
gality, &c., '36. 185, 186; further debates on, id. 199-201; resolutions and address against, '37. 190; in the army, debate on, '36. 199-201; of Ireland, reestablished, '29. 243.

Orange meeting at Dublin, '29. 244. mimulus, '31. 41. platylobium, '31. 42. trees, in Portugal, 28. 59. flower water, duty on (1836), '37. 128.

Oranges, duty on (1829), '30. 204; import, and home consumption of, in 1828, 31. 174; and lemons, import, and home consumption of, 1830, '32. 178; '33. 176; 1831, 34. 155; imports, and home consumption of, and duty on, in 1837, '39. 185; the same, in 1838, '40. 177; the same, in 1839, '41. 183; in 1840, 42. 157; see further, FRUITS. Oratava, vice-consul at, his salary (1828), 31. 181.

Orbit of the moon, dissertation on, '34.5-23.

Orchal, duty on, in 1829, 30. 200. Orchard fruit, '28. 37.

Orchard, robbing from, punishment for, '28. 136.

Orchelia, duty on (1829), '30. 200.
Orchis, the, '28. 35.
Orderic, 31. 66.

Ordnance, clerk of the, amount of his pension, '34. 133.

- expenses of, in 1834, 1835, and 1836, 37. 152; in the year ended 5th January, 1841, 42. 150; Master-General of the, Sir James Kempt, 31. 240; reductions in, 37. 183; Surveyor-General of the, Sir Robert Spencer, 31. 246; Treasurer of the, and Paymaster-General, offices consolidated, 36. 121; survey, leave given to bring in a Bill for, '42. 175.

Ore, quantity and value of, raised in Cornwall in 1837, 39. 192; duty on (1829), '30. 202; (1832),

'33. 192.

Ores of metal, punishment for stealing, '28. 135; see further, MINES,


Orebo, treaty of, '31. 58.
O'Reilly, Mr., murdered, '29. 233.
Organic heat, supposed to be gene-

rated by winter plants, 29. 28. Organs, used in churches, 28. 56. Oriental Club, '30. 160. "Oriental History, '32. 60. Oriental plane, '29. 66. Origen, '28. 55; 31. 65; 32. 49. "Origin of Laws," '32. 69. "Origin of the Turks," '32. 51. "Origines Havnienses," '32. 75. Orissa, taken by Lord Clive, 28. 61.

Orkney Statute Labour and Roads Act, '35. 221.

and Shetland, population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in, and its representation, '33. 86; summary of same, in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 89; the same, in 1841, 42. 108; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 101; electors, number of, in, in 1836, '37. 183. "Orlando Furioso," '32. 55. "Orlando Innamorato," '32. 55. Orleans, Duke of, made LieutenantGeneral of France, '31. 237; made King of the French, id. ib.; see further, LOUIS PHILIPPE.

son of Louis Philippe, wounded, '37, 251; visits Prussia, id. 254; marries the Princess Helena of Mecklenburg, '38. 245; is shot at, '42. 243. Maid of, '28. 58.

(U. S.), its population in 1810, 32. 120.

Orlovsky, B. J., dies, '39. 141. Ormskirk, population of, '33. 66; Small Debts Act, '42. 194. Ormus, conquered, '28. 59. Orographie de l'Europe," referred to, '33. 25.


Orphan schools in and near London, '30. 156.

Orphans' Fund, power to charge, "40.


Orphans' Working School, 30. 157.

[blocks in formation]


Orthes, battle of, '28. 64.

Orthoptera, method of preserving, '38. 25.

Orwell, population of, '33. 85; Inclosure and Tithe Act, '37. 217. Os, P. G. von, dies, '40. 141. Osage apple, '29. 65.

Oscillation, theory of, Huygens, '29. 62; see HUYGENS, PENDULUM. Oscott Catholic College, chapel, account of, '39. 222.

Osman Noureddin Pasha, flies to Constantinople, '35. 254; is executed, id. 260.

Ossett, population of, '33. 78. Ossett-cum-Gawthorpe Corn Mills Act, '33. 210.

"Ossian's Poems," '32. 62. Ossification, deaths from, within the Bills of Mortality, in 1827, '29. 110.

Ossinski, Ludwig, dies, '40. 140. Ossory, Bishop of, his revenue, in 1831, '34. 179.

Ossulston, hundred of, rental of the parishes in the, 29. 85. Ostend Company, suspended, '31. 51.

East India Company formed

at, '32. 27.

British consul at, his salary

(1828), '31. 181.

hops, quantity of, exported to, and amount of duty on, in 1833, 35. 185.

and Ghent Railway, opened, '40. 252. Ostheim, bailiwick of, Prussian League, '42. 113. Ostrich feathers, duty on (1829), '30. 204; (1836), '37. 128. Ostrogoths, conquered, '28. 55; in Dacia,id. ib.; in Italy, overthrown, id. 56.

Ostrolenka, battle of, '32. 238.
Ostrya vulgaris, '29. 66.

Oswardwistle, population of, '33. 66.

Oswestry, population of, '33. 71. Osymandyas observatory, '29. 62. Otaheite, discovery of, '30. 95, 96. Otfried, '31. 66.

Otho the Great, joins Italy with Germany, '28. 56; resumes the imperial dignity, id. ib. Othonna pectinata, 31. 42. Otley, population of, '33. 78; Road Act, '39. 213.

Otranto, vice-consul at, his salary (1828), 31. 181; hurricane at, '33.231.

Otter skins, see FURS. Otterburn, battle of, '28. 58. Ottery St. Mary, population of, '33. 60. Ottley, W. Young, dies, '37. 110. Otto, '31. 66; '32. 63. Ottoman empire, extent, population, and military force of, in 1828, 28. 71; its extent, population, sultan, capital, religions, revenue, debt, army, and navy, in 1828, 29. 72, 73; Porte, extent and population of its possessions in Asia, in 1828, '28. 71; and its colonies, extent and population of, in 1828, 'id. 74; empire, extent, population, and military force of, and of same, with its colonies (1831), '33. 54, 56.

Africa, extent, population, ruler, capital, and religion, in 1828, '29. 74, 75.

Asia, its extent, population, capital, and religions, in 1828, '29. 72, 73.

army, re-organized, '28.

67. Ottomans, take Rhodes, '28. 59. Otway, Thomas, '31. 72; '32. 60. Oude, Nabob of, his power broken,

'32. 30; restored to the greater part of his dominions, id. ib.; takes possession of the Begum's palace, id. 35.

Oudenarde, battle of, '28. 61. Oudendorp, '31. 75; '32. 73. Oultremonte, Countess of, married to the ex-king of Holland, '42. 236.

Ounce (French), its weight, '30. 118; (Sicily), its value, &c. (1829), id. 108.

Ouruna, surrender of, '29. 234. Out-door paupers, number of, relieved in 1839 and 1840, and proportion per cent. relieved to the population, '42. 168.

relief, resolution for, and same rescinded, '40. 207; money expended on, in the various Unions in the year ended 25th March, 1840, 42. 168. Out-parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, population, &c., of, '28. 86, 87.

"Outside merchants" of China, '31. 121, 122.

Ouze Banks Repair Act, '38. 209. Oval-leaved Goodenia, '31. 40; oxglobium, id. 42; pomaderris, id. ib.; struthiola, id. 43.

Over Drainage, &c., Act, '38. 208.
Over Bridge, near Gloucester, de-
scribed, 29. 221, 224.
Over Darwen, population of, '33.

66; Gas Light Act, '40. 214. Overton, population of, '33. 80. Ovid, 28. 54; '31. 65; '32. 52. translation of, '32. 67. Oviedo, proclamation at, '31.57. Owen, John, 31. 72; 32. 59.

Mr. Robert, his opinions mentioned in the House of Lords, '41. 201; his controversy with Dr. Prati, '35. 253.

Owl, the, 28.33; '29. 34; mistake of Gray concerning, id. ib.; preys on fish, id. ib.; only utters its cry when on the wing, '29.34. Oxalic acid, poisonous properties of, and remedies against, 28. 117; its resemblance to Epsom salts, id. ib.; difference of their taste, ib. id.

Oxalis leaved Loddigesia, '31. 41. Oxen and cows, exports of, value of,

in 1834 and 1835, 37. 161; the same, in 1835, 1836 and 1837, '39. 183; exported from Ireland in 1825 and 1835, id. 188. Oxenbourn Inclosure Act, '40. 212. Oxford, population of (1821), '29.

82; city, population and representation of, '33. 70; new church at, account of, and observations on, 36. 215; riots at, '31. 238; Canal Amendment Act, '30. 232;

improvements, progress of, 31. 233; further progress of, '33. 221. Oxford, diocese of, number of Sunday schools in the, in 1826,29.95; number of parishes, benefices, and churches, and chapels in, and population of (1834), 35. 127; revenues of bishop, of cathedral, and of benefices, sums paid to curates, in whom patronage of benefices vested, and other particulars relating to same (1835), '36. 82—


University, population and representation of, 33. 70; its celebrity in early times, '37. 23, 24; its early scientific reputation, id. 27; 39.54; seat for, resigned by Mr. Peel, id. ib.; Sir Robert Inglis elected for, id. ib.; Duke of Wellington, Chancellor of, '35. 256; he is installed, id. 259; the University empowered to substitute declarations for oaths, '36. 128; declaration on matriculation proposed and rejected, id. 244; meeting at, condemning the Puseyite tracts, '42. 237; New Inu Hall, buildings at, account of, 37. 235, 236; intended buildings at, 41. 225, 226; architectural works in progress at, "The Protestant Memorial," the Martyrs' Aisle, University College Buildings, the Taylor and Randolph Institute, &c., 42. 201-203.

and Cambridge Universities Club, account and view of, 38. 235-238.

Oxford-street to be continued to

Southampton-street, Holborn, '40. 162; shop front in, corner of Berner's-street, account of, '41. 249; wood pavement in, '42. 241. Oxford fires at the Queen, tried, and acquitted, '41. 254.

Oxfordshire, extent and population of, and number of sessions, magistrates and parishes in, 28. 78; population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in, and its representation, '33. 70, 71; summary of same, in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes,

id. 88; the same, in 1841, '42. 107; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 109; extent of, in acres, '34. 84; difference of time between the principal towns of, and London, '31. 18; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88; number of, in 1835 and 1837, 38. 192; charities: charity property, income of, in (1834), 35. 191; rental of charities, and income of schools in, '36. 175; education, proportion per cent. of persons married in the year ended June 1810, who could write, '42. 171; electors, county, number of, in, in 1834 and 1835, 37. 182; excise licenses issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), '32. 185; families, number of, in, and how occupied, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '34. 86, 87; houses, number of, in, in 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, id. 84, 85; number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, '42. 107; jurors in, in 1835, '37. 175; lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion of, to population, in 1837, 38. 193; marriages, buildings registered for solemnization of (1840), '41. 199; proportion of persons married under twenty-one years of age, in the year ended June 1840, 42. 171; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 83; of. fenders in, and proportion of, to population (1837), '39. 90; RATES: amount of poor and county rates levied in, in 1826, 29. 197; the same for 1827, and account of its expenditure, id. 198; amount levied in, from March 1827 to March 1828, and expenditure of same, 30. 216; from March 1828 to March 1829, '31. 195; for year ending 25th March, 1830, 32. 184; for year ending 25th March, 1831, 33. 187; in year ending Easter 1832, '34. 174; for year ending 25th March, 1833, 35. 189; in the year ending 25th March, 1834, '36. 174; the same in the years end

ing 25th March, 1834, 1836, and 1837, 38. 188; decrease of same, in 1837, compared with 1834, id. 190; proportion of paupers relieved to the population of, in 1839 and 1840, 42. 168; SAVINGS BANKS, friendly and charitable societies, amount of deposits and accounts in (1831), '32. 102; average amounts deposited in, and proportion of depositors to population of (1835), '37.72; state of, on 20th November, 1837, '39. 134; savings banks, friendly societies, and charitable institutions, number of, and of depositors, and amount of deposits in, in November 1836, 38. 193; on 20th November, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th November, 1839, 41. 194; on 20th November, 1840, '42. 166; SCHOOLS endowed, unendowed, and Sunday schools in, in 1818, '29. 91; unendowed day-schools in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93; number of Church of England schools in, and of scholars in same (1832), '33. 121; TAXES: amount of land and assessed taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172; house tax, inhabited houses assessed to, and rental of same, for year ending 5th April, 1830, 32. 106, 107; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834), '35. 193; trusts in, and income and expenditure of same, in 1834, '37. 177; the same, and length of the roads, in 1839, 42. 122; tolls collected on, in 1834 and 1839, id. 119.

Oxygen gas, 28. 109. Oxylobium ærborescens, 31. 42; cordifolium, id. ib.; ellipticum, id. ib.; retusum, id. ib.

Oyster, poisonous properties of, and remedies against, '28. 123.

beds, stealing from, punishment for, '28. 135. Oystermouth Railway, account of, 37. 86; '41. 62.

Oysters, their bad effects in certain cases, stated, '36. 22, 23; stealing of, punishment for, '28. 135.


Ozella, gold (Venice), its value, &c. (1829), 30. 110; silver ditto ditto, id. ib. Ozeroff, '31. 77.


Pabstdorf, Prussian League, '42. 113.

Pacific Ocean, commerce and fishery
convention, '28. 66.
Pachymer, George, '31. 68; '32.51.
Pacification of Ghent, '31. 46.


ing the change of colour of leaves of trees, '29. 41.

Painters in Water Colours, Society of, '30. 163.

"Lives of," "32. 55.

colours, duty on (1832). '33. 192; declared value of exports of, in 1828, 31. 176; in 1830, '33. 179; in 1831, 34. 158; value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 161; the same, in 1835, 1836, and 1837, 39. 183; the same, in 1838, '40. 180; the same, in 1839, '41. 187; the same, in 1840, 42. 162.

66 with the Vendeans, id.

Packet-boats' Postage Act (1 and 2 Vict. c. 97), '39. 162.

rates, Act regulating (7 W. IV. and 1 Vict. c. 76), '38. 143.

Packs of hounds, duty on, number assessed, and amount of, in 1834 and 1835, '38. 171. Pacquigni, peace of, '31. 45. Pacuvius, 28. 53.

Padbrooke Bridge and Hazelstone
Road Act, '40. 216.
Paddington, population, &c., of, '28.
86, 87; rental of the parish of
(1829), 29. 85; Building Leases
Act, '39. 215; canal, tunnel un-
der, and bridge over, '40. 249;
new church at, intended, '42. 206;
new houses at, remarks on their
style of architecture, id. 205.
Paddy-bird feathers, duty on (1836),
'37. 128.

Padiham, population of, '33. 66.
Paer, dies, '40. 141.
Paez, General, asserts the independ-
ence of Venezuela, '31. 234.
Paganini, dies, '41. 138.

Pages, M. Garnier, dies, his burial, '42. 239.

Pagoda, value of, '28. 165.

star (Madras), its value, &c. (1829), '30. 105. Pagomen, an Abyssinian month, '30. 13.

Painted-lady butterfly, '29. 41; remarkable swarms of, '30. 38. Paington Harbour Act, '39. 214. Painters, importance of their know

Painting, Treatise on," "32. 55. Paisley, Renfrew, population of (1821), 29. 83.

population and representation of, '33. 87; Harbour Improvement Act, '36. 211; Water Act, id. 208; meeting at, '42. 242; distress in, meeting on, id.244.

Glasgow, and Greenock Railway, account of, and partial opening of, 41. 96, 67; particulars of, id. 80; its total length, and extent opened since November 1840, 42. 56; further particulars relating to the same, and its branches, id. 61, 62; further Act relating to same, id. 197.

Kilmarnock, Ayr, and Glasgow Railway Act, '36. 210; railway, partial opening of, '40. 88; completion of, 41. 93, 94; particulars of, id. 80.

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and Renfrew Railway, particulars of, '41. 74. Palace-yard, statue of George Canning in, '33. 214.

Palaces, in progress, '31. 215. Palatine, the, restored, '31. 48. Palatinate, conquered, '31. 47. Pale downy heath, 31. 39. Pale-flowered melaleuca, '31. 41. Paleologus' treaty with Bajazet, '31. 44. Palermo, consul-general at, his salary (1828), '31. 181; quantity of wheat which could be imported from, if a fixed duty were imposed, '42. 82; other facts relating to the supply of corn from, id. '84. 85-88.

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