
Witzeleben, K. A. (Trömlitz), dies,

'40. 141.

Wiveliscombe, population of, '33.

Woad, duty on (1829), '30. 202;
(1832), '33. 193.

Woburn, difference of time between,
and London, '31. 14.

and Hockliffe Roads Trust,
tolls collected on, in 1834 and
1839, 42. 119.

Wolcot, J., '31. 76; '32. 62.
Wolfe, General, death of, '28. 61.
Wolfenbuttel and Brunswick Rail-
way, opened, '40. 255.
Wolff, '31. 77, 78; '32. 73.
Wolfsbane, poisonous properties of,

and remedies against, 28. 119.
Wolga, passed by the Visigoths, '28.


Wollaston, T., '31. 78; '32. 62.


Dr., camera lucida, '29.
63; his discoveries in the treat-
ment of stone and gravel, '35.
35, 36; he dies, '39. 246.
"Wolsey, Life of," '32. 59.
Wolverhampton, population
(1821), '29. 82; population and
representation, '33. 73; ecclesias-
tical revenues of (1835), '36. 83;
new road at, opened (1831), '32.
234; riot at, '36. 244, 245;
Chapel Amendment Act, '41.
217; Mines Leasing Act, '36.

Woo, one of the Chinese celestial

signs, '30. 27; a Chinese horary
character, id. 28; a Chinese divi-
sion of the day, '31. 9.

Wood, Mr., of Gloucester, case on
his will decided, '42. 241.
Wood, cause of the circles observed
in, when cut, '29. 29.

duty on, from British Ame-
rica, Act imposing (5 and 6 W.
IV. c. 40), '36. 123.

for ships, duty on (1832),
'33. 193.

-anemone, the, '28. 34; general
time of its blowing, '30. 39.
pigeon, the, '28. 40.
sorrel, 28. 34.

pavement in Oxford-street,


Woodbridge, population of, '33. 73.

Woodcock, the, '28. 33.
Woodhouse, Mr., death of, '29.240.
Mr. Thomas, his details

of the progress of the Cromford
and High Peak Railway, up to
1829, '30. 248-250.
Woodington, Lieutenant-Colonel,
his military operations (India),
'32. 42.

Woodside Road Act, '42. 195.
Woodstock, population and repre-
sentation of, '33. 71.

Woods and Forests, chief-commis-
sioner of, Sir J. C. Hobhouse, '35.
211; see further, LAND REVENUE.
Wool, duty on (1829), '30. 202;
produce of additional duties on
(1840 and 1841), '42. 153; ex-
ports, quantity, and declared
value of exports of, in 1828, '31.
177; exports of, value of, in
1834 and 1835, '37. 162; the
same, in 1835, 1836, and 1837,
'39. 183; the same, and quanti-
ties thereof, in 1838, 40. 180;
the same, in 1839, '41. 187; the
same, in 1840, '42. 159; quan-
tity and value exported from
Western Australia (1834), '36.
182; British, imported (1829),'31.
189; and woollens, British, value
of, exported, in 1826, 1827, and
1828, 29. 192; British and
woollen yarn and manufactures,
quantity exported in the year
1832, 34. 166; see WOOLLENS,
IMPORTS foreign, quantity of,
imported into, and exported from
the United Kingdom, in each of
the years, from 1821 to 1827 in-
clusive, 28. 168; English, quantity
exported, in each of the same
years, id. ib.; quantity of foreign
imported into, and of British ex-
ported, from London, or outports,
in 1824 to 1829, '30. 212; fo-
reign, imported, in 1829, '31. 189;
foreign, quantity imported and
re-exported, in 1832, and whence
imported, '34. 166.

-cotton,duty on (1829), '30.201;
produce of additional duties on
(1840 and 1841), '42. 153; value
of, imported, in 1827, 28. 167;

sheeps', ditto, 28. 167; cotton,
import, export, and home con-
sumption of, in 1828, 31. 176;
sheeps' ditto, ditto, id. ib.; cot-
ton, import, export, and home
consumption of (1830), 31. 180;
quantities imported, in 1831, 1832,
1833, and 1834, from several coun-
tries of the world, '36. 168; home
consumption of, from 1833 to1835,
and average of same, from 1826
to 1835, 37. 167; imports of,
value of, in 1834 and 1835, id.
163; import and home consump-
tion of, and duty on, in 1837,
'39. 187; the same, in 1838, '40.
179; the same, in 1839, '41. 186.
Wool, cotton, quantity exported, in
1833 and 1834, '36. 156; exports
of, value of, in 1834 and 1835,
'37. 162.

cotton and sheeps', import, ex-
port, and home consumption of,
in 1830, 33. 178; in 1831, '34.
157; imported, amount of duty
on, in 1830, 1831, and 1832, id.

sheeps', imports of, value of, in
1834 and 1835, '37. 163; imports
and home consumption of, and
duty on, in 1837, 39. 187; the
same, in 1838, '40. 179; the same,
in 1839, 41. 186; the same, in
1840, '42. 159; import, export,
and home consumption of (1830),
32. 180; quantity and declared
value of, exported, in 1830, '33.
179; exports of, value of, in 1834
and 1835, '37. 162; and lambs',
quantity and declared value of ex-
ports of, in 1840, '42. 162; export
of, from Ireland, in 1825 and 1835,
'39. 189.

sheeps' and lambs', quantity
and value of, exported, 1831,
'34. 158; quantity exported, from
1820 to 1832, id. 167; value of
exports of, in years ending 5th
January, 1833 and 1834, '35. 173;
British, quantity of, exported,
1833, id. 176; value of exports
of, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 157;
quantity exported, in 1833 and
1834, id. 156; the same, in 1840,
'42. 162; quantity of, imported,

and from whence, in 1833, and
quantity exported, '35. 176; im-
port, export, and home con-
sumption of, in 1834, 36. 168;
in 1835, '37. 167; import and
export of, in 1835 and 1836, 38.
177; import and home consump-
tion of, and duty on, in 1837, '39.
187; the same, in 1838, '40. 179;
the same, in 1839, '41. 186; the
same, in 1840, '42. 159; quan-
tity imported from Germany, in
1840, id. 163.

Wool, sheeps' and lambs', quantity
under bond on 5th January, 1835,
'36. 168; see also WOOLLENS.

factories, number of, in the
United Kingdom, and number and
ages of persons engaged therein, in
1835, '36. 181, 182.
Woolcombe, Mr. T., fined and im-
prisoned, '34. 250.

Wooldale, population of, '33. 78.
Woolf, steam-engine, '29. 63.
Woolfrey, Mrs. Mary Ann, suit
against, for erecting a tombstone,
with inscription, without leave of
the vicar, '40. 255.
Woolhouse, Mr. W. S. B., his com-

putation of the ephemeris of Hal-
ley's comet, in 1835–36, '33. 24.
Woollen clothing, its properties, '29.
121; importance of, in a variable
climate, id. 124.

Woollen manufacturers, allowances
to, see SOAP.

Woollen manufactures, quantity
and declared value of exports of,
in 1828, '31. 177; in 1830, 33.
179; in 1831, 34. 158; from 1820
to 1832, id. 167; value of ex-
ports of, in years ending 5th Ja-
nuary, 1833 and 1834, 35. 173;
British, value of, exported to se-
veral foreign countries, in the year
1833, id. 177; value of, ex-
ported, in 1833 and 1834, '36.
157; in 1834, id. 168; exports
of, to foreign countries, in 1835,
'37. 167; export of, value of, in
1835 and 1836, '38. 177; export
of, value of, in 1834 and 1835,
'37. 162; the same, and quan-
tities thereof, in 1838, '40. 180;
the same, in 1839, '41. 187; the

same, in 1840, '42. 162; the same,
and to what countries exported
from the United Kingdom, in the
same year, id. 161.
Woollen manufactures, exports of,
from Ireland, in 1825 and 1835,
'39. 189.

imports of,
value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37.

Woollens, value of, exported, in
1827, '28. 167; hosiery and small
wares, declared value of exports
of, in 1828, '31. 177; exports of,
in 1820 and 1831, '34. 50; and
worsted yarn, quantity of, ex-
ported, from 1820 to 1832, id.
167; quantity of, exported, in
1833, 35. 176; exports of, value
of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 162;
the same, in 1835, 1836, and
1837, 39. 183; the same, and
quantities thereof, in 1838, '40.
180; the same, in 1839, '41.


value of, imported, at
Goole, from 1828 to 1829, '30.
121; see also WOOL.
Woolnoth, W., dies, '38. 128.
Woolly Philydrum, '31. 42.

-leaved myrtle, '31. 42.
Woolwich, population of (1821),
'29. 82; steam-docks, strike of
the masons at, '42. 243; number
of passengers to, by the Blackwall
Railway, in 1841, id. 66.
Wootton (Bedfordshire) Inclosure
Act, '37. 217.

under-Edge (Gloucester-
shire), population of, '33. 63.
Worcester, Florence of, '32. 58.
Marquis of, steam-en-

gine, '29. 63.

city of, population of
(1821), 29. 82; population and
representation of, '33.76; County
Hall and Courts of Justice Act,
'32. 215; County Infirmary
Leasing Act, '36. 211; Market
Act, '38. 210.

diocese, of number of
Sunday schools in the, in 1826,
'29.95; number of parishes, bene-
fices, and churches and chapels
in, and population of (1834), '35.

128; revenue of bishop, of cathe-
dral, and of benefices, sums paid
to curates, in whom patronage of
benefices vested, and other parti-
culars relating to same (1835),
Worcestershire, extent and popula-
tion of, and number of sessions,ma-
gistrates, and parishes in, '28. 78;
population of, and of the principal
towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831,
value of real property in, and its
representation, 33. 76; summary
of same, in 1821 and 1831, dis-
tinguishing the sexes, id. 89;
the same, in 1841, '42. 107; po-
pulation of, in 1801, 1811, 1821,
1831, and 1841, and increase per
cent., id. 109; extent of, in
acres, '34. 84; difference of time
between the principal towns of, and
London, '31. 21; bastards, num-
ber of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88;
number of, in 1835 and 1837, 38.
192; rental of charities, and income
of schools in, '36. 175; edu-
cation, proportion per cent. of
persons married in the year ended
June 1840, who could write, '42.
171; electors, county, number of,
in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 182;
excise licenses issued, and pub-
lic-houses in, number of (1831),
'32. 185; families, number of,
in, and how occupied, in 1811,
1821, and 1831, '34. 86, 87;
houses, number of, in, in 1801,
1811, 1821, and 1831, id. 84,
85; number of, inhabited, unin
habited, and building, in 1841,
'42. 107; jurors in, in 1835, 37.
175; lunatics, &c., pauper, pro-
portion of, to population, in 1837,
38. 193; marriages, buildings
registered for solemnization of
(1840), '41. 199; proportion of
persons married under the age
of twenty-one years, in the year
ended June 1840, '42. 171; oc-
cupations of persons in (1831), '35.
89; offenders in, and propor-
tion of, to population (1837), '39.
90; power-looms, number of, in
(1836), 37. 183; RATES: amount
of poor and county rates levied

in, in 1826, 29. 197; the same
for 1827, and account of its ex-
penditure, id. 198; amount of poor
rate levied in, from March 1827 to
March 1828, and expenditure of
same, '30.216; from March 1828
to March 1829, 31. 195; for the
year ending 25th March, 1830,
'32 184; for year ending 25th
March, 1831, 33. 187; expended
on the poor, in the year ending
Easter 1832, '34. 174; amount
levied and expenditure of same,
for year ending 25th March, 1833,
'35. 189; in the year ending 25th
March, 1834, 36. 174; the same in
the years ending 25th March, 1834,
1836, and 1837, '38. 188; decrease
of same in 1837 compared with
1834, id. 190; proportion of pau-
pers relieved, to the population
of, in 1839 and 1840, '42. 168;
SAVINGS BANKS, and friendly and
charitable societies, amount of
deposits and accounts in (1831),
'32. 102; savings banks, average
amounts deposited in, and propor-
tion of depositors to population
of (1835), '37. 72; state of, on
20th November, 1837, '39. 134;
savings banks, friendly societies,
and charitable institutions, num-
ber of, and of depositors and
amount of deposits in, in No-
vember, 1836, '38. 193; on 20th
November, 1838, '40. 189; on
20th November, 1839, 41. 194;
on November 20th, 1840, '42. 166;
SCHOOLS, endowed, unendowed,
and Sunday-schools in, in 1818,
'29. 91; unendowed day-schools
in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93;
number of Church of England
schools in, and of scholars in same
(1832), '33. 121; TAXES: amount
of land and assessed taxes of, in
1829, 31. 172; house tax, in-
habited houses assessed to, and
rental of same, for year ending
5th April, 1830, '32. 106, 107;
turnpike trusts, their extent and
income in (1834), '35. 193; trusts
in, and income and expenditure
of same, in 1834, '37. 177; the
same, and length of the roads, in

1839, 42. 122; tolls collected on,
in 1834 and 1839, id. 118.
Worcestershire Society, '30. 159.
Wordsworth, his allusion to the ce-
landine, '29. 33; his petition in
favour of extended copyright, pre-
sented, '40. 199.
Workhouses, regulations of, '35.157;
number ordered by the Poor Law
Commissioners, up to 1836, and
their average expense, '37. 250,
251; Act for facilitating the con-
veyance of (5 and 6 W. IV. c.
69), '36. 130, 137; Act extend-
ing provisions of (7 W. IV. and 1
Vict. c. 50), '38. 148.
Working classes, progress of educa-

tion amongst, up to 1818, '29.92.
Workington, population of (1821),
29. 82; population of, '33. 60;
Harbour Regulation Act, '41.
222; Improvement Act, id. 216.
"Works and Days," '32. 47.
Worksop, population of, '33. 70.

and Kelham Road Act,

[blocks in formation]

Diet of, '28. 59; edict of,
Wormwood Scrubbs, suspension
bridge over the canal at, '40. 249.

leaved Othonna, '31. 42.
Worship, places of, in England and
Wales, number of, in 1841, 42.

Worsley, population of, '33. 66.
Worsted yarn; see WOOL, WOOL-
LENS, &c.

Wort, St. Peter's, '29. 65.
Worthing and Broadwater, popula-
tion of, '33. 74.

Wortley Inclosure, '34. 203.
Wotterstadt, '31. 79; '32. 75.
Wotton-under-Edge, population of
(1821), '29. 82.

Wray, chapel at, built, '42. 207.
Wreck of herring-boats off Shetland,
one hundred persons drowned,


of the "Carn Brea Castle,"
'30. 163; see SHIPWRECKS.
Wrecking, and destroying wrecks,
punishment for, 1837 (7 W. IV.
and 1 Vict. c. 87), '38. 161.
Wren, laws of collision, '29. 62.

the, '28. 31, 32; '29. 32;
its winter food, '30. 36; golden-
crested, 29. 30, 35; willow, id.
35, 39; its rate of flying, id. 40.
Wrexham Abbot et Regis, popula-
tion of, '33. 79.
Wright, Edward, '37. 23.
Writ of possession, issue of, on

failure of an action of ejectment
(1 W. IV. c. 70), '31. 166, 167.
Writs, must not be delivered to the
sheriff or his officer by an attorney,
'28. 157.

number of, issued from Mi-
chaelmas Term 1832, to the same
1833, '35. 187.

Wuerdle, church building at, '35.

Wurtemburg, a kingdom, 28. 63;
'31.56; kingdom of, its extent,
population, sovereign, capital, re-
ligion, revenue, debt, and army,
in 1828, 29. 70, 71; population
and sovereign of (1836), '36. 107;
population and territories of, com-
prised in the Prussian Commercial
League, '42. 213; dowager queen
of, dies, '29. 245; Duchess Marie
of, dies, '40. 141, 255; king of,
arrives, 31. 237.
Wurzbourg, League of, '31. 47.
Wyatt, Mr., his evidence on patents
referred to, '30. 130.

Benjamin, dies, '37. 110.
Mr. M. C., architect of the
York column, '34. 212; his statue
of George III., noticed, '37. 243.
Wyatt, Thomas, '31. 70; '32, 59.
Wyatville, Mr. Jeffery, knighted,
29. 246.

- Sir Jeffery, dies, '41. 138.
Wye and Severn Railway, account
of, '37. 87; '41. 62.
Wyndham, Major, Court of Inquiry
on, 33. 231.

Wyndham's Club, '30. 160.
Wynford, Lord, creation of, '30.
262; his Bill for preventing frauds
upon creditors rejected, '32. 193;
his Bill for diminishing expenses
of suits rejected, '34. 190.
Wynn, C. W. W., Secretary at
War, '31. 240; his Bill to repeal
the abjuration oath, '32. 186.
Wyntown, Andrew of, '31. 68; '32.

Wyre Docks Act, '38. 213.

and Preston Railway and
Harbour Act, '36. 209; railway
(and harbour), particulars of, '41.
72; account of, '38. 61; '41.72;
further account of, id. 90, 91.
Wyrley and Essington Canal and
Birmingham Canal Navigation
Consolidation Act, '41. 221.
Wyttenbach, D., 31. 77; '32. 74.


Xalapa, consul at, his salary (1828),
*31. 182.

Xanthorhiza apiifolia, '29. 67.
Xanthoxylun clava Herculis, '29.

Xanticus, a Macedonian month, '30.
Xenophon, '28.51; '31. 64; '32. 48.
Eph., '31. 65; '32. 49.

Ximenez, Fras., '31. 71; 32. 70.

Rodrigo, '31. 69; '32. 70.
Xiphilin, or Xiphilinus, John, '31.
66; '32. 50.

Xylander, '31. 70; '32. 64.
Xzlomelum pyriforme, '31. 43.


Yacatit, an Abyssinian month, '30.

Yad Hazaka, '32. 47.
Yahya, '31.67.

Yandaboo, treaty of peace of, 28.
67; treaty of, '30. 45.
Yanes, president of Venezuela, '31.

Yard, standard, '28. 98.

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