
Skins and furs of the United States,

their value, in 1828, '32. 124.
Skipton, population of, '33. 78;
church at, account of, '39. 221.
Skircoat, population of, '33. 78.
Skrzynecki, General, defeats the Rus-
sians at Wawz, 32. 237; admit-
ted to the Belgian army, '40.
256; his dismissal demanded, id.

Skye district of roads, their extent

and annual expense, '29. 84.
Slammanuan Railway Company
further Act, '40. 217; Railway,
account of, 41. 91; particulars
of, id. 72.

Slates, duty on (1829), '30. 203;
bricks and tiles, amount of duty
on, in 1830, 1831, and 1832, 34.
Slaughtermen of horses, regulations
relating to, '36. 127, 128.
Slave trade, beginning of, '28. 58;
abolished, id. 63; treaty for the
abolition of, '31. 60; treaty for
abolition of, between England
and Brazil, 28. 68; Act for the
suppression of, detention, and
seizure of vessels, &c. &c. (2 and
3 Vict. c. 73), '40. 161, 162;
Hans Towns Convention Act (1
and 2 Vict. c. 39), 39. 151;
Netherlands Treaty Act (1 and 2
Vict. c. 41), id. ib.; Sardinian
and Denmark Treaty Act (5 and
6 W. IV. c. 60 and 61), '36.
128; treaty with Spain (6 W.
IV. c. 6), '37. 112; Sweden,
Treaty Act (1 and 2 Vict. c. 40),
'39.151; speech of Lord Brougham
on, id. 201; his resolutions for
suppression of, and relating to
negro apprentices, id. 202; brings
the matter of the deportation of
East Indians to Guiana before
parliament, id. ib.; Bull against
the trade by the Pope, '41. 253;
Society for the Extinction of, &c.,
hold their first great meeting, id.
'254; the "Black Joke" cap-
tures the "Almorante," 30. 259;
project of law in France for abo-
lition of, '28. 69; abolished by
France, Spain, and Holland, id.


Slavery, Mr. Brougham's motion
concerning, in the colonies, 31.
208; Mr. F. Buxton's motion for
the extinction of, '33. 203; Abo-
lition Bill, debates on, '34. 193–
199; Act for the abolition of,
throughout the British colonies,
&c., and compensation (3 and 4
W. IV. c. 73), id. 136-138;
further Act relating to compen-
sation (5 and 6 W. IV. c. 45),
36. 123, 124; further Act re-
lating to same (6 W. IV. c. 5),
'37. 111; further Act relating to
same (6 and 7 W. IV. c. 82), id.
138; further Act relating to same
(1 Vict. c. 3), '39. 143; Act
amending same, in respect to
hours of labour, &c. &c. (1 Viet.
c. 19), id. 145-147; abolition
of, celebrated, '35. 260; abolition
of, in Jamaica, Act continuing
Act of the Governor, &c., for
effecting same (6 W. IV. c. 16),
'37. 115; abolished in the East
Indies, '40. 251.

Slaves, Assiento contract for the
supply of, '31. 52.

number of, in each of the
British colonies, for 1825, 1826,
and 1827, 29. 199; registered
number of, in the several West
India colonies at the two regis-
trations preceding 1833, '34. 180;
number and appraised value of,
in each colony of England, ave-
rage of sales of, from 1822 to
1830, and amount and average
rates of compensation, '39. 195.

Compensation, Act for (3
and 4 W. IV. c. 73), '34. 136;
further Act (5 and 6 W. IV. c.
45), '36. 123, 124; further Act
relating to same, and for facili-
tating the distribution and pay-
ment of (6 W. IV. c. 5), '37. Îll;
further Act relating to same (6
and 7 W. c. 82), id. 138; further
Act relating to same (1 Vict. c.
3), '39. 143.

dealing in, or taking persons
for, punishment for, '37. 112.

expenses of the commissioners
for preventing the traffic in, in
1836, '38. 187.

Slaves, "head money" for captured,
from 1827 to 1832, '34. 179.

found on board the "Ar-
mistad," declared free, 42. 237.

purchase of, conviction of J.
C. Hawkins for, '32. 236.

at Algiers, liberated, '28. 65.

in the United States and
territories, number of, in 1790,
1800, 1810, 1820, and 1830, '33.

"Slavi, Chronicle of," '32. 63.
Sleidan, '31. 70; '32. 64.
Slender fuchsia, 31. 39; magnolia,
id. 41; branched heath, id. 39;
leaved stylidium, id. 43.
Sleswick, its extent and population,
in 1828, '28.70; duchy of, consti-
tution granted to, '32. 238.
Sliding scale, the, under statute 9
G. IV. c. 60 (1828), '39: 85;
account of same, '42. 72; its evils
pointed out, id. 81.

Sligo, population of (1821), '29.
83; population of, in 1821 and
1831, 34. 92; electors, number
of, in, in 1834, '37. 182.

port of, customs duty collected
at, in 1834, '36. 157; the same,
in the years ending 5th January,
1835 and 1836, 37. 164; the
same, for the year ending 5th
January, 1837, 38. 175; the
same, in the years ended 5th
January, 1837 and 1838, '39.
191; the same, in the year 1838,
'40. 187; the same, during 1839,
'41. 188; the same, in 1840, '42.

Marquis of, his account of the
transition from slavery to freedom,
in Jamaica, '36. 66.
Slipperwort, cobweb-leaved, '31. 37;
corymbose, id. ib.
Sloane, Hans, '31. 74; '32. 61.

street, church in, completed,

'31. 214.

Slops, exports of, value of, in 1834
and 1835, 37. 161; the same, in
1835, 1836, and 1837, 39. 182;
the same, and quantities thereof,
in 1838, '40. 180; the same, in
1839, '41. 187.

Sludge of ponds, indications of co-
lumnar rocks in, '29. 39.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

amend the laws for the recovery
of, by civil bill (7 W. IV. and
1 Vict. c. 43), '38. 146.

(Scotland), Act (10
G. IV. c. 55), '30. 189; Act re-
pealing same, and establishing
them anew (7 W. IV. and 1 Vict.
c. 41), '38. 146.

Small-pox, account of the disease in
England before inoculation, and
after vaccination, '40. 60, 61;
importance of regulations con-
cerning persons infected with, '36.
27, 28; conviction of an apothe-
cary for propagating, id. 28;
penalty for producing the disease,
41. 148; number of deaths annu-
ally by, before the introduction of
vaccination, 28. 172; diminu-
tion of, by vaccination, '32. 21;
average deaths annually from,
before the introduction of vac-
cination, '34. 32; '37. 49; '38.
47; after vaccination, average
cases of, and mortality of same,
'34. 32; 38. 47; deaths from,
within the Bills of Mortality, in
1827, 29. 110; number of per-
sons who have died of, within the
Bills of Mortality, in 1829, '30.
101; prevalence of, in November
1837, 39. 61; '40. 60; preva-
lence of, in 1840, 42. 54; deaths
from, in England and Wales, in
1838, '41. 29, 30; rate per cent.,
id. 31; mortality from, in two
years and a half, ending Decem-
ber 31, 1839, '41. 57.

casual, hospital for, and
for vaccination, '30. 140.

hospital, number of cases
in, in 1837 and 1838, '39. 61.

Small tenements, how recoverable,

'39. 157, 158.
Small wares, hosiery, &c., exports of,
value of, in 1838, '40. 180; in

1839, 41, 187.
Small-flowered leucopogon, '31. 41;
platylobium, id. 42.

Small-leaved Edwardsia, '31. 39.
Smalts, duty on (1829), '30. 200;
(1832), 33. 193; import and
home consumption of, in 1828,
31. 175; in 1830, '32. 179; '33.
177; in 1831, '34. 156.
Smelling, importance of the sense
of, as a means of preserving
health, 28. 110.

Smells, air, the medium of all, '30.


Smirke, Mr., architect of the new
Post-office, '30. 235; of the im-
provements in the Inner Temple,
31. 219; of the building (Mitre
Court), Inner Temple, 32. 221;
of King's College, Somerset
House, id. 218, 219; of the re-
storation of York Minster, '33.
213; his estimate for the repair
of York Minster, 30. 260.

Sir Robert, architect of the
Carlton Club, '35. 245; and Mr.
Sydney Smirke, architects of the
Oxford and Cambridge Univer-
sities' Club, 38. 235.

Mr. Sydney, architect of
the alterations of the Pantheon,
Oxford-street, 35. 244; of the
additions to Bethlem Hospital,
'40. 226.

and Sir Ro-
bert, architects of the Oxford and
Cambridge Universities' Club,
'38. 235.
Smith, Adam, '31. 76; '32. 62;
dies, '28. 62.

Mr. Baron, committee of
inquiry into his judicial conduct,
35. 198; the motion rescinded,
id. 199.

Mr. Beaumont, charged with
the issue of forged Exchequer
Bills, 42, 214.

Mr. Egerton, principal in
the founding of the Permanent
Night Asylum for the houseless
poor, at Liverpool, '31. 220.

Smith, F. W., dies, '36. 108.
James, dies, '41. 138.
Sir James Edward, dies,

'29. 236.

Robert Vernon, Lord of the
Treasury, '31. 240.

Dr. Southwood, bequest to,
of the body of Jeremy Bentham,
'33. 230; his "Report on the
Prevalence of Fever in the Me-
tropolis," referred to, '40. 43.


Sir Thomas, his remark on
the responsibility of parishes for
the escape of thieves, '40. 121.

Dr. William, dies, '40. 141.
Mr. William, M.P., lays the
first brick of the Thames Tunnel
shaft, '28. 177.

Sir William, dies, `37. 257.
Mr., his estimate of the pro-
portion of unemployed Irish, 31.

Smithfield, East, rental of the parish
of (1829), '29. 85.

market, number of beasts
and sheep sold in, from 1820 to
1831, and average number of
calves, horses and pigs taken to,
'34. 183, 184; meat, prices of, at,
in 1834, '36. 178.

Penitentiary, to be dis-
continued as a prison, 37. 123.
Smith's Zieria, '31. 43.
Smolensko, conquered by the Rus-
sians, 28. 60; taken by the Poles,
id. ib.

Smollett, T., '31. 76; '32. 62.
Smooth calytrix, '31. 37; Goodia,
id. 40; leaved Fabricia, id. 39;
stenochilius, id. 43.
Smugglers, Act for relieving parishes
from support of families of, im-
pressed (11 G. IV. c. 10), '31.

Smuggling. Act for the preven-
tion of (3 and 4 W. IV. c. 53),
'34. 134; Act Amendment (4 W.
IV. c. 13), '35. 129, 130.
Smyrna, consul at, 31. 182; differ-
ences at, '29. 233; fire at, '42.

Snails, '29. 43; their longevity in
confined places, id. 44; construc-
tion of their shells, '30. 45; re-
markable shell of one, id. ib..

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Sneedorf, 31. 77; 32. 75.
Snellius, law of refraction, '29. 63.
Snenton, population of. 33. 70;
church at, intended, '38. 219; ac-
count of, '40. 233.

Snizort, population of, 33. 85.
Snorro Sturleson I., 31. 69; '32.

Snow, its formation, &c., described,

30. 88; warmth of, '28. 31;
effects of, on vegetation, '30. 37;
clearing of, from footpath, law re-
lating to (1829), id. 130; hail
and rain, remarks upon, id. 87-
89; and ice, when prevalent, '28.

[blocks in formation]

Snow-drop tree, '29. 65.

Snow water, not fit for cooking, '36.

Snowy pear, '29. 66.

Snuff, duty on (1829), '30. 205; in
1830, 1831, and 1832, '34. 164.

and tobacco, quantity of, im-
ported, and amount of duty on
same, in 1829, '31. 188; import,
export, and home consumption of,
1830, 32. 179; '33. 178; in
1831, '34. 157; quantity entered
for home consumption, and rate
and amount of duty on same, in
1832, id. 170; in 1833, '35.
183; quantity imported and en-
tered for home consumption, in
1834, '36. 173; in 1835, 37.
169 imports of, value of, in
1834 and 1835, id. 163; import
and home consumption of, and
duty on, in 1837, '39. 186; the
same, in 1838, '40. 179; the same,
in 1839, '41. 186; the same, in
1840, '42. 159; exports of, value
of, in 1834 and 1835, 37. 162;
the same, in 1835, 1836, and
1837, '39. 183.

Soambar, a Hindoo day, '30. 27.
Soame Jenyns, 31. 76; '32. 61.
Soane, Mr. G., his petition respect-
ing Sir John Soane's Museum
Bill, '34. 190.

Sir John, dies, '38. 128; his
latest work, the State Paper Office,
described, '34. 214; his Museum
Bill read a first time, id. 186;
passed, id. 190; Act, for same,
id. 207.

Soap, its effect on the skin, '29. 120;
improper for washing new-born
infants, id. 115.

duty on (1829), '30. 200.

duty on (1829), '30. 203;
amount of, in 1837, 39. 177;
same, and quantity charged in
1838, '40. 173; produce of addi-
tional duties on, in 1840 and 1841,
'42. 153.

duties, prosecutions for, in
1834, '36. 171.

revenue from, from the reduc-
tion of the duties, to 5th January,
1834, '35. 186; amount produced
by duty on, in 1827, 29. 187.

hard and soft, quantity of,
charged with duty in England
and Scotland, in the years ending
5th April, 1831 and 1832, 33.
181; amount of duty on, in 1830,
1831, and 1832, '34. 164; quan-
tity of, charged with duty, and
amount of duty on, in 1833, '35.
183; quantity of, charged with
duty, and amount of same, in
1834, 36. 160.

Duty Act Allowances Act,
continued (5 and 6 W. IV. c. 15),
'36. 110; Duties Act (3 W. IV.
c. 16), '34. 109; Act continuing
allowances in same, except for
soap used in whitening new linen
for sale (2 and 3 Vict. c. 32),
'40. 149; Duties Consolidation
Act (3 and 4 Vict. c. 49), '41.

quantity of, made, duty on,
quantity exported, and drawbacks,
in the years 1827, 1828, and 1829,
'31. 178; 1830 and 1831, '33.
181; in 1831 and 1832, and al-
lowances, &c., '34. 164; manu-
factured in Great Britain, in 1833,

35. 186; in 1834, 36. 171; in
1835, 37. 170; same, and amount
of duty on, in 1836, '38. 181;
quantity manufactured in Great
Britain, in 1837, '39. 193; in
1840, 42. 165.

Soap, quantity exported, in 1834,
'36. 171; exports of, and allow-
ances on, in 1835, '37. 170; ex-
ports of, in 1837, '39./193.

and candles, value of, exported,
in 1827, 28. 167; quantity, and
declared value of exports of, in
1828, 31.177; in 1830, '33. 179;
in 1831, 34 158; in 1836, '38.
178; in 1834 and 1835, '37. 161;
the same, in 1835, 1836, and 1837,
'39. 183; the same, and quantities
thereof, in 1838, '40. 180; the
same, in 1839, 41. 187; the same,
in 1840, '42. 162; export of, from
Ireland, in 1825 and 1835, 39.

arsenical, for preserving zoolo-
gical specimens, composition of,

'38. 26.

lees, carrying of, through the
streets, law relating to (1829),
'30. 138.

manufacturers, allowances to,
in 1840, 42. 165.

suds, valuable for manure, '29.

Social war of Greece, 28. 52; or

Marsic war, id. 53.
"Socialism," discussion on, and
motion for address to the throne
upon, 41. 201; again discussed,
id. 202.

Societies in and near London, af-
fording pecuniary relief, '30. 144

Society for religious objects in ge-
neral, in and near London, '30.
153, 154.

of Arts, meetings of, from No-
vember 1832 to June 1833, '33.
19; from November 1833 to June
1834, 34. 27.

of Beneficence, at the Hague,
'29. 131.

"Society of Friends of Ireland," &c.,
suppressed, '31. 235.
Socrates, '28. 51; '31. 64, 65; '32.
48, 50.

Soda, muriate of, and sulphuric

acid, used for purifying sick
rooms, '28. 112, 113.

Sodor and Man, diocese of, revenues
of bishop, and of benefices, sums
paid to curates, in whom pa-
tronage of benefices vested, and
other particulars relating to same
(1835), 36. 82-89.

Soft soap, a remedy against the build-
ing of swallows, '29. 38.
Soham, population of, '33. 58.
Soho, coining machinery, '29. 60.
Soil, its effect on the structure of
trees, 30. 40.

Soissons, congress at, '31. 51.
Sol, value of, 28. 165.
Solanum-leaved lasiopetalum, '31.


Solar system, table of the principal
elements of the, 28. 30; motion
of, Dr. Herschel, '29. 59.

year explained, and its dura-
tion, '30. 5, 6.'
Soldiers, civil punishments of, in
the British army, prevail, '35.
261; their good or bad conduct
to be notified to churchwardens,
and notices of same to be posted
(1 W. IV. c. 15), 32. 138; im-
prisonment of, for offences (1
W. IV. c. 15), id. 138; letters,
postage of, '40. 73; wilfully maim-
ing themselves, how punishable
(1 W. IV. c. 15), '32. 138; se-
ducing of, or inciting to mutiny,
punishment for, 1837 (7 W. IV.
and 1 Vict. c. 91), '38. 164, 165;
prison for, '40. 158.

Soleure, insurrection in, '42. 235.
Solicitor-General,Sir William Horne,
'31.240; Mr. Pepys, '35. 255; Sir
Edward Sugden, ‘30. 262.
for Scotland, Henry

Cockburn, 31. 240.
Solid, or cubic measure, 28. 101.
Solid measures, in France, '30. 113,

Solidity and capacity, measures of,
'29. 112.

Solinus, '31. 65; '32. 53.
Solis, Ant, de, '32. 71.

Solitary confinement, when inflicted
(1828), '28. 129, 131, 146; but
limited to certain periods by sta-

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