
Small-pox, number of deaths from,
and from vaccination, in similar
periods in 1840 and 1841, '43.

Smee, Mr., his observations on the
usefulness of the electrotype pro-
cess, '43. 20.

Smirke, Mr. S., architect of part of

the Temple Church alterations,

'43. 234.
Smith, Mr., of Deanston, his im
provements for health in his fac-
tory, '43. 36.

Mr. Beaumont, transported,

- Mr. G., architect of the Green-
wich Railway Stations, '43. 239.
Mr. T. H., his remarks on
bad drainage in Bromley Union,
'43. 22.

Sir Sidney, proposed monu-
ment to, 43. 219.
Snuff, &c., expenditure of working
classes in, '43. 36.

Soap, charged with duty (1841), '43.


Sommerard, Du, dies, '43. 128.
South Australia, sale of Crown waste
lands (5 and 6 Vict. c. 36), '43.
149, 150.
South-Eastern (Dover) Railway, ex-
tent of, and length opened, '43.
68; some account of, id. 76.
Southern whale fisheries, value of
exports to (1841), '43. 187.
Spain, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Special Commissions, '43. 260.
Specula, for telescopes, electro-gild-
ing applied to, '43. 17, 18.
Spencer, Mr., his application of the
electrotype process, '43. 15.
Spices, duty on (1842), '43. 84.
Spirits, annual sum expended on,

by working-people, '43. 36; num-
ber of gallons distilled in each
kingdom, and imported from one
to the other, &c. &c., in year
ended 5th January, 1842, id. 194;
number of proof gallons, and all
spirits that paid duty, in England,
Scotland, and Ireland, and net
duty, for the year ending 5th Ja-
nuary, 1842, id. ib.; duty on
(1842), id. 112.

Spitalfields, deterioration of the po-
pulation of, '43. 31.

Stage Carriages Stamp Duties Re-
peal Act (5 and 6 Vict. c. 79),
'43. 157.

Stafford Special Commission, '43.

Stamp Duties on Stage Carriages,

and Railway Passengers Act (5
and 6 Vict. c. 79), '43. 157.
Stamps, revenue of, in each year,
from 1815 to 1842, '43. 180;
net produce of, in each quarter
ending October 1841 and 1842,
id. 179; revenue of, in 1841-2,
id. 177.
Stationers' Company, entitled to
copy of printed books, '43. 152;
registry book of printed books to
be kept by, id. ib.

Hall, registry book to be
kept at, '43. 152.
Statistics of crime in England and
Wales (1841), '43. 120—125.
Steam-vessels; see SHIPS, VESSELS.
Steinheil, Professor, electrical tele-
graph, '43. 7; electro-gilding, id.

[ocr errors]


Stones, duty on (1842), '43. 110,
Strikes," most frequently caused
by young men, '43. 31, 32; in
the midland counties, id. 259.
Sturgeon, Mr., his contrivance of
electricity as a moving power,
'43. 6.
Submarine operations, application
of electricity to, '43. 3-5.
Subornation of perjury, not triable at
sessions, '43. 151.

Sugar, quantity imported from the

West Indies and British Guiana,
from 1831 to 1841, '43. 189;
duty on (1842), id. 119.
Sumatra, &c., value of exports to
(1841), '43. 187.

Sun Assurance Office, account of,
'43. 246, 247.

Surgeon of the Queen's Prison, his
salary, '43. 136.

Survey of new buildings, expense
of, '43. 38.

Surveyors, the most efficient, pointed
out, '43. 38.

Sweden, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Syria, value of exports to (1841),

'43. 187.


Talbot, Mr. Fox, electro-gilding,
'43. 17.

Mr. Henry Fox, electro-
magnetic machines, '43. 6.
Tariff debates; see CHRONICLE OF

Tariffs, old and new, '43. 81-119.
Tatham, C. H., dies, '43. 127.
Taxes, net produce of, in each quar-
ter ending October 1841 and
1842, 43. 179; revenue of (1841
-2), id. 177; revenue of, in each
year, from 1815 to 1842, id. 180;
imposed, amount of, in each year,
from 1815 to 1842, id. ib.; re-
pealed, amount of, in each year,
from 1815 to 1842, id. ib.
Tea, duty on (1842), '43. 111;
quantities of, imported into, ex-
ported from, and retained for
home use, in the United King-
dom, in each year, from 1832 to
1841, id. 188; stock of, at Lon-
don, Liverpool, Bristol, Glasgow,
and Leith, on 5th January, 1840,
and same, 1841, id. 188; ratio
of increased use of, to population
(1840), id. ib.

Telegraph, electrical, '43. 7-14;
on the Blackwall Railway, de-
scribed, id. 8-9; in use, on other
railways, id. 9.

electro-magnetic, applied
to transmission of printed mes-
sages, '43. 13; Professor Wheat-
stone, id. 9; magnetic needle, of
Professor Wheatstone, described,
id. 9, 10.

[blocks in formation]

Theakston, J., dies, '43. 127.
Thormeyer, dies, '43. 127.
Threadneedle - street,


building, account of, '43. 247.
Tiles, duty on (1842), '43. 110.
Timber, duty on (1842), '43. 87.
Tindal, C. J., opens Special Com-
mission at Stafford, '43. 260.
Title-deeds, stealing, &c., not tri-
able at sessions, '43. 151.
Tobacco, duty on (1842), '43. 111;
unmanufactured, that paid duty
in 1839, 1840, 1841, and half
1842, in England, Scotland, and
Ireland, id. 195; annual expend-
iture of the working classes in,
id. 36.

Tonnage, and number of vessels,
distinguishing the countries to
which they belonged, which en-
tered inwards, and cleared out-
wards, in the year ended 5th Ja-
nuary, 1842, '43. 188; see fur-

Trade quantities, and declared
value of British and Irish pro-
duce, and manufactures, exported
in 1841, 43. 186; quantities of
some of the principal articles of
foreign and colonial merchandise
imported, and retained for home
consumption, in 1841, with net
produce of duty thereon, id. 183;
annual average, imports and ex-
ports (Scotland), for five years,
ending 1827, ditto 1841, id. 189;
account of imports and exports,
for the years 1839, 1840, and
1841, id. 182; coal brought to
London in 1841, exports of, to
what countries, and how exported
&c. &c., id. 189; imports of
sugar, molasses, rum, coffee, and
cocoa, from West Indies and Bri-
tish Guiana, from 1831 to 1841,
id. ib.; quantities of tea imported
into, and exported from, and re-
tained for home use, in the United
Kingdom, in each year, from
1832 to 1841, id. 188; number
and tonnage of vessels, distin-
guishing the countries to which
they belonged, entered inwards,
and cleared outwards, in year
ended 5th January, 1842, id. ib.;

ships registered in England, Scot-
land and Ireland, entered coast-
wise, entered and cleared to and
from the colonies, and whether
steam or sailing vessels (1841),
'43. 190; ships, tonnage, and men,
which arrived from China, at
London and outports, from 1836
to 1841, id. ib.; countries to
which, and value of, to each, the
British and Irish produce and
manufactures were exported, in
1841, id. 187.

Trades, tax on, '43. 136.
Trafalgar-square, progress of works
at, '43. 230.

Transportation for life, offences ori-
ginally liable to, not triable at
sessions, '43. 150.

average sentences of,
in 1834-7, and 1841, '43. 123;
number of, in 1839, 1840, and
1841, id. 124.

Treason, not triable at sessions, '43.

misprision of, not triable

at sessions, '43. 150.
Trimen, Mr. A., architect of the
Wesleyan Institution, Richmond,
'43. 242.

Trinity College, Dublin, printed
books to be given to, '43. 152.
Tripoli, &c., value of exports to
(1841), '43. 187.

Truro, bad drainage at, '43. 22.
Tunis, &c., value of exports to
(1841), 43. 187.

Turkey, value of exports to (1841),
'43. 187.

Tyler, President, vetoes the Tariff
Bill, '43. 259; signs the Tariff
Bill, id. 260.

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Vaccination, advantages of, proved
in relative number of deaths in a
particular period, '43. 39.
Vaccine Act, in how many parishes
in operation (1841), '43. 39.

Institution, National, an-
nual report of (1841), '43. 39.
Van Dieman's Land Government
Act (5 and 6 Vict. c. 76), '43.
155, 156; sale of Crown waste
lands (5 and 6 Vict. c. 36), id.
149, 150.
Ventilation, insufficiency of, in seve-
ral parts of the kingdom, '43. 22,
et seq.
Versailles Railway, accident, '43.

Vessels, number and tonnage of, dis-
tinguishing the countries to which
they belonged, which entered in-
wards and cleared outwards, in
year ended 5th January, 1842,
'43. 188; see further, SHIPS, TON-


Villiers, Mr., his resolution relating
to the corn laws negatived, '43.


Wages, not a fair test of average
mortality, '43. 30.

Wales, Prince of, christened, '43.


Walhalla, opened, '43. 260.
Walker, Mr., his observations on
drainage, '43. 25, 26; his account
of electro-gilding, id. 17.
Warwick and Leamington Union
Railway, its intended line, '43.
66; some particulars relating to,
id. 78.

Water, obstacles to the supply of,
are pecuniary, '43. 36; suggested
improvements in the supply of, in
large towns, id. 37; observations
on the defective supply of, in
towns, id. 28.

Acts, titles of, passed in ses-
sion 1842, 43. 223.


lane, improvements in, '43.

[ocr errors]

Wellesley, Marquis, dies, '43. 128.
Wellington Arcade, '43. 231.
Wesleyan Theological Institution,
Richmond, account and view of,
'43. 242-244.

West India Bishoprics Act (5 Vict.
c. 4), '43. 129.

Indies, number of emigrants
to (1841), '43. 197; computed
duration of voyage to, id. 161;
British, value of exports to (1841),
id. 187; and British Guiana, im-
ports of sugar, molasses, rum,
coffee, and cocoa from, from 1831
to 1841, id. 189.

Foreign, value of ex-
ports to (1841), '43. 187.
Western Australia, sale of Crown
waste lands (5 and 6 Vict. c. 36),
'43. 149, 150.

Whale fisheries, southern, value of
exports to (1841), '43. 187.
Wheat, duty on (1842), '43. 132;
prices of, from 15th July, 1828, to
29th April, 1842, id. 198; price
of, from 1835 to 1841, id. 196;
see further, CORN,
Wheatstone, Professor, electro-gild-
ing, '43. 17; electro-magnetic
machines, id. 6; his electro-mag-
netic telegraph, id. 9; his magnetic
needle telegraph described, id. 9,
10; velocity of electric current,
id. 2.
Whitechapel, and St. George Hano-
ver-square, average proportionate
mortality in, '43.29.
Widows, number of, among the la-
bouring classes, '43. 32.
Wiebeking, Cavalier von, dies, '43.


Willement, Mr., his windows in the
Temple Church, '43. 235.
William IV., statue of, delayed, '43.

Wills, stealing, &c., not triable at
sessions, '43. 151.

Wilton Church, description, plan,

and view of, '43. 235-239.
Wine, foreign, that paid duty for
home consumption, and quantities
in bond, on 5th January, 1842,
'43. 195.

Wines, duty on (1842), '43. 112.
Women, &c., in collieries, &c., Act
prohibiting employment of (5 and
6 Vict. c. 99), '43. 158, 159.
Wood, Alderman T., defeated in
the election for lord mayor, '43.

Woods, duty on (1842), '43. 86.
Wool, manufactures of, duty on
(1842), '43. 102.

Working classes, the annual ex-
penditure of, in spirits, &c., '43.
Workmen, suggested means of im-
proving their condition, '43. 35,

Wyatt, Mr., architect of the Cam-
bridge County Courts, '43. 252;
of Wilton Church, id. 235.


Yarmouth and Norwich Railway,
its intended line, '43. 66; some
particulars relating to, id. 78, 79;
projected line from, to Cambridge,
id. 80.


Zealand, New, computed duration
of voyage to, '43. 161; value of
exports to (1841), id. 187; sale of
Crown waste lands (5 and 6 Vict.
c. 36), id. 149, 150.

London: Printed by W. CLOWES and SONS, 14, Charing Cross.


'30. p. 110, line 15 from bottom, for 10s. read 10d.
156, last line, for 1894, read 1794.

'31. p. 76, column 5, for Meihaelis, read Michaelis.
157, for 1 Will. I., read 1 Will. IV.

'32. p. 107, for Great Britain, read England and Wales.

137, for 1 Will. IV. c. 70, read 11 Geo. IV, and 1 Will. IV. c. 70.

153, for 2 Will. IV. c. 32, read 1 and 2 Will. IV. c. 32.

175, for 1829, read 1830; and for 1830, read 1831.

34. p. 161, for 1833, read 1832; and for 1832, line 20 from bottom,
read 1833.

177, for 1333, read 1833.

243, for Sir Charles Robinson, read Sir Christopher Robinson.

247, for Sir James, read Sir John Stevenson.

'35. p. 170, for 1334, read 1834.

256, for Mr. John Reeve, read Mr. William Reeve; see '34. p. 249.

159, for 4 and 5 Will. IV. 3. 88, read c. 88.

'36. p. 169, first line, dele “Quantity and."

'37. p. 144, Section 36, for buren, read burden.

229, line 10, for Lancashire, read Leicestershire.

'38. p. 130 to 163, and page 166, at the heading of each Statute, for
1 Vict., read 7 Will. IV. and 1 Vict.

'39. p. 149 to 157, at the heading of each Statute, for 1 Viet. and for
2 Vict., read 1 and 2 Vict.

'42. p. 42, for being what Le Roz had done, read not knowing what, &c.
117, for 1827 to 1826, read 1820 to 1826.

145, for 1 Vict. c. 73, read 7 Will. IV. and I Vict. c. 73.
242, for Sir N. Callcott, read Sir A. W. Callcott.

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