
Yardley Inclosure, '34. 203.
Yare, river, improvements of, '29.

Yaremlec (Turkey), its value, &c.
(1829), 30. 110.

Yarmouth, Great, population of
(1821), 29. 82; population and re-
presentation of, 33. 69; difference
of time between, and London, '31.
18; trade of, '29. 224.

port of, customs duty
collected at, in 1834, '36. 157;
the same, in the years ending 5th
January, 1835 and 1836, 37.
164; the same, for the year ending
5th January, 1837, 38. 175; the
same, in the years ended 5th Ja-
nuary, 1837 and 1838, '39. 191;
the same, in the year 1838, 40.
188; the same, during 1839, 41.
181; the same, during the year
1840, '42. 164; see also GREAT

Yarn, duty on (1829), '29. 202; '30.
201; see further, COTTON, LINEN,

cotton, value of exports of, in
1833 and 1834, '36. 156; cotton :
exports of, value of, in 1834 and
1835, '37. 161; the same, in 1835,
1836, and 1837, '39. 182; the
same, and quantities thereof, and
of twist, in 1838, '40. 180; the
same, in 1839, '41. 187.

linen, raw, import and home
consumption of, in 1828, '31.
176; in 1830, '32. 180; '33.
178; in 1831, '34. 157; exports
of, value of, in 1834 and 1835,
'37. 161; the same, in 1835,
1836, and 1837, '39. 183; quan-
tity and declared value of same,
in 1840, 42. 162.

woollen and worsted, quantity
of, exported, from 1820 to 1832,
'34. 167.

worsted, export of, value of,
in 1834 and 1835, '37. 162; the
same, in 1835, 1836, and 1837,
'39. 183; the same, and quantities
thereof, in 1838, '40. 180; the
same, in 1839, '41. 187; the same,
in 1840, '42. 162.
Yaroslaf, '32. 76.

Yarrell, Mr. Wm., his observations

on the white bait and shad, '30.
38, 39.

Year, various computations of the
commencement of, 28. 2; in-
formation connected with the phe-
nomena of the, 29. 7; informa-
tion connected with the natural
phenomena of the, the calendar,
and the celestial changes, '30.6
-90; natural appearances of the
English, '28. 31-41; length of,
found, '29. 58; mode of finding
the year before Christ, or the year
of our Lord, by the Roman year,
'30. 8.

Bengalee, described, '30. 24,
25; Egyptian, its length, id. 15;
Fuslee, id. 26; Greek, length of,
id. 8, 9; Jewish, its length, '28.
14; 30. 13, 14; Julian, id. 11;
Mexican, id. 29, 30; Mussulman,
beginning of, 28. 15; the Roman,
'30. 6-8; solar, its length, '28.
3; solar and lunar, explanation
and duration of, '30. 5, 6; luni-
solar ditto, id. 6; solar, length of,
not early determined with accu-
racy, id. ib.

"Year of our Lord, '28. 49.
Yekshambe, a Persian day, '30.

Yellow anthocercis, '31. 37.
root, 29. 67.

hammer, the, '28. 36.
Indian jasmine, `31. 40.
leptospermum, '31. 41.
"Yellow Fever," on, '32. 75.
Yemen, extent and population of, in

1828, 28.71; imanate of, its ex-
tent, population, capital, religion,
revenue, and army, in 1828, 29.
72, 73.
Yeomanry, expenses of, from Janu-
ary 1st, 1816, to 1834, '35. 194;
number of, in 1836, and expenses
of, in 1835, '37. 183.

-- cavalry, number of, in
1837, and reduced number in
1838, '39. 197.

[ocr errors]

Corps (Ireland) Conti-
nuance Act (10 G. IV. c. 30),
'30. 180.
Yeovil, population of, '33. 72; Pav-
ing, &c., Act, '31.211.

Yew, a Chinese horary character,

30. 28; a Chinese division of
the day, '31.9.
Yew-leaved heath, '31. 39.
Yezdegird III., era of, '30. 18.
Yih, one of the Chinese celestial
signs, 30. 27.

Yin, a Chinese horary character,
'30. 28; a Chinese division of the
day, '31.9.

Yom ahad, modern Arabic for Sun-
day, '30. 21; arba, Wednesday,
id. ib.; hamsa, Thursday, id. ib.;
thena, Monday, id. ib.; tulta,
Tuesday, id. ib.
Yoncktijs, 31. 73.

York, population of (1821), '29.
82; population and representation
of, '33. 77; Improvement Act,
'34. 204; Streets Improvement
Act, '41. 216.

diocese of, number of parishes,
benefices, and churches and cha-
pels in, and population of (1834),
35. 128; revenues of archbishop,
of cathedral, and of benefices,
sums paid to curates, and in
whom the patronage of benefices
invested, and other facts relating
to same (1835), '36. 82-89.

port of, customs duties received
at, in 1838, '40. 187.

province of, dioceses within
the, 28. 88; province of, number
of Sunday schools in the, in 1826,

Castle, additions to, and im-
provements of, as a gaol, account
of, and plan and elevations of,
'34. 219-223; treatment of Mr.
F. O'Connor in, questioned, '41.

Cathedral Estates Sales Act,

'38. 214.

Dean of, deprived, '42. 238;
the decision overruled by the
Court of Queen's Bench, id. 239.

Duke of, leaves the continent,
'28. 62; charge against, by War-
dle, id. 64; he dies, id. 69.

column, '34. 211; bronze sta-
tue on, account of, '35. 245.

House, attic story added to,
'35. 245; Sale Act (4 and 5 Vict.
c. 27), '42. 128.

Minster, fired by Martin, '30.

260; estimate for repairs, '30. 260;
restoration of, '31. 214; restora-
tion of, from damage done in
1829, '33. 213; fire at, account
of, '41. 234, 254.

York musical festivals, '29. 244;
'36. 248.

Richard of, '37. 22; his works,
id. 23.

Wesleyan Methodist Cente-
nary Chapel, account of, '40. 234.
(Western Australia), popula-
tion of, on 31st of December, 1834,
'36. 182.

and Altofts Railway Act, '37.
"York and Lancaster, History of
the Houses of," '32. 59.
York and North Midland Railway,
particulars of, '41. 76; account of,
id. 87, 88; further Act, '42. 197.

and London Assurance Com-
pany's Act, '42. 192.
Yorkshire, extent and population of,
and number of sessions, magis-
trates, and parishes in, '28. 78;
population of, and of the princi-
pal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and
1831, value of real property in,
and its representation, '33.76-78;
summary of same, in 1821 and
1831, distinguishing the sexes,
id. 89; the same, in 1841, '42.
107; population of, in 1801,
1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and
increase per cent., id. 109; extent
of, in acres, '34. 84; difference
of time between the principal
towns of, and London, 31. 21;
bastards, number of, born in, in
1830, '34.88; number of, charge-
able to the parish, in 1835 and
1837, 38. 192; charities: cha-
rity property, income of, in (1834),
'35. 191; rental of charities, and
income of schools in, '36. 175;
education, proportion per cent. of
persons married in the year ended
June 1840 who could write, '42.
171; electors, county, number of,
in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 182;
excise licenses issued, and pub-
lic-houses in, number of (1831),
'32. 185; families, number of, in,
and how occupied, in 1811, 1821,

and 1831, 34. 86, 87; houses,
number of, in, in 1801, 1811,
1821, and 1831, id. 84, 85;
number of, inhabited, uuinha-
bited, and building, in 1841, '42.
107; jurors in, in 1835, '37. 175;
lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion
of, to population, in 1837, 38.
193; marriages, buildings regis-
tered for solemnization of (1840),
'41. 199; proportion of persons
married under the age of twenty-
one years, in the year ended June
1840, 42. 171; occupations of
persons in (1831), '35. 89-91;
offenders in, and proportion of, to
population (1837), '39.90; power-
looms, number of, in (1836) '37.
183; RATES: amount of poor
county rates levied in, in 1826,
'29. 197; the same for 1827, and
account of its expenditure, id. 198;
amount of poor rate levied in, from
March 1827 to March 1828, and
expenditure of same, 30. 216;
from March 1828 to March 1829,
31. 195; for year ending 25th
March, 1830, 32. 184; for year
ending 25th March, 1831, 33.
187; expended on the poor, in year
ending Easter 1832, 34. 173, 174;
amount levied and expenditure
of same, for year ending 25th
March, 1833, 35. 189; in the
year ending 25th March, 1834, '36.
174; the same, in the years end-
ing 25th March, 1834, 1836, and
1837, 38. 188; decrease of same,
in 1837, compared with 1834, id.
190; proportion of paupers re-
lieved to the population of, in
1839 and 1840, 42. 168; Sav-
INGS BANKS, friendly and cha-
ritable societies, amount of depo-
sits and accounts in (1831), '32.
102; savings banks, deposits and
depositors, increase of, between
1833 and 1834, '36. 104; savings
banks, average amounts deposited
in, and proportion of depositors to
population (1835), '37.72; state
of, on 20th November, 1837, '39.
134; savings banks, friendly so-
cieties, and charitable institutions,
number of, and of depositors, and

amount of deposits in, in Novem-
ber 1836, 38. 193; on 20th No-
vember, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th
November, 1839, 41. 194; on
20th November, 1840, 42. 166;
SCHOOLS endowed, unendowed,
and Sunday schools in, in 1818,
'29. 91; unendowed day-schools
in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93;
number of Church of England
schools in, and of scholars in
same (1832), '33. 121; TAXES:
amount of land and assessed
taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172;
house tax, inhabited houses as-
sessed to, and rental of same, for
year ending 5th April, 1830, 32.
106, 107; turnpike trusts, their
extent and income in (1834), '35.
193; trusts in, and income and
expenditure of same, in 1834, '37.
177; the same, and length of the
roads, in 1839, 42. 122; tolls
collected on, in 1834 and 1839,
id. 118.

Yorkshire, coals and cinders entered

coastwise, and duty thereon, in
1829, 31. 190; quantity of, im-
ported into London from, in 1833,
35. 186; quantity sent from, to
London, and number of ships em-
ployed in same, in 1836, 1837,
and 1838, '40. 193.

quantity of iron made,
and of furnaces in, in 1827, 29.

Fire and Life Assurance

Company's Act, '32. 215.

Society, 30. 159.

Youghall, electors, number of, in,
in 1834, 37. 182.
Youlan, '29. 66; 31. 41.
Young, Arthur, '31. 76; 32. 62;
his observations on agricultural
wages and prices of wheat, '34.
47; his "Tour in the North of
England" quoted, '37. 74, 75; his
"Political Arithmetic" referred
to, '39. 69.

Young, Edward, '28. 61; '31. 74;
'32. 61.

Thomas, '32. 62.
Mr., released by Don Mi-
guel, '29. 243.
Ypey, 31. 79; 32. 74.


Yponomenta padella, '30. 40.
Yriarte, Tomas de, '31. 77; '32. 71.
Yung-ching, emperor of China, '30.


Zaccoth, Abraham, '31. 70; '32. 47.
Zachariah, or Zechariah, '31. 64;

Zachariæ, '31. 76; '32. 65.'
Zaffa, zaffre, or zaffres, duty on
(1829), '30. 201; (1832), '33. 193;
import and home consumption of,
in 1828, 31. 176; in 1830, '32.
180; '33. 178; in 1831, 34. 157.
Zamindars, or Zemindars, their du-
ties, and mode of bringing them
to account, '33. 92, 93.
Zamora, 31. 71; Ant. de, 32.71;
R. de, id. 70.

Zanotti, '31. 74; '32. 57.
Zarate, '31. 71; '32. 70.
Zea Bermudez, dismissed, '32. 253.
Zealand, New, see NEW ZEALAND.
Zebra wood, duty on (1829), '30.

Zecchin Fondoukli (Turkey), its
value, &c. (1820), '30. 110; Zer-
mahboub (Turkey), value of, &c.
(1829), id. ib.; half ditto ditto,
id. ib.; quarter ditto ditto, id. ib.
Zecchino (Genoa), its value, &c.
(1829), '30. 108; (Papal States),
its value, &c. (1829), id. 106;
half ditto ditto, id. ib.; (Parma),
its value, &c. (1829), id. ib.;
(Savoy), its value, &c. (1829),
id. 108; (Tuscany), its value, &c.
(1829), id. 110; half ditto ditto,
id. ib.; with effigy, ditto ditto,
id. ib.; (Venice), its value, &c.
(1829), id. ib.; half ditto ditto,
id. ib.

Zechariah, see ZACHARIAH.
Zeef, Benjamin, '31. 70; '32. 47.
Zeineddin, Abulhassan, '31. 69;
'32. 79.

Zemach, Simeon var, 32. 47.
Zemindars, orZamindars, their duty,
'33. 92; mode of bringing them
to account, id. ib. 93.
Zenith, the, 28.90.
Zeno, '31. 74.

[blocks in formation]

Zephaniah, '31. 64; '32. 46.
Zetland, Orkney and, electors, num-
ber of, in, in 1836, '37. 183; see
Ziegenruck, Circle of, Prussian
League, '42. 112, 114.

Zieria, Smithii, ‘31. 43.
Zimmermann, '31. 76; '32. 65.
Ziska, chosen chief of the Hussites,
'28. 58.

Zius, a Jewish month, '30. 13.
Zizyphus, Paliurus, '29. 67; vul-
garis, id. ib.

Zodiac, Japanese signs of, '30. 29.
Zodiacal light, Cassini, '29. 59.
Zohair, 31.67.

Zohar, A., '32. 78.
"Zohar," 32. 46.
Zollikofer, G. J., '32. 65.
Zonaras, '31. 68; '32.51.
Zoological Society, 30. 162; days
and times of its meetings, from
November 1831 to June 1832,
and its anniversary, '32. 20; meet-
ings of its Committee of Science
and Correspondence, id. ib.†; meet-
ings of, from November 1832 to
June 1833, 33. 19; from Novem-
ber 1833 to June 1834, 34. 27.

Gardens of the,
open, 28. 174; opened, '29. 219;
improvements at, &c., '30. 238;
extended, and tunnel at, made,
31. 217; progress of the build-
ings, &c. at, '32. 219.

Zoology, directions for collecting
specimens in, '38. 20-26.
Zoonomia, by Dr. Darwin, referred
to, '35. 35.

Zosimus, '31. 65; '32. 50.
Zuinglius, at Zurich, '28. 59.
Zumalacarreguy defeats Quesada,
'35. 258; he is killed, '36. 245.
Zurich, Convention of, '31. 59.
government at, dissolved,

'40. 260.
Zurita, Jeron., '31. 71; '32. 70.
Zwingle, '31. 70; '32. 64.




This mark signifies that the matter referred to will be found in a Note at the Page

The abbreviated Figures '43, mean the " Companion to the Almanac" for the

Year 1843.

Abduction, not triable at sessions,
'43. 151.

Abinger, Lord, opens Special Com-
missions at Chester and Liverpool,
'43. 260.

Abstracts of important Acts of Par-
liament passed in the Session of
1842, '43. 129-176; see further,
subject-matters of the several Acts,
see the Index, passim.

of Petitions and Private
Bills in Parliament, in Session of
1842, id. 220-227.

of Parliamentary docu-
ments printed in 1842, '43. 177—

Acquittals, &c., number and average

of, in 1839, 1840, and 1841, '43.
124; centesimal proportion of, to
commitments, in several counties
named, id. 125.

Acts of Bankruptcy, '43. 165; several
enumerated, id. 166.
Acts of Parliament, abstracts of im-
portant public general, in chro-
nological order :-

5 Vict. c. 4. West India Bishop-
rics and Archdeaconries increase,
'43. 129.

7. Apprentices without pre-
mium, id. ib.

14. Corn Importation, id. ib.

15. Irish Spirits Duties, allow-
ances on Malt Spirits repealed, id.

22. Queen's Prison Act, id. ib.

5 and 6 Vict. c. 35. Property Tax
Act, '43. 136, 149.

36. Australian Colonies Waste
Lands Sale Act, id. 149, 150.

38. For defining the juris-
diction of Justices in Quarter Ses-
sions, id. ib. 151.

45. Copyright Act, id. ib. 153.
47. Customs' Act amendment,
id. 153.

51. Protection of the Queen's
person, id. ib. 154.

57. Poor Law Continuance, id.
ib. 155.

76. New South Wales and Van
Dieman's Land Government Act,
id. ib. 156.

79. Stamp duties on Stage
Carriages and Railway Passengers,
&c., amendment, id. 157.

99. Women and Girls in Col-
lieries, their employment regula-
ted, id. 158, 159.

100. Designs Copyright, id. ib.

107. Colonial Passengers' regu-
lation, id. ib. 162.

109. Parish Constables, id. 163,

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