
37. 167; in 1838, '40. 182; value of exports to, in 1828, '31. 177; of British produce, &c. to, in 1830, '33. 180; value of general exports to, in 1831, '34. 158; in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834, and 1835, 37. 160; in 1836, 38. 174; in 1836 and 1837, '39. 190; in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, '41. 188; in 1840, 42. 163. Hayward, John, '32. 60. Hayward's Heath Tunnel on the Brighton Railway, account of,


Hazel-tree, '28. 32; '29. 41; American witch, id. 65; common, id. 33.

Haziran, a Syrian month, '30. 17. Head, Sir Francis, dissolves the Assembly of Upper Canada, '37. 254; defeats the insurgents under Mackenzie at Toronto, '39. 248. "Head of Africa," '30. 93. "Head money" for captured slaves, from 1827 to 1832, 34. 179. Headingley, new church at, account of, '39. 221.

Headmouldshot, entry in old Bills of Mortality, '35. 30. Health, central board of, its papers on cholera morbus, November 1831, 32. 22-24.

public, dissertation on, and facts relating to, '40. 29-51. of the poor in Ireland (1830),

'31. 113. Healthiness of trades, observations on, and facts relating to, '39. 30, 31.

Heap, population of, '33. 65. Heaped measure, '28. 102; 29. 113; imperial, '28. 100; its uncertainty exemplified, '35. 114; abolished (4 and 5 W. IV. c. 49), '35. 146; (5 and 6 W. IV. c. 63), '36.


and dry measures in France, particulars of, '30. 113, 116, 117. Heaphy, Thomas, dies, '36. 108. Heard, Mr., his composition for

washing in sea water, '28. 183. Hearne, Thomas, '32. 60. Heart, disease of, formerly omitted

in Bills of Mortality, '35. 35. Heart-leaved Borbonia, '31. 37; cro

talaria, id. 38; other sorts, id. ib.; Daviesia, id. ib; another sort, id. ib.; Euchilus, id. 39; oxylobium, id. 42; pœnea, id. ib. Hearth cricket, '29. 43. Hearts-ease, the, 28. 33.

Heat, radiation of, what it is, '31.30.

Heath, James, dies, '36. 108. Heath, duty on (1829), '30. 202. cutting, mode of, in Holland, '29. 133.

Heaths, various sorts of, '31. 39. Heath-leaved Banksia, '31. 37; co

nospernum, id. 38; phylica, id.

42. Heathfield Enclosure Act, '36. 206. Heaton Norris, population of, '33.65. Heavens, firmament, 29. 57; solid, id. ib.; said to be fire, id. ib.; history of, and catalogue of the stars, Flamsteed, id. 59.

Heavitree Gas Light Act, '37. 220. Hebble and Calder Navigation Improvement Act, '35. 223. Hebburn and Blaydon Railway Act,

'35. 222.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hederich, B., '31. 74; '32. 65.
Hedge-sparrow, '29. 32.
Heemskerk, Jan van, '31. 73; '32.

Hegira, era of the, '30. 20-23.
Heiberg, P. A., '31. 77; '32. 75.
Heigham Bridge Act, '31. 211.
Height of mountains in Europe, '33.
25-49; alphabetical index to
same, il. 49-53.
Heilbron, treaty of, '31. 47.
Heinsius, '28. 60.

Heins, Daniel, '31. 73; '32. 72.
Nicolas, '31. 73; '32. 73.
Hejara, Simeon, '32. 46.
Hejira, the, 28. 49, 56.
Helder expedition, '28. 63.
Helen, Jan van, '32. 72.
Heligoland, extent and population
of, in 1828, 28. 71; retained by
England, 28. 64.
Heliodorus, '31. 65; '32.50.
Heliogabalus, '28. 55.
Heliotropium corymbosum,
Peruvianium, id. ib.


Helix hortensis, 29. 43; zonarià,

id. 44.

[blocks in formation]

Helvetia, the Germans in, 28. 55. Helvetian Alps, and their several heights, '33. 35, 36; alphabetical index to same, &c., id. 4953. Helvetic confederation, '28. 57; extent, population, and military force of, in 1828, '28. 71.

republic acknowledged,

'31. 55. "Helvetic Chronicle," '32. 64. Helvetius, '31.77; 32. 69. Hemans, Mrs. Felicia, dies, '36. 108, 244. Hematgan, given to the English, '32. 28.

Hemel Hempstead, population of, '33. 64. Hemlock, poisonous properties of, and remedies against, '28. 120. spruce, '29. 66. Hemp (Riga, Rhine), price of, from 1813 to 1831, '34. 182; price of, in London, in 1834, 36, 178.

duty on (1829), 30. 199; (1832), 33. 191.

imports of: value of, in 1827, '28. 167; quantity of, from 1824 to 1828, '29. 191; undressed, import, and home consumption of, in 1828, 31. 174; imported, and duty produced thereon, and rate thereof, from 1825 to 1829, id. 189; undressed, import and home consumption of, 1830, '32. 178; import and home consumption of, in 1830, '33. 176; in 1831, 34. 155; imports of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 163; import and home consumption of, and duty on, in 1837, 39. 185; the same, in 1838, '40. 177; the same in 1839, '41. 184; in 1840, '42. 157.

and flax, home consumption of, and duty on, in 1836, '38. 179. Hemsterhuis, '31. 75; '32. 73. Henault, '31. 75; '32. 69. Henbane, poisonous properties of, and remedies against, 28. 120. Henderson, Mr. Thomas, his computation at Greenwich of the occultations of planets and fixed stars by the moon, in 1821, '31. 26, 27; his observation of Encke's

comet at the Cape of Good Hope, '33.5t.

Hendley, population of, '33. 65. Hendon, rental of the parish of (1829), 29. 85; population of, 33. 68; union workhouse, account of, '41. 250, 251. Hengist, founds Kent, '28. 55. Henley-upon-Thames, population of, '33. 70; Bridge Act, '37. 220; Road Act, '42. 196. Hennllan, population of, '33. 79. Hennen, Dr., his "Medical Topography of the Mediterranean" referred to, '35. 34; quoted, '39. 33. Henri and Petion, at St. Domingo, '28. 63.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

VI., at Paris, '28. 58.
VIII., head of the church,
'28.59; "History of," '32. 60.
of Balma, id. 67.

of Huntingdon, id. 58.
of Valdeck, id. 63.

Dr. Charles, dies, '37. 110.
coin, value of (1540), '37.

33. Henty, H., trial of, '41. 255, 256. Hepatica, red, '29. 31. Hepaticas, the, '28. 32. Hephaestion, 31. 65; '32. 49. Heptonstall, population of, '33. 77. Heraclidæ conquer Peloponnesus,'28.


Heraclitus, '28. 51.

Herat, kingdom of (Eastern Korassan), its extent, population, capital, religion, revenue, and army, in 1828, '29. 72, 73; siege of, '39. 250.

Herbarium, directions for collecting

and preserving plants in foreign countries for an, '38. 18-20. Herbert, Edward, Lord, '31. 72; '32. 60.

Herbert, of Lorraine, '37. 23.

Mr., architect and build of the Lowther Arcade, '31 218. Herculaneum destroyed, '28. 54. Docks, Liverpool, R

gulation Act, '41. 222. Hercules, '28. 50. "Hercules," '32. 74. Hercynii Montes, '33. 42. Herder, 31. 76; '32. 66. Hereditary duties on cider and be commuted for a fixed sum W. IV. c. 51), '31. 152.

peerage in France, abol tion of, carried, in the Deputie '32.240; abolished, '33. 228.

revenues of the Crow surrendered (1 W.IV. c. 25), 3 142; placed at the disposal of Pa liament, 39. 142; (Scotland Acts amended (5 & 6 W. IV. 58), '36. 127. Hereford, Roger of, '37. 22; his work

id. 23.

city, population of (1821) 29. 81; population and repre sentation of, '33. 63; Improve ment Act, 41. 216; railway particulars of, id. 66.

diocese of, number of Sun day schools in the, in 1826, 29 95; number of parishes, benefices and churches and chapels in, and population of (1834), 35. 126 revenues of bishop, of cathedral and of benefices, sums paid t curates, in whom patronage o benefices vested, and other par ticulars relating to same (1835)

'36. 82-89.

Herefordshire, extent and population of, and number of sessions, magis trates, and parishes in, '28. 78 population of, and of the princi pal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in and its representation, 33. 63 summary of same, in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id 88; the same in 1841, '42. 107; population of, in 1801, 1811,1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 109; extent of, in acres, '34. 84; bastards,


ber of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88; number of, in 1835 and 1837, '38. 192; education, proportion per cent. of persons married in the year ended June 1840, who could write, '42. 171; electors, county, number of, in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 181; excise licences issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), 32. 185; families, number of, in, and how employed, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '34. 86, 87; houses, number of, in, in 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, id. 84, 85; number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, 42. 107; jurors in, in 1835, 37. 175; lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion of to population, in 1837, 38. 193; marriages, buildings registered for solemnization of (1840), '41. 199; proportion of persons married under 21 years of age, in the year ended June 1840, 42. 171; occupations of persons in (1831), 35.77; offenders in, and proportion of, to population (1837),’39. 90; RATES : amount


poor and county rates levied in, in 1826, 29. 197; the same for 1827, and account of its expenditure, id. 198; amount of


rate levied in, from March 1827, to March 1828, and expenditure of same, '30.216; from March 1828, to March 1829, 31. 195; for the year ending 25th March, 1830, 32. 184; for year ending 25th March, 1831, '33. 187; expended on the poor in the year ending Easter, 1832, 34. 174; amount levied and expenditure of same


year ending 25th March, 1833, 35. 189; for the year ending 25th March, 1834,'36. 174; the same in

the years ending 25th March, 1834, 1836, and 1837,38. 188; decrease of same in 1837 compared with 1834, id. 190; proportion of paupers relieved to the population of, in 1839 and 1840, '42. 168; SAVINGS BANKS, friendly and charitable societies, amount of deposits and accounts in (1831), '32. 102; savings banks, average amounts

deposited in, and proportion of depositors to population of (1835), '37. 72; state of, on 20th November, 1837, '39. 134; savings banks, friendly societies, and charitable institutious, number of, and of depositors, and amount of deposits in, in November 1836, 38. 193; on 20th November, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th November, 1839, '41. 194; on 20th November, 1840, '42. 166; SCHOOLS, endowed, unendowed, and Sunday-schools in, in 1818, '29. 91; unendowed day-schools in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93; number of Church of England schools in, and of scholars in same (1832), '33. 120; amount of land and assessed taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172; house tax, inhabited houses assessed to, and rental of same, for year ending 5th April, 1830, 32. 106, 107; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834), '35. 192; tolls on, in same, in 1834 and 1839, '42. 118; trusts in, and income and expenditure of same, in 1834, '37. 177; the same, and length of the roads, in 1839, 42. 122. Herefordshire Society, '30. 159. and Gloucestershire

Canal Navigation further Act,
'40. 218.

Heriot's Hospital Act, '37. 221.
Heriots, commutation of, '42. 130
Hermann, '31. 74.

Professor, dies, '40. 141. Hermannia flammea, '31.40; grandiflora, id. ib.; hyssopifolia, id. ib.; lavandulifolia, id. ib.

Hermannus contractus, '31. 66; '32. 63.

"Hermaphroditus," '32. 55. Hermiguez, Gonzalo, '32. 70. "Hermit, the," "32. 60. Hermogenes, 31. 65; '32. 49. Hernani, works at, taken, 37. 253, 254; Carlists driven from, '38.245. Herne Paving, &c. Act, '34. 204.

Bay Pier Company's further Act, '37. 225; Bay and Pier, account of, '34. 229, 230.

Hernia, deaths from, within the Bills of Mortality, in 1827, 29. 110. "Hero and Leander," 32. 50. Herod, King of the Jews, 28. 54. Herodian, 28. 55; '32. 49.

Herodotus, 28. 51; '31. 64; '32.

48; "Translation of," id. 69. Herrera, Fern. de, '31. 73; '32.


defeat of the Carlists near,

'38. 247.

Herries, Mr., Chancellor of the Exchequer, '28. 70; Master of the Mint, 29. 234. Herrings, 29. 41; time of their arrival, 28. 38; quantity and declared value of, exported in 1830, '33. 179; exports of, value and quantities of, in 1838, '40. 180; the same, in 1839, 41. 187; the same, in 1840, '42. 162. Herschel, '31. 76; '32. 62; his discoveries in astronomy, 29. 59; reflecting telescope, id. 63.

Sir W., his opinion of the "Hercules," '36.



Sir John, his observations on Biela's comet referred to, '33. 8t; his theory of the contraction and dilation of comets, id. 12, 13; his observations on the decreasing brilliancy of Biela's comet, id. 14; goes to the Cape of Good Hope to make observations, '35.


comet of 1795, '29. 24. Hertford city, population and representation of, '33. 64; Improvement Bill, '29. 181. Hertfordshire, extent and population

of, and number of sessions, magistrates, and parishes in, '28. 78; population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in, and its representation, '33. 64; summary of same, in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 88; the same, in 1841, '42. 107; population of, in 1801,1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 109; extent of, in acres, 34. 84; difference of time between the principal towns of, and

London, '31. 16; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88 number of, in 1835 and 1837, '38. 192; rental of charities and income of schools in, 36. 175 education, proportion per cent. of persons married in the year ended June 1840, who could write, '42. 171; electors, county, number of, in, in 1834 and 1835, 37. 182; excise licences issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), '32. 185; families, number of, in, and how employed, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, 34. 86, 87; houses number of, in, in 1801, 1811 1821, and 1831, '34. 84, 85; number of, inhabited, uninha bited, and building, in 1841, 42, 107; jurors in, in 1835, 37. 175; lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion of, to population, in 1837, 38 193; marriages, buildings regis tered for solemnization of (1840); '41. 199; proportion of persons married under twenty-one years of age, in the year ended June 1840, 42. 171; occupations of persons in (1831), '35.77; offenders in, and proportion of, to popu lation (1837), '39. 90; RATES amount of poor and county rates levied in, in 1826, 29. 197; the same, for 1827, and account of its expenditure, id. 198; amount poor rates levied in, from March 1827, to March 1828, and ex penditure of same, 30. 216; from March 1828, to March 1829, 31. 195; for year ending 25th March 1830, 32. 184; for year ending 25th March, 1831, '33. 187; expended on the poor, in year ending Easter, 1832, 34. 174; amount levied, and expenditure of same, for year ending 25th March, 1833, '35. 189; for the year ending 25th March, 1834, 36. 174; the same, in the years ending 25th March, 1834, 1836, and 1837, '38. 188 decrease of same, in 1837, com pared with 1834, id. 190; propor tion of paupers relieved, to the population of, in 1839 and 1840, '42. 168; SAVINGS BANKS, friend

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