14; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, 34. 88; number of, in 1835 and 1837, 38. 192; rental of charities and income of schools in, '36. 175; education; pro

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