
ports to, value of, in 1838, '40.
183; machinery, exports to, value
of, in 1838, id. ib.; quantity of
rum exported to, in 1829, 31.
186; in 1831, '33. 183; silk ma-
nufactures, exports to, value of,
in 1835, 37. 168; in 1838, '40.
183; tin and pewter wares, ex-
ports to, value of, in 1838, id.
ib.; wool and woollens, British,
value of, exported to, in 1832,
'34. 167; of woollen manufac-
tures, in 1840, 42. 161; value of
exports to, in 1828, 31. 177; of
exports of British produce, &c. to,
in 1830, '33. 180; in 1831, '34.
158; in 1838, '40. 183; in 1827,
1830, 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37.
160; in 1836, '38. 174; in 1836
and 1837, 39. 190; in 1838, '40.
181; in 1839, '41. 188; in 1840,
'42. 163; imports: cotton, quan-
tity imported from, from 1831 to
1834, '36. 168; wool, import of,
from, and value of British wool-
lens exported to, in 1835, '35.
176, 177; value of imports from,
and of exports of home produce,
&c., and foreign and colonial mer-
chandize to, in 1831, '34. 160;
quantity of rum and molasses sent
from, to British America, in 1829,
'31. 186.

West Indies, foreign : coals, quantity
of, exported to, in 1833, '35. 186;
cotton goods, value of, exported
to, in 1832, id. 178; cotton goods,
British, quantity and value of ex-
ports to, in 1833 and 1834, '36.
169; in 1835, '37. 167; in 1838,
'40. 182; hardwares and cutlery,
exports to, value of, in 1838, id.
183; linens, exports to, value of,
in 1838, id. ib.; machinery, ex-
ports to, value of, in 1838, id. ib.;
rum, quantity of, exported to, in
1829, 31. 186; in 1831, '33.
183; silk manufactures, exports
to, value of, in 1838, '40. 183;
tin or pewter wares, exports to,
value of, in 1838, id. ib.; wool
and woollen, British, value of,
exported to, in 1832, 34. 167;
British woollens, value of exports
to, in 1833, '35. 177; woollen

manufactures exported to, value
of (1840), '42. 161; value of ex-
ports of British produce, &c. to,
in 1828, 31. 177; the same, in
1830, '33. 180; the same, in 1831,
'34. 159; general exports to, value
and particulars of, in 1838, '40.
183; in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834,
and 1835, '37. 160; in 1836, 38..
174; in 1836 and 1837, '39.190;
in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, '41.
188; in 1840, '42. 163; imports:
cotton, quantity imported from,
in 1832 and 1834, 36. 168;
value of imports from, and of ex-
ports of home produce, &c., and
foreign and colonial merchandize
to, in 1831, '34. 160.

West Indies (Danish), extent and
population of, in 1828, 28.73.

(Dutch), extent and po-
pulation of, in 1828, 28.73.

(French), extent and po-
pulation of, in 1828, '28. 73.

(Spanish), extent and
population of, in 1828, 28. 73.

(Swedish), extent and
population of, in 1828, '28. 73.
Kennet and Amesbury Road
Act, '41. 219.

London Infirmary, '30. 140.
and Lying-

in Institution, '30. 142.

of, '41. 76.

Railway, particnlars

of London Cemetery, account
of, '41. 236, 237.

and Westminster

Cemetery Company Act, '38.210.
Lothian Railway, account of,
'37. 92; 41. 66.

Middlesex water works, their
sources of supply, number of te-
nants, and quantity of supply
(1829), 29. 104; Water-works
Company, its amount and rate
of supply, &c., of water to London
(1834), 35. 128.

Moor, &c. Inclosure, '34. 203.
Westall, Richard, dies, '38. 128.
Westbury, population and repre-
sentation of, '33. 75.
Westbury-upon-Trym, population
of, '33. 63.

Westendorp, '31.79; '32. 74.

Westendorp, Nicolaus, dies, '37. 110.
Westerbaen, J., '31. 73; '32. 73.
Westerbech Sloot, estate of, pauper
colonies upon, 29. 131.
Western Dispensary, '30. 143.

- Literary and Scientific In-
stitution, '30. 161.

and eastern provinces join-

ed, '28. 55.
Westerwald mountains, their height,
'33. 44; alphabetical index to
same, &c., id. 49-53.
Westmacott, Mr., his statue of George
Canning in New Palace-yard, '33.
211; his statue of George III., at
Windsor, id. 219, 220; his bronze
statue of the Duke of York, de-
scribed, '35. 245, 246.
Westmeath, population of, in 1821
and 1831, '34. 90; electors, num-
ber of, in, in 1834, '37. 182.
Westminster, population, &c. of, '28.
86, 87; population and repre-
sentation of, '33. 68; City of,
house-tax, inhabited number of
houses assessed to, and rental of
same, for year ending 5th April,
1830, 32. 108.

Abbey, on fire, '30.
261; Abbey and school, revenues
of (1835), '36. 83.

Asylum, '30. 150.
Auxiliary Bible So-

ciety, '30. 153.


Blue Coat School, '30.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

peace of, '31. 49.

Marquis of, petitions
for removal of Jewish civil dis-
abilities, '34. 188; his gift of the
site for St. Paul's Church, Knights-
bridge, '42. 210.

Matthew of, '31. 68;

'32. 58.
Westmoreland, extent and popu-
lation of, and number of sessions,
magistrates, and parishes in, '28.
78; population of, and of the
principal towns of, in 1811,
1821, and 1831, value of real
property in, and its representation,
33. 75; summary of same in
1821 and 1831, distinguishing the
sexes, id. 89; the same in 1841,
'42. 107; population of, in 1801,
1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841,
and increase per cent., id. 109;
extent of, in acres, '34. 84; dif-
ference of time between the prin-
cipal towns of, and London, '31.
20; bastards, number of, born
in, in 1830, '34. 88; number
of, in 1835 and 1837, '38. 192;
charity property, income of, in
(1834), 35. 191; rental of chari-
ties and income of schools in, `36.
175; education, proportion per
cent. of persons married in the
year ended June 1840, who could
write, '42. 171; electors, county,
number of, in, in 1834 and

1835, 37. 182; excise licences
issued, and public houses in,
number of (1831), '32. 185;
families, number of, in, and how
occupied, in 1811, 1821, and
1831, '34. 86, 87; houses, number
of, in, in 1801, 1811, 1821, and
1831, id. 84, 85; number of,
inhabited, uninhabited, and build-
ing, in 1841, 42. 107; jurors in,
in 1835, '37. 175; lunatics, &c.,
pauper, proportion of, to popula-
tion, in 1837, 38. 193; mar-
riages, buildings registered for the
solemnization of (1840), '41. 199;
proportion of persons married un-
der the age of twenty-one years, in
the year ended June 1840, '42.
171; occupations of persons in
(1831), '35. 88; offenders in, and
proportion of, to population (1837),
'39.90; power-looms, number of,
in (1836), '37. 183; RATES:
amount of poor and county rates
levied in, in 1826, '29. 197;
the same for the year 1827,
and account of its expenditure,
id. 198; amount of poor rate
levied in, from March 1827
to March 1828, and expenditure
of same, '30. 216; from March
1828 to March 1829, '31. 195;
for the year ending 25th March,
1830, '32. 184; for the year end-
ing 25th March, 1831, 33. 187;
expended on the poor, in year
ending Easter 1832, 34. 174;
amount levied in, and expenditure
of same, for year ending 25th
March, 1833, '35. 189; in the
year ending 25th March, 1834,'36.
the same in the years ending
25th March, 1834, 1836, and
1837, '38. 188; decrease of same
in 1837 compared with 1834, id.
190; proportion of paupers re-
lieved to the population of, in
1839 and 1840, 42. 168; Sav-
INGS BANKS, and friendly and
charitable societies, amount of
deposits and accounts in (1831),
'32. 102; savings banks, average
amounts deposited in, and pro-
portion of depositors to popula-
tion of (1835), '37. 72; state of,

on 20th November, 1837, '39.134;
savings banks, friendly societies,
and charitable institutions, num-
ber of, and of depositors, and
amount of deposits in, in Novem-
ber 1836, '38. 193; on 20th No-
vember, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th
November, 1839,'41. 194; on 20th
of November, 1840, '42. 166;
SCHOOLS: endowed, unendowed,
and Sunday-schools in, in 1818,
'29. 91; unendowed day-schools
in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 90;
number of Church of England
schools in, and of scholars in
same (1832), '33. 121; TAXES:
amount of land and assessed
taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172;
house-tax, inhabited houses as-
sessed to, and rental of same,
for year ending 5th April, 1830,
'32. 106, 107; TURNPIKE TRUSTS,
their extent and income in (1834),
'35. 193; trusts in, and income
and expenditure of same, in
1834, '37. 177; the same, and
length of roads, in 1839, '42. 122;
tolls collected on, in 1834 and
1839, id. 118.

Westmoreland Society, '30. 159.
Westoe and South Shields, popu-
lation and representation of, '33.

Weston, population of, '33. 81.

William, his "Specimens of
Abbreviated Numbers," referred
to, '41. 21.
Westphalia, extent and population
of (1831), '33. 55; peace of, '28.
60; '31. 48.

Jerome Bonaparte, king

of, '31. 56.
Westport, population of, in 1821
and 1831, 34. 92.

accident and loss of life

off, '31. 235.
Westwood Gate Road Act, '39. 213.
Wetherell, Sir Charles, enters Bris-
tol, riots there, '32. 240.
Wexford, population of (1821), '29.
83; population of, in 1821 and
1831, 34. 90; electors, number
of, in, in 1834, '37. 182; power
looms, number of, in (1836), '37.


Weymouth, population and repre-
sentation of, '33. 61; difference of
time between, and London, '31.


pine, '29. 66.

and Melcombe Regis,
population of (1821), '29. 82.
Whaddon Chase Inclosure Act,
'42. 191.
Whalebone in stays, injurious effects
of, 29. 122.

exports of, value of, in
1834 and 1385, 37. 162; the
same in 1835, 1836, and 1837,
'39. 183.

Whale fins, duty on (1829), '30.
201; import and home consump-
tion of, in 1828, 31. 176; in
1830, '32. 180; '33. 178; in
1831, '34. 157..

Whale fisheries, quantity of rum
exported to, in 1829, '31. 186; in
1831, 33. 183; value of imports
from, and of exports of foreign
and colonial merchandize to, in
1831, '34. 160.

Whale fishery, loss of eighteen ships

engaged in the, '31. 238; number
of British ships employed in, from
1820 to 1834, '36. 160.
Wharncliffe, Lord, his Bill against

the Truck system, '32. 192; de-
feats the second Reform Bill, id.

Wheat, spring, time of sowing, '28.

scarcity of, mode of pre-
venting the serious effects of, $29.
126, 127.

- hindering persons from sell-
ing, punishment for (9 G. IV.
c. 31), '29. 152, 153.

enumeration and notice of
Acts of Parliament for the regula-
tion of the trade in, from early
times to the year 1828, '39. 62-

annual average prices of,
from 1792 to 1827, '29. 195;
English, average London prices
of, from 1813 to 1831, '34. 184;
prices of, at various periods from
1748 to 1832, '35. 190; average
prices of, in 1776, 1803, 1815,
and 1832, '34. 173; average prices

of, in 1833, '35. 181; annual
average prices of, from 1815 to
1834, 36. 173; average annual
price of, as quoted in the London
Gazette, from 1815 to 1834, 35.
169; highest and lowest prices of,
from 1815 to 1822, '39. 82; from
1823 to 1826, id. 83; from 1828
to 1838, id. 86; weekly average
price of, per imperial quarter, in
England and Wales, in each year
from 1828 to November 1838,
'39. 88; prices of, from 1828 to
1841, '42. 89.

Wheat, quantity of foreign taken
out of bond, or imported, from
July 1827 to March 1828, 29.
195; quantity of foreign entered
for home consumption, from Janu-
ary 1830 to June 1831, with
amount of duty thereon, '32. 182;
foreign and colonial, quantity of,
imported, entered for home con-
sumption, and re-exported, in the
year ending 5th January, 1832,
33. 185; quantity of, and amount
of duty on, imported from British
possessions, from 1828 to 5th
July, 1834, 35. 181; foreign,
quantity of, that has paid duty
for home consumption, from 1828
to 5th July, 1834, and amount of
duty on same, id. ib.; number
of quarters of, sold each week of
1830, in the several counties of
England and Wales, '32. 182;
quantity of, returned each week
by the inspectors of corn returns,
as sold in 150 towns under inspec-
tion, from 1832 to November
1838, '39. 89; foreign and colo-
nial, quantity imported and en-
tered for home consumption in
each month, from 1828 to Sep-
tember 1841, '42. 89, 90; quan-
tity of foreign, imported from
1828 to 1841, 42. id.; quantity
entered for home consumption,
and duty on same, from 1828 to
1841, id. 77; import and home
consumption of, and gross duty
on, in 1840, id. 156.

value of exports of, in 1833
and 1834, 36. 156.

table of the fluctuation of

duty on, from 1828 to October
1841, 42. 91, 92; see further,
Wheatmeal and flour, quantity ex-
ported in 1833 and 1834, '36.
156; import and home consump-
tion of, and gross duty on, in
1840, '42. 156; see further, CORN,
Wheels, epicycloidal teeth of, '29.


toothed, used, '29. 60.

tires of, their formation in-
jurious to roads, '34. 237.
Wheelton, Mr. Sheriff, committed
by the House of Commons, '41.
200; liberated, id. 202.
Wheler, Mr., made Governor-Ge-
neral of India, '32. 33.

"Whetstone of Witte," by Robert
Recorde, '32. 73; account of
same, 37. 31, 32, 36, 37.
Whetstone and St. Albans' Road

Trustees, report upon the roads
under their care, '29. 222-224.
Whewell, Mr., his remarks on the
tides, '35. 23.

Whipping, number of persons sen-
tenced to, in 1834, 1835, and
1836, '38. 185.

Whirlwinds, their nature considered,
'39. 23, 24.

Whit Sunday, '28. 8, 12.
Whitaker, J., 31. 76; '32. 62.
Whitby, population of (1821), '29.
82; population and representation
of, 33. 77; Improvement Act,
'38. 209; Amendment Act, '42.

and Pickering Railway
Act, '34. 207; Railway, particu-
lars of, '41. 72.

White anthocercis, '31. 37; helle-
bore root, poisonous properties of,
and remedies against, 28. 119;
hickory, '29. 65.

lead, poisonous properties of,
and remedies against, 28. 123;
see also LEAD.


meats, allowed in Lent, '28.

Sea, discovered, '30. 95.
throat, '29. 38.

vitriol, poisonous property of,
and remedy against, '28. 118.

[blocks in formation]

Whitebait and shad, supposed iden.
tity of, '30. 38, 39.
Whitechapel, population, &c., of, 28.
86, 87; St. Mary, rental of the
parish of (1829), 29. 85; new
church in, progress of, '39. 221.
and Spitalfields, pro-

posed improvements in, '40. 162.
Whitehall Banqueting House, re-
pairs of, '34. 214; treaty at, '31.
52; proposed suspension viaduct
&c. from, to Southwark Bridge,
'42. 205.

Whitehaven, population of (1821),
'29. 82; population of, '33. 60.

port of, customs duties
received at, in 1833, 35. 173;
collected at, in 1834, '36. 157;
the same, in the years ending 5th
January, 1835 and 1836; '37.
164; the same, for year ending
5th January, 1837, '38. 175; the
same, in the years ended 5th Janu-
ary, 1837 and 1838, '39. 191; the
same in the year 1838, '40. 187;
the same during 1839, '41. 188;
the same in 1840, '42. 164; coals,
quantity sent from, in 1837, '39.
192; shipped from, in 1839, '41.

White's Club, '30. 160.
Whiteshill, church at, finished, '42.

Whitford, population of, '33. 80.
Whithorn, population of, '33. 88.
Whitley burial ground, '35. 229;
Gas Light Act, '37. 220.
Whitlocke, B., '32. 60.
Whitmore Inclosure Act, '42. 191.
Whitstable Railway Act, '36. 210.
and Canterbury Rail-
way, account of, '37. 103; '41.

Whitsuntide, or Pentecost, '28. 12.
Whittlesea, population of, '33. 58.
St. Mary, and Whittle-
sea St. Andrew, Inclosure Act,
'41. 214; Amendment Act, '42.


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